July 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Warnings for violence (even though Im a big fluffy cloud and its really not that violent because I dont know how to write violence)
"This is useless!" Kurt groaned.
Tuesday night had arrived and Blaine had all but ordered Kurt to get changed into gym clothes as soon as he got home from college, walking with him to the nearest gym with a smile on his face. Theyd been at it for fifteen minutes and as eager and willing Kurt was, he couldnt seem to hit the bag with...well, any force at all.
"Just think of somebody, or something, that makes you really angry. Imagine that its them standing there, not a punching bag hanging from the ceiling."
Kurt closed his eyes and wracked his brain for somebody that he hated...somebody that he completely despised. He thought of Adam, at first, but he didnt really hate Adam, he just wasnt completely comfortable in his presence ever since hed admitted that he had feelings for him.
"I cant think of anything." Kurt said after a few moments.
"Think about...somebody who has teased you or bullied you." Blaine said tentatively, worried that Kurt would hate him for saying it.
Kurt thought of someone almost immediately. That stupid jock who seemed to think he was better than everyone in high school. The one that would shove Kurt into lockers every day without fail, and call him every homophobic name that ever existed.
"Got someone."
"I know," Blaine replied. "I saw it in your posture the second you thought about it."
They went back through the steps Blaine had told him previously and Kurt was once again hitting the punching bag, a lot harder than beforehand. Actually, he was hitting the bag really hard - much to Blaines concern.
"Kurt," He said, trying to get the boys attention. "Kurt, slow down..." Blaine said, being all but ignored by Kurt. He sighed, running his fingers through his sweaty curls before carefully walking up behind Kurt. "Kurt, calm down a little," He said, gently placing his hands on Kurts hips and trying to pull him away from the punching bag. "Youre gonna -" Blaine was cut off by Kurt spinning around in his arms and punching him in the jaw. Hard.
"Blaine! Oh my god!" Kurt exclaimed, his eyes filling with tears when he realised what hed done. "Im so, so sorry!" He cried. "Are you okay?"
Blaine brought a hand up to his jaw, wincing at the sting he felt when he touched it. "Yeah," He hissed. "God, you hit hard."
"Im sorry," Kurt said, biting his lip to stop himself from crying. "I was just..."
"Lost in the moment," Blaine finished for him. "Its okay. I know you didnt mean to hit me."
"Im such an idiot."
"Youre not," Blaine argued. "I know what its like to get lost in the moment, trust me. I probably shouldnt have grabbed you but I knew you were gonna wear yourself out."
"My heart is pounding," Kurt pointed out. "It feels like its gonna come flying out of my chest - and Im not sure if its from adrenaline or hitting you."
"Probably both," Blaine laughed. "Do you want to stop? Ive got some water in my gym bag and we can walk home, itll help you cool off a little."
Kurt nodded, allowing the gentle hand that Blaine placed on his back as he lead him outside and gave him the bottle of water. They began walking back to their apartment once Kurt had remembered how to breathe properly, hand in hand as the cool night air slowed Kurts rapid heart rate down and made him feel significantly better.
"Blaine...something doesnt feel right," Kurt said quietly, glancing around worriedly. "I feel like someones watching us."
Blaine looked around briefly before squeezing Kurts hand gently. "Kurt, you just had a really intense boxing session - considering its your first time - and youre on edge. Theres nothing wrong, okay?"
"Blaine, Im not going crazy!" Kurt shout-whispered.
"I didnt say you were going crazy," Blaine replied calmly. "I just said -"
"You just said that Im imagining things because I tried to murder a punching bag."
"Kurt -" Blaine cut himself off, sighing as Kurt let go of his hand and sped up so that he was in front of him.
Kurt wrapped his arms around his body, feeling sick as silent tears left his eyes. He speed-walked back to the apartment - making sure he was never too far from Blaine - as he felt extremely unsafe. He made sure to wipe his face free of tears before Blaine caught up to him, and entered the apartment immediately after Blaine unlocked it. He headed straight into the bedroom and removed his sweaty clothes, then making his way into their en suite to shower. He changed into a comfy pair of pyjamas and went back into the living room while Blaine showered.
