Everything Will Fall To Pieces
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Everything Will Fall To Pieces: Sleepover.

K - Words: 2,012 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Jul 23, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
125 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review!

"Mum?" Blaine called as he and Kurt entered his house later that evening. The boys had somehow gotten Burt to let Kurt spend the night at Blaine's, and it was actually pretty easy.

"In here!" Jenna called from the living room.

"Hey, um is it okay if Kurt stays?" Blaine asked, stepping into the room and smiling a little when Jenna practically squealed at the sight of the boys' clasped hands.

"Yes, that's perfectly okay with me." Jenna smiled.

"Thanks, we're just gonna go watch a DVD in my room." Blaine informed her.

"Okay, have fun."

"I'd ask you what you wanna watch but I have an urge to watch The Lady and The Tramp now, thanks to you." Blaine said as they made their way up to his room.

"I probably would have said that anyway." Kurt laughed.

"I'll find something for you to change into, hold on," Blaine said, fishing through his drawers before pulling out two sets of pyjamas. "Here, you can change in the bathroom."

"Thanks." Kurt smiled, taking one set of pyjamas and leaving to change in the bathroom.

When Kurt returned, Blaine was already in his pyjamas, sitting at the head of his bed with the DVD menu playing.

"You took your gel out." Kurt smiled, climbing into the bed next to Blaine and playing with the curls on his head.

"You didn't think I slept with it in, did you?" Blaine laughed as Kurt snuggled up next to him and played the movie. "You okay?"

"Mhm," Kurt mumbled, snuggling closer to the older teen. "I'm just tired."

"Okay." Blaine replied, kissing the top of Kurt's head.

It took no more than half an hour for Kurt to fall asleep in Blaine's arms, and the older teen had successfully managed to get them both into a lying position without waking him. Their new position consisted of Blaine lying on his back and Kurt with his head resting on Blaine's chest so that he could still watch the TV.

"Hey," Jenna said quietly, entering Blaine's bedroom. "Sorry I didn't mean to disturb you, but I just got off the phone with Cooper. He said he's in town and wondered if you wanted to go out to lunch with him tomorrow?"

"Uh, sure," Blaine whispered.

"Okay, well he's gonna be here sometime in the morning."

"Okay." Blaine smiled at his mum.

"I'll leave you alone now," Jenna laughed. "Night, hon."

"Night, mum."

Blaine was awoken the next morning by an obnoxiously loud shout of 'SQUIRT!'

"Coop," Blaine hissed quietly. "Some of us are trying to sleep." He said, gesturing to the sleeping boy in his arms. Kurt was sleeping peacefully with his back pressed close to Blaine's chest while the older teen's arms circled his wait and held tightly onto his hand.

"Oh my god, Blainey has a boyfriend!" Cooper exclaimed quietly. "Wait, why didn't mum tell me about this?"

"I don't know, go take it up with her and leave me alone." Blaine groaned, hiding his face in Kurt's shoulder.

"Someone's grumpy this morning." Cooper teased.

"Because I was just woken up by my extremely annoying brother who decided to practically scream the house down, now please go away before you wake Kurt up."

"Oooh, his name's Kurt."

"Leave. Now!" Blaine shouted as quietly as possible, throwing a pillow in his brother's direction.

"Kurt and Blaine, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G..." Cooper sung as he left the bedroom laughing and leaving a mortified Blaine behind, thank god Kurt was asleep.

Kurt woke up shortly after Blaine's embarrassing encounter with his brother. He rolled over to find Blaine staring at him happily, and smiled up at the older teen.

"Hey sleepy-head," Blaine said softly, brushing Kurt's hair out of his eyes.

"Hi," Kurt smiled, looking at Blaine with an adorable, loving expression. Blaine was about to reply when he heard his brothers loud voice coming from outside his bedroom door.

"Blaine! Mum said breakfast is ready and I'm in this house so you and lover boy better come down now if you want anything!" Cooper shouted.

"Go away!" Blaine groaned.

"Who was that?" Kurt giggled.

"That was Cooper...my brother."

"I was serious about breakfast by the way!" Cooper shouted again.

"And I was serious about you going away!" Blaine shouted back.

"Okay, I'm going," Cooper laughed. "But seriously don't take too long, I wanna meet this boyfriend of yours!" Blaine groaned loudly as Kurt rolled back over to muffle his laughter in the pillow his head was resting on.

Although Cooper was on full on annoying big brother mode, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of the two teens walking into the kitchen. They we're holding hands, both with messy hair. Kurt was in Blaine's oversized pyjamas while he sleepily dragged himself along behind the older teen, and Blaine...Blaine just looked like the happiest damn person ever.

"Hey Squirt!" Cooper greeted.

"Shut up." Blaine replied instantly.

"How's LA? It's great, thanks," Cooper said sarcastically as Blaine smiled at him smugly and Kurt tried desperately not to burst into laughter. "And this must be Kurt. I'm Cooper, Blaine's best brother."

"You're my only brother, stupid." Blaine pointed out as he put some pancakes on a plate for Kurt before doing the same for himself.

"You'd think my kids are still five." Jenna laughed as she sat down next to Cooper.

"Blaine always acts five." Kurt and Cooper said simultaneously as Blaine pouted at his mum.

"Muuuuum," Blaine whined. "They're ganging up on me." Jenna just laughed in response.

"So, Kurt, will you be joining me and Blainey here for lunch?" Cooper asked.

"I don't wanna impose..." Kurt replied.

"Where did you find him, Blaine? Seriously, because he's like the cutest thing ever," Cooper said as Blaine smiled proudly and Kurt proceeded to blush more than probably necessary. "And I promise you're not imposing, I'd love to get to know you."

