Everything Will Fall To Pieces
Freshman. Next Chapter Story Series
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Everything Will Fall To Pieces: Freshman.

K - Words: 1,919 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Jul 23, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
124 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review! Muchas gracias!

Kurt had never experienced nerves in this way before. It was his first day at High School and for some reason he was more jittery than he'd been in his entire life. He inhaled sharply as he stepped through the doors to the school. Before him, he could see hundreds, no- probably thousands, of students rushing around, punching locker combinations in and talking rather loudly amongst themselves. 'Well this ought to be fun.' Kurt thought to himself as he ventured further into the building. Following the map he had been sent during the summer, Kurt turned a few corners before he was standing in front of his locker. He checked the combination on the sheet of paper that he shoved in the back of his folder while he was in a rush to leave this morning, and began to type in the code. He was 2 digits in when he felt somebody come crashing into his back, sending him, and his books and folders, flying onto, and across, the floor. He turned around, trying to catch a glimpse of the imbecile who had shoved him over, but they had already gone.

"Woah! Hey, are you okay?" He heard from behind him. He decided against the voice in his head that told him he should turn around, and continued to pick up his books. He was making a grab for the ring binder that all of the papers had floated out of, but the voice got to it before him. The voice also got to all of the scattered papers before him, and placed them carefully inside, before stretching out a hand for Kurt. Kurt accepted gratefully, and used the boy's hand as leverage to get himself off the floor. "I'm Blaine," The voice, or Blaine, said. "Are you okay..."

"Kurt, and yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." Kurt replied, accepting his folder, before turning to his locker and shoving the books inside furiously.

"First day?" Blaine asked knowingly.

"Yeah..though I'm already regretting coming here." Kurt sighed, throwing the rest of his books into his locker and closing the door rather aggressively.

"Don't worry, it'll get better once you get to know the school a little more, I guess."

"I honestly doubt it, but thanks, again."

"It's fine. So, what class you do have first?" Blaine asked, trying to keep conversation flowing with the new kid. The cute new kid, and- no, Blaine, stop thinking.

"English with Mr Peters, which would be awesome if I actually knew where I was going.."

"That's actually on the way to my class, I'll show you, come on." Blaine offered, grabbing Kurt's hand and dragging Kurt half way down the corridor before reluctantly letting go and walking the rest of the way with Kurt slightly behind him.

"So, you're either a junior or a senior. I'd say sophomore, what with your height and all, but you're way too confident to only be in your second year so..." Kurt guessed, trying to contain his laughter but failing miserably after seeing the look of mock offence on Blaine's face.

"Okay, firstly, I am not that short, thank you very much. And secondly, I'm a senior. I don't think even a junior could be as confident as I am about this school to be completely honest with you. I don't even know how I'm this confident about this school.."

"Hm, there must be something clouding your judgement." Kurt laughed, bumping his shoulder with Blaine's.

"Well, here were are, English with Mr Peters. I'll see you at lunch?" Blaine said, trying to make it sound like a question, but secretly hoping that Kurt would go to lunch with him.

"Oh, um..I don't wanna bother you any more than I already have.." Kurt said, as he pulled his bottom lip between worriedly.

"Kurt, you're not bothering me I swear. Do you think I'd have helped you, walked you to class and then invited you to eat lunch with me if you were annoying me?" Blaine said, laughing slightly.

"I- uh..okay?" Kurt stuttered, trying to understand exactly how he made a friend by getting shoved on the floor.

"Good. I'll come get you after class and we can walk together." Blaine smiled.

"Okay," Kurt started before the bell rang. "Well, I, um, don't wanna make you late..or myself late for that matter. I'll see you at lunch."

"See ya Kurt." Blaine said, bringing his hand up to squeeze Kurt's shoulder gently, then walking away.

Kurt's double English period seemed to last forever. Maybe he was a little excited to go to lunch with Blaine...okay, maybe he was really excited to go to lunch with Blaine. Not only was Blaine the first friend that Kurt had made, he was also really cute and even if Blaine was three years older and probably straight, it didn't mean he couldn't appreciate what he looked like. As soon as the bell sounded through the school, everyone in Kurt's English class suddenly jumped out of their seats and rushed towards the door like it was some kind of race. Kurt decided to wait until everyone was safely outside the room to leave, he had already been shoved over once today, and yes, that may have had a good result at the end of it, but he didn't feel like introducing himself to the floor yet again today. As soon as Kurt managed to safely leave the classroom, he saw Blaine standing opposite the door with the adorable smile that he had already seen a few times this morning.

"Hey, sorry I took so long, everyone in that class seems to think their the Usain Bolt." Kurt said apologetically.

"It's okay," Blaine laughed. "I wasn't waiting that long anyway."

"So, I believe you promised lunch?"

"I did indeed, I just need to put some stuff in my locker and then we can go revel in the awesomeness of lunch, okay?"

"Sure." Kurt said after a moment of laughter, and shoved Blaine playfully in the ribs.

They walked the short distance to Blaine's locker in blissful silence, then began to make their way to the cafeteria.

"So, there are a few people that wanna meet you.." Blaine trailed off.

"Oh..um..I'm not really good around..well, people."

