Everything Will Fall To Pieces
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Everything Will Fall To Pieces: Missing.

K - Words: 2,238 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Jul 23, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
126 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I'm sorry *cries* Please review!

Almost a whole week had gone by and Blaine and Kurt hadn't spoken. Kurt was still sick but he was in school because he claimed that staying in bed would only make him worse. He'd also made ignoring Blaine seem like the easiest thing in the world, even though it was killing him inside.

"I can't take this anymore Quinn," Kurt groaned on Thursday while he and Quinn were at lunch. "I go to his house every Thursday and I just...I miss him."

"I know you do." Quinn replied sincerely, reaching across the table to hold her best friends hand.

"I'm sorry I'm being such a pain it just still really hurts."

"Don't apologise, Kurt. I don't care if all you do is cry and complain about missing Blaine for the next month...well, no, I do because I don't want to see you hurting like that for a whole month, but the point is you're my best friend and I want to be here with you through this, okay?"

"Thank you."

"Shut up," Quinn laughed.

"Blaine, watching him isn't going to help anyone," Rachel said as Blaine stared intently at Kurt and Quinn eating their lunch. "It's also really creepy."

"I can't figure out if I made the right decision."

"Of course you didn't, you idiot!" Rachel replied way too loudly, smacking Blaine on the back of the head.

"Firstly, ouch," Blaine started, turning to face Rachel. "Secondly, do you mind being a little quieter? More than half of the cafeteria are staring at us now, Kurt included."

"Sorry, moron," Rachel said, patting Blaine on the top of the head.

"Stop!" Blaine groaned, batting Rachel's hand away. "Anyway, how do you know I didn't make the right choice?"

"Because you're both miserable, Blaine. I didn't know Kurt that much before you two started dating but he always seemed to light up when you were around and you...you just stared at him like a lovesick puppy all day, I've honestly never seen you that happy before. Now he looks like he's going to burst into tears at any given moment, and he has several times and you're just feeling sorry for yourself."

"I miss him so much, Rach. I've screwed up probably the best thing that's ever happened to me haven't I?"

"Maybe not permanently, he may be hurt but he still loves you. Give him time and then talk to him."

"How much time though? It's killing me, Rachel. I feel like a part of me is missing and I can't do anything to get it back."

"Please come?" Quinn pleaded, pouting at Kurt.

"I don't know if I can, Quinn. It's hard enough seeing him in the hallways; I don't think I can sit in Glee for an hour with him being just a few seats away."

"You're never gonna feel better if you keep avoiding him, Kurt. If it gets too much then we'll leave, please just try for me?" And now she was batting her eyelashes.

"Fine," Kurt groaned. "I hate you."

"You love me," Quinn laughed, linking her arm with Kurt's as they made their way to Glee club.

"Blaine! You said you had something to sing for us?" Mr Schue announced, just as Kurt and Quinn were walking inside.

"No no no no no, Quinn I can't do this." Kurt mumbled, looking pleadingly at his best friend.

"Uh, y-yeah," Blaine stuttered, noticing Kurt's presence.

"Yes you can," Quinn whispered, hugging Kurt who was physically shaking now. "Come on." She said, taking his hand and leading him over to the seats farthest from where Blaine was previously sitting.

"I feel sick," Kurt said quietly as the music began to play.

"Breathe." Quinn reminded him. Oh yeah, breathing was a thing he was supposed to do...

So many things
To do and say
But I can't seem
To find my way
But I wanna know how
I know
I'm meant
For something else
But first
I gotta find myself
But I don't know how

Oh, why do
I reach for the stars
When I don't have wings
To carry me that far?

I gotta have
Roots before branches
To know who I am
Before I know
Who I wanna be
And faith
To take chances
To live like I see
A place in this world
For me

Kurt was literally crying now, yet he couldn't stop staring at Blaine.

I don't wanna feel

And forget the pain
Is real

Put my head
In the clouds

Oh, start to run
And then I fall

I can't get it all
Without my feet
On the ground

There's always a seed
Before there's a rose
The more that it rains
The more I will grow

I gotta have
Roots before branches
To know who I am
Before I know
Who I wanna be
And faith
To take chances
To live like I see
A place in this world
For me

Whatever comes
I know how to take it
Learn to be strong
I won't have to fake it
Oh, you're understandin'
The wind can come
And do its best
Blow me north, and south,
East and west
But I'll still
Be standing
I'll be standing

If I have
Roots before branches
To know who I am
Before I know
Who I'm gonna be
And faith
To take chances
To live like I see
A place in this world

I gotta have
Roots before branches
To know who I am
Before I know
Who I wanna be
And faith

To take chances
And live like I see
A place in this world
For me

I gotta have
Roots before branches

Everyone in the room began to clap except Kurt. "I can't do this." Kurt cried before running out of the room.

"Kurt!" Blaine exclaimed, running after the younger teen.

"Blaine!" Rachel all but shouted, running after her best friend as Quinn ran after hers, calling out Kurt's name.

"Blaine, don't." Rachel warned once she and Quinn had caught up with the boys.

"Why?" Kurt said quietly, back facing Blaine as tears continued to pour down his cheeks.


"Why? Why did you do it?" Kurt asked, gradually getting louder.

"I-I..." Blaine couldn't get the damn words out of his mouth. He had a chance to fix everything that he broke and nothing would come out.

"Why would you hurt me like that, Blaine?"

"I didn't do it to hurt you!" Blaine exclaimed suddenly.

"Blaine." Quinn warned.

