July 29, 2015, 7 p.m.
July 29, 2015, 7 p.m.
I AM ALIVE! Im so sorry I havent posted in like, forever. My laptop was broken and I only got a new battery like 3 days ago so yeah...I did start writing on my kindle/my mums computer but it was just really awkward so I gave up and just waited until I got a battery so Im really sorry about that! But, its summer now so Ill be able to post more regularly :)
"Go to school!" Kurt laughed, two days later.
Blaine had spent the entire weekend at Kurts apartment, and Kurt was seemingly finding it extremely difficult to make Blaine leave for school.
"I dont want to," Blaine pouted. "I want to stay here with you."
"You can come back whenever you want," Kurt pointed out. "But you need to go to school."
"Fine," Blaine huffed, leaning up to kiss Kurt.
Smiling, Kurt cupped Blaines cheeks with his hands and kissed him back, pulling away with a mwah sound that made Blaine grin.
"I love you."
"I love you too," Kurt replied. "Now go." He added, pressing a kiss to the end of Blaines nose.
Once Blaine left for school, Kurt set about tidying his apartment - he was slowly going insane and he needed something to distract himself. Luckily for Kurt, the apartment was quite messy considering how small it was, so hed be able to keep himself occupied for a while.
Kurt almost jumped out of his skin when there was a sudden knock at the door. His general rule was to ignore the door as he didnt want to risk someone breaking the door open and getting him burnt to a crisp from the sun.
Instead, he opened the door a fraction and peeped his head out when he was pushed back inside, the person darting inside as if it were causing them physical pain to stand outside.
"What the -" Kurt froze when he turned around and saw who was standing in front of him. "Sebastian."
"Long time no see," the other vampire smirked, walking towards Kurt and crowding him against the closed door. "I missed you."
Kurt turned his head to the side when Sebastian leaned right in - like he was going to kiss him. "I have a boyfriend."
Chuckling, Sebastian pulled away and took a few steps back. "I know," he admitted. "Youd be surprised how quickly news spreads."
"What do you want, Sebastian?"
"Nothing. I just wanted to come here and see for myself this new, improved Kurt Hummel. I heard youre a goody goody now." He smirked.
"Leave me alone, Sebastian."
"Hm, but thats no fun," Sebastian grinned.
"How did you even get here? Its boiling hot outside."
"Ive been sneaking around for how many decades now? I know how to travel around in sunlight."
"Well," Kurt said. "If youre so great at sneaking around in sunlight, how about you sneak back to whatever hole you crawled out of?"
"I heard hes human," Sebastian said, ignoring Kurt. "But I didnt believe it...I mean, its you. You wouldve ripped him apart the second you were alone."
Kurt glared at Sebastian, crossing his arms over his chest and keeping his mouth shut.
"Oh my god," Sebastian laughed. "I cant believe it. You have a human boyfriend."
"Shut up." Kurt said, trying to sound confident but failing.
"Its actually pretty lucky I came here."
"And why is that?" Kurt challenged.
Kurt was suddenly being pinned against the door - Sebastians face too close to his own for the second time that day.
"Take me back," Sebastian whispered darkly in his ear. "You wont have to act like somebody youre not anymore."
"Get off me!" Kurt exclaimed, pushing the vampire off him. "We were never a thing, Sebastian, and we never will be. Its been decades - move the hell on!"
Kurt was unprepared when Sebastian darted towards him and bent his arm backwards, causing him to cry out in pain. "Consider this a warning - if you dont get rid of him, I will."
And with that, Sebastian released Kurts arm and darted back out the front door.
Kurt sunk to the floor and curled himself into a ball, crying freely. He shouldve known that his past with Sebastian would come back to haunt him eventually, he just wished Blaine wasnt a part of the mess.
He knew that if he wanted to keep him safe then hed have to break up with Blaine, but he also knew that there was no way hed be able to survive without him. He wouldnt be able to remain as humane as he was but he wouldnt be able to turn back into a monster as thoughts of Blaine would constantly haunt him - so where did that leave him?
Plus, there was no way hed be able to explain to Blaine why he was breaking up with him. He could try and come up with some lame excuse, but Blaine would see right through it, and if he told the truth then Blaine would just insist that he could look after himself.
Kurt looked up and saw Blaine hovering over him, causing him to sob harder as he buried his face in his arms once again.
Kneeling down on the floor, Blaine wrapped his arms around the vampire and allowed him to curl into his embrace as he cried loudly.
"What happened?" Blaine asked gently, receiving nothing but a shake of Kurts head in reply. "Ive got you." He whispered soothingly, pressing a kiss to the top of Kurts head and holding him close until he calmed down.
"Im sorry," Kurt choked out, wiping his eyes.
"For what?" Blaine asked incredulously. "You did nothing wrong."
Kurt shook his head and sniffled. "I cant do this anymore."
"Do...do what anymore?" Blaine asked nervously.
"Us," Kurt said, looking up at Blaine with tear-filled eyes. "I...I fed on someone."
"No you didnt." Blaine replied, seemingly less nervous.
"You dont know that." Kurt argued stubbornly.
"Yes I do," Blaine said. "Because its super sunny outside and if youd done it another day you wouldve felt too guilty to keep it a secret. Plus, youre a really bad liar."
"It doesnt matter," Kurt replied. "Were over."
"No were not," Blaine argued. "I dont know whats going on with you right now but Im not letting you do this to us. Im not letting you do this to yourself."
"Blaine," Kurt cried, more tears falling from his eyes. "Please just go."
"No," Blaine said simply. "Im not going anywhere. Let me know when youre ready to talk." He added, getting up and sitting on Kurts sofa, switching the TV on and preparing himself to sit in the same position for hours.