Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
Blaine was finally happy again. Sure, things between him and Kurt weren't perfect, but they weren't terrible. They had finally gotten to a stage where they could speak without either of them bursting into tears and Kurt had convinced Blaine to stop feeling bad about what he did. Kurt was going to Glee club again and he, Blaine, Quinn and Rachel seemed to become inseparable. They were okay.
Two weeks after the bathroom incident found the four friends at Rachel's house eating pizza and laughing at each other...well, mostly Blaine. Rachel had decided it would be fun to tell stories about her and Blaine's freshman year, and Kurt was in hysterics at how Rachel described Blaine's fashion sense back then.
"It's not that funny!" Blaine defended, pouting at a laughing Kurt.
"It really is," Kurt laughed. "I can't believe you used to wear bow-ties and cardigans."
"Oh shut up," Blaine teased, nudging his shoulder with Kurt's. "I know plenty of embarrassing stories from your childhood that your dad has told me."
"Oh god please don't!" Kurt cried, hiding his face in his hands.
"Tell us!" Rachel prompted.
"Well there was this one time..."
"I swear to god, Blaine Anderson!" Kurt screamed, and that's how Blaine ended up being chased around Rachel's house.
"Okay, okay, I surrender!" Blaine laughed, collapsing on the floor where Quinn and Rachel were watching them with amusement.
"Hallelujah!" Kurt cheered triumphantly. Yeah, they were definitely okay.
"Please sing with me?" Blaine pleaded in Glee club one day.
"Blaine, no," Kurt whined.
"Pretty please with cherries on top?" Blaine tried again, batting his eyelashes.
"Sing with Rachel or someone, I'm sure she'd be overjoyed to do a duet with you."
"Did someone say duet?" Rachel asked, poking her head in between the two boys.
"Blaine needs a duet partner."
"Why can't you do it?"
"Yes, Kurt, why can't you do it?" Blaine added.
"Because I don't want to, so go sing with Rachel."
"Fine," Blaine huffed. "Come on Berry."
"I'm sorry I wouldn't sing with you." Kurt said while Blaine was driving him home that afternoon.
"Hey, it's fine. I shouldn't have kept asking you and besides, it was a stupid song, it doesn't matter."
"I'm still sorry."
"Stop apologising, it's fine." Blaine assured him.
"I've been thinking and...I kind of want to ask you something but I'm not really sure how..."
"Just ask me." Blaine prompted.
"Well...it's just we've gotten really close in the past two weeks; even closer than we were before if that's even possible but it still doesn't feel right because I miss you. Even though we're still friends its different and I miss the way that it used to be and..."
"Kurt, you're rambling." Blaine laughed.
"Right...okay so I was wondering...would you go on a date with me? I think I'm ready to try again and like I said, I really miss you and I just want everything to go back to normal or I'm probably gonna go crazy..."
"You're rambling again."
"Kurt...I'd love to go on a date with you...if you're sure? Because I've already screwed this up once and I don't...I can't lose you again."
"You didn't lose me," Kurt said, taking one of Blaine's hands into his. "And I'm more than sure, Blaine. I miss you like crazy."
"I miss you too." Blaine admitted, eyes becoming watery.
"Okay so I already have an idea and I'd say I'll pick you up but unless you wanna get the bus I kind of can't..."
"It's okay, I'll come and get you," Blaine laughed. "What time?"
"Seven thirty?"
"Perfect," Blaine smiled. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"For giving me a second chance, even though I don't deserve it."
"You do deserve it, Blaine."
"Why? I hurt you for pretty much no reason; you basically went through hell because of me."
"Because I love you," Kurt said for the first time in weeks. "Because you're the most amazing person I've ever met. Because you've helped me get through all the crap that the universe has thrown at me this year and because everybody deserves a second chance."
"I love you so much, Kurt."
"I love you too." Kurt admitted, squeezing Blaine's hand tighter.
"RACHEL!!!!" Blaine all but screamed down the phone to Rachel when he got home that afternoon.
"BLAINE!!!!" Rachel screamed back.
"Guess what!"
"Kurt asked me on a date!!" Blaine exclaimed excitedly and literally had to remove the phone from his ear when Rachel full on screamed down the phone.
"Oh my gosh, Blaine! I'm so happy for you!"
"Thank you," Blaine said, squirming with happiness. "I still can't believe that he's giving me a second chance, I finally feel...whole again."
"Aww, Blaine!" Rachel cooed.
"Shut up, jerk," Blaine laughed. "Okay, I'm gonna go, I need to get ready."
"Okay, have fun Blainers!"
"Thanks, Rach. Bye."
"Quinn!" Kurt exclaimed over Skype to Quinn when he got home that afternoon.
"Kurt!" Quinn mimicked.
"Guess what!"
"I asked Blaine on a date!" Kurt squealed.
"Finally!" Quinn laughed.
"Shut up Quinny." Kurt replied, and Quinn could tell he was pouting.
"You know I'm just kidding, I'm happy for you."