When Blaine was finished with his shower, he found Kurt sitting on the window seat, staring aimlessly out of the window. He sighed quietly, making his way into the kitchen and making two mugs of hot chocolate before going back into the living room.
"Peace offering." Blaine said simply, holding one of the mugs out for Kurt.
Kurt looked up at Blaine with an unreadable expression, taking the hot chocolate from him before pulling his knees up to his chest so that Blaine could sit down.
"Im sorry," Blaine said. "I shouldnt have said what I did."
"Blaine..." Kurt said quietly, staring down at his hot chocolate. "I genuinely felt really unsafe out there. It wasnt adrenaline or whatever. Something wasnt right."
"I believe you," Blaine replied. "I shouldve believed you to begin with - Im sorry."
"What made you change your mind?" Kurt asked.
"When you walked ahead of me I thought I could hear noises every few moments but whenever I looked around nothing was there."
"I still feel unsafe," Kurt admitted, looking up at Blaine through tear-clouded eyes. "I dont know why, I just...I feel really scared and shaken up."
"Kurt," Blaine said sadly, putting his mug on the floor by the bench and taking Kurts from him, doing the same thing. He pulled Kurt over until he was sitting next to him and wrapped him up in his arms, peppering kisses in his hair. "I promise you, were safe. Nobody would try to get into here and even if they did we have an alarm, and my awesome ninja skills."
Kurt let out a choked laugh and Blaine looked down to see he was crying into his shirt. "Youre a boxer," He said, his voice muffled where his face was pressed up against Blaine. "Not a ninja."
"Im not a boxer," Blaine laughed. "I box - theres a difference. Point is, I wouldnt let anybody lay a finger on you. Youre safe. Were safe, okay?"
Kurt nodded, sniffling softly as he brought a hand up to wipe his eyes, sitting up straight. "You have a huge bruise on your face." He pointed out, picking his hot chocolate up off the floor and sipping from it slowly.
"I know," Blaine said, keeping his hand on the small of Kurts back. "I saw it when I went to take a shower."
"Im sorry."
"Its fine," Blaine smiled. "It doesnt hurt anymore. It kinda stung when the shower spray hit it but its okay."
"Im gonna go to bed," Kurt said. "Im exhausted, emotionally and physically."
"Okay." Blaine replied, smiling softly at his boyfriend.
Kurt leaned in to kiss Blaine, holding his hand for a few moments before he pulled away and stood up. "I love you."
"I love you too." Blaine replied, slowly releasing Kurts hand as he walked towards the bedroom.
"Why are you staring out of the window again?" Blaine asked as he sleepily made his way into the living room the next morning.
"Theres a black car out there," Kurt replied, not even glancing at Blaine. "Ive never seen it before, but it was there last night too."
"Kurt...dont kill me, but dont you think youre over-reacting a little?"
"No." Kurt replied simply.
"Kurt," Blaine sighed, tentatively making his way towards his boyfriend and carding his fingers through the back of his hair. "Have you even eaten anything yet today?" Kurt shook his head in reply. "Ill go make you something."
"Ill do it," Kurt interrupted. "Youre gonna be late for work if you dont get ready soon."
"Okay." Blaine replied, kissing the top of Kurts head before making his way back into their bedroom to get dressed. When he was finished he went into the kitchen to say goodbye to Kurt, only to get a sandwich shoved into his hands.
"Breakfast on the go," Kurt smiled, leaning in to press a kiss to Blaines lips. "I love you."
"I love you," Blaine replied, a smile gracing his lips. "Ill see you later."
"Bye." Kurt said softly, smiling sweetly at his boyfriend as he left the kitchen, and then the apartment. He sat down and ate his breakfast before wandering aimlessly around the apartment. He had no idea what to do with himself all day. He and Blaine had already unpacked everything and they had gotten most of the furniture they needed... then again, the sofa and window bench did look a little boring without any cushions, and the wallpaper did look a little too plain for Kurts liking...
