Everything Will Fall To Pieces
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Everything Will Fall To Pieces: Help.

K - Words: 2,226 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Jul 23, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
121 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review :)

Two weeks had gone by since the Glee incident and Blaine was getting worse and worse each day.

"Blaine, I'm beginning to get really worried about you." Jenna Anderson said, sitting on her son's bed next to where he was lying, staring blankly at the window.

"I hate myself." Blaine mumbled.

"Look, I know that this is hard for you but..."

"I mean it. I've ruined the best thing that's ever happened to me and I don't think I can fix it. I've hurt him in a way I didn't think I was capable of, he's completely broken and it's my fault. I can't even talk to him because I can't get the stupid words out of my mouth and I made a complete idiot of myself when he actually wanted me to explain."

"I really don't know what to do to help you."

"There's nothing you can do. Unless you can get Kurt back for me anything you want to do is completely pointless."

"Okay...well, dinner will be ready in a bit."

"Not hungry."

"Blaine, you haven't eaten properly in weeks." Jenna said worriedly.

"I'm not hungry; I can't just force myself to eat." Blaine snapped.

"At least just try? Please?"

"Fine, but Rachel's forcing me to go to her house and she'll probably hunt me down if I don't."

"Okay, you can go after but you need to try and eat something."

"I promise." Blaine said, smiling slightly.

"Good, come on you can help me finish dinner."

"Kurt?" Burt called from...somewhere in the Hummel household.

"Yeah?" Kurt called back. He was currently lying on the sofa in the living room with his head on Quinn's lap while she absentmindedly played with his soft brown hair.

"Go get dressed; you're helping me out in the shop."

"Dad," Kurt whined.

"Kurt you've barely left the house in two weeks unless it's to go to school, get dressed."

"Fine," Kurt groaned. "And you," He began, pointing at Quinn. "Are coming with me."

"I don't know the first thing about cars!" Quinn defended.

"I'll teach you. Consider it payback for Glee club."

"Okay, okay!" Quinn laughed. "I'll come with you, just go get ready before your dad murders you."

"I can't eat anymore." Blaine groaned, setting his fork back down on the table.

"You've barely eaten a quarter of your dinner!" Jenna exclaimed.

"It's making me feel sick, I said I'd try and I did. Can I please just go to Rachel's? I'm sure she'll end up finding out about this and then she'll force feed me or something."

"Okay, fine." Jenna gave in.

"Thank you!" Blaine sighed.

"Don't be home too late!" Jenna shouted to the boy who was already out the door.

It was raining cats and dogs by the time Blaine was in his car and on his way to Rachel's house. He drove for about ten minutes before the path had seemingly become very bumpy. Blaine pulled over to the side of the road and left his car. Great, I've got a flat tire. As soon as Blaine realised what part of town he was in he sighed loudly and hit his head against the side of the car, the nearest place he could get his tire repaired was Hummel Tires & Lube. Double great.

"Ahh, Quinn!" Kurt screamed, running round to the other side of the car he and Quinn were in the middle of cleaning. Well, were supposed to be cleaning. Burt decided that it would be a good idea to let the two friends clean a customer's car and so far they'd gotten more water over each other and the shop than the actual car. At least they were wearing coveralls...

"You're looking a little wet there Kurt." Quinn pointed out, trying to suppress her laughter.

"Oh yes, because you're just so dry." Kurt replied sarcastically, pointing his hose directly at Quinn's face as she screamed and began running round the car in circles, only to be followed by Kurt and his never ending stream of water.

"I'm so gonna get you, Hummel!" Quinn exclaimed, turning around quickly and pointing her hose at Kurt. The two friends continued their water fight for several minutes until they heard someone awkwardly clearing their throat behind them.

"B-Blaine?" Kurt stuttered quietly, lowering his hose.

"I, um- my tires flat...this was the closest shop."

"Oh I'll uh, I'll get my dad."

"He went to get takeout for dinner." Quinn informed him awkwardly.

"Oh," Kurt said, suddenly feeling extremely sick. "I guess I'll do it then."

"You, uh...you don't have to, I can just come back."

"It's fine, I'll be back in a minute, I need dry coveralls."

"Do you need me to come with you?" Quinn asked quietly, and Kurt shook his head in response.

Kurt returned a few minutes later in fresh coveralls and somewhat dry. He went straight to replacing Blaine's tire without saying a single word to either him or Quinn. Blaine, however, was transfixed with watching the fifteen year old boy change his tire. They'd known each other for about six months, and dated for most of that, yet the elder teen had never seen Kurt working in his dads shop. He knew that Kurt helped out sometimes, but he didn't know that he was actually really good with cars.

"Blaine?" Kurt asked confusedly. Oh, Kurt had been talking.

"Uh, s-sorry, what?" Blaine asked, being snapped out of his thoughts.

"I said that I'm finished..." Kurt said slowly.

"Oh...thank you."

"You're welcome." Kurt replied, trying to smile at the curly haired teen but getting distracted by his father entering the shop.

"Is everything okay here?" Burt asked, walking over to the three teenagers standing awkwardly in the middle of the shop.

"Yeah, I just uh...Blaine had a flat tire so I replaced it for him."

"Okay well I think that Blaine can leave now then." Burt said in a rather intimidating way.

"Yeah, um, thanks again." Blaine said to Kurt before getting into his car and driving away as quickly as possible.

"Are you okay?" Burt asked once Blaine had left.

"I'm fine." Kurt said quietly, wiping his hands on the coveralls.

"I'm sorry you had to do that, I should've been here."

"Dad, its fine. I'm okay, I promise."

"Okay," Burt sighed. "You two are a mess, go into the back and clean up then we can eat."

"What took you so long!?" Rachel asked in an accusing tone when she opened the door for Blaine.

