Everything Will Fall To Pieces
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Everything Will Fall To Pieces: Coffee.

K - Words: 2,582 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Jul 23, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
135 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Reviews would be muchly appreciated, please and thank you! :)

"Let's get this sleepover started!" Quinn shouted as she ran into her bedroom, jumped and landed face first on the bed.

"You're insane!" Kurt half laughed, half shouted.

"I know, it's my cross to bear. So, what do you wanna do?"

"Um, anything really."

"You know that's an invitation for me to interrogate you about Blaine."

"Ughh." Kurt moaned, and followed Quinn's lead, throwing himself face first onto the bed.

"Don't complain. I may be like, the only person you can actually talk to about him."

"Not the point, Quinny." Kurt mumbled, face still shoved into a pile of pillows.

"Quinny, really? Okay, sit up," Quinn said, trying to pull Kurt into a sitting position. "So, Blaine, he's cute right?"

"Quinn!" Kurt exclaimed. "Stop!"

"No," Quinn laughed. "I'm not gonna stop until you actually talk about it."

"You're a horrible friend." Kurt pouted, and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You'll thank me one day. So, why do you like him?"

"Because...I don't know, he's just...Blaine."

"And what does 'just Blaine' imply?"

Kurt sighed and threw himself backward into the pillows, ignoring the fact that Quinn had forced him into a sitting position only a minute ago. "I didn't tell you how I met him, did I?"

"Nope." Quinn said, moving so that she was lying vertically next to Kurt.

"It was on the first day of school and I was trying to open my locker when someone pushed me over, he helped me up and picked all of my papers off the floor, too. Then he walked me to class and invited me to lunch."

"Awwww." Quinn cooed.

"Shut up," Kurt groaned. "Anyway, since then he's been like my best friend, and the only person other than maybe you who has been nothing but nice to me."

"And he's totally cute." Quinn added, causing Kurt to laugh.

"Yeah, he is." He finally admitted.

"You know you should really tell him. Even if he doesn't like you in the same way, he seems like the kind of person who would still be friends with you."

"That's not really the point. I don't think I'd be comfortable being friends with him if he knew that I liked him and he didn't like me."

"So you'd rather keep it a not-so-secret?"

"It's not my fault that you guys are incredibly good at figuring out when somebody has a crush on someone else."

"And it's not our fault that you're incredibly bad at hiding it," Quinn laughed. "But in all seriousness, you guys would be really cute together."

"Ugh, okay. I'm not finishing this conversation until you get me some ice cream."

"So, where's Kurt tonight?" Rachel asked Blaine, who had basically been moping around her house since school finished.

"Staying at Quinn's, why do you ask?"

"You're miserable." Rachel pointed out.

"I'm bored, but yeah, miserable works too." Blaine sighed.

"Yeah, because you're totally falling for Kurt and he's not here right now."


"You, dumbo. You have a massive crush on Kurt, and don't even try to deny it."

"Wasn't gonna."

"Wait, really? You're just admitting to it? Just like that?"


"Wow, okay."

"Why are you so surprised?" Blaine asked curiously.

"I don't know, it's just weird..."

"Yeah, like my crush."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's weird. He's like fourteen,"

"Fifteen in two weeks." Rachel added.

"Not the point. The point is I'm nearly four years older than him. He's just starting high school and I'm finishing high school. He's never had a boyfriend before and I don't want his first relationship to be with someone who isn't even gonna be there like 80% of the time. Plus it makes me feel like a creep."

"You realise you still have a year before that even happens. And he's like, really mature, I doubt he's gonna throw a fit like a little kid when you leave."

"I know that, I just...ugh."

"Well this is a productive conversation."

"Why am I even talking to you about this? You've broken up with Finn more time than I can count on both hands."

"Because I'm your best friend."

"True. Anyway, he'd probably rather go out with someone his own age anyway so it's not like I even have to worry."

"I doubt that, Anderson." Rachel scoffed.

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked, looking up at her from where his head was now resting in her lap.

"I mean he's totally crushing on you."

"I highly doubt it." Blaine sighed.

"Oh my gosh, you two are so oblivious it's not even funny! Okay, I'll be back in a minute, dofus, I need to make a phone call."

"Why don't you-" Quinn started, but was cut off by her phone ringing. She knew exactly what this phone call was and she tried to make a grab for her phone, but Kurt got to it first.

"Why is Rachel calling you?" Kurt asked curiously, picking up the phone and dropping his spoon into the half empty bowl of ice cream.

"No reason!" Quinn said, snatching the phone, jumping off the bed and running out of the room.

"QUINN!" Kurt shouted, but decided against chasing her.