He quickly got dressed and made his way out to a department store. He ended up buying a variety of mint blue pillows and white pillows, and he picked out a matching mint blue paint for the walls...he just hoped Blaine was a fan of blue.
Kurt covered all of the furniture in old sheets and began painting the walls, more excited than he thought hed be at the prospect of decorating, but he was giddy with it and couldnt begin fast enough.
He was forced to take a break from his painting when there was a knock on the door. He knew he was covered in paint as he could feel it drying on his skin, but he couldnt be bothered to care how messy he looked as he opened the door. He tried to slam it shut as soon as it was open but he was stopped by none other than Mr Anderson.
"Go away." Kurt said in a strained voice, trying to shut the door despite the foot wedged between it and the wall.
"Look at you, all defenseless without your man here to protect you," Mr Anderson smirked, pushing the door open with ease. "I guess that little boxing session you had last night didnt have the desired impact."
"What do you want?" Kurt asked, stepping backwards and pulling his arms around himself.
"I want my son back, and thats never going to happen with you in the way," Mr Anderson began. "So you need to break up with him."
"Im not breaking up with him," Kurt replied. "And even if I did, hed never go near you again."
"Oh but you are," Mr Anderson retorted. "Because if you dont, I promise youll regret it."
"Im not breaking up with Blaine," Kurt repeated forcefully. "Your threats mean nothing to me."
Kurt let out a choked whine when Blaines father grabbed him by his throat. He wasnt strangling him hard but he was still strangling him and Kurt was having a hard time breathing.
"Break up with him," He said. "Or this wont be the worst that happens to you." And with that he released Kurt and made his way to the door. "And dont even think about telling Blaine about this."
As soon as Blaines dad left the apartment, Kurt crumbled. He ran into the bathroom to throw up after having his air supply all but cut off and curled up into a ball on the floor, crying his eyes out. It took everything in him to get back up, wash his face free of tears and go back into the living room to continue painting.
"Whats going on in here?" Blaine asked as he entered the apartment later that evening, a smile on his face.
"Im decorating," Kurt replied, although that much was obvious. "I got some matching cushions for the sofa too."
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt from behind, resting his chin on the nineteen year olds shoulder while he painted. "I love you." He smiled, pressing kisses to Kurts cheek, making sure he didnt kiss over where there was paint on his face.
Kurt sucked in a breath, turning back a little to smile at his boyfriend. "I love you too."
"Have you been doing this all day?" Blaine asked as he walked towards their bedroom, removing his shirt in the process.
"Pretty much," Kurt replied, speaking louder so that Blaine could hear him. "I thought it looked a little...dull in here."
"You should really take a break." Blaine said suggestively, re-entering the living room in nothing but a vest and boxers.
"I know what youre implying, Mister," Kurt laughed. "But I dont feel like doing anything right now."
"Is everything okay?" Blaine asked, voice coated in concern. "You seem...off."
No. Nothing is okay because your psychotic father showed up here and strangled me because I refused to break up with you. "Yeah," Kurt lied. "Im just tired. I didnt get much sleep last night."
"Go take a nap," Blaine suggested, returning to his original position with his chin hooked over Kurts shoulder and his arms around his waist. "You can finish the wall anytime."
I need a distraction or I might break down again. "I will later. I just wanna get this done."
"Can I do anything to help?" He asked, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of Kurts neck.
Hold me. Protect me. "You can arrange the cushions on the sofa and window bench if you want?"
"Okay." Blaine smiled, grabbing the bags that contained the cushions and moving to the center of the room where the sofa was.
"What time do you have to be at work tomorrow?" Kurt asked.
"Nine, why?"
Because Im terrified to leave the apartment by myself but Im terrified to be inside the apartment by myself. "I was wondering if you wanted to walk to college with me?"
"Sure," Blaine smiled. "Hey, what do you want for dinner tonight?"
"Anything sounds good to me; I havent eaten all day."
"Okay, Ill go and make something in a second, but first..." He said, quickly placing the last cushion on the window bench before stepping backwards. "How do they look?"
