Everything Will Fall To Pieces
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Everything Will Fall To Pieces: Stitched.

K - Words: 2,005 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Jul 23, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
125 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review, thank you!:)

"Are you okay?" Blaine asked while they were patiently waiting for Kurt to be called to see the doctor. "And answer me honestly this time." Kurt took away the cloth that he was holding to his wounded lip and winced at the sting of the material grazing his cut before speaking.

"I'm...overwhelmed. I've hardly slept all weekend, I've cried more than I have since my mum died, my lip is absolutely killing me and once again I'm scared to go into school."

"Kurt, I'm so sorry." Blaine said, not daring to look Kurt in the eye.

"Can we please not talk about this? I promise I will but I just can't now."

"Okay," Blaine agreed. "How's your lip?"

"It stings like hell. Was this cloth supposed to help at all? Because I swear it's just making it worse."

"Well the general idea is to stop your lip from bleeding, is that working?" Blaine asked.

"Not really. Ugh what is taking them so long?" Kurt groaned, throwing his head back into the seat he was sitting on.

"Kurt Hummel?" A doctor asked, stepping out of a small room.

"Finally." Kurt said quietly, getting up to follow the doctor back to the room.

"I'll, um...I'll just be out here."

"Can you come with me? Please? If I do need stitches I really don't want to be by myself."

"Okay." Blaine said, following Kurt's path into the doctor's room.

"It feels like I'm growing another lip." Kurt observed, slurring slightly. He had just gotten four stitches in his lip, making it hard for him to speak properly.

"Lovely," Blaine laughed. "Are you hungry?"

"A little."

"Okay, let's go get some food. I'm also gonna call your dad and tell him what happened."

"Can you call Quinn too please? I want her to know I'm okay but I don't want to talk on the phone like this."

"You know she's going to hear you eventually right?"

"I know but I'll sound worse on the phone."

"You don't even sound that bad, Kurt."

"Whatever," Kurt huffed. "I believe food was promised."

"Stop moaning about your lip and let's go then." Blaine teased.

They decided to go to Breadstix, and Kurt ordered pasta but was crying out in pain every time that he tried to eat.

"Are you okay?" Blaine asked concerned.

"This stings like hell, I can't eat properly." Kurt said, his eyes watery.

"Is the pain medication helping at all?"

"It helped when they finished stitching it but when I talk or eat it feels like someone is stabbing my mouth."

"Can I do anything?"

"Can you...can you just take me home please?" Kurt sighed. "I just want to put my pyjamas on, curl up in bed with Disney movies and ice cream and then sleep until this stupid thing is healed."

"Well, you can curl up in bed with Disney and ice cream but unfortunately you can't sleep until your lip is better, sorry."

When they arrived at Kurt's house, Burt still wasn't home. He'd said he'd be late when he spoke to Blaine on the phone but they had no idea how late he would be.

"Here we are...home sweet home."

"Thank you, Blaine. If you didn't find me I'd probably still be curled up on the floor in the locker room crying my eyes out."

"It's okay."

"Do you um...do you want to come in? I don't know how long my dad is gonna be and I don't really want to be on my own right now."

"If you want me to, I will."

"I do." Kurt said quietly.

"Okay, let's go." Blaine replied, leaving the car and following Kurt to the front door of his house.

"Can you get some ice cream from the freezer and two spoons while I change please?"

"Yeah," Blaine answered, going into the kitchen to grab what Kurt asked for while the younger teen went to his bedroom to change. "Kurt, can I come in?" Blaine asked, knocking on his bedroom door.

"Yeah," Kurt replied and Blaine entered the room. Kurt was curled up in his bed while The Little Mermaid played on his TV. Blaine walked quietly over to the bed and passed Kurt the ice cream and a spoon before hovering awkwardly by the side of his bed. "Thank you. You can sit down you know."

"Right...How's the lip?"

"It's throbbing a little but it's better."


When Burt finally arrived home he went up to Kurt's bedroom to find his son curled up the edge of his bed, deep asleep, while Blaine sat next to his sleeping body watching the TV.

"Hey," Burt greeted. "How is he?"

"He's still a little shaken, and before he fell asleep he complained about feeling sick because he ate too much ice cream," Blaine laughed. "I took him to get something to eat but he couldn't eat properly because of his lip so he ate almost a whole tub of ice cream instead. I think he's okay though."

"Are you two okay?"

"I have no idea," Blaine sighed, looking over at the sleeping boy. "Did he tell you what happened?"

"No, and I have no interest in finding out as long as you find a way to fix it."

"I will." Blaine promised, mostly to himself, before Kurt groaned loudly in his sleep.

"Too loud." The younger teen mumbled, still half asleep.

"Hey," Burt said softly, walking around the other side of the bed to kneel down where his son was. "You okay, bud?"

"Daddy," Kurt cried, suddenly in tears again as he flung himself at his father.

"Hey, shh, it's okay I've got you." Burt comforted, hugging his little boy in an attempt to calm him down.

'I'm gonna go' Blaine mouthed to Burt, who nodded and mouthed back 'Thank you', before silently leaving the room.