"Hey, sorry, Kurt was asking why you were calling and I wasn't exactly nonchalant about the whole situation..." Quinn said when Rachel asked why Kurt was screaming in the background.

"Way to go, Q. Anyway, how is it going with him?"

"Well I got him to talk about why he likes Blaine, but he doesn't believe me when I say Blaine likes him too and I can't just come straight out and say 'I know for a fact Blaine likes you' so..."

"Why does he like Blaine?"

"Something about him being like a best friend to him, which just makes it really creepy, oh and he said Blaine's the only person other than me who's been nothing but nice to him."


"That's what I said and he told me to shut up!" Quinn moaned. "How is it going for you anyway?"

"He said that he feels like a creep for liking someone who's nearly 4 years younger than him and he doesn't want Kurt's first relationship to be with someone who's not gonna be there all the time."

"But he has like a year to graduation, that's plenty of time to figure things out."

"That's what I said and he asked why he was even discussing it with me."

"Okay, so what do we do now?" Quinn asked.

"We try to convince them to talk to the other about their feelings and then we all accidentally bump into each other at the Lima Bean and hope they follow our advice."

"Okay, see you in an hour?"

"See you then."

"Okay, get up, we're going out for coffee."

"Why?" Blaine half asked, half groaned, and didn't once turn his attention away from the show he was watching on TV, which just caused Rachel to stand in front of the TV.

"Because, you're miserable."

"Yeah, I got that, thanks."

"And I'm doing something about it, so get up, and put your shoes on, weirdo!"

"Rachel, do you really think I'd go out in public without shoes on?"


"Fair enough. Let's go then."

"So are you gonna tell me what that phone call was about?" Kurt asked when Quinn returned to the bedroom.

"Nope." Quinn answered simply.

"Meanie." Kurt pouted.

"Okay, I'm craving coffee, let's go out."

"Why would you want to go out for coffee when you have a perfectly good machine downstairs that can make it for you?"

"Because I...because- don't argue with me. We're going out. Now get dressed unless you want to go out in your pyjamas."

"I really cannot be bothered to get dressed Quinn."

"Me neither to be honest, I was only suggesting it because I know what you're like with clothes."

"Yeah, well I'd drag me out the house before I change my mind and take like an hour to get ready, if I were you."

"Okay, okay, let's go!"

"Rachel, please just drop it." Blaine said as they stood in line at the Lima Bean.

"I'm just saying, you should talk to him about it."

"I'm going to sit down, you know my order right?"


"This sleepover was just some secret plan to talk to me about Blaine for hours, wasn't it?" Kurt asked as he and Quinn got off the bus and started walking towards the coffee shop.

"I did tell you we'd be talking about Blaine, you're the one who came." Quinn teased, opening the door for Kurt to go inside.

"Yeah, but this is a little- oh my god!" Kurt saw Blaine sitting at one of the tables by the windows playing with his phone and immediately hid behind Quinn. "How could you let me come out like this!?" He exclaimed.

"I did ask you if you wanted to change," Quinn pointed out. "Go talk to him."

"Are you crazy? You expect me to go talk to him looking like this!?"

"Yes, and if you don't go I'm gonna leave this line and drag you over there myself, and then you'll have to talk for longer because the queue will grow and I'll be at the back."

"You're awful, Quinn Fabray."

"I know, now go!" She instructed, pointing to Blaine, who chose that specific moment to look up.

"Fine. Just know I will get you back for this." He said before walking reluctantly over to Blaine and sitting down opposite him.

"Hey, nice outfit." Blaine greeted as Kurt sat down.

"Oh shut up," Kurt said, hiding his face in his hands. "I'm in old, worn pyjamas and my hair is flat. Blame Quinn for dragging me out while we were in the middle of a sleepover."

"You could have gotten dressed..."

"I'm tired, leave me alone."

"Okay, okay," Blaine laughed, throwing his hands up in surrender. "Why did she drag you out anyway?"

"Oh, she had a craving for coffee and decided to go out in the middle of the night instead of using her perfectly good coffee maker. Why are you out getting coffee at nine thirty at night?"

"Apparently I'm miserable, so Rachel forced me to go out with her."

"Ah," Kurt said simply, then looked over at Quinn who still had about seven customers in front of her, and who was currently shooting Kurt a look that said if he didn't speak up, she would. "I'm actually kind of glad I ran into you, I mean other than the fact I look like a five year old, I, um, kind of wanted to talk to you."

"Okay, talk away." Blaine prompted.

"I-uh..." Kurt stuttered, trying to get the words out but being apparently unable to speak coherently.


"Could you- uh, give me a minute? I'll be right back." Kurt said, running over to Quinn and leaving a very confused Blaine sitting by himself.

