July 30, 2015, 7 p.m.
July 30, 2015, 7 p.m.
"How did your date go!?" Amy asked excitedly almost the second Blaine walked through the door.
Blaine pulled his shoes off and sat down next to his best friend on the sofa.
"We broke up."
"What?" Amy said. "But you dont seem...upset."
Blaine shrugged. "I was...I am, but I met this guy and..."
"Blaine Anderson!" Amy exclaimed with laughter.
"Its not like that!" Blaine laughed. "Hes older than me, he has a daughter and his husband died a year ago. Were just friends."
"Okay so all I got from that is you met a gay, older guy who made you feel better about your break-up." Amy concluded.
"I..." Blaine had no idea what to say when she put it like that. "Look, its not like that. Firstly, I dont even know how old he is. Granted, he didnt look that old, but still. And secondly, Im only twenty three!" Blaine exclaimed. "Im still in college, Amy. Im not ready to take on a child."
"Blaine, youre amazing with kids - you know that just as well as I do."
"Yeah, from the age of like four upwards. Shes not even two yet, Amy. I dont even know how to change a diaper!"
"Its really not that difficult..." Amy trailed off. "Besides, you're amazing with Coopers baby."
"Thats not the point anyway," Blaine said after a momeng. "Its not like hed even want to date me."
"You dont know that," Amy pointed out.
"Can we just drop it?" Blaine asked, beginning to get annoyed.
"Okay," Amy agreed, cuddling up to her best friend on the sofa and grinning up at him.
Blaine shook his head with laughter, kissing the top of Amys head and cuddling her in return.
Blaine awoke to the sound of his phone buzzing in his pocket. He and Amy had somehow fallen asleep on the sofa - after Blaine sent Kurt a text to thank him for cheering him up - and they were now lying down together, Amy with her head resting on Blaines shoulder.
Blaine quietly slipped out from underneath Amy without waking her and went into his bedroom, answering his phone as quietly as possible.
"Hello?" He croaked.
"Blaine?" Oh, it was Kurt. "Im sorry, did I wake you up? I -"
"Kurt, its fine," Blaine said quickly, realising how sad Kurt sounded. "Whats wrong?"
"Can you come to the ER?" Kurt asked.
"What!?" Blaine exclaimed, suddenly alarmed.
"Its not...Im fine. Cleo keeps throwing up and crying and I...I just dont want to be alone right now and I didnt know who to call."
"Text me the name of the hospital youre at and Ill make my way there now, okay?"
"Thank you," Kurt breathed, sounding relieved. "You have no idea how much it means to me."
"Its the least I can do after this afternoon," Blaine replied, smiling.
"Ill text you the address, okay?"
"Okay," Blaine replied. "Ill see you soon."
Blaine had already gotten his shoes on and snuck out of the apartment by the time he received Kurts text of what hospital he was at. Hed be lying if he said it didnt make him a tiny bit happy that he was the first person that Kurt had decided to call. Granted, he didnt really know anything about Kurts friends and family, but still.
It was strange - Blaine had only just met Kurt but he could already feel himself growing insanely close to him. Even from just speaking to him once, Blaine knew Kurt was one of the sweetest people hed probably ever met.
Blaine smiled to himself as he walked through the hospital corridor, seeing Cleo cuddled up to Kurt, her head nestled safely underneath his chin, with her eyes closed, her dummy in her mouth and her teddy bear clutched tightly to her body. Kurt had his eyes closed too, holding Cleo as close as possible without squashing her.
"Kurt?" Blaine said softly as he approached them, unsure if Kurt was actually even awake.
Kurt blinked his eyes open sleepily, looking up at Blaine. He looked slightly confused at first, but as realisation his him a small smile appeared on his face.
"Hi," Kurt replied, shushing Cleo gently when she let out a whine.
Blaine sat down next to Kurt, reaching out a hand to run his finger gently along Cleos warm cheek, smiling to himself when she sleepily leaned into it.
"Hows she doing?" Blaine asked, looking back up at Kurt.
"Better, in the fact that she hasnt thrown up for a while. Shes still really warm though and she starts crying anytime I move for even a second."
"How long have you been here?"