Kurt looked over his shoulder, smiling at the proud grin Blaine was wearing. "Perfect." He said simply.
Blaine pressed a kiss to Kurts lips as he made his way to the kitchen, pulling away with a mwah sound that made Kurt want to squeal, and proceeded to make dinner for the two of them.
Blaine awoke that night to the feeling of somebody kicking him. He opened his eyes to find Kurt thrashing around next to him, loud whimpers escaping his body. Blaine sat up and rubbed his eyes a little before turning his attention back to Kurt.
The nineteen year old was covered in sweat and hed thrashed around so much that the duvet was nearly on the floor. There were tears running down his face and he was making loud, pained noises.
"Kurt," Blaine said softly, lying a gentle hand on Kurts arm. "Kurt, baby, wake up."
"No, no, no, no, no -" Kurt whimpered out in his sleep, continuing to thrash around on the bed.
"Kurt," He said again, a little bit louder. He was afraid to shake his boyfriend incase he scared him even more. "Kurt, wake up."
Kurt shot up in bed as he woke up, his terrified sobs filling the otherwise silent room. Blaine tried to take him into his arms but Kurt shuffled away, curling in on himself as he murmured no, no, no, no as he had while he was sleeping.
"Kurt?" Blaine said gently, his eyes filling to the brim with tears. "Kurt, youre scaring me. Whats wrong?"
"I - Im sc-scared." Kurt choked out, hiding his face in his arms as he continued to cry.
"Scared of what?" Kurt seemed to cry harder at that question, making Blaine mentally slap himself. "I cant do anything to help you if you dont tell me whats going on, baby."
"I c-cant," Kurt cried, his voice going raw. "H-he said I c-couldnt."
"Who?" Blaine asked gently. Kurt just shook his head, crying into the sleeves of his shirt. "I dont know how to make you feel better."
"D-dont leave me," Kurt sobbed out. "Dont ever leave me."
"Hey, Im not going anywhere," Blaine said honestly, carefully wrapping his arms around Kurts body and sighing in relief when he leaned into his touch, melting into his arms. "Im right here, always. Im not leaving you."
Kurt wrapped himself around Blaine, burying his face in his chest and soaking his vest in tears. His sobs slowly began to subside with help from Blaines gently shushing and he rested his head on Blaines shoulder, trying to breathe properly.
"Can we go and watch TV for a little while?" Kurt asked. "I dont want to go back to sleep but I really dont want to be by myself."
"Of course," Blaine replied, pressing a kiss to Kurts head. They both got out of bed and made their way into the living room, Kurt taking a fleece blanket from one of the drawers on the way out and wrapping it around his body. "Im gonna make some hot chocolate, do you want some?" Kurt nodded, following Blaine into the kitchen and sitting down at the dinner table until he was finished making it.
They went back into the living room and cuddled up on the sofa, Kurt with his head on Blaines shoulder, watching the TV in the dim light of the moon shining through their too-big window. Blaine was more focused on Kurt than the actual programme that they were watching, but he couldnt help but worry about his boyfriend.
Kurt glanced out of the window, sinking further into Blaines safe, warm embrace. "We need to get curtains."
The boys fell asleep on the sofa at some point during the night, and Kurt freaked out a little when he woke up, calming down once he realised he had his head on Blaines lap and Blaines hand resting against his side and he was safe.
Blaine had somehow managed to fall asleep sitting up, with his head resting on the top of the sofa, while Kurt had maneuvered himself so that he was lying with his head in Blaines lap - although he didnt remember doing it.
The TV was still playing across from them and their empty mugs were sitting on the coffee table that was in front of the sofa. The scene was exactly the same, except the sun was beaming through the window.
Kurt sighed a little, lying his head back down and jumping when Blaine suddenly moved. He pulled the blanket up further and closed his eyes, wanting to drift back into his dreamless sleep.
"Hey," Blaine said, moving his head and letting out a groan. "My neck is killing me." Kurt remained silent, not willing to move from the position that he was in just yet. "You okay?" Blaine asked gently, carding his fingers through Kurts hair.
