July 30, 2015, 7 p.m.
July 30, 2015, 7 p.m.
After that, things got a lot worse for Blaine. Apparently, he hadnt saved as much money as he thought he had, and he was struggling to keep up with his half of the rent. Amy had understood at first, and shes paid his half of the rent while he looked for a job, but he was struggling to find one and Amy couldnt afford to pay the entirety of the rent.
He came home from school one day to find a letter taped to his bedroom door. He scrunched his eyebrows together a little, crossing the room to his bedroom.
"Amy?" He called out, pulling the piece of paper off the door. "Whats this?" He asked when she came out of the kitchen.
"Its an eviction notice," Amy said blankly. "We have a week to move out."
"Weve missed more than two months of rent, Blaine. I cant afford to pay for this place by myself."
"Where am I supposed to go?!" Blaine exclaimed. "I have no money!"
"Youre never here anyway, Blaine! Youre almost always at Kurts!"
"Youre mad at me," Blaine said, his hazel eyes growing sad.
"Yes, Im mad!" Amy shouted. "I have no money either, you know. But unlike you, I dont have an amazing boyfriend that I can go stay with in the meantime. Were only getting kicked out because of you anyway!"
"Ouch," Blaine said dejectedly.
"Can you just...go away Blaine. Go to Kurts or something."
"This is my home, too, you know," Blaine argued.
"This stopped being your home when you stopped paying for it," Amy pointed out. "And I kind of want to punch you in the face, so please...just go away."
So Blaine went to Kurts. He spent the entire journey there trying desperately not to cry, but he finally broke when Kurt opened the door for him.
"Blaine?" Kurt asked, wondering why his boyfriend was standing on his doorstep in floods of tears. "What happened?" He asked, pulling him into his arms.
"We got kicked out," Blaine cried, burying his face in Kurts arm.
"What?" Kurt asked confusedly. "Wait, come inside - its freezing out there."
They made their way inside and cuddled up on the sofa, and Blaine explained everything from the moment he ran out of savings, right down to his argument with Amy.
"Why didnt you tell me you were struggling with money? I could have helped you."
"Because...I guess Ive been trying to prove to you that Im responsible enough to be a father to Cleo."
"Sweetheart...you have nothing to prove to me. If I didnt want you in her life, you wouldnt be in her life."
"Im just terrified that youre going to realise that Im too young for you, and you want somebody more mature than me," he sniffed sadly.
Kurt kissed Blaine softly. "Never," kiss, "gonna," kiss, "happen."
"I promise," Kurt smiled.
"Good, because youre all I have right now," Blaine frowned. "My best friend hates me, Im homeless -"
"Move in with me," Kurt blurted out. "I dont...I didnt mean for it to come out like that but..."
"Weve only been together for seven months,"
"I have no money,"
"Blaine, I dont care,"
"Im not letting you let me live here for nothing,"
"So pay me back when you get some money," Kurt said. "I love you, Blaine. I dont care about the money. Id rather you live here for nothing than be out on the streets. I just want to be with you."
"What about Amy? She hates me."
"Give her some space, and then apologise. Theres nothing more you can do."
Blaine sighed, leaning against Kurt. "You really want to live with me?"
"I do," Kurt said. "I think...Im ready for you to be a part of this family. Really be a part of it."
"Okay," Blaine said, looking up at Kurt.
"Yeah," Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt. "I only have a week to move my stuff out."
"Thats plenty of time."
They went to bed shortly after, Blaine struggling to sleep for a good few hours before he finally drifted off with his head pillowed comfortably on Kurts shoulder. They walked Cleo to school together the next morning before getting coffee, Kurt calling into work sick so that he could help Blaine start packing his things, and also just to be there for him in general.
They made their way back to Blaines apartment not too much later, a ton of flat pack boxes in the back of Kurts car. Blaine fiddled nervously with his hands the entire car ride there, knowing he had to face Amy sooner or later.
"Amy?" Blaine called out quietly as he entered the apartment with Kurt.
"Hi," she replied equally as quiet as she emerged from her bedroom in her pyjamas, her hair messy, looking like shed been crying.
"Ill be in your bedroom," Kurt said, leaving them to talk.
"Im sorry," they both said at the same time, sad laughter ensuing as they moved towards one another and hugged each other tightly.
"Im so sorry I got us kicked out," Blaine said.
"I dont even care," Amy admitted. "I just dont want to lose my best friend."