"You'll be fine," Blaine comforted, squeezing Kurt's shoulder gently. "I promise, their really nice, and if you're really uncomfortable we can go sit somewhere else. Deal?" Kurt sighed heavily, contemplating his answer for a moment.

"Okay, okay, deal," He said, shaking his head at Blaine's exclamation of 'YAY!' when he agreed.

They stepped through the doors to the cafeteria and Kurt took an audible deep breath. There were people, like, everywhere. The one table that he couldn't take his eyes off of though, was the table of seniors that were waving himself and Blaine over to them. Okay, if he was being completely honest, there were only like, 5 of them, but he was terrified nonetheless.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.." Kurt said quietly, but just loud enough for Blaine to hear him.

"Are you okay? You seem like, really tense."

"I told you, I don't really do well with people."

"Do you wanna go sit somewhere on our own? I can tell them you're not feeling well or something?" Kurt seriously considered Blaine's offer for a moment, before shaking his head slightly.

"No. I said that I'd meet them, and I will. We made a deal remember?"

"Okay, just like, kick me under the table or something if you're uncomfortable and I'll come up with an excuse for why we have to leave." Blaine explained, trying to look nonchalant by waving to his friends at the same time.

"BLAINEERRRRRRRSSSSSS!" A kid with a Mohawk screeched.

"Puck, sit down." A small brunette girl instructed, like he was a dog.

"Um guys, this is Kurt," Blaine said awkwardly, interrupting whatever the hell was previously happening, and saving Kurt from running out of the cafeteria like a scared little girl. "Kurt, this is Puck, Rachel, Tina, Mike and Mercedes."

"Blaine! You didn't tell us he was this cute!" Mercedes exclaimed. Wait, 'this' cute? Blaine called him cute?

"Uh, Mercedes, shut up." Blaine said through gritted teeth, sitting down and motioning for Kurt to sit beside him.

Lunch began to run smoothly after that. Kurt didn't say much, but thankfully Blaine saved him from the embarrassing questions that Puck seemed to ask him every five minutes.

"So what class do you have next?" Blaine asked Kurt, who pulled out his timetable from one of his pockets, once everyone else had left the table.


"Want me to walk you?" Blaine asked next.

"Um, sure." Kurt replied, grabbing his bag and leaving the cafeteria with Blaine.

"So, you seemed pretty interested when Rachel mentioned Glee club earlier.."

"Yeah, well..I love singing, I guess."

"You should join. I mean, it's not exactly the most popular club, and most people think it's stupid, but it's a lot of fun. I also have a hunch that you can sing really well..."

"Hm, maybe." Kurt replied, playing with the straps on his bag.

"Well, we're meeting after school today, why don't you come and see if you like it?"

"It's just..I don't know. You're friends, their.."

"Insane. I know. I promise their not all that bad though. They probably just find it weird that I'm hanging around with a Freshman, but I honestly don't care, you're awesome." Blaine said, bumping shoulders with Kurt when he noticed the other boy's wide grin and the blush that appeared on his cheeks.

"Okay, fine. I'll come, but you have to promise to keep Puck away from me or I swear I will never talk to you again." Kurt teased.

"I promise." Blaine laughed.

"Well..here's my class..."

"Yup..I'll pick you up for Glee club at the end of the day, okay?"

"Are you trying to say you don't trust me to show up on my own or something?"

"Never," Blaine said, feigning offence. "Maybe I just wanna spend more time with you." And with that, he winked and turned away to head to his own class, leaving a blushing Kurt standing by the doorway of his maths class.

"Uh, Mr Schue, this is Kurt. He's a Freshman, he wanted to come and see if he wanted to join." Blaine explained as he and Kurt arrived to the choir room.

"Ah, that's great! Welcome Kurt."

"Thanks." Kurt said quietly and followed Blaine to the back row of seats.

Mr Schue began talking about the assignment for the week: Duets. Suddenly the whole room erupted with wannabe singers arguing over who should sing what with who, while Kurt sat quietly, wondering why he was even here.

"So... you wanna sing a duet with me?" Blaine randomly blurted out, while Kurt was in the midst of thought.

"I- uh..sure?" Kurt stuttered, only half knowing what he was agreeing to, then it hit him. "Wait, I..what if I decide I don't want to stay?"

"Kuuurrtttt," Blaine whined, then pouted. "There are an odd amount of people in this club at the moment, if you don't sing with me I'll be all by myself. You don't want that to happen, do you?"

"Blaine, I- ugh, stop batting your eyelashes. You're so ineffable. Fine, I'll do a duet with you."

"Yay!" Blaine exclaimed, and tackled Kurt into a hug, while Kurt struggled not to fall off the chair.

"Down boy!" Puck shouted, and Blaine grabbed the nearest piece of paper, scrunched it into a ball and threw it, hitting Puck straight in the head.

"So, are you busy after school? My parent's aren't home, we could go to mine and practise?"

"Um, I'll have to call my dad but, yeah that sounds great." Kurt said nonchalantly, trying not to show how excited he was to be going to Blaine's house. Little did he know that Blaine was trying not to show how excited he was to have Kurt come to his house.


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