July 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
"Blaine, Blaine, Blaine, Blaine, Blaine!" A small, high pitched voice chanted, pulling Blaine from his sleep.
He groaned a little, rolling over in bed to come face to face with Kurt, a grin spread across his chubby face. "Hey you." He said with a smile, reaching out to tickle him softly.
"Happy Birthday." Kurt giggled, holding something out towards Blaine.
He took the item from Kurts hands, grinning widely when he saw what it was. It was a piece of blue card that had been folded in half, glitter covering the front in the shape of the words "Hapy Birfday Blaine" with a huge smiley face underneath. He opened the card to reveal Kurts adorable, messy handwriting reading, To the bestest friend in the world! Happy Birthday, Love Kurt. Xxxxxxxxx It was more than obvious that Kurt had help writing the inside, but the gesture itself made him want to cry. There were doodles all over the card and in the bottom left corner there was a drawing of two stick figures, with Elaines handwriting labelling them Kurt and Blaine.
"Thank you," Blaine grinned as Kurt crawled onto the bed and pressed a kiss to Blaines cheek with a giggle.
"Elaine helped me make it. She putted the glue on the outside and I putted glitter on it."
"I love it," Blaine replied truthfully.
Kurt grinned and giggled a little as he climbed onto Blaines lap and hugged him, the now fourteen year old ruffling his hair and burying a kiss on top of his head.
"Blaine," Kurt said, shaking his boyfriend. "Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty."
"Im awake." Blaine replied, his eyes fluttering open.
"Happy Birthday," Kurt grinned, leaning down to press a kiss to his boyfriends lips.
"Mm," Blaine smiled. "Thank you."
"What were you dreaming about? You looked extremely happy." Kurt said teasingly, raising his eyebrows at Blaine.
"You perv," Blaine laughed. "I was dreaming about you, or well us, but not in the way youre thinking."
"Do tell."
"Do you remember my fourteenth birthday?"
Kurt shook his head, his eyebrows furrowing together. "Just because I remember you doesnt mean I have any memory of like, anything that actually happened."
Blaine chuckled a little, sitting up against the headboard and pulling Kurt onto his lap. "Well, I remember a certain adorable three year old giggling my name until I woke up and I remember him climbing onto my bed and giving me a card with way too much glitter on it. I think I still have that somewhere, actually."
"Oh my god." Kurt laughed.
"Ill probably come across it at some point when were unpacking," Blaine pointed out, rubbing his nose against Kurts cheek. Theyd moved into their new apartment two days before Blaines birthday, and they hadnt gotten around to unpacking all of their things. "Im actually pretty sure I have a few drawings and things you made when you were little."
"I kind of wish I remembered more from back then..." Kurt said. "I remember you, obviously, but I dont really remember...well, anything."
"I dont mind telling you about stuff, if you want."
"Ill keep that in mind." Kurt smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to Blaines lips.
"Do you remember getting fostered?" Blaine asked, drawing patterns over Kurts back with his fingers.
"No," Kurt laughed. "When did that happen?"
"Just before you turned four," Blaine replied. "You were screaming and crying when I put you in the car and you were gripping onto my shirt so hard I thought it was going to rip in half."
"I think Im glad I dont remember that." Kurt laughed.
"It only lasted a few days. We came back to get you and that was the end of that."
"Shh," Kurt laughed, leaning down to kiss him again, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck. "You talk too much."
"Shut me up then." Blaine teased, allowing Kurt to push him back down onto the bed and kiss him deeply.
"Oh for crying out loud!" Kurt groaned when the phone began to ring, rolling off of Blaines body.
Blaine chuckled, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to his lips before getting up to answer the phone.
While Blaine was on the phone, Kurt got dressed and made his way into the kitchen to try and create breakfast despite having hardly any food in the apartment.
"I love you." Blaine said as he entered the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Kurt from behind and pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
"I love you too..." Kurt said confusedly. "Where did that come from?"
"Im just happy," Blaine said, resting his chin on Blaines shoulder. "You make me happy."
