Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
After Blaine's graduation, the two boys went out to dinner with their parents and Rachel, but spent most of their time trying to melt into each other's embraces and barely interacting with anyone. Neither Burt, Jenna or Rachel commented on their lack of anything, knowing that the next few weeks were going to be extremely hard for the boys and they had come to an unspoken agreement to just let them spend as much time by themselves as they needed. They'd somehow managed to get their parents to agree to letting Kurt spend the night at Blaine's house without saying much of anything to anyone, not that they were complaining.
"You okay?" Blaine asked, running his fingers through Kurt's baby soft hair. They were lying on Blaine's bed facing each other in blissful silence when Blaine realised that Kurt hadn't said a word to anyone since he'd told Blaine he loved him earlier in the evening.
"Yeah, it's just...I knew this was gonna happen but it's only just hit me that you're really leaving in three weeks and I don't really know how to deal with it." Kurt replied, leaning slightly into Blaine's touch.
"I know what you mean, that's why I got so emotional when I was doing my speech. I actually had more written down but I was about three seconds away from losing it so I just said something random and ran back to my seat."
"I just...I keep trying to picture what it will be like when you're in New York but it just comes up blank and it scares me. It scares me because I can't imagine being apart from you and I have no idea what's gonna happen." Kurt said in a rush of breath, breaking off into sobs as he began to cry uncontrollably and Blaine pulled his head onto his chest and continued carding his fingers through the younger teens hair.
"I know," Blaine mumbled into the top of Kurt's head where he placed a gentle kiss. "I know it's scary and I really wish you didn't have to deal with this."
"Stop," Kurt said, pulling his head off of the older teens chest slightly to look at him. "Stop feeling guilty because I know you are. This isn't your fault Blaine. We both knew this was gonna happen when we decided to start dating and I don't regret it one single bit so don't you dare blame yourself."
"It's just kind of hard not to feel guilty when you have to leave the person you love more than anything." Blaine said in response, crying himself now.
"Blaine." Kurt cried.
"Please don't say anything else, just- just let me hold you okay?"
"Okay." Kurt nodded, setting his head back on Blaine's chest as the curly haired teen wrapped his arms around him as tight as he possibly could.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too," Kurt sniffed into Blaine's T-Shirt. "Forever."
Two weeks later, Blaine was rushing around trying to make sure he had everything packed for New York while always making time for Kurt. It was a struggle to say the least, but he was handling everything pretty well.
"You know I could just help you pack, right? That way we'd be able to spend time together and you'd be ready to leave next week." Kurt pointed out one afternoon over the phone.
"I know, it's just..."
"I know. But it won't make a difference. I know you're leaving Blaine, helping you pack isn't gonna make it any easier or harder for me."
"It's not just that though. I'd rather spend our limited time doing something better than packing my stuff into boxes and suitcases."
"Time is time, and I wanna spend as much of it as I can with you. I don't care if I just sit there watching you if it means I get to be with you."
"Kurt, I- fine. Do you want me to come and get you?"
"Um...no it's okay, my dad will bring me."
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you too." Kurt replied, ending the call and all but running to his dad to ask him to drive him to Blaine's.
When Kurt arrived at Blaine's house shortly after, packing was abandoned in favour of making out, but neither of the boys were all that surprised. Jenna wasn't that surprised either when she walked in on them lying on Blaine's bed kissing, surrounded by half packed boxes.
"Ehm," Jenna said, clearing her throat to make her presence known as Blaine immediately pulled away to look at his mum from where he was half on top of Kurt.
"Hi..." Blaine said awkwardly.
"Hi. You're supposed to be packing..."
"I um...got distracted?"
"Clearly," Jenna laughed. "At least finish packing your clothes and I'll make you boys lunch, okay?"
"Okay." Blaine agreed, practically jumping over Kurt's body and folding his clothes as fast as possible before all but shoving them into his suitcase.
"You're such a boy." Kurt giggled from where he was still lying on Blaine's bed.
"Well I'm glad because you wouldn't like me if I wasn't."
"Oh no, I'd probably love you. I just wouldn't be in love with you."
"Exactly." Blaine grinned.
