Fallen Too Deep
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Story
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Fallen Too Deep: Chapter 9

T - Words: 1,089 - Last Updated: Jul 29, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: May 23, 2014 - Updated: May 23, 2014
158 0 0 0 0

"Wait," a voice said from behind Kurt and Sebastian.

Kurt turned around to find Wes standing just outside of the hospital doors. "What?" He sighed.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked. "It wont take long, I promise."

Kurt glanced over to Sebastian for a second before sighing again. "Fine," he said, turning to Sebastian. "Ill be back in a bit."

Kurt leaned up and pressed a lingering kiss to Sebastians lips before following Wes back inside the hospital and into the empty waiting room.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Kurt asked tiredly, sitting down on one of the chairs next to Wes and pulling his knees up until his feet were resting on the chair.

"Blaine," Wes said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "You cant just leave him Kurt. He needs you now more than ever."

"Wes, you saw how he reacted at the bowling alley yesterday," Kurt said. "I cant stay here and rub mine and Sebastians relationship in his face like that. Its not fair to him at all, and its not fair to Sebastian either when he knows I still care about Blaine."

"Kurt, he nearly died last night," Wes replied. "Ive never had a near death experience before, but my guess is that its pretty traumatic. He was already traumatised from Sebastian kidnapping him and now... Look, you know that Ive never liked you - and I still dont, to be completely honest with you. But I know that youre important to Blaine, and I know that you still love him. Do you know how devastated hell be if he wakes up later and youve completely vanished?"

"I dont know what else Im supposed to do," Kurt admitted, tearing up a little. "Im terrified that if I stay here Im going to end up breaking one of their hearts and I just... god, itd just be easier if I forgot all about them both and moved to some remote island by myself." He laughed, wiping his eyes.

Wes laughed a little, too.

"Look," he said. "I cant make a decision for you. I cant tell you what to do or who to choose. All I know is that Blaine needs you right now, and if you walk out of his life completely at the moment he needs you most - by choice - hell never forgive you for it."

Kurt sighed. "I think thats the problem," he admitted. "Nobodys asking me to choose. Nobodys making me decide who I want to be with or where I want to stay and its just...a lot easier when youre being forced, or you only have two options."

"Well, I cant speak for Sebastian, but I know Blaine would never make you choose. You know just as well as I do that hed be completely satisfied with you staying in Ohio even if you didnt break up with Sebastian. Well, no, he wouldnt be satisfied. But hed accept it, because he wants you around."

"I dont want to leave him," Kurt said, a tear running down his face. "I just...I dont want to break either of their hearts. I really, really care about both of them, Wes. I mean...Ive known Sebastian since I was first turned, but I fell for Blaine so fast it kind of felt like a dream."

"Maybe you just need to figure out where your heart really lies." Wes said, getting up and making his way back into Blaines room.

Kurt sighed, giving himself some time to think things over before he got up and made his way back to Sebastian, who was sitting on the ground outside.

"You changed your mind, didnt you?" Sebastian asked, standing up.

Kurt sighed, nodding.

"I knew you did," Sebastian said weakly. "If you didnt you wouldnt have been so long... you wouldnt have had to hear everything he had to say."

"Most of the time I was in there I was just...thinking things through."


"And I cant do this anymore," Kurt said, his eyes filling with tears once again. "I dont just mean this. I mean...everything. Ive been so caught up in figuring out where I want to live and who I want to be with and Ive been too worried about hurting you or Blaine that I havent given a single thought about what I want, or what I need.

Im not choosing Blaine over you, or vice versa. Im choosing me. I care about you both so, so much and you both mean more to me than anything, but worrying about hurting you is stopping me from being happy and I just...I need to think about me, and nobody else for a while.

Im also choosing Ohio, though. Just because I dont want to be with Blaine right now, he needs me to be here for him."

"But you dont want me here."

"Sebastian," Kurt said. "Lets be honest; you and I have never been good at being just friends. We almost always end up hooking up and sometimes that lasts for days. I swear Im not choosing anybody over anybody, I just need to be here to support my friend right now."

"I know," Sebastian said, a sad smile on his face as a tear left his eye. "I guess I just got my hopes up for a while."

"Seb..." Kurt said, cupping Sebastians cheek. "You know I love you right?"

Sebastians faced scrunched up a little, more tears falling from his eyes. "You shouldnt have said that," he choked out, wiping his eyes. "Because its going to be a hell of a lot harder for me to let you go now."

Kurt smiled sadly, wiping Sebastians tears away as they fell down his face.

"I love you so much." Sebastian cried.

"I love you, too," Kurt said, leaning up to kiss Sebastian gently on the lips. "Just promise me one thing?"


"Dont wait a hundred years to find me again." He laughed, eliciting a chuckle from Sebastian.

"You couldnt keep me away that long even if you tried."

Kurt smiled. "Good." He leaned up and pressed one last kiss to Sebastians lips before pulling away completely.

"Im going to go," Sebastian said, wiping his eyes. "If I stay here any longer I might end up chaining myself to you," he laughed. "I love you." He said, kissing Kurt on the forehead

"I love you, too." Kurt replied, slightly disappointed when Sebastian pulled his lips away and began to walk away.


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