"What is wrong with you!?" Quinn exclaimed when Kurt got back over to her.

"I can't tell him Quinn. I tried and I just freaked out, please help me." Kurt pleaded.

"Kurt," Quinn whined. "I actually want coffee now. Wait with me until I've ordered then go hide in the bathroom for about five minutes and I'll tell him, okay?"

"Okay but I can't just leave him sitting there, he must be confused as hell."

"I'm at the front of the queue now anyway, go hide or whatever, I'll order for you." Quinn said, before ordering drinks for her and Kurt. Kurt quickly ran off to the bathroom as Quinn payed for the drinks and walked over to Blaine.

"Hey!" She greeted cheerfully, setting the drinks down on the table and sitting opposite Blaine.

"Um, hi. Is he okay? He said he wanted to talk to me and then ran off."

"Yeah, about that...he likes you. And I mean likes you. He tried to tell you but he freaked out and asked me to tell you, so I told him to go hide in the bathroom."

"Oh..." Blaine breathed out, trying to process what the blonde haired girl had just told him. "I like him too, but why was he so scared?"

"I don't know, I guess he didn't think you did or something. He'll be out any minute though and you can tell him for yourself."

"You and Rachel planned this, didn't you?" Blaine asked knowingly.

"Yes," Quinn sighed. "We knew that you guys would never say anything otherwise."

"I thought it was a little weird that Rachel dragged me out for coffee and you guys showed up like five minutes later, in your pyjamas as well..."

"Yeah, Kurt's probably eternally scarred for that stunt." Quinn laughed.

"I'm surprised you even got him to leave the house dressed like that."

"It was actually his idea. I told him to get dressed but apparently he couldn't be bothered. He didn't know he was being brought to see you though, and he's probably gonna kill me later."

"Wouldn't surprise me," He laughed. "Pyjamas actually suit him, odd as that may be."

"I had a feeling you might say that," Quinn replied, noticing that Kurt was leaving the bathroom and standing up. "Okay, I'll be over there, you two have fun."

"Hey." Blaine said to Kurt as he sat down in the seat Quinn was previously occupying.

"Hey." Kurt replied quietly, not daring to look at Blaine, until he felt a hand under his chin lift his head up and force him to either make eye contact or close his eyes, which he did in favour of looking at Blaine.

"Kurt, look at me," Blaine said softly, as Kurt's eyes fluttered open. "I like you too." He said slowly as soon as Kurt looked him in the eyes.


"I said," Blaine laughed gently. "I said I like you too. I didn't tell you because I felt like a creep for liking someone almost four years younger than me, but according to Rachel it's not that weird. Speaking of, remind me to thank her for this later."

"Yeah, well remind me to kill Quinn for this later," Kurt joked. "And I don't think you're a creep, just for the record."

"Well you wouldn't, considering."

"True. So...what happens now?" Kurt asked.

"Well, if it's okay with you...I'd like to take you on a date?"

"That's more than okay with me." Kurt said, as Blaine took Kurt's hand into his own and squeezed it gently.

"Good. So, if I pick you up at twelve from Quinn's house tomorrow, will you be in suitable clothing?"

"Oh my god!" Kurt squealed, crossing his arms over the top of the table and burying his face between them, but never letting go of Blaine's hand as the older teen laughed.

"You know I'm just kidding. I actually happen to think you look adorable."

"Great." Kurt mumbled from where his head was still shoved between his arms.

"You do!" Blaine argued.

"I believe you. Actually, I don't but I'm too tired to have this argument with you."

"Go then," Blaine said squeezing Kurt's hand once again. "You'll see me tomorrow. Besides, Rachel and Quinn are standing right over there staring at us and it's making me feel really uncomfortable."

"Oh my god, they're so insufferable." Kurt groaned, looking quickly at the girls before following Blaine's lead and leaving the seats that they were sitting in.

"Tell me about it," Blaine agreed, before turning to face Kurt. "So, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yup." Kurt said adorably.

"Good," Blaine started, and was about to say something else when he heard Rachel all but scream across the coffee shop 'JUST KISS ALREADY'. "What was that you said about those two being insufferable? Anyway, as much as I would like to follow her request, I don't really feel like having our first kiss in front of those two weirdos. So would it be okay if I hugged you instead?"

"You don't have to ask to hug me Blaine." Kurt laughed.

"I just wanted to make sure." Blaine replied before wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck and pulling the boy closer. Kurt responded by wrapping his arms around Blaine's middle and snuggling his head into the older teens chest.

"You're really cuddly." Kurt mumbled.

"Wow you really must be tired," Blaine laughed before pulling back slightly and kissing Kurt on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said smiling widely.

"Tomorrow." Kurt confirmed with a smile just as wide.


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