Everything Will Fall To Pieces
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Everything Will Fall To Pieces: Promises.

K - Words: 2,016 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Jul 23, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
118 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Kudos to gleektasticlove for the promise ring idea, which was kind of a coincidence because I really wanted to call this chapter 'promises' and then I saw her review, so thank you! I was also gonna describe the ring a little more but I couldn't find any online that I liked and I couldn't just make it up because I don't know anything about jewellery. The most interesting piece of jewellery I have is a tiny necklace with my name on it and I didn't even buy that myself so yeah...ANYWAY, please review!

As promised, after bowling the three boys went back to the Anderson house to watch a movie. They were situated in the living room; Blaine sitting at one end of the sofa with Kurt resting his head in his lap while he sprawled out over the rest of the sofa. Cooper was sitting on the other sofa, throwing popcorn at the two teens whenever he saw Blaine leaning down to kiss Kurt. After the movie, Kurt's dad came to pick him up and Blaine had a plan hatched in his mind so he instantly called Rachel.

"Rachel! Please tell me you're not busy?"

"Nope, what's up?"

"I need your help with something..."

"Which would be...?"

"I need you to come ring shopping with me."

"Ring...what!? Why do you need to go ring shopping?"

"I was thinking like...a lot, and I want to get something for Kurt."

"Why do you wanna buy a ring for Kurt!? I swear you thinking is the most dangerous thing ever."

"What? OH, god no I'm not proposing to him!"

"Then what the hell are you doing?"

"I promise I'll explain everything later, will you just please help me? Because I have no idea what I'm doing and I don't think Cooper will be much help." Blaine said pointedly as Cooper walked past and smacked him on the back of the head.

"Okay fine, but I want an explanation as soon as I see you Mister!"

"Yes! I promise, thank you Rach!"

"I'll meet you at your house in about an hour, bye Dummy!"


"Aww, Blaine that's actually a really sweet idea." Rachel cooed as she and Blaine made their way to the shop that Rachel had suggested. Blaine had spent about twenty minutes explaining to Rachel what his plan was and why and how he came up with it. He had probably over explained a little...or a lot, but Rachel honestly found it absolutely adorable.

"So you'll help me?" Blaine asked hopefully.

"Of course I'll help you, stupid!"

"Thank god because I have absolutely no idea what I'm looking for." Blaine laughed.

"Well, you want him to wear it a lot right?"

"That's kind of the idea..."

"So you should look for something quite simple; it's Kurt, if it doesn't match what he's wearing..."

"True, he still wears the necklace I give him for his birthday though."

"Maybe you should look for something that matches that?"

"Are you seriously telling me to try and match jewellery, Rach?" Blaine asked sarcastically.

"No, because you have me," Rachel laughed. "Your necklace is the same right?"

"Yup, except for the letter on it obviously."

"Okay, let me see it and I'll help you find something that matches."

After about an hour of looking for a ring, Blaine and Rachel finally left the small shop and began to make their way back to the Anderson house for dinner.

"It's perfect Rach." Blaine observed, peeking inside the box for the umpteenth time since they left the shop.

"Mhm, you've said that about twenty times now Blaine." Rachel laughed.

"Sorry." Blaine mumbled.

"You're nervous aren't you?"

"Not so much about giving it to him, I'm just kind of worried he'll think it's weird or something."

"I'm sure he won't think it's weird Blaine, especially if you tell him what you told me."

"Really? That wasn't cheesy?"

"Oh, it was extremely cheesy," Rachel admitted, bumping her shoulder with Blaine's and eliciting a laugh from the curly haired teen. "It was cheesy but it was also true, and really sweet."

"I really do over think everything, don't I?" Blaine laughed.

"You really do." Rachel agreed.

"Hey you," Blaine smiled as he and Kurt were on Skype later that night.

"Hi," Kurt replied.

"You okay?"


"Kurt, I..."

"Blaine, I promise I'm fine." Kurt assured him.

"Okay, okay, fine."

"Are you okay? You look really tired."

"Yeah, I was just out shopping with Rachel all afternoon once you left. Which reminds me, is there any possibility I can see you tomorrow?" Blaine asked.

"Hm...There might be," Kurt teased. "Why? What's up?"

"It's a surprise." Blaine replied, trying not to laugh.

"Blaaaiineee," Kurt whined.

"Kuuurrrttttt," Blaine mimicked.

"I hate you."

"I love you too, baby."

"Blegh." Kurt replied, poking his tongue out at his boyfriend.

"And you say I'm childish." Blaine laughed.

"Well I am a child; you're technically an adult, so..."

"Touché. Okay, I should go, I'm exhausted. Night baby,"

"I love you." Kurt said as a way of goodbye.

"I love you too."

The next morning, Blaine was on edge and found every excuse possible to start pacing.

"Blaine, please sit down, you're making me nervous." Cooper said as Blaine began to pace the kitchen like his life depended on it.

"Sorry." Blaine said, sitting down on one of the chairs and tapping his foot nervously against the floor.

"Seriously, what is wrong with you today?"

"Nothing, I just, I'm meeting Kurt later and..."

"Blaine, why was there a ring on your bedside table?" Jenna asked, walking into the kitchen and holding the box up as Cooper proceeded to choke on his toast.