Kurt nodded a little. "I dont want to go into college." He said, his voice dry and croaky.
"Stay home then," Blaine suggested. "Im sure you can find another part of the apartment to decorate." He teased gently.
I cant stay here by myself. Im not safe here. "I dont want to be by myself," Kurt replied, shaking his head. "I want to be with you."
"I have to work," Blaine pointed out. "You could come with me, but youll pretty much just be sitting there all day - recording studios arent really that fun."
At least he cant get me if Im with you. "I dont care, I just want to be with you."
"Okay," Blaine smiled, leaning down to kiss Kurts cheek. "Lets go get ready then."
Kurt and Blaine quickly got dressed, Kurt making sure to stick as close to Blaine as possible, and ate breakfast before heading out of the apartment. They were holding hands but at soon as Kurt caught sight of what was evidently Mr Andersons car, he moved closer to Blaine, resting his head on his shoulder and hugging his arm a little. Blaine just smiled at the affection and pressed a kiss into Kurts hair, sniffing his shampoo a little.
Youre the only thing that makes me feel safe.
The day went smoothly until Blaine was asked to do something that required him being away from Kurt. Kurt had completely broken down and burst into tears when Blaine had said hed be back in a little while.
"Hey, shh," Blaine had cooed softly, wrapping him in a hug. "Im only going to be in the room next door. I wont be gone long, I promise."
"Dont go," Kurt sobbed, burying his face in Blaines shoulder. "Please, please dont leave me."
Blaines eyes welled up with tears as he held his boyfriend close. "Im here, Im right here."
"Blaine, we need you right now." His manager said to him as he watched the scene unfold.
Blaine looked between his manager and the terrified boy in his arms and hugged Kurt closer. "I cant right now," He said. "Im sorry."
"Blaine, this is important."
"And so is the person I love," Blaine retorted. "Music can wait. Incase you havent noticed, my boyfriend isnt really doing so great right now - dont you think thats more important?"
His manager had stormed off in the end, leaving Blaine to try and console the crying boy in his arms. Kurt eventually calmed down and Blaine had taken him home, telling his manager that he wouldnt be back until Monday.
He took Kurt to bed and held him in his arms until the sun was setting, whispering over and over again that he was safe, and Blaine was there for him. He didnt push Kurt once to find out what was going on, he just reminded him that he wasnt by himself and nothing was going to happen to him.
"We should go somewhere for the weekend," Blaine blurted out. "Just get away from everything."
"Where would we go?" Kurt asked, liking the idea of being anywhere but there with Blaine.
"I dont know...we could drive down to Pennsylvania as its not too far and find a cosy hotel somewhere?"
Kurt nodded against Blaines chest. "Ill do anything to not be here right now."
"How about we order some Chinese and Ill grab my laptop and we can look for somewhere to stay?"
"That sounds perfect." Kurt replied, a small smile appearing for the first time that day.
Blaine couldnt stop himself from pressing a tiny kiss to his lips, pulling away with a smile. "Come on, lets move this snuggle session into the living room."
Kurt took Blaines offered hand and allowed himself to be lead into the living room, the two of them taking the duvet with them and cuddling close on the sofa. Blaine ordered some Chinese before grabbing his laptop from the coffee table and searching for hotels in Pennsylvania.
"I really dont like having a huge open window." Kurt said, snuggling up closer to his boyfriend.
"Well buy some curtains next week," Blaine replied. "It is kinda creepy. People can just walk past and peer inside."
Kurt was reluctant to let Blaine get up when there was a knock on the door, even though he knew it was their food as hed seen the delivery guy through the window, but he eventually let him when he realised he could still see him over the back of the sofa.
They eventually found a hotel they both liked and booked a room online, deciding to drive down there in the morning as it would be easier. They snuggled up and watched TV while they ate, feeling content.
The next morning, Kurt and Blaine were up bright and early. They each packed a bag to take with them and began their drive straight after showering and getting dressed. They stopped for breakfast along the way before resuming their journey, arriving at the hotel just before afternoon.