"Um...well I'll have to make sure it's okay with my dad and I need to go home for clothes but I'd love to."

"Great!" Cooper cheered happily.

"So, what do you want to do when you graduate?" Cooper asked Kurt as they were at lunch that afternoon.

"Well I've wanted to go to New York for as long as I can remember, and I either want to do fashion or Broadway." Kurt explained.

"Are you sure he's only fifteen?" Cooper asked Blaine.

"Positive, though I do ask him a lot just to make sure he isn't lying to me." Blaine replied, receiving a playful smack on the arm from Kurt.

"Well, however old you are I'm glad Blainey found you because you seem to make him really happy." Cooper said earnestly as Kurt began to blush and Blaine bit his lip to stop himself from breaking out into an embarrassingly wide grin.

"So how is LA?" Blaine asked, deliberately changing the subject.

"It's LA!" Cooper replied enthusiastically as if that was a good enough answer. "Oh yeah, I meant to tell you about this girl I met."

"Let me guess, she's the one?" Blaine said sarcastically.

"How did you know!?" Cooper asked incredulously as Kurt tried not to burst into laughter.

"You think every girl that you meet is 'the one' Coop, it's not hard to figure out what's going on inside your head."

"Well...I mean it this time." Cooper said defensively.

"Of course you do," Blaine laughed. "How long have you guys been together?"

"For...a few weeks but that doesn't mean anything!"

"Mhm," Blaine mumbled. "Of course it doesn't."

"Well how long have you two been together?" Cooper asked as if it would prove a point.

"Uh..." Blaine said awkwardly. "We were together for just over five months but we've kind of...been broken up for the past month...we got back together yesterday so..."

"Oh..." Cooper was about to continue when Defying Gravity suddenly sounded from Kurt's phone.

"Hello?" Kurt said into the phone.

"KURT! Where are you? I need your help!" Quinn screeched down the phone.

"Firstly, stop shouting. Secondly, I'm at lunch with Blaine and his brother, what's wrong?"

"I'm having a crisis!"

"I doubt it's a crisis, Quinny." Kurt laughed.

"It is! I'm supposed to be going out to dinner with my parents tonight and I can't find anything to wear!"

"That is a crisis! Send me outfit choices?" Kurt said seriously, ignoring his boyfriends muffled laugh.

"Yes! Thank you Pooface, you're my saviour!"

"Stop calling me Pooface or I won't help you."

"Never gonna happen, bye Poop!"

"Bye Quinn," Kurt sighed, hanging up the phone. "Sorry, that was just my melodramatic best friend having a wardrobe crisis, and stop laughing Mister." He said, nudging Blaine in the side.

"You know...Pooface is actually a really cute nickname..." Blaine observed.

"You're awful!" Kurt whined.

"You love me." Blaine teased and Kurt just answered by pressing their lips together softly until Cooper cleared his throat from the other side of the table.

"Uh...I'm still here guys."

"Sorry." Kurt giggled as Blaine scrunched up a napkin and threw it at his brother, successfully hitting him right in the face.

"Hey!" Cooper pouted.

"You pretty much deserved that."

"Thanks baby bro." Cooper said sarcastically.

"Anytime," Blaine smiled.

The Anderson brothers had somehow managed to get Kurt to agree to bowling, not that it had been easy. Let's just say Blaine had to do a lot of kissing to get the younger teen to stop complaining about 'the shoes, Blaine! They're hideous!' and Cooper also promised that they'd go back to the Anderson household to watch a movie and eat as much pizza and ice cream as they could before one of them threw up...which didn't really help his argument but Kurt agreed nonetheless.

"Blaine," Kurt whined. "I suck at bowling."

"Okay, me and you against Coop, I'll help you."

"No fair!" Cooper exclaimed.

"It's totally fair; I haven't been bowling since I was six." Kurt pointed out.

"Okay, fine." Cooper gave in.

Kurt was up first, and after much complaint he got Blaine to go with him, which Blaine honestly thought he did just to be close to him...not that he was complaining. Kurt was currently standing in front of Blaine, holding the bowling ball in one hand while Blaine came up behind him; gently resting one hand on the younger teen's waist while his other hand took a gentle hold of Kurt's where it was holding the bowling ball. Blaine slowly pulled Kurt's hand back and then forward as Kurt released the ball and it went rolling down the alley. Seemingly forgetting where they were and what they were doing, Kurt quickly twirled around in Blaine's arms and captured his lips in a kiss. Blaine instantly reciprocated, wrapping his arms tighter around Kurt's waist in a successful attempt to pull the boy closer as Kurt's arms found their way around the older teen's neck. As soon as Cooper saw how wrapped up in each other the boys were he decided not to interrupt them, so he decided to order more drinks and watch them adoringly from the line. However, he was supposed to be the responsible adult for the day and he didn't figure that it would be very responsible, or adult like to let the two teens make out in the middle of a bowling alley all day, so he eventually had to take their drinks back over and be a major buzz kill.

"Ahem, Romeo and Juliet," Cooper laughed. "We're still in public and you're still wasting precious bowling time."

"We weren't kissing for that long, Coop." Blaine said as Kurt hid his face in the older teen's neck.

"Dude, you two were making out for about ten minutes."

"Oh my god, stop!" Kurt groaned. "You got me to come bowling, the least you can do is not embarrass the hell out of me."

"Okay," Cooper laughed. "Let's just get back to the game shall we?"

"Oh, and FYI, Cooper," Blaine began. "Calling us Romeo and Juliet is kind of sexist considering we're both guys..."

"Sorry Squirt." Cooper replied, ruffling Blaine's hair.



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