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Hero: Chapter 8

T - Words: 1,792 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jul 30, 2015 - Updated: Jul 30, 2015
195 1 0 0 0

Kurt let out a groan at the sound of his phone ringing, blindly reaching out to grab the object.

"Lo?" He mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes before looking at the clock on his nightstand.

4.03 am.


"Amy?" Kurt said confusedly. "Whats wrong?"

"Blaines in the hospital," Amy said.

Kurt instantly began to panic, thinking of the worst case scenarios even though he had no idea what had happened.

"What do you...what- what happened?"

"He got hit by a car, when he was on his way home I think," Amy explained.

"Oh god," Kurt choked out. "I shouldve just driven him home. I...oh god,"

Blaine emerged from the kitchen a little bit after Burt made his way to bed.

"The kitchens clean," he said quietly, standing just outside of the doorway while Kurt looked at him over the back of the sofa.

"Thank you," Kurt smiled.

Blaine shrugged. "Its no problem, I swear,"

"I mean it," Kurt argued. "You honestly made this day run so much smoother. Looking after Cleo yesterday, keeping the kids entertained for most of the day, sorting out the food and cleaning up...youre a lifesaver."

"I didnt mind," Blaine pointed out. "Honestly, I had fun."

"And that is why youre going to make an amazing teacher one day," Kurt smiled.

"Thank you," Blaine said shyly. "I, um...I should probably get going. Its getting late."

"Do you need a ride home?"

"I think Im just gonna get the subway," Blaine replied. "I kind of just wanna walk for a bit. Thank you, though."

"Okay," Kurt said. "Goodnight, Blaine."

"Goodnight," Blaine said awkwardly, pulling his bag onto his shoulder and leaving the apartment.

"Kurt, this isn't your fault," Amy said. "Its not like you were gonna force him to get into the car."

"Im coming to the hospital," Kurt said, already throwing his sheets off of himself and going into the living room to find his dad sleepily leaving the guest room to see what all of the noise was about. "Ill be there soon."

"Whats going on?" Burt asked once Kurt was done on the phone.

"Blaine got hit by a car," Kurt said, frantically rushing around his apartment. "Hes in the hospital, I need...I need to-"

"Kurt, calm down," Burt said gently, grabbing Kurts hands and holding them still when he began throwing everything on the floor in an attempt to find his keys. "Calm down, or youre going to end up hurting yourself."

"I cant calm down!" Kurt shouted. "I cant calm down, dad. Its happening all over again. I cant lose Blaine, too...I cant -"

"Kurt, breathe," Burt said, pulling his son towards him and holding him close as he began to cry. "Im sure hes fine, buddy. But Im not letting you leave this apartment until you calm the hell down, or youre going to end up getting yourself into a car accident and thats not going to help anybody."


Kurt turned his head away at the sound of Cleos sleepy voice, unable to let his little girl see him crying. Burt rubbed Kurts back a little, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Be careful," he whispered to Kurt before pulling away and making his way over to Cleo, lifting the two year old into his arms. "Daddys fine, baby girl. Lets get you back to bed and Ill read you a story, okay?"

Cleo nodded tiredly, leaning against Burt as he carried her back into her bedroom.

Kurt attempted to calm down on the way to the hospital, but he was still freaking out the entire way there. He all but ran to Blaines room once he was told where it was, almost crying in relief when he saw the door open, Blaine sitting up and smiling timidly as he talked to Amy and Ryan - very much alive.

"Blaine," Kurt breathed out, going straight into his room and sitting on the edge of his bed, gently taking hold of his hands. "Youre okay."

"Well give you two a minute," Amy said, leaving the room with Ryan and closing the door behind them.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I dont really know," Blaine admitted. "I had so much on my mind, I...I think I blacked out while I was walking, and the next thing I knew I was flying over the roof of a car. Im okay though. I mean, Im covered in cuts and bruises, but Im not seriously injured."

"I was so scared," Kurt said. "Amy called and said you were in the hospital and my mind just completely jumped to the conclusion that you were dead or something."

"Im okay," Blaine said softly, squeezing Kurts hands a little.

"Blaine, I..." Kurt closed his eyes, a tear sliding down his cheek. "I love you. I guess Ive known for a while, but Ive been so scared to actually do anything about it. But Im sick of pretending like youre just a friend to me because youre so much more to me than that. Tonight made me realise that I could lose anybody at literally any second, and I dont want to lose you - especially with you not knowing how I feel about you. Im so, so in love with you."

"I love you, too," Blaine said quietly, his heart pounding against his chest. "I didnt even realise I was falling for you, but I guess theres a reason that I was so willing to come to the hospital that first day we met."

Kurt leaned his forehead gently against Blaines, being careful of his bruises.

"Im never letting you make your own way home again," he said, eliciting a laugh from Blaine. "I love you."