As soon as they entered their room, Kurt crossed it and closed the curtains, checking the bathroom to make sure there were no windows in there either. The next thing he did was all but drag Blaine over to the bed, pressing a kiss to his lips as he pulled him down on top of him.
"You know I dont expect you to do anything right?"
"I know," Kurt smiled. "I just want to...make out for a bit. I want to feel normal."
"You are normal," Blaine said with a smile, running his fingers through Kurts hair. "I know you havent been yourself for the past few days but theres nothing wrong with you, okay?"
"Okay," Kurt nodded. "I still want to make out with you though."
Blaine laughed, leaning down to press his lips to Kurt. They continued kissing for a while until Blaine was just hovering above Kurt, staring down at his boyfriend with a content, happy smile on his face.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Kurt asked, smiling nonetheless.
"Youre beautiful," Blaine replied, softly trailing his fingers along Kurts cheek, keeping himself balanced with the other hand. Kurt blushed a little, smiling shyly at Blaine. "Youre the most gorgeous person Ive ever seen."
"You obviously havent looked in a mirror then." Kurt retorted, grinning at his boyfriend for the first time in days.
Blaine laughed and shook his head, leaning down to press a soft kiss to Kurts lips. "Roll over."
"Im not a dog." Kurt laughed.
"Please," Blaine added with a chuckle. "And take your shirt off."
"Why?" Kurt asked, despite the fact that he was doing what Blaine said anyway.
"Im gonna give you a massage, duh," Blaine replied, pressing a few tiny kisses to Kurts back before starting to massage him, eliciting a pleasured groan from Kurt. "Youve been kind of stressed for the past few days and the reason I suggested this trip was to make you feel better."
"Definitely working." Kurt mumbled into the pillow under his face, revelling in the feeling of Blaines hands.
Blaine chuckled, pressing a kiss to the back of Kurts neck. "Good," He said. "I dont like seeing you sad."
"Its a good thing you make me happy then." Kurt said, reaching behind him to rest his hand on Blaines knee, reassuringly.
Once Blaine was satisfied with reducing Kurt to a pile of jelly beneath him, they cuddled in bed for a while.
"Is there anything you want to do while were here?" Blaine asked. "We have until Sunday."
"I dont know," Kurt replied. "I dont know if I can trust myself to go outside and not freak out. I havent exactly been great at doing that recently."
"Well, the hotel has a swimming pool so we could do that," Blaine suggested. "Its outdoors but we dont have to venture out so its a start."
"I like that idea." Kurt said hesitantly, glad that his head was against Blaines chest so he couldnt see his facial expression.
"We can go down in an hour or so if you want?"
"Why did you say you were okay with going swimming if you dont want to get in the water?" Blaine asked, looking up at Kurt from where he was standing in the water.
"I..." Kurt swallowed down the lump in his throat and looked down at Blaine. "I cant swim." He said quietly, averting his gaze immediately.
"Kurt," Blaine said, causing Kurt to look down at him. "Why are you embarrassed about that? You couldve just told me; you know Im not judging you."
"Because Im nineteen and I dont know how to swim," Kurt replied. "There are kids more than half my age in this pool that can swim."
"So what? Look...sit on the edge of the pool and put your legs in the water," Blaine instructed. Kurt reluctantly did so and kicked his feet about in the water a little once he was seated. "Now take my hands and push yourself off the edge," He said, holding Kurts hands tightly in his own. Kurt frantically shook his head back and forth, fear covering his face. "Kurt, its shallow. Youre taller than me and I can touch the floor. Just make sure you untuck your knees and I promise youll be fine."
Kurt slowly pushed himself into the water, gripping Blaines hands as tight as possible. "That was terrifying."
"Youre such a drama queen," Blaine laughed, rolling his eyes affectionately. "Okay, hold onto my shoulders."
"Because Im gonna take you further out so you can paddle around a little without your feet glued to the floor."
Kurt swallowed nervously but did as he was told. As soon as his feet drifted off the ground a little he let out a squeak and wrapped his arms completely around Blaine, kicking his feet around in a panicked way.