"Too long," Kurt said, laughing tiredly. "Almost as soon as we got home she started throwing up. I gave her a little while to see if she started feeling better but she just kept being sick, and even when there was nothing left to throw up she wouldnt stop," he explained. "I know that shes probably fine I just...ever since..." Kurt closed his eyes, taking a shaky breath. "Im just kind of paranoid."
"Hey, its okay," Blaine said, smiling softly. "Its better to be safe than sorry, right? Thats what theyre teaching me in school anyway..."
Kurt laughed. "Yeah, I guess," he replied. He was about to continue when the loud sound of his empty stomach rumbling interrupted his thoughts.
"It sounds like you havent eaten in a month, Kurt," Blaine laughed.
"I didnt get a chance to eat when I got home," Kurt explained, blushing profusely. "I wouldve gone to grab something but this little one wouldnt stop crying." He said affectionately.
"You can go grab something now if you want," Blaine offered. "I dont mind looking after her."
Kurt stared at Blaine for a few moments before speaking, "Are you sure?" He asked. "I dont want her to like...throw up on you."
"Kurt," Blaine laughed. "I swear I dont mind. Besides, its not like I havent been thrown up on before."
"I meant my niece!" Blaine exclaimed, blushing himself this time. "Oh my god..."
"Thank god," Kurt laughed. "I was worried for a minute there."
"Anyway," Blaine said, changing the subject back to Cleo. "I promise I dont mind."
Kurt sighed, pulling back from Cleo a tiny bit. Blaine felt a little pang in his heart at the broken expression on the one year olds face as she began to cry again, pulling her dummy out of her mouth in protest.
"Shh, baby," Kurt said softly, brushing Cleos hair away from her face before wiping her tears away gently. "Baby, daddy needs to go and get something to eat," he explained quietly. "Can you sit with Blaine for a little while?"
Cleo looked up at Blaine, her blue eyes watery and her bottom lip quivering. She looked back up at Kurt a few moments later with pleading eyes.
"Daddy," she cried, lifting her arms up towards Kurt.
Kurt frowned, lifting her up until she was standing on his lap and hugging her tightly.
"Cleo," Kurt sighed, rubbing her tiny back. "I promise I wont be gone long. Please, baby girl?"
Cleo sniffed sadly, a tiny sob hiccupping out of her as she clutched Kurt tighter but nodded nonetheless.
Kurt stood up and gently handed her to Blaine, bending down to wipe her tears away and put her dummy back in her mouth.
"Ill be back soon, okay?" He said softly, caressing her tiny cheek with his thumb. "I love you." He added, kissing her forehead before standing up and mouthing thank you to Blaine, who nodded in reply.
He began to walk down the corridor, refraining himself from turning around as he knew if he saw her tear stained face and her sad blue eyes staring after him, hed be unable to stop himself from running right back to her.
Now that Blaine had Cleo on his lap, he was freaking out a little. He was glad that he was helping Kurt out, but he was slightly terrified that he was going to do something stupid like drop her on the floor. As good as he knew he was with kids, he was somehow terrified to look after Kurts for a little while.
"Bane," Cleo said quietly, her voice muffled around her dummy, as she looked up at Blaine with wide eyes.
Blaine looked down at her, smiling softly. "Yes?"
Cleo turned around and pointed to a stack of shelves filled with childrens books, looking up at him with questioning eyes.
Blaine smiled, lifting her up and taking her over to the shelves. "What do you wanna read?" He asked, letting her reach up and pick one out herself before handing it to Blaine.
He took her back over to their seats, sitting her on his lap and opening the book, beginning to read animatedly.
Kurt came back to the sight of Blaine reading what appeared to be at least his fourth book, Cleo giggling softly and pointing at the pages. He smiled, walking up to the pair and kneeling down in front of them
"Hey," he said, relieved to see a smile on his daughters face. "Looks like someones having fun without me." He pouted, causing Cleo to giggle again.
"We had quite the party," Blaine teased.
"Bane silly," Cleo said around her dummy.
Kurt grinned up at Blaine for a moment before turning his attention back to his daughter. "Is he?"
Cleo nodded, giggling cutely.
"Cleo Hummel?"
Both Kurt and Cleo looked up immediately at the call of her name, Kurt having forgotten where they were for a moment.
