Everything Will Fall To Pieces
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Everything Will Fall To Pieces: Gone.

K - Words: 2,035 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Jul 23, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
132 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review! :D

Later that night found Kurt with his head resting on Quinn's chest as he wished desperately that the hole that'd been ripped into his heart would disappear.

"Kurt, you're gonna make yourself sick if you don't stop crying." Quinn said as gently as she could.

"I just don't understand why," Kurt cried, fisting Quinn's pyjama top. "What did I do wrong!?"

"You didn't do anything, Kurt!"

"Then why? Why is he making me hurt like this?"

"Oh Kurt," Quinn practically cooed, pulling the boy impossibly closer to her. "I don't know. I wish I did, but I have no idea."

"The worst part is that I can't even hate him for it. He's ripped my heart to shreds and I can't even hate him."

"Of course you can't hate him; you're in love with him."

"I can't stand not knowing why he's done this, I feel like I can't breathe."

"I know, honey, I know." Quinn comforted, kissing her best friend gently on his head.

Things at Rachel's house were going much differently, however...

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Rachel all but screamed. Blaine was curled up in a ball on Rachel's bed, sobbing silently.

"Stop yelling at me." Blaine said quietly.

"I'm not gonna stop yelling at you until you explain why you've acted like such an idiot!"

"Do you think that it was easy for me!?" Blaine shouted suddenly. "I love him Rachel! I didn't want to break up with him but I had to!"

"Had to? Blaine you didn't have to do anything! You're such an idiot!"

"Do you have any idea how hard it would've been to leave him for three years!? I can't do that to him, he needs to live without being attached to me."

"So you thought you'd just break his heart instead? You're too much of a coward to say goodbye so you decided to break that poor boys heart into a million pieces? He's a mess, Blaine! He could barely form coherent words before I left."

"I already feel like crap about it Rachel, stop trying to make me feel guilty!"

"You should feel guilty, Blaine!" Rachel exclaimed, coming closer to the curly haired teen. "He loves you with every fibre of his being and you've completely broken his heart!"

"God, Rachel, I get it okay!? I know that I've hurt him! But have you even thought about the fact that this is hurting me to!? You're my best friend for crying out loud, you haven't asked once if I'm okay!"

"I'm sorry," Rachel sighed, sitting down next to Blaine. "I know that this is hurting you too, you love him just as much. I just...I took you there to talk to him and the next thing I know is he's crying his eyes out so hard and clinging to his best friend like his life depends on it, I've never seen anyone look so devastated. I'm sorry that I've just been shouting to you about how much of an idiot you are, I just saw how upset he was and it broke my heart."

"I'm so stupid!" Blaine cried, falling into Rachel's open arms.

"That you are." Rachel agreed.

"I'm just gonna go home," Blaine sighed, wiping the tears from his eyes. "I need to be by myself right now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I just need to think."

"Okay, but I'm taking you, you're wrecked and I don't want anything happening to you."

Around three hours later, Kurt had finally drifted to sleep. Quinn, however, was still wide awake. She laid there with her best friend's head resting on her as she carded her fingers gently through his hair. Her best friend who had just got his heart ripped out by the boy that he loved more than anything.

Quinn was brought out of her thoughts when she heard an insistent knocking on her door. Detangling herself from the sleeping boy as softly as she could and trying her hardest to ignore the whimper he let out, Quinn finally managed to get off her bed and began to creep downstairs. She knew that she had made a mistake as soon as she opened the door.

"Go away Blaine."

"Quinn, please just let me talk to him." Blaine pleaded.

"He's asleep, which is a miracle to be completely honest with you, and even if he wasn't I wouldn't let you anywhere near him."

"I need to see him!" Blaine cried.

"Which part of he's sleeping do you not understand?" Quinn hissed. "I don't know what is going on inside your head right now but what I do know is that my best friend in the entire world spent the last three hours crying himself to sleep because of you, I..."

"Blaine," Kurt said quietly from behind Quinn.

"Kurt, please let me explain!"

"Go home, Blaine. I don't want to talk to you." Kurt practically whispered.

"Please, I need to explain."

"I said I don't want to talk to you," Kurt said firmly. "Now please go away."

"I..." Blaine was taken aback. He'd never seen Kurt like this; looking so small yet so sure of what he was saying. It frightened him a little to be honest, he had brought that side of Kurt out. "I'm sorry."

"Goodbye Blaine." Kurt said as Quinn shut the door.

"Are you okay?" Quinn asked once the door was shut. Kurt just shook his head in response and ran back upstairs as he began to cry again. "Kurt!" Quinn called, chasing him up the stairs just as he locked himself in the bathroom. "Kurt?" Quinn said softly, knocking on the door where she could hear heartbreaking sobs coming from inside. "Please let me in, Kurt."

Quinn was waiting outside the bathroom for at least five minutes before Kurt opened the door, letting his best friend inside before all but collapsing into her arms. "Shh, it's okay," Quinn comforted, sitting on the cold tile floor and leaning against the bathtub while holding Kurt as close as possible. "I know you said you want to stay and it's also like, two in the morning but I'm calling your dad, you need him right now Kurt."