"You make me happy too," Kurt smiled. "And we have no food. Feel like going out for breakfast?"
"Yes," Blaine grinned. "I would be honored, kind sir."
"Dork." Kurt laughed, turning around in Blaines arms and kissing him.
"I feel old." Blaine groaned as he shoved another forkful of pancake into his mouth.
"Thirty isnt old," Kurt chuckled. "Give yourself another twenty years or so and then you can start feeling sorry for yourself."
"But youre nineteen," Blaine pointed out. "Doesnt it bother you that Im eleven years older than you?"
"Why are you doing this?" Kurt frowned. "You know that I dont have a problem with our age difference; if I did, we wouldnt be dating."
"Im sorry," Blaine sighed. "I just wonder sometimes why youd rather be with me than someone your own age...like Adam."
"You did not just say that," Kurt laughed. "Blaine, even if I wasnt dating you I wouldnt date Adam. Hes nice but...no."
"Why not?" Blaine teased. "Im sure you guys would make the cutest couple."
"Shut up," Kurt laughed, throwing a napkin at his boyfriend. "No more sad talk, okay?"
"Okay," Blaine smiled, reaching across the table to hold Kurts hand. "No more sad talk."
"Good," Kurt replied. "Now hurry up and eat your breakfast."
"Because Cooper and Wes arent letting me keep you to myself all day." Kurt pouted.
"Aww, poor baby." Blaine teased with a chuckle.
"Plus I have to go and get the rest of my stuff before Santana literally throws it away."
"She still isnt speaking to you?"
"No," Kurt sighed. "I dont know why shes being so childish about this. I was obviously going to move out at some point, or vice versa. Its not like we were going to live together forever, and she knew that. Besides, shouldnt this be a good thing for her? Now she has more freedom to be with Dani, or you know...move in with her if she wanted to."
"Maybe she isnt ready for that yet," Blaine pointed out. "Or maybe shes just scared that shes going to lose you."
"But she isnt," Kurt whined. "You dont live with Wes and youre still best friends."
"Tell her that. Try and talk to her about it."
"I have, she wont listen to me."
"Make her listen to you," Blaine said. "Or you might actually end up losing her."
"Santana?" Kurt called out as he entered his old apartment. No reply came, of course. Sighing, Kurt checked all of the rooms in the apartment to find that Santana had gone out - probably because she knew he was coming over.
He quickly packed up the rest of his things and prepared to leave the apartment, stopping as he reached the front door. He turned around and went into Santanas room, taking a sticky note and writing on it:
A few people are coming over tonight for Blaines birthday, please come. I miss my best friend.
- Kurt
He made his way back out and stuck the note on the front of the TV where he knew for certain Santana would see it before leaving his keys on the table, grabbing his bag and making his way out.
Kurt went back to his and Blaines apartment and began to unpack, trying to make it look a little tidier before people came round. He was halfway through one of his boxes when he spotted one of Blaines boxes out of the corner of his eye. It said OLD STUFF on the top and was the only one that had open flaps. Unable to stop himself, Kurt crawled over to the box and looked inside.
He pulled out a large book - a photo album to be precise - and opened it to find that it wasnt full of photos. Instead, it was full of drawings and other pieces of art Kurt had made as a child. He laughed a little as he came across a drawing of two stick figures holding hands, smiles on their faces. There were arrows pointing to each of them, labelling them Kurt and Blaine in messy writing.
Flipping the page, Kurt came across the card that Blaine had told him about in the morning. He took it out of the wallet it was in and laughed when a ton of glitter fell onto him. Still, he opened up the card and read the message inside, smiling as he traced the letters with his finger. A droplet of water fell onto the surface of the card and Kurt suddenly realised he was crying.
"I see you found the stuff I was talking about." Blaines soft voice came from behind him.
Kurt turned his head and smiled up at Blaine, a lone tear trailing down his cheek. "I cant believe you kept all of this stuff."
Blaine smiled and knelt down next to Kurt, looking through the photo album. "How could I not? My favourite person in the world made them for me."
"But...the fire?"
"I buried this stuff so far into the corner of my wardrobe that even if the house had exploded it probably wouldve been okay."