"Okay, come on missy," he said, lifting the little girl into his arms. "I wont be long," he said to Blaine.
Blaine nodded, shooing Kurt with his hands before collecting up the books and taking them back over to the shelves.
"Thats got to be the first time Ive ever seen anyone actually put those things back," a voice said suddenly, making Blaine jump slightly.
Blaine turned around to find a young doctor looking on in slight amusement.
"I, um..." Blaine stuttered, blushing a little.
"Its okay," he said with a small laugh. "Its a good thing. People dont usually care enough to actually put them back. They usually get left on chairs and then people come and want to sit down and they end up on the floor and its just...a mess."
Blaine smiled. "Yeah I, um...I guess I was just brought up the right way." He shrugged.
"I dont want to seem rude but...you dont seem to have a child with you, and you dont even look old enough to have a child..."
Blaine laughed a little. "Im here for a friend," he said. "Moral support, I guess. And Im twenty three."
"Im not doing very well at this am I?" The doctor laughed.
Blaine rose his eyebrows in question, having no idea what he was talking about.
"I um...I think Im trying to flirt with you," he said. Blaine looked at him with a blank expression for a moment before bursting out laughing. "Yeah, I know," the doctor laughed. "I suck."
"No, I just..." Blaine said, still laughing. "I think...no, yeah, the childrens ward in a hospital is by far the strangest place Ive ever been hit on. Or heard of someone getting hit on in."
"It is a little weird," he agreed. "I, um...Im Ryan."
"Im Blaine," Blaine said, grinning a little.
"So how did I do?" Ryan asked. "With the flirting?"
"Well," Blaine said, pretending to think things over seriously. "Im gonna have to give you a three for content, but a solid nine for effort."
Ryan laughed. "Note to self: never flirt in the middle of a hospital."
"Well hey, you havent tried asking me out yet," Blaine teased and woah, when did he get so brazen? "There may still be hope for you."
"Okay," Ryan said, grinning like an idiot. "Would you like to go out with me sometime?"
Blaine tried to come up with something flirty to reply with, but he couldnt stop himself as he smiled widely and simply said, "Yes."
"Give me your phone," Ryan smiled, holding his hand out until Blaine placed it willingly in his hand. He pressed the home button and his smile suddenly dropped. "Um..."
Blaine was confused until he turned the phone around to show Blaine and Tyler kissing on his wallpaper, causing Blaine to mentally slap himself.
"I...were not together. I mean, we were...obviously, but um...we broke up."
"And its still your wallpaper?" Ryan asked, raising his eyebrow.
"It kind of happened this morning..." Blaine admitted. "I guess I forgot..."
"How do you forget breaking up with your boyfriend?" Ryan asked.
It wasnt accusatory, it was just curious.
Blaine shrugged a little. "I wasnt really thinking about it, to be honest," he admitted. "My day started off crap and then I got dumped and I didnt think Id ever get over it but everything just kind of turned around and I...I havent really thought about him at all."
"Okay," Ryan said, seemingly processing everything hed been told. "Well, youre cute so I guess Ill still give you my number." He sighed dramatically with a teasing smile on his face, causing Blaines grin to come back.
Blaine gratefully accepted his phone back from Ryan once he was finished adding his number and sending himself a text so he had Blaines number too.
"I should get back to work before I get fired," Ryan laughed. "Ill text you and we can arrange something, okay?"
"Okay," Blaine smiled, making his way back over to where he was previously sitting once Ryan had gotten back to work.
Kurt returned about five minutes later, and Blaine made his way over to him immediately.
"How is she?" He asked.
"Shes okay," Kurt breathed in relief. "She just has food poisoning. I was overreacting."
"Hey," Blaine said sadly. "At least you know shes okay."
"I guess," Kurt sighed. "Thank you so much for coming down here," he said. "I probably wouldve had a mental breakdown if I was left alone."
"Its fine," Blaine smiled. "I told you I didnt mind. It wasnt like I was doing anything anyway."
"Do you need a ride home?" Kurt asked.
"Um, its fine, I dont mind getting the subway."
"Blaine," Kurt said in an authoritative tone. "Its late; Id rather drive you home than have you get murdered or kidnapped on the subway."
"Fine," Blaine laughed.
"Come on," Kurt grinned. "Lets go."