"I've lost him, Rach." Blaine sobbed over the phone when he returned home that night.

"Blaine, what did you do?"

"I-I went to explain and h-he..."

"You idiot!"

"Stop y-yelling, please," Blaine cried. "He h-hates me, Rachel."

"I'm pretty sure he couldn't hate you even if he tried."

"He wouldn't even t-talk to m-me, I've screwed everything up h-haven't I?"

"Give him time, Blaine."

"I c-can't, I need him." Blaine replied before erupting into nothing but sobs.

"Don't fall asleep, I'm coming over."

"Thank you." Blaine choked out before ending the call.

"I think your dad's here," Quinn said, referring to the knocking she could hear against the door downstairs. "I'll go answer it while you get your stuff okay?" Kurt nodded in response and started to shove his stuff back in his bag.

"Hey," Quinn greeted when she answered the door to Burt. "He's just getting his stuff; he'll be down in a minute."

"Is he okay?" Burt asked.

"No..." Quinn admitted, shaking her head. "He's a mess."

"Look, tell him I'm in the car, okay?"

"Sure," She said as Burt walked back over to the car and Kurt slowly descended the staircase. "Come here," Quinn said, opening her arms for Kurt who hugged her tiredly. "Call me if you need me okay? I love you."

"I will," Kurt agreed, smiling weakly and wiping a few tears from his eye. "I love you too Quinny." And with that he left her house and made his way over to his dad's car. "Hey daddy," He greeted, slowly sitting in the passenger seat and dragging his bag behind him.

"Are you okay?" Burt asked concernedly, noticing Kurt's puffy red eyes and the tears that were still falling down his cheeks.

"No," Kurt replied, shaking his head as his father pulled him into a hug. "H-he came to Quinn's house a little while ago and wanted to explain but I told him to leave me alone...that was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do."

"Oh Kurt, I'm sorry you have to go through this." Burt said honestly.

"Please just take me home." Kurt cried into his dads shoulder.


By the time Monday morning rolled around, Blaine had finally gained the strength to drag himself out of bed long enough to go to school, even if he did almost fall asleep in most of his lessons. The one thing he did really notice, however, was that Kurt hadn't shown up.

"Quinn!" Blaine called, running after Quinn when he spotted the blonde haired teen walking away from her locker.

"What do you want?" Quinn sighed, turning around to face Blaine.

"Is he okay?"

"I don't even know how to answer that to be completely honest..."

"I do care you know."

"Then why, Blaine? Why did you do this to him?"

"Because I...I don't know."

"Exactly," Quinn said, about to turn away and leave but turning back quickly to add, "And by the way he's not in school because he's sick, not because of you."

"Oh." And with that, Quinn was gone.

"Dad I'm fine," Kurt croaked. "I don't need a babysitter, you can go to work."

"Kurt you're not fine. You cry yourself to sleep every night and still only sleep for about three hours at a time, you're an absolute mess and you're also sick so I'm sorry if I'm not comfortable leaving you here by yourself. I left one of the guys in charge and I'll just go later when Quinn gets here okay?"

"Okay," Kurt agreed reluctantly. "Can I have some more ice cream please?" He asked sweetly.

"I still don't think it's healthy for you to be eating this much ice cream." Burt replied, but took Kurt's bowl and went to refill it anyway.

"Thank you daddy," Kurt said when Burt returned with a full bowl of ice cream. Kurt had just begun eating it when he and his dad heard the doorbell from upstairs.

"That should be Quinn, I'll go get it."

"Quinn?" Kurt asked quietly when he heard his bedroom door opening.

"Hey," Quinn said softly, entering the bedroom and closing the door tightly. "How do you feel?"

"Physically, like crap. Emotionally...like crap." Kurt admitted.

"Scoot over," Quinn instructed, nudging Kurt over so she could climb into his bed next to him and envelope him in a hug. "I'm sorry. I know it's not my fault before you say that," She said, eliciting a small laugh from Kurt. Well, that was something. Although it was barely audible, that was the first time Kurt had laughed all weekend, and it was real. "But I still feel bad; everything sucks for you at the moment."

"Thank you Quinny," Kurt sniffed, beginning to cry for the umpteenth time that day.

"For what?" Quinn asked, wiping gently at the tears that were running down Kurt's pale cheeks.

"For looking after me, for making sure that I'm okay and for...just everything really. I mean Saturday, you were the only thing that got me through that, and yesterday you spent your whole day watching crappy movies with me and comforting me when I started crying and you're still spending your free time here even though you're probably gonna catch whatever I have and I've soaked your clothes more than once with my tears. You truly are the best friend ever."

"Aw, Kurt," Quinn cooed, hugging the boy who was now trembling. "Of course I'm still here. You're my best friend and I know that if I was in your position right now you'd do the exact same thing for me. I love you, doofus." She said, ruffling Kurt's already messy hair.

"I love you too Quinny," Kurt replied, smiling his first real smile in days. "And I know you really do love me because you've stopped fighting the nickname." He teased.

"Ugh," Quinn groaned, rolling her eyes. "I see someone is becoming himself again."

"Maybe, but I still expect you to hold me while I cry and eat ice cream all night."



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