"I swear that is not what it looks like!" Blaine exclaimed immediately.

"Then what is it?" Jenna prompted.

"I can explain, can I please just have it back?"

"Yes, but if I don't like your explanation I am locking you in this house until you're fifty." Jenna warned jokingly, handing the box back to Blaine.

"Hey." Kurt greeted happily as he let Blaine into his house that afternoon.

"Hi." Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt quickly.

"It's okay to kiss me," Kurt laughed. "My dad isn't home."

"Oh...um, can we go upstairs?"

"Are you okay? You seem really nervous..."

"I'm fine, I just...I need to talk to you...kind of..."

"You're starting to scare me." Kurt said worriedly.

"I promise it's nothing bad, can we please just go upstairs? I'd rather not do this here."

"Okay..." Kurt replied, taking Blaine's hand in his and leading him up to his bedroom. "So what did you wanna talk about?" Instead on answering straight away, Blaine sat down on Kurt's bed and motioned for Kurt to sit down opposite him.

"I have something I want to give you and when you first see it you're probably gonna freak out but I promise I can explain." Blaine said in a rush of breath, slowly pulling the small box out of his pocket.

"Blaine...what is that?" Kurt said, eyeing the box warily.

"Don't worry, I'm not proposing," Blaine laughed and Kurt let out a breath of relief. "Open it," He said, handing the box to Kurt who opened it and looked at Blaine expectantly. "It's a promise ring..."


"Just let me talk, okay?" Blaine asked, taking Kurt's hand and mentally preparing himself when Kurt nodded slightly. "I know that I hurt you really badly, and even though you've been crazy enough to forgive me and we've moved on from it, nothing I ever do will really make up for that. When we were watching that movie yesterday, I looked down at you and I realised how much I love you. I felt like I couldn't breathe because all of my feelings were just screaming at me and I felt like I was gonna burst into tears or something and that's why I kept kissing you. I realised that telling you these things and promising not to be a total douche again doesn't really mean anything. I'm not saying that because it doesn't mean anything I'm gonna break my promise because I don't think I could live with myself if I did something like that to you again, but what does it really mean? Anybody can say 'I promise' about anything and maybe getting you a promise ring still doesn't really...portray what the promise means to me but I feel like it means so much more than just saying that I promise something.

It's not just promising not to hurt you though. I also wanted to get this because...I'm gonna be gone in a few months. We'll still speak and visit each other as much as we can but after spending almost a whole year with each other practically all the time, being apart it gonna be really hard and I feel like giving this to you, you'll always have a piece of me with you. It's something small that you can always wear and if you ever feel like you need me and I can't be there for you, you'll always have something to remember what you mean to me. And I know you've been dying to speak pretty much since I opened my mouth so go ahead." Blaine said, laughing slightly towards the end.

"Blaine, I...I don't even know what to say anymore," Kurt laughed, wiping a few tears away from his eyes. "I can't believe you did this and said all of that. Actually, I can because you're like, insanely amazing and please don't take this the wrong way but I don't need a ring, Blaine. I know how much you love me and I know that you'll never do anything like that again. I know that no matter how far away you are, if I need you then you'll do anything you can to make me feel better and vice versa. I don't need a ring to tell me all of that, Blaine. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't scared about you going to New York because I'm absolutely petrified. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing even while you're here. You've basically walked me through our whole relationship and you can't exactly do that when you're miles away from me. I'm terrified because in a few months you're gonna be starting a new life without me. You're gonna be meeting new people and making new friends and I don't know how to deal with that yet, but I know that we can get through that."

"I know that you know all of that, deep down I do but I did something to you that I haven't figured out how to forgive myself for and you don't have to wear it if you don't want to but I just feel like this represents so much more than a promise."

"Of course I wanna wear it, Blaine, are you crazy?"

"I think I may be," Blaine replied, eliciting laughs from both himself and Kurt. "Uh, before you put it on, look at the inside, I got something inscribed on it." He said as Kurt took the small silver ring out of the box and looked at the inscription that read 'Until My Dying Day.'

"Moulin Rouge..." Kurt said incredulously as a few more tears slipped from his eyes. "Blaine, I-"

"You don't have to say anything, just...hug me or something before my dying day comes sooner than I'd like it too." Blaine laughed as Kurt practically tackled him backwards on the bed.

"Thank you," Kurt choked out, squeezing Blaine as tight as he possibly could. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"You're welcome, and I love you so much but you're squishing me."

"Can you put it on for me please? Not just because it means more if you put it on for me but my hands are shaking like crazy and I don't think I'd be able to get it on even if I tried," Kurt giggled slightly and Blaine slid the silver band onto his right ring finger. "I love you so much. I didn't even know it was possible to love somebody as much as I love you right now."

"I love you too, if you didn't guess." Blaine laughed.

"I had no idea," Kurt said sarcastically. "I think you're being too subtle about your feelings."

"Oh shut up." Blaine teased as he pounced on Kurt this time and practically mauled him with kisses to any part of Kurt he could find until he was eventually just holding the boy he loved in his arms while brushing his finger back and forth over the cool metal that rested around his finger.


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