Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
Kurt awoke one sunny Saturday to a series of kisses being peppered over random places on his face; his eyes, forehead, nose, cheeks and lips. He slowly fluttered his eyes open and smiled up at the boy hovering over him.
"Hi," Blaine said, leaning forward so that his forehead and nose were bumping with Kurt's.
"Hi," Kurt replied, nuzzling his nose against the elder teens. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, unless I'm mistaken we've officially been together for five months."
"Seriously, it's been five months already!?" Kurt exclaimed suddenly.
"Indeed it has," Blaine confirmed, laughing as his boyfriend before kissing him lovingly on the nose. "Now go get ready, I have plans."
"What plans?"
"Not telling."
"Blaaaiineee," Kurt whined.
"The quicker you get ready the quicker you can find out." Blaine pointed out.
"Ugh, fine," Kurt groaned. "Get off me, I can't get up." Kurt laughed, squirming under Blaine.
"Okay," Blaine laughed, pressing one final kiss to Kurt's lips. "Go make yourself look even cuter than you do right now."
"Dork," Kurt said, giggling at the elder teen.
"Get ready!" Blaine insisted, but couldn't stop the adoring smile that plastered his face.
"Why do you have one of my scarves?" Kurt asked curiously as they left Kurt's house that morning.
"Do you trust me?" Blaine questioned in response and Kurt didn't think twice before nodding. Kurt scrunched his face up in confusion as the older teen started to step closer to him and straighten the scarf out.
"Blaine...what are you doing?"
"Well I want this to be a surprise and unless you're blindfolded it's going to be pretty obvious what we're doing so..." Blaine explained nervously.
"Fine," Kurt huffed out after a few moments of hesitation. "But if you take me somewhere to murder me or something I promise I will haunt you forever."
"I believe you." Blaine laughed.
"Are we there yet?" Kurt asked. It seemed that Kurt had become very fond of that question once they were no more than ten minutes into their journey.
"No," Blaine laughed. "Stop acting like a five year old and wait, we're almost there I promise."
And Blaine was right; they arrived at their destination a few minutes later.
"Okay, you can take your blindfold off now." Blaine said nervously as Kurt eagerly untied the scarf that was wrapped firmly around his eyes. When the scarf was removed and Kurt had successfully opened his eyes, he almost gasped at how perfect the sight before him was.
"Blaine, I..." Kurt said, stunned.
"I thought we could recreate our first date."
"How did you even set this all up?" There was a huge blanket sprawled across the floor with different snacks over it; just like their first date. They were in a different location to their first date however.
"I may or may not have recruited Quinn and Rachel to do it for me."
"Where are we?" Kurt asked, finally looking up from the picnic to his boyfriend.
"We're in the same park it's just a more private part."
"Blaine, this is amazing. Thank you." Kurt said sweetly.
"You're welcome." Blaine said, closing the space between him and Kurt with a kiss.
"So, I have another surprise..." Blaine announced once they finished eating lunch.
"I remember before we were together you said you'd love to do this with someone so I bought these." Blaine said, pulling two bowls from the picnic basket; one filled with strawberries and the other filled with melted chocolate.
"Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed, half excited and half incredulous. "I can't believe you remembered that."
"And I can't believe you're blushing," Blaine laughed. "Do you want any strawberries?"
"Yes, I just- ugh. I love you." Kurt groaned.
"You say that like it's a bad thing." Blaine said, raising an eyebrow while letting out a small giggle.
"Never," Kurt replied, gasping and placing his hand against his chest in mock surprise.
"Okay, so if I remember correctly," Blaine began as Kurt hid his face in his hands. "You said, and I quote, 'I'd love to just lie in the middle of a field while someone fed me chocolate covered strawberries.'"
"What do you do, write down everything I say in a notebook or something?" Kurt laughed.
"No, but that sounds like a good idea."
"That's me," Blaine said, saluting at his boyfriend. "Anyway, we're doing this properly so lie down."
"I'm really glad that we're in a private part of the park because I would be so embarrassed right now." Kurt said, lying back on the blanket that was made ten times more comfortable by the soft grass beneath it.
"Oh hush, you're blushing anyway," Blaine replied, taking a strawberry from one of the bowls and covering it in a generous amount of chocolate before hovering the fruit over his boyfriend's mouth. Kurt gratefully opened his mouth and took a bite of the strawberry, letting out a hum of approval while Blaine ate the remainder of the chocolate covered fruit. "Good?" Blaine asked the boy who was lying on the ground beneath him.
"Mhm," Kurt replied happily, keeping his eyes closed. Blaine took that moment to lean down further and place a gentle kiss to the younger teen's lips before coating another strawberry in chocolate and repeating the process.
The two boys continued like that for a while; feeding each other fruit and stealing occasional kisses. Kurt was lying contently on the picnic blanket with his eyes shut, and Blaine dipped his finger into the chocolate before smearing it across his boyfriend's nose.
"Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed, eyes shooting open when he felt the chocolate come into contact with his skin. "Get it off me!"
"As you wish," Blaine replied, laughing slightly as he leaned down and kissed his boyfriends nose; ridding it of the chocolate that was smothered across it.
"What are you doing?" Kurt asked incredulously.
"Getting the chocolate off," Blaine laughed, pulling back.
"Ew," Kurt winced, scrunching his nose as he pulled himself into a sitting position and reached for a tissue to wipe the rest of the chocolate from his nose. "You're so weird."
"You love me." Blaine retorted.
"Unfortunately I do." Kurt shrugged.
"Hey!" Blaine exclaimed, tackling Kurt back to the ground and tickling him senseless.
Blaine was attacking his boyfriend for a good five minutes before he gave up; he sat up slightly, still hovering over Kurt, and the sight he saw in front of him made him fall even harder for the younger teen. Kurt was still lying on the blanket, chest heaving as he continued to laugh and try to catch his breath while one arm was thrown over his eyes to block the sunlight. Blaine interlaced his fingers with Kurt's and slowly bought his arm back down to his side as he leaned forward to Eskimo kiss his boyfriend.
"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" Blaine asked, smiling at the adorable grin that spread across the younger teens face.
"Hm, I may have an idea." Kurt replied, squeezing Blaine's hand.
"You're amazing." Blaine said truthfully, nudging his nose against Kurt's.
"You're not so bad yourself."
"I mean it," Blaine said. "You're incredible, Kurt."
"Why are you being so sentimental all of a sudden?" Kurt asked curiously. "Don't get me wrong I like it, but it's not like you unless I'm upset or something."
"Because it just hit me that I'm falling harder and harder for you every second of every day, I love you so much."
"Blaine," Kurt practically cooed, smiling sweetly at the elder teen. "I love you too."
"Good, because I think I'd die if you didn't," Blaine replied, leaning down to kiss his boyfriend. "So what do you want to do now?"
"Well kissing you sounds like a pretty good way to spend my time." Kurt replied almost instantly.
"Then who am I to argue?" Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt sweetly once again.
Those two simple kisses turned into several more and before either boy knew it, they were full on making out; thank god Blaine chose to have this picnic in an area where nobody would be around.