"I love you, too,"

And finally, finally, Kurt gently kissed Blaine, squeezing his hands tightly despite the bruises covering his knuckles. They stayed like that until Blaine let out a little noise of discomfort, shifting a little on the bed.

"Sorry," Kurt said, pulling away.

"Its okay," Blaine replied. "It just kind of hurts."

"Are you in a lot of pain?"

"I wasnt," Blaine admitted. "They had me on morphine while I was asleep, but its obviously worn off."

"Why dont you ask for some more?"

"Because this moment means way too much for me to be loopy on painkillers," Blaine admitted.

Kurt smiled. "As sweet as that is, youre in pain," Kurt said, running his fingers gently through Blaines loose curls. "And I kind of wanna see you loopy on painkillers, now that you mention it."

Blaine laughed, pushing Kurt playfully. "Youre a jerk."

"Im not even sorry," Kurt grinned, leaning back down to kiss Blaine.

"Mgh, yeah," Blaine said, shifting uncomfortably again. "Everything really hurts."

Kurt was about to reply when there was a knock on the door, Amy peeping her head inside.

"Can we come back in yet?"

"Yeah," Kurt smiled. "Were just discussing how entertaining it would be to watch Blaine loops on pain medication."

"Jerk," Blaine laughed, slapping Kurt in the chest. "Seriously though, Im in so much pain right now."

"You know you can control your pain medication, right?" Ryan interjected.


Ryan laughed. "Youre on a drip, so all you have to do is press a button and voila."

Not too long later, Blaine was cuddled up to Kurt, no longer in too much pain unless he moved, and incredibly loopy.

"I want a puppy," Blaine said, sounding vaguely like a young child.

"No," Amy said instantly, laughing at her best friend when he pouted in protest.

"But theyre so cute!" Blaine said enthusiastically, confused as to why all of his friends were laughing at him.

"Youre close enough to being a puppy yourself," Amy pointed out. "I cant deal with another one running around the apartment."

"Kuuurt," Blaine whined, looking up at him with a pout.

"Dont look at me," Kurt laughed. "Amy does have a point. Your apartment is way too small for a puppy."

"Yours isnt!" Blaine exclaimed proudly.

"No. Nope, no way," Kurt laughed. "No thank you. I do not want dog hairs all over my apartment."

"Ryan?" Blaine asked, getting confused at how Ryan could help him.

"I cant help you!" Ryan chuckled.

Blaine sighed dramatically. "Fine," he said. "No puppy."

"Hey, maybe one day," Kurt pointed out, not realising how he was making it seem like he planned to be with Blaine for a really long time.

"Mm," Blaine agreed dreamily, his eyes shut and his head against Kurts chest. "I want to live in a big house with loads of kids and puppies forever and ever."

Kurt laughed. "Im not sure how I feel about that," he said. "That also kind of makes you sound like a creep."

"I mean my kids!" Blaine defended, like it was completely obvious what he meant. "Lots and lots and lots of them!"

"Yeah, well, keep dreaming," Kurt chuckled.

Blaine smiled and looked up at Kurt, a cute little grin appearing.

"I like your face," he said truthfully.

"I like your face, too," Kurt giggled.

"My face is grey," Blaine wondered aloud.

"Your face isnt grey, dummy," Kurt corrected, grinning. "You have a few bruises."

"Mm...still not pretty."

"Is too," Kurt argued.

"Is not," Blaine said, sticking his tongue out like a child. "Yours is prettier."


"Yup," Blaine said affirmatively. "I like your eyes."

"I like yours too," Kurt said, unable to come up with anything more creative as his heart was thudding in his chest.

Blaine giggled. "They look like the ocean," he said, his face becoming puzzled. "No. They look like a storm...like an ocean during a storm."

"How are you this coherent right now?" Kurt asked, half out of curiosity and half to get Blaine to shut up before he did something stupid like propose.

Blaine stayed grinning dopily at Kurt for a few moments before he became confused, his eyebrows scrunching together. "What?"

Kurt laughed. "Okay, I think you need to get some sleep, mister," Kurt said.

"Mkay," Blaine yawned, snuggling closer to Kurt. "Love you."

Kurts heart jumped in his chest. "I love you, too,"

Blaine was asleep in a matter of minutes, emitting soft breathing noises, and leaving Kurt to ask Ryan the question hed been dying to ask basically since hed arrived.

"This isnt weird, is it?"

Ryan shook his head truthfully. "No. I actually think Im okay. I mean, I obviously still love him and yeah...it does kind of hurt but Im not...Im okay. Hes happy, thats more important."

"Youre a really good guy," Kurt said. "And I mean that. Youll find your person eventually, I promise."

Ryan smiled. "I know," he said. "Just...look after him, okay? Hes special."

"I know," Kurt smiled, looking down at the boy in his arms. "Hes everything."


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