"Ive got you," Blaine assured him. Kurt nodded, breathing out as he practically plastered himself to Blaine. He slowly pulled away a little so that he was holding onto Blaines shoulders, the hands Blaine put on his hips making him feel safer. "Ready to try and swim a little?"
Kurt took a deep breath and nodded. "I trust you."
Blaine eased Kurt to the edge of the pool, noticing the way Kurts grip on his shoulders got tighter. "Hold on to the edge for a second," He said. Kurt gripped onto the edge of the pool, pointing his toes to figure out how deep the water was. "Lay yourself out straight as if you were about to start swimming," He said next. Kurt raised his legs, kicking his feet about a little. "Okay Im gonna support your weight entirely and turn you around so you can try and swim to the other edge of the pool. I promise I wont take my arms away but Im not going to physically move you so you actually have to kick your feet and move your arms."
"Okay." Kurt said, his heart pounding against his chest.
Kurt successfully swam from one side of the pool to the other, only faltering once when somebody swam across in front of him. He flailed a little until Blaine steadied him, holding him still until the other swimmer had passed.
He swam back and forth a couple of times before Blaine slowly removed his arms from beneath Kurt. He freaked out a little bit at first but calmed down almost immediately. Blaine stood a safe distance away from Kurt and opened up his arms, smiling when Kurt swam into them and wrapped himself around Blaine with a grin on his face.
"I did it!" He cheered, hugging Blaine tightly. "I swam by myself!"
Blaine laughed, hugging Kurt back just as tightly. "I knew you could."
"I did it." Kurt grinned, pressing a kiss to Blaines lips.
"Youre adorable." Blaine chuckled.
Kurt was still grinning from ear to ear when they left the pool over half an hour later, holding Blaines hand and practically skipping back up to their room.
"Swimming was an amazing idea," Blaine laughed as they entered their room, Kurt talking excitedly about how they needed to go swimming more often when they got home. "Youre so cheery. Thats my favourite type of Kurt."
"I thought you said cuddly Kurt was your favourite?"
"I love every Kurt equally."
"Weirdo," Kurt laughed, kissing his boyfriend. "Know what were gonna do now?"
"Nope. What are we gonna do now?"
"You are going to take me to bed," Kurt began, smiling at Blaine. "And show me just how much you love me."
"Kurt." Blaine groaned with a laugh, pushing Kurt onto the bed before following quickly.
"I dont want to go home," A very sleepy Kurt said, late on Sunday night. "Ive been so happy since we got here and Im scared that Im not going to be able to feel that anymore."
"Kurt...is it me?" Blaine asked. "Is it because youve moved house? Do you not feel comfortable living with me?"
"What? No! Its not that at all, Blaine. I swear."
"I just...this only started happening this week. We moved in last week and -"
"Blaine, its not you or the apartment, okay? I promise you, I love living with you."
"Then what is it? I dont want to push you, and I havent, but I just...I cant stand seeing you so broken, and I cant do anything about it."
Kurt frowned, wrapping his arms around Blaine in a hug. "Blaine, just by being with me you make me feel so much better."
"I just feel like I cant protect you from this," Blaine admitted, sinking into Kurts embrace and breathing in his scent. "I feel like theres something pulling you apart from the inside and I cant stop it from happening."
"It feels like that to me sometimes," Kurt replied. "I feel like something is ripping me open from the inside, slowly making its way to the surface and Im terrified of whats going to happen when it gets there. I just...I cant explain this to you, Blaine. I really wish I could explain every single last thing that is going through my mind but I just...I cant."
"I dont want you to be sad anymore," Blaine said, a lone tear falling onto Kurts shirt. "It kills me to see you upset."
"Hey," Kurt said, pulling back and smiling sadly at Blaine. "I cant promise to never be sad anymore, but I can promise that youre the person that puts a smile back on my face, every single time."
Blaine smiled a little at his boyfriend through his tear-clouded eyes. He leaned up to press a kiss to Kurts cheek, rubbing his nose against it afterwards. "I love you so much." He whispered, his voice breaking a little.
"I love you too," Kurt said. "Always."