Fallen Too Deep
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Fallen Too Deep: Chapter 7

T - Words: 1,250 - Last Updated: Jul 29, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: May 23, 2014 - Updated: May 23, 2014
159 0 0 0 0

"Im terrified that Im going to bump into Blaine..." Kurt said the next morning.

Sebastian sighed, playing with Kurts hair. "Were going to Ohio, so youre going to have to be prepared for that to happen anyway...just in case."

"I think I need to face him sooner or later anyway," Kurt admitted. "He deserves to know, however much hes going to hate me."

"Hows the weather today?" Sebastian asked out of the blue.

"Um..." Kurt sat up in bed and peeled back a tiny corner of the blackout curtains behind them. "Dark and rainy, why?"

"Can we leave as soon as possible?"

"Again, why?"

Sebastian blushed, avoiding eye contact with Kurt. "I...I wanna take you out on a date."

"Aww," Kurt cooed.

"Shut up," Sebastian growled. "I figured you probably went on dates with Blaine and I want to do this right, so..."

Kurt leaned down and silenced Sebastian with a kiss. "Its sweet, stop being embarrassed - Im glad that youre trying."


A few hours later, the two boys were in Kurts old apartment watching TV on the sofa. Kurt had his head resting on Sebastians shoulder and he was almost asleep when there was a huge clap of thunder, causing him to jump - Sebastian laughing loudly.

"Please dont tell me youre afraid of thunder," Sebastian laughed.

"No, it just made me jump," Kurt replied honestly. "I almost fell asleep, I wondered what was happening."

"Youre ridiculous," Sebastian laughed, pressing a kiss to Kurts lips. "Anyway, Im glad it woke you up. Can we go out now?"

"Can I shower first?" Kurt asked, wrinkling his nose. "I feel gross."

"Sure." Sebastian said, kissing Kurt once more before allowing him to go and shower.


"Youre really taking me bowling?" Kurt asked confusedly as they stood outside the building.

Sebastian shrugged. "Ive never taken anyone on a date before...I dont know what Im doing."

Kurt narrowed his eyes for a moment before softening his face and pressing a little kiss to Sebastians lips. "Prepare to get your butt kicked."

"Oh yeah?" Sebastian laughed.

"Yup," Kurt grinned. "Come on." He said, taking Sebastians hand and running into the building with him.

They got their shoes and made their way over to the bowling alley, still holding hands. They began playing the game, trying to throw each other off every time they took a shot.

Sebastian snuck up behind Kurt while he was about to take his shot, waiting until he was about to throw it before grabbing him around the waist and making it go in the wrong direction.

"Sebastian!" Kurt squealed as the older vampire lifted him into the air and span him round in a circle, laughing loudly. "Put me down!"

Sebastian laughed, putting him on the ground and turning him around so he could press a kiss to his lips.

"You know Im gonna win." Sebastian said.

"No youre not." Kurt laughed, a wide grin on his face.

"Wanna bet?" Sebastian teased.

Kurt laughed before noticing something behind Sebastian and freezing.

"Whats wrong?" Sebastian asked, turning around to see what Kurt was looking at.

"Blaine!" Kurt called as the teen ran out of the bowling alley, leaving Wes standing there by himself.

"Go away!" Blaine all but screamed when they made it outside, tears running down his face.

"Blaine, please listen!" Kurt cried.

"Why should I listen to anything you have to say?" Blaine asked. "Why are you even here? To rub it in my face or what?"

"I would never do that to you, Blaine!"

"You looked happy with him, Kurt! With the guy that kidnapped me, and wouldve killed me!"

"I swear theres more to the story than that, please just hear me out -"

"I dont ever want to see you again." Blaine said, running off towards his car.


"We shouldve never come back here!" Kurt screamed when they got back to his apartment later that afternoon.

"Kurt, calm down -"

"He hates me Sebastian!" Kurt cried. "And I know Im not even with him anymore but I still care about him and it freaking hurts, but you wouldnt know what that feels like would you!?" He screamed, going into the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

Sighing, Sebastian sat down on the sofa and waited until Kurt had calmed down and came out of the bathroom.

"Im sorry," he said, sitting down next to Sebastian and staring at the floor. "I shouldnt have said that..."

"Its okay," Sebastian said. "I know you didnt mean to."

"I still shouldnt have said it," Kurt argued. "We talked about this."

"Stop beating yourself up about it, okay? Im not mad at you."

"Can we go home?" Kurt asked, unintentionally letting the word home slip out. "I know we said we were gonna stay here for the night to make things easier but I honestly just want to get out of here."

Sebastian nodded. "Do you have all of your stuff together?"

"Yeah," Kurt said.

"Okay," Sebastian said. "Come on."

They got up and made their way out of the apartment, Kurt taking a few moments to switch the lights off before he left. He walked a little behind Sebastian for a while before catching up to him and holding his hand, receiving a smile from the older vampire.

They were nearing the airport when Kurt smelled something familiar, causing him to stop.

"Seb, wait," he whispered. "Do you smell that?"

Sebastian stopped and inhaled unnecessarily loudly. "Blood?"

"Blaines blood," Kurt corrected, getting anxious. "Come on."

Kurt ran off with Sebastian following swiftly behind, following the scent of blood like dogs until they found what they were looking for.

Blaine was cowered over on the floor with three guys surrounding him, clearly aiming for murder. Kurt kind of felt like he was going to throw up, even though he knew it was physically impossible for him to throw up anything other than blood.

Sebastian instantly ran for one guy while Kurt ran for another, causing the third guy to run off by himself. Typically, Sebastians tactic was to feed on the guy until he was completely lifeless, whereas Kurt was conflicted about whether or not to feed on the guy hed tackled to the ground.

"Sebastian," Kurt said nervously, looking at his boyfriend with nervous eyes.

Sebastian glanced down at Blaine and saw that he was barely conscious before looking back up at Kurt and nodding a little, "Hurry up."

Sebastian wiped his mouth and got rid of the body before kneeling down beside Blaine and pulling his t-shirt off, ripping it up and covering the wounds that he could.

"What should I do?" Kurt asked once he was finished feeding, blood surrounding his mouth.

"Clean your face and call an ambulance," Sebastian said. "Ill be back in a minute."

Kurt wiped his mouth free of blood and knelt beside Blaine, whose eyes were drooping.

"Kurt," Blaine said weakly, opening his eyes as much as he could.

"Shh," Kurt said softly, running his thumb over Blaines bruised cheek with one hand while he called an ambulance with the other. "Youre okay."

Once the ambulance arrived and took Blaine, Kurt and Sebastian grabbed their things and made their way to the hospital to discover that they werent allowed to see Blaine right then. They sat in the waiting room for a while in silence until Kurt laid his head in Sebastians lap and fell asleep, holding onto the older vampires hand as tight as possible.


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