After All These Years: Missing Moments
Coopers Funeral Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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After All These Years: Missing Moments: Coopers Funeral

M - Words: 1,428 - Last Updated: Aug 11, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Jul 14, 2014 - Updated: Jul 14, 2014
183 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/N: Please let me know if there are any missing moments from the story that youd like to see! :)





"Blaine, baby," Kurt said gently, sitting on the edge of their bed and brushing Blaines curls off his forehead. "You need to have a shower and something to eat."


Blaine opened his eyes and looked up at Kurt with a sad glint in his eyes. "Im not ready to say goodbye yet."


"I know youre not," Kurt sighed. "But you dont have to be there to say goodbye; you can be there to remember and celebrate him."


"Remembering hurts." Blaine said, shutting his eyes again as Kurt softly ran his knuckles across his cheek.


"I really want to help you, I just dont know what you need right now."


Blaine swallowed and opened his eyes again. "Can we take a bath together instead of me taking a shower?"


Kurt smiled softly, leaning down to place a gentle kiss to Blaines forehead. "Of course," he said. "Im gonna go get the twins up and then Ill start running it, okay?"





"How are you doing?" Mia whispered to Mason once Kurt left to wake Melody up.


"I dont know," Mason replied, his voice muffled where his face was pressed up against Mias arm. "I dont want to go today."


"You say that, but youd regret it if you didnt go." Mia pointed out.


"I just dont know if Im going to be able to hold it together."


"You dont have to," Mia assured him. "Nobody is going to blame you if you start crying uncontrollably."


"I just wish Cooper were going to be there," Mason admitted. "I mean, I know hes going to be there, but like...there, there. Hed know exactly how to cheer me up and if I started crying hed wind me up and give me the biggest hug in the world."


"Well," Mia said, looking down at her boyfriend. "I may not be Cooper, and I may not be able to wind you up, but I can promise that Ill try my best to cheer you up and give you the biggest hug in the world if you need it."


Mason sniffled, looking up at Mia and smiling a little. "Thank you."


"Come on," Mia smiled. "Lets get you all handsome."





Melody knocked tentatively at her parents door, creaking it open a little when Kurt called for her to come in.


"Hey baby girl," Kurt said softly from where he was sat on his bed, buttoning up the last couple of buttons on his shirt. "You okay?"


Melody nodded, entering the room and half shutting the door behind her. "I was wondering if you could do my hair for me?" She asked quietly.


"Of course," Kurt smiled, patting the space in front of him for her to sit down.


"Wheres dad?" Melody asked as Kurt began to braid her soft, brown waves.


"I got Wes to take him out for a while," Kurt replied. "He needed the distraction."


Melody swallowed, closing her eyes and clenching her hands into little fists.


"Hey," Kurt said softly once hed secured her hair with a hair bobble. "Are you okay?"


Melody sniffed and shook her head, only begging to cry once she was in Kurts arms with her face hidden in his chest.


"Melon," Kurt sighed, hugging his little girl close. "Baby, how long have you been waiting to let this all out?"


"I was scared to cry in front of daddy," Melody choked out. "When he saw Mason crying he started crying too and then he didnt come out of his room for two days and I -" Melody was unable to continue, her loud sobs wracking her body.


"Oh, sweetheart. I know daddys been a lately, but its just his way of coping. You dont have to be scared to express how you feel around us, okay? Were here to look after you, baby girl, but we cant do that if you arent open with us. And Im sure daddy couldve used a hug from his little girl just as much as you needed one from him."


Melody nodded and pulled away a little, wiping her eyes. "Ive just felt so...I dont know," she hiccupped out. "I feel like everybodys had somebody to look after them; daddy had you and Mason had Mia, and I kind of feel like Ive just been floating around in the middle and I...Ive never been close to him in the same way as daddy or Mason but I miss Cooper so much."


"Melody, you always have me, daddy, Mason and Mia. And of course you miss Cooper, he was your uncle too, baby."


"Im sorry." Melody cried, hiding her face in her hands as a fresh batch of tears hit her.


"Dont be sorry," Kurt said, hugging the seventeen year old. "Just come to us next time youre hurting, or scared, or anything, okay?"


Melody nodded against Kurts shoulder, sniffling loudly.


"And when daddy gets home, I want you to go and give him a huge hug, okay?"


"What if I start crying?"


"Then you start crying," Kurt said simply. "Its okay to cry, baby."


Melody nodded again. "Okay."


"Good," Kurt smiled. "Now stop getting snot on my shirt and let me redo your hair."


Melody laughed a little sitting up and smiling at Kurt, who grabbed a tissue and wiped her eyes and nose clean before taking her now-messy hair out and redoing the braid.





The funeral was beautiful and the family made it through, until they went to Jessicas afterwards. Melody sat downstairs with Blaine and Wes, laughing at the stories he told her about Cooper from before she was born while Kurt talked to some people and Mia and Mason snuck off upstairs.


"You okay?" Mia asked, sitting down on the bed in the guest room while Mason wondered around the room and looked at the different photos of himself, Cooper and Melody when they were kids.


"I...yeah," Mason said. "I think I actually am. Is that weird?" He asked, turning to face his girlfriend.


Mia shook her head. "Theres nothing wrong with anything you feel."


"Its just...hearing everyone tell those nice stories about Cooper and getting to see how many people really loved and appreciated him just...I made me feel better."


Mia smiled at Mason, shuffling towards the back of the bed and holding her hands out towards him. "Come here."


Mason sat down next to the twenty one year old, swinging his legs sideways over hers and cuddling up to her. "Thank you for being here for me." He said, holding Mias hand.


"I love you, you dummy," Mia laughed, cuddling him close. "No matter what happens, Ill always be here for you."


"I love you too," Mason smiled.


"Do you wanna go and see your dads?"


"Can we just stay here for a bit?" Mason asked. "I know I should go and see them but...everything just feels right like this."


Mia pressed a kiss into Masons hair and held him for a little longer. "We dont have to do anything until youre ready to, okay?"


Mason nodded, holding Mias hand a little tighter and closing his eyes.





"How do you feel?" Kurt asked Blaine later that evening, removing his jacket and hanging it back up in their wardrobe.


"Im not sure yet," Blaine admitted. "Ask me in the morning?"


Kurt smiled and cupped Blaines cheek. "Of course."


"Melody told me what happened this morning."


"I feel kind of bad for her," Kurt said, pulling the bed covers back and climbing in next to Blaine. "I see where she was coming from when she said she felt like everyone had someone and she was just floating in the middle, I just wish shed told us and let us know how she was feeling."


"Shes a teenager," Blaine chuckled. "She hides things."


"I know but...she just seemed so broken. She made it seem like she wasnt allowed to be hurt too."


"How are you by the way?" Blaine asked, lying opposite Kurt and reaching out to run his fingers through his soft brown hair. "I feel like youve been so focused on taking care of everyone else that nobodys stopped to see how youre feeling."


"Im okay," Kurt smiled. "I mean, Im sad but...I dont know, I feel like Cooper wouldve wanted us to be glad that he lived at all and that we got to know him, rather than be upset that he didnt get to live as long as we wouldve liked."


"Im glad youre okay," Blaine smiled. "But its okay if you want to cry. I cant promise that I wont cry too, but I can promise that Ill be right here to hold you."


"I know," Kurt replied, a content, loving smile on his face. "I love you so much."


"I love you too." Blaine said, pressing a chaste kiss to Kurts lips before switching the bedside lamp off and snuggling into the sheets, wrapping his arms around Kurt from behind and being the big spoon for the first time in weeks.


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