"Me neither," Blaine agreed. "I promise Im going to pay you back every single penny."
"I love you so much; Im so sorry I was so nasty to you."
"I deserved it."
"No you didnt," Amy argued. "Are you moving in with Kurt?" She asked, pulling back from the hug.
"Yeah," Blaine said, smiling to himself. "Do you have anywhere to stay?"
"Im gonna stay with me sister for a while," Amy replied.
"If you need anything, youll tell me, right?"
"Ill be fine," Amy laughed.
"I know, I just feel so guilty," Blaine said. "If I had just been responsible and gotten a job when I started college we wouldnt have ended up in this mess."
"Blaine, dont beat yourself up about it, okay?" Amy said. "It doesnt matter anymore."
"Fine," Blaine sighed with a little laugh. "Im gonna go help Kurt. Are you sure youre okay?"
"I promise," Amy smiled. "I need to go to work anyway, I called in sick but I need the money and Im feeling better now."
Blaine kissed his best friend on the cheek before going into his bedroom to find Kurt all but pulling his wardrobe apart. Kurt froze, a bundle of Blaines clothes in his hands and a guilty look on his face. Blaine rose his eyebrow a little before bursting out into laughter.
"You are not touching these clothes once they get to our place," Kurt said, not even realising he called it their place. "And I dont care how long it takes - Im reorganising our entire wardrobe."
Blaine grinned. "Fine by me," he said, crossing the room and planting a kiss on Kurts lips. "Besides, if I did it myself youd probably scream the next time you opened the door."
"You cant just leave things half hanging off of the hanger, Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed, causing Blaine to let out a giggle.
"I love you," Blaine grinned.
"I love you, too," Kurt smiled. "Now go pack the rest of your stuff and leave me alone."
Blaine gasped mockingly. "Youre so sweet!"
"Go!" Kurt exclaimed with a laugh, walking over to the bed and dumping the clothes onto it, immediately beginning to fold them and pack them away.
A few hours and two make-out-sessions later, Kurt and Blaine had finished packing up almost all of Blaines things and most of the boxes were already in the car.
"You okay?" Kurt asked as he re-entered the apartment after packing another box into the car.
Blaine was sitting on the sofa, staring at a photo of him and Amy on what seemed to be the day they moved into their apartment.
Blaine looked up at Kurt and smiled. "Yeah," he said honestly. "It just feels kind of weird...this is the first place that really felt like home, you know? When I lived with my parents, I felt like I had to tip-toe everywhere because they would question me with every move I made. Then I had that...horrible roommate and it felt more like I was living in hell. When I moved in here with Amy I finally felt a tiny bit happy being in New York."
"Hey, I get it," Kurt said, rubbing Blaines arm soothingly. "I know this place is full of good memories."
"But now I get to make more memories," Blaine smiled. "With you."
Kurt smiled and kissed Blaine gently. "Its a new chapter for both of us," he pointed out. "And Im so, so glad its you."
"Eh, I guess youre okay yourself," Blaine teased, receiving a playfully shove from Kurt in response.
"Jerk," he laughed. "I think we still have time to finish packing up your things. Or do you wanna do it tomorrow?"
Blaine was silent for a few moments while he thought about it. "Lets just do it now," he concluded. "Otherwise I have to leave twice."
"Come on then, gorgeous," Kurt replied, kissing Blaines cheek and standing up, holding his hand out for him. "Lets get you all packed up and then go and get our little girl."
"Kurt," Blaine said, his hand freezing halfway in the air where he was reaching up to hold Kurts hand.
"What?" Kurt asked obliviously.
"You called Cleo our little girl," Blaine pointed out, a soft smile on his face.
"Oh," Kurt said, shrugging a tiny bit. "Well...she is. Unless..."
"Nope, no backtracking," Blaine laughed. "Dont you dare ask me if youre moving too quickly for me. If you were then I wouldnt be moving in with you."
Kurt laughed. "Okay, okay," he said.
"Actually, speaking of Cleo...does she know Im moving in?"
"Shes kind of a genius," Kurt said proudly. "When I got her up this morning she asked if you were going to live with us...its like she has a sixth sense or something."
"And shes okay with it?"
"I think shes possibly more excited than me," Kurt smiled, pulling Blaine off the sofa and cupping his face. "Stop freaking out. She loves you."
"I know, I know," Blaine sighed. "Okay, lets do this."
"You sure?"
"Yeah," Blaine smiled. "Im sure."