The next morning, Burt had called Blaine and asked him to pick Kurt up and take him to school as they younger teen was too scared to be by himself. Of course, Blaine agreed in a heartbeat. When they got to school, they were approached by Rachel.

"Blaine! Why weren't you in Glee yesterday!?" She exclaimed. "And since when did you two make up? Wait, what happened to your lip? Hey what are you..." Blaine dragged the blabbering brunette into the nearest classroom, Kurt following swiftly behind.

"Is it okay if I tell her?" Blaine asked Kurt, who nodded in response. "When I went into the locker room yesterday I found Kurt on the floor crying, somebody had hit him and he cut his lip deeply. I took him to the hospital and they gave him stitches, that's why I wasn't in Glee."

"Oh my god, Kurt! Are you okay?" Rachel asked, another nod from the freshman. Rachel looked at Blaine confusedly and Blaine, seemingly reading her mind, answered the question that was going through her head.

"It hurts when he talks and he slurs slightly so he's trying not to talk." Blaine explained.

"Oh...well I hope you're okay."

"Thanks." Kurt said quietly.

"Well we should probably get you to class so that Quinn can interrogate you to no reply." Blaine said, eliciting a small laugh from Kurt.

"Kurt! Are you okay?" Quinn exclaimed as she sat down next to her best friend in English that morning.

"I've been better, but yeah I'm okay."

"I feel so guilty; you were waiting for me when it happened." Quinn said sadly.

"Hey, it's not your fault. If they didn't do it then it would've happened at another time and Blaine may not have found me." Kurt assured her.

"Speaking of, are you two okay now?"

"We're okay in the sense that we're speaking but we still need to talk, which is really painful for me at the moment, literally."

"I'm just glad he found you."

"Me too, I mean I may be mad at him at the moment but I'm still glad he's the one who found me."

"Do you want to go to Glee after school or do you want me to take you home?" Blaine asked at lunch.

"I was actually hoping that we could go somewhere to talk..."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I think I'm ready now. Plus I'm probably going to lose it if I don't find out what happened."

"Kurt I..."


"Okay. Are you okay to eat? I'm sure they have softer stuff."

"I should be okay; I managed to eat a whole piece of toast this morning. Oh my god I'm going to die of starvation." Kurt groaned.

"You'll be fine." Blaine laughed.

That afternoon, the boys decided to go to Kurt's house to talk as Burt wouldn't be home and they would be free from any interruption.

"Do you want a drink or anything?" Kurt asked when they arrived at his house.

"Um...no, I'm good." Blaine replied awkwardly.

"Okay let's go upstairs then."

When they reached Kurt's bedroom, Kurt sat on his bed while Blaine hovered awkwardly around it.

"Oh my god, you look like I just told you I'm going to show you a trunk full of dead bodies."

"Sorry I'm just..."

"Sit down Blaine," Kurt said and Blaine sat slowly next to Kurt. "So you said 'it wasn't what it looked like' please elaborate because it looked like you were kissing Sebastian to me."

"I didn't kiss Sebastian, he kissed me."

"And it didn't occur to you that you could've pushed him away? Stopped him from doing it?"

"You walked in before I had a chance."

"Are you kidding me? For somebody who supposedly hates Sebastian you seemed to be very reluctant to stop him." Kurt was nearly shouting now and Blaine didn't miss the tear that fell down his face.

"Kurt, I swear to you, I had no idea he was going to kiss me. You walked in and he obviously realised that I was trying to see who walked in so he just did it. I did push him away but you ran out."

"You may have pushed him away but it was after he kissed you Blaine."

"Kurt, listen to me," Blaine started, slowly taking Kurt's hand so that the younger teen had time to pull away if he wanted to. He didn't and Blaine breathed a sigh of relief. "Sebastian doesn't mean a thing to me. I've hated him pretty much my whole life, that hasn't changed. If anything I only hate him more. You're right; I could have pushed him away I just didn't react fast enough. You mean everything to me Kurt," Blaine said truthfully, his heart breaking when Kurt began to cry harder, but continuing nonetheless. "I promise you I would never do anything like that to you, I hate myself for this and I didn't even initiate the kiss. I love you, Kurt. Not Sebastian, not anyone else, I'm yours."

"I'm sorry," Kurt cried, falling into Blaine's arms as the elder teen enveloped him in a hug. "I'm sorry I've been acting like such a child. I should have listened to you as soon as you tried to explain, I should have believed you. I'm exhausted and I feel like everything is falling apart. I love you so much Blaine, I just want everything to go back to normal. I miss you like crazy."

"I miss you too," Blaine said, squeezing Kurt a little tighter as a few tears fell from his eyes. "I know you're exhausted, I'm sorry that the past few days have been so sucky," He said, eliciting a watery laugh from Kurt. "So, are we okay?" Kurt nodded in response.

"I think I'll die if we're not okay, I can't stand arguing with you Blaine."

"Me too, I hate that this had to be our first fight."

"I hate that we had to have a fight at all. Now can we please stop being soppy, I'm sick of crying." Kurt replied, causing Blaine to laugh.

"God, I love you."

"I love you too." Kurt said, sitting up and smiling at Blaine.


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