"Thank you, do you think you could do me a favour though?"
"Kurt? You home?" Burt called into the house when he arrived home.
"Up here, Dad!"
"Where are you going?" Burt asked curiously when he entered Kurt's bedroom and saw him rummaging through a pile of clothes.
"I um...I kind of...asked Blaine on a date..." Kurt said, biting his lip nervously.
"You did what!?"
"He broke your heart, Kurt. You can't just let him back in!"
"I haven't just let him back in Dad! We've been broken up for over a month, I completely avoided him for about three weeks and you think I'm just letting him back in? I only asked him a few hours ago and I already feel so much happier."
"I get it, Kurt, I do. I know that you miss him but I don't wanna see you get hurt again."
"I know, but I'm old enough to make my own decisions. A few weeks ago I didn't think there was even a slight possibility that everything between me and Blaine would be okay again, and now here we are. I just wish you could be happy for me."
"Oh, Kurt," Burt said softly, walking across the room to envelope his son in a hug. "If you're happy then I'm happy. I just want you to be sure that this is what you want."
"I've never been surer of anything." Kurt said, smiling at his father.
"Then I'm happy for you, I want to talk to Blaine though. And I expect him to start coming to Friday night dinners again, okay?"
"Okay," Kurt agreed. "You can talk to him when he gets here."
"Hey, you look...amazing." Blaine greeted as Kurt let him inside his house later that evening.
"Thank you, so do you." Kurt replied.
"Blaine!" Burt called cheerfully, which sort of scared Blaine.
"Oh yeah my...uh...my dad kind of wants to speak to you."
"Relax, I'm not going to threaten you or anything," Burt laughed. "Even though I probably should. Look, I don't wanna see my son get hurt again but I trust you. I know how much you care about him and you're practically a part of this family now...and with that said, I expect you to start coming to Friday dinners again, you can even bring your mum if you like. Okay?"
"I promise I won't hurt him again."
"Yeah, you said that last time. But like I said, I trust you. Now go, have fun." Burt replied, literally ushering the boys out the door.
"Bye Dad!" Kurt called back to his father.
"So, I know I usually hide my plans from you but you kind of need to tell me where we're going..." Blaine laughed.
"Okay, just go to Quinn's house."
"Quinn's house?" Blaine asked confusedly.
"Just trust me, it will make sense."
"I really don't understand why we're at Quinn's house..." Blaine wondered aloud as they walked up the steps to the blonde teen's front door.
"You'll see." Kurt teased as Quinn opened the door for them.
"Hey!" Quinn greeted cheerfully.
"Hi, did you do it?"
"Do what? I'm so confused!" Blaine groaned.
"Yeah, I did." Quinn said, laughing slightly at Blaine's oblivion.
"Come on, doofus." Kurt laughed, taking Blaine's hand and dragging him through Quinn's house.
"Seriously, what are we doing here because I am...oh my god." Kurt had led Blaine through to Quinn's garden where there was a small table with two seats and a single plate of spaghetti. Behind the table was a screen with what seemed to be Christmas lights wrapped around it.
"I know that you love the lady and the tramp so I got Quinn to sort of...recreate it."
"Kurt, I..." Blaine choked out.
"Are you crying?" Kurt asked worriedly, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too, but I still don't understand why you're crying."
"Because you're amazing," Blaine laughed, pulling back to look Kurt in the eyes. "You are the most incredible person I've ever met, and every time I think I'm in love you do something like this and I just fall for you all over again. And now, even after everything I did to you, you're still doing crazy stuff like this for me. I really don't deserve you."
"You know that goes both ways right? You may have screwed up but everybody makes mistakes, Blaine, that doesn't mean you shouldn't get a second chance. I've forgiven you for what you did, and you should be able to forgive yourself. Now, enough soppiness, let's go eat and then we can go somewhere and really talk about everything, okay?"
"Okay." Blaine smiled.
After dinner the two boys decided to go back to the small park that they visited before.
"I know that we need to talk but I'm just not sure what I should say..." Blaine said nervously.
"Okay well if we want this to work we both have to agree to tell each other if something is bothering us so that neither of us ends up doing something stupid, and...We also need to figure out what's gonna happen when you go to New York." Kurt began.
"I know but can we not do that yet please? I know we need to talk about it but we still have a few months until graduation and New York is the last thing I want to think about."
"Okay but we do need to talk about it because that's going to happen. No matter how much we avoid the subject, you're leaving in a few months and we need to know how to deal with it."
"I honestly think you're like an adult hiding in a fifteen year olds body sometimes." Blaine laughed.
"I'm almost sixteen if that makes it more believable?"
"Not really, you're like...insanely smart."
"Well, thank you." Kurt giggled.
"So...we're gonna be okay?" Blaine asked hopefully.
"Yeah...I think we are," Kurt smiled. "And with that said, I haven't kissed you in over a month, care to fix that?"
"Definitely," Blaine replied, getting off his swing before pulling Kurt off of his and closing the space between them.