"Then why?" Kurt cried, turning round to face the elder teen. "Why won't you give me an explanation? This week has been like hell for me. I have no idea why you broke up with me, I don't know if I did something wrong or...please just tell me why?"

"You didn't do anything wrong, Kurt. I just...ugh!" And that's when Kurt broke. He fell against one of the lockers, sinking to the floor as his eyes became flooded with never ending tears and heartbreaking sobs wracked his body.

"Kurt," Quinn said gently, rushing to Kurt's side only to be pushed away.

"Leave me alone, just go away." Kurt said, his words being muffled from where he was burying his face in his arms.

"I'm not going anywhere, Kurt. Remember when I said I'd be there for you through this all? I meant it," Kurt only began to cry harder as the blonde teen wrapped her arms around him. What Kurt didn't know was that Blaine was completely frozen to his spot, silent tears making their way down his face. "I'm sorry I made you come, this was a stupid idea."

"I just wanna go home." Kurt mumbled.

"I'll take you, come on." Quinn replied, easing him off the floor but as soon as Kurt was fully standing his stomach began to wretch.

"I'm gonna be sick." Kurt all but groaned, grabbing his stomach as Quinn exclaimed 'BATHROOM!" before ushering him down the hallways and into the girls' bathroom where he proceeded to vomit into one of the toilets while Quinn rubbed his back gently.

"You okay?" Quinn asked when Kurt was finished.

"I'm a mess." Kurt replied, shaking his head before wiping at his mouth with a tissue.

"I have some water in my bag you can drink, and then I'll take you home," Quinn said, taking Kurt's hand and leading him back to the lockers they were previously at before unzipping her bag and taking out a bottle of water, both of them ignoring Blaine sitting against the lockers opposite them. "Ready?" She asked Kurt, who nodded and gripped her hand a little tighter. She began to lead Kurt outside but turned around before they got there. "I hope you're happy with yourself." She said to Blaine before taking Kurt out of the school building and back home.

"What the hell happened?" Burt exclaimed, all but marching into Kurt's room where he was hushed by Quinn who gestured to the sleeping boy in her arms. He sighed before speaking again. "Is he okay? Mr Schuester called me and said Kurt ran out of Glee crying and he could hear some shouting in the corridor."

"I asked Kurt to come to Glee because I thought it might make him feel better but Blaine was singing this song and Kurt ran out crying. Blaine followed him and Kurt asked him like, five times why he broke up with him but he wouldn't give him an answer then Kurt started crying even more then he threw up in the bathroom before I brought him home."

"When I first met Blaine, he promised he wouldn't hurt Kurt and I trusted him, I knew it was a stupid idea to send him back to school, especially because he's still obviously sick," Burt said, shaking his head. Quinn was about to reply when Kurt began to whimper in his sleep. "Will you be okay here by yourself? I'm needed back at work and I've already missed loads of time this week."

"I'll be fine, promise." Quinn smiled.

"Okay. Look after him." Burt said before leaving his son's bedroom

"I will."

Quinn was beginning to get worried about Kurt now. He'd been whimpering in his sleep for about an hour now, which she'd always be able to stop by hugging him closer or carding her fingers through his soft hair but she'd only really become worried when Kurt began to thrash around. Quinn figured he must be having a nightmare, but it still scared her to see her best friend acting like this, especially in his sleep. The blonde teen was trying to calm him down when Kurt suddenly sat up with a jolt, very awake and very frightened. He was visibly shaking, his breathing was become laboured and silent tears were rolling down his cheeks.

"I can't breathe." Kurt said scrambling out of bed and running downstairs so that he could go outside for some fresh air.

"Kurt!" Quinn called after him, chasing him up the stairs and out of the front door. When she got there Kurt was sitting on the grass at the front of his house with his arms wrapped protectively around his legs as he tried to breathe. "Hey, what's wrong?" Quinn asked gently, Kurt just shook his head in response and began to rock back and forth. "Kurt, I think you're having a panic attack," Quinn said, trying to stay calm as freaking out would only make it worse. "Kurt, look at me," She said, taking Kurt's hands into her own. "Hey, shh, breathe," She continued, rubbing Kurt hands gently. Kurt only began to cry harder when it became increasingly difficult for him to breathe. "Why isn't this working!?" Quinn cried before recollecting herself to help the frightened boy in front of her. "I'll be back in two seconds," Quinn said softly before running into the house as fast as she could. She hated leaving Kurt out there by himself like that but there was no one else to help her. She quickly grabbed a glass and filled it with water before running back outside. "Here, drink this but slowly because you're shaking like a leaf," Quinn said when she returned and handed Kurt the glass, slightly helping him drink it because he was inches away from spilling the whole glass down him. When Kurt was finished Quinn sat directly in front of him and took his hands again. "You need to breathe before you make yourself sick again. Just copy me okay? Slowly," She said, taking deep breaths and watching as Kurt's breathing began to become normal again. "Oh thank god. Are you okay?"

"How did you know what to do?" Kurt asked, still sounding a little out of breath and definitely still shaking and crying.

"I've read about panic attacks before." Quinn explained.

"Thank you," Kurt said and suddenly Quinn had a lap full of shaking teenage boy as Kurt literally climbed onto her and enveloped his best friend in a hug. "That was petrifying."

"I'm just glad you're okay, you freaked me out a bit there."

"I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's not your fault," Quinn assured him. "But I'd really appreciate it if we could go back inside because it's absolutely freezing out here."

"Sorry!" Kurt laughed. "I just needed air and I panicked."

"Stop apologising!" Quinn insisted, dragging Kurt inside.

"Sorry! No wait, I..."

"You idiot," Quinn laughed, hugging her best friend again, just because.


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