"Hi to you too Rachel," Blaine greeted sarcastically.


"I had a flat tire." Blaine sighed.

"Why do I feel like there's more to the story?"

"The only shop within walking distance was Kurt's dads and his dad wasn't there when I arrived so Kurt had to replace it for me."

"Oh god, Blaine," Rachel groaned, sitting next to her best friend on the sofa in her living room.

"I know. I said that I'd come back but he basically insisted on doing it."

"Is he okay?"

"I think so...he was acting kind of weird though. His dad definitely hates me."

"Can you really blame him?"

"No, I hate me too."

"I think you're being a little melodramatic, Blaine." Rachel replied.

"Am I? You didn't see him Rach. One minute he's laughing and messing around with Quinn and then he sees me and his face just drops."

"Well what did you expect? You broke up with him completely out of the blue, what did you expect to happen?"

"I can't do this anymore Rachel," Blaine cried, throwing himself backwards on the sofa. "I can't live without him, I just...I don't know what I'm supposed to do."


"I swear to god, Rachel Berry, if you tell me one more time I need to give him time I will literally slap you," Blaine threatened. "I-I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Rachel replied, pulling Blaine into a hug. "What I was going to say was you need to try and talk to him. I know that it'll be hard getting him to listen but nothing is gonna happen, good or bad, if you don't talk about it."

"I tried, remember? I had a chance to tell him why and I couldn't say anything."

"So figure out what it is you want to say and then speak to him."

"What if he won't listen?"

"Then at least you know you tried."

"You okay?" Quinn asked later that night when she and Kurt had returned to their positions from earlier that evening; Quinn sitting on one side of the small sofa with Kurt's head in her lap.

"Yeah I just...I'm so confused."

"About what?"

"When I saw Blaine, I didn't feel...angry anymore. It's usually really hard to see him because I've been trying so hard to hate him for hurting me but now I just feel exhausted. I'm tired of being angry and hating what he did to me...I'm just exhausted."

"So what exactly does that mean?"

"I have no idea to be honest. I still miss him like crazy."

"I know you do," Quinn said, placing a gentle kiss to Kurt's forehead. "Do you think maybe you should try talking to him?"

"What's the point? He's obviously not going to tell me anything."

"Uh...that may not be entirely true." Quinn said, staring intently at her phone.

"What are you talking about?" Kurt asked curiously.

"I just got a text from Rachel; she said Blaine wants to talk to you if you're ready."


"You don't have to, Kurt."

"I want to, I need to know why. I just don't think my dad will let me."

"You don't think I'll let you do what?" Burt asked, walking into the living room.

"Talk to Blaine..." Kurt said nervously.

"Hell no," Came Burt's instant response.

"Please, Dad," Kurt pleaded. "I need a reason and I think he's actually willing to give me one now. Plus Quinn and Rachel will be there, please?"

"Fine," Burt huffed. "But if he hurts you anymore than he already has I will not be held responsible for my actions.

"Thank you." Kurt sighed, enveloping his father in a hug.

"I told Rachel, she said he's at her house, I know the way."

"Okay, I just need to get my jacket."

"Blaine, I've told you this a million times, your pacing makes me nauseous, stop it!" Rachel demanded.

"I'm sorry I'm just nervous."

"I'd have never guessed," Rachel deadpanned. "They're here," She said, looking out of the window. "And Blaine, don't do or say anything stupid."

"Hey." Quinn greeted as Rachel opened the door.

"Hey, he's upstairs," Rachel said, leading the two friends up the stairs. "Kurt, we'll be in the room across the hall if you need us, okay?"

"Thanks," Kurt replied, entering Rachel's bedroom nervously. "Hey."

"Hi." Blaine sighed, still a little shocked that Kurt even agreed to talk to him.

"So you said you wanted to talk..." Kurt prompted, sitting opposite Blaine on Rachel's bed.

"Kurt, I'm sorry."

"And I believe you," Kurt said honestly. "But I need a reason, Blaine. It's driving me crazy not knowing why you did this. We were fine and then...why?"

"Because I'm an idiot," Blaine started. "I had this stupid dream about you being here by yourself once I left and then I started over thinking like I do with everything and I realised that by being with you while not actually...being with you for three years wasn't fair on you and that you should be able to live your life and not have to worry about me or us constantly and instead of talking to you about it I freaked out and...Here we are."

"You jerk," Kurt said quietly, gradually getting louder as he stood up from the bed and started full on screaming at Blaine. "How dare you decide what's best for me!?"

"Kurt, I-I,"

"Don't. Don't you dare give me another stupid apology or some dumb explanation that doesn't mean anything. You don't get to decide what's best for me, Blaine! Do you know how much I've cried over you in the past three weeks? A hell of a lot, and you just decided that hurting me more than anyone has ever hurt me in my life would be better than facing reality!? How dare you make that decision for me!?"

"Kurt, I'm so sorry." Blaine said honestly. They were both crying now; never ending tears streaming down both of their faces for two completely different reasons.

"Stop apologising! You can say sorry an infinite amount of times and it will never make up for this, don't you get that!?"

"What am I supposed to do, Kurt? I told you what you wanted to know and it's just made everything worse. I don't know how I'm supposed to fix this!" Blaine cried.

"You can't! You can't just fix this Blaine, it's not that simple! You really hurt me; you can't just give me a reason and expect everything to be okay again!"

"Kurt, please! I need you; I need to make this better!"

"Just...just leave me alone Blaine." Kurt said, walking backwards towards the door.

"Please," Blaine pleaded, crying harder and harder every second.

"I can't do this, Blaine. I need space just... please stay away from me." And with that, he left the room, leaving a devastated and broken hearted Blaine behind.


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