Eventually the day the boys were dreading arrived, and you couldn't pull them apart from each other even if you tried. Blaine said goodbye to his mum in the morning and made his way to Kurt's house as it was closer to the airport. Rachel was meeting them at Kurt's in the afternoon and Burt was driving the three teens to the airport so that Kurt could say goodbye to Blaine and Rachel and still be able to get home afterwards. The two boys spent the whole day practically glued to each others sides, whether they were hugging, kissing, talking or just sitting there in silence, they always had their hands tangled together and tried to get as close to each other as they physically could. When Rachel finally arrived, she opted to sit in the front with Burt as she claimed the other two teens were being 'too mushy' for her liking. They were cuddled up in the back; Blaine holding Kurt as close as he could while the younger teen clung desperately to his boyfriend, barely holding himself together. By the time they reached the airport, Kurt felt like he was going to literally be sick. His grip on Blaine's hand was tighter than it'd ever been as they walked into the building. They still had a little wait, so they sat down and that's when Kurt broke, he could not stop crying. Blaine pulled him in for a hug that he had absolutely no intention of pulling away from and Kurt cried uncontrollably into the older teens shoulder. Blaine was crying, of course, but he had silent tears trickling down his face, whereas Kurt had heartbreaking sobs racking his body as Blaine failed to calm him down. Blaine and Rachel's flight as finally called and Blaine struggled to shift Kurt's weight so that they were both standing and he could envelope his boyfriend in a real hug.
"I, um, I w-wrote this for y-you to read on the p-plane." Kurt said, still sobbing as he pulled an envelope out of his pocket with shaky hands.
"I love you so much." Blaine cried in response, taking the envelope and wrapping his arms around the younger teen once more.
"I love you too." Kurt sobbed into Blaine's shoulder.
"Blaine, we need to go." Rachel said softly.
"Please don't say goodbye to me." Kurt pleaded when Blaine pulled back and looked as if he was about to speak.
"Never," Blaine promised, kissing him softly on the lips. "I have to go. I love you."
"I love you too." Kurt said, quickly hugging Rachel before the two teens left for their flight and Kurt fell heartbroken into the arms of his father.
As Blaine took his seat on the plane, he finally let his cries take him over. He was sobbing endlessly as Rachel tried to comfort him.
"I need to read his letter." Blaine said through his tears, digging the envelope out of his pocket.
"Are you sure that's a good idea right now?" Rachel asked concernedly.
"He wanted me to read it on the plane. I'm okay, I promise." Blaine replied, smiling at his best friend as much as he could. He gently pulled a piece of paper from the envelope and smiled as he saw Kurt's familiar handwriting before beginning to read the letter.
To Blaine,
If you're reading this, you're either on your way to New York or you fell asleep on the plane. Either way, I just wanted to tell you I love you. I knew I wouldn't be able to say much at the airport and I was right, wasn't I? So I decided to write you this letter to tell you everything I wish I could've said before you left.
Ever since your graduation speech I've wanted to tell you everything I feel about you, and I don't mean that I love you. I mean everything that I've ever felt about you since I first met you. I remember when you came and helped me up after I got pushed, I tried to ignore you at first because, as you know, I'm extremely stubborn and my fourteen year old brain was telling me that I didn't need anybody's help. I'm glad that you did help me though, because if you didn't I probably wouldn't have met you. I started crushing on you, basically when I first met you which is why I was kind of worried to spend lunch with you and everything else. But then you became like my best friend, which kind of just made the crush worse. My weirdo best friend decided to drag me out to the lima bean one night in our pyjamas and all she would ask me about was you because apparently I'm not very good at hiding who I have a crush on. I remember we walked into the shop and I saw you sitting at one of the tables playing with your phone, I literally hid behind Quinn. She told me to go and talk to you and then I saw her speaking to Rachel in the line and I kind of figured that they planned something because Rachel knew I liked you too. I came over to speak to you and ended up freaking out and hiding in the bathroom, I got some pretty funny looks in there. Then I came back out and you told me that you liked me too and I didn't think that I could get any happier than I was in that moment, but I was wrong. Just being with you made me the happiest person ever. I remember when we first said 'I love you' to each other and...words can't even describe how happy I was in that moment.
While you're reading this I'm probably curled up on the sofa in one of the many hoodies you left with me, eating ice cream while watching The Lady and The Tramp and crying because it's your favourite movie, but I promise you I'm okay. Well, I'll be okay. I know you, and I know that you'll probably spend all of your time worrying if I'm okay so I joined forces with Rachel and she'll tell me if you start to mope around instead of exploring your new home. Enjoy New York, please. I can't stand the thought of you just curled up in some hotel room (as you probably won't find an apartment straight away) worrying about me. Explore New York as much as you can because when I visit I expect a five star tour of the city, okay?
I'm kind of crying my eyes out writing this right now so I'm sorry that all of the writing is smudged. Thank you for the past year. We've had one roller coaster of a year together, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
I love you so much, Blaine Devon Anderson and I can't wait until I get to see you again!
Love, Kurt Xxx.
"You okay?" Rachel asked when Blaine was finished reading.
"I really do have the most incredible boyfriend ever."