Kurt chuckled a little. "Its like you knew there was going to be a fire."
"Actually, I didnt trust Nick not to destroy it if he found any of it," Blaine laughed. "But Im glad about that, otherwise I probably wouldve lost it all."
"At least theres some record of my childhood." Kurt laughed.
"Theres more stuff in the box...but its kind of creepy."
"What did you do?" Kurt asked with a laugh, grabbing the box before Blaine could get to it. He opened the flaps and looked inside, letting out a loud laugh. "Blaine...why do you have a dummy and one of my old shoes in here?"
Blaine whined. "I dont know...you were like my baby brother back then, I felt like I should keep some of your stuff when you outgrew it."
"Aww," Kurt laughed. "Well at least you didnt keep my teeth or my toenails or anything creepy like that."
"I tried, but Elaine wouldnt let me..." Blaine said, receiving a strange look from Kurt. "Im kidding!" Blaine laughed.
"Thank god," Kurt laughed. "A dummy and a shoe is acceptable, but teeth...ew."
"I was a weird kid, but I wasnt that weird."
Kurt laughed, leaning his head on Blaines shoulder. "I love you."
"I love you too." Blaine smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of Kurts head.
"Explain to me again why youre taking me clothes shopping?"
"Because I have impeccable taste in clothes," Kurt teased. "And its an extra birthday present...I did get you something but its not much because I wasnt sure what to get."
"Kurt," Blaine said sweetly. "I dont care what you got me, you know its not important to me. You dont have to spend even more money on me."
"I know, but I want to, so shut up and pick some stuff out."
"Bossy," Blaine laughed, pressing a kiss to Kurts lips. "Love you."
"I love you too," Kurt laughed. "But seriously if you dont start looking at clothes Im going to look for you."
"Okay, okay." Blaine said, holding his hands up in surrender.
Kurt managed to successfully help Blaine pick out five outfits and some new shoes before they were making their way to the restaurant that Kurt had made reservations at for dinner. He grabbed a bag from the backseat of the car and opened Blaines door for him, holding his hand as they made their way inside.
"We need to go furniture shopping still..." Blaine pointed out as they sat down at their table.
"Blaine," Kurt whined. "This is supposed to be a romantic birthday dinner, stop talking about furniture."
"Im just saying," Blaine said in a teasing tone. "All we have is a sofa and a bed, which is great but -" Blaine was cut off by Kurt shoving a piece of bread into his mouth.
"I love you but you really dont know when to stop talking."
Blaine laughed, taking the bread out of his mouth and biting a chunk of it off. The waiter came over not to much later and took their orders, leaving the boys once again.
"Present time!" Kurt said happily, picking up the bag and sliding it over to Blaine. "There are two things in there but I sort of...made one of them."
Blaine smiled, taking the bag and pulling one of the presents out. He ripped the paper off and laughed loudly when he saw what was inside - a Peter Pan hoodie.
"I couldnt resist, okay?" Kurt laughed. "But you see why I took you clothes shopping now."
"I actually like it," Blaine replied, holding the hoodie up so he could see it properly. "Its cute."
"Youre so weird."
Blaine pulled out the next package which was a small, flat square shape. He carefully ripped the paper off, afraid to rip whatever was inside. He took the present out, his face scrunching up when it stretched out.
"I thought we could hang it in the bedroom..." Kurt said.
Blaine lifted the decoration up to look at it properly. It was a long piece of string with several polaroids going across it, showing photos of the two of them when they were younger.
"Kurt..." Blaine said, feeling as if he could cry. "This is amazing. I love it."
"I guess all of those photos I have came in handy."
Blaine smiled at his boyfriend, walking around the table to kiss him passionately.
"I love you so much." He said as he pulled away.
"I love you too," Kurt smiled. "...And our waiter is standing right behind you."
Blaine blushed as he went back to his seat, trying not to look at the amused waiter.
When the boys got home, Blaine hung the polaroid decoration above their bed before changing into a pair of pyjama bottoms and the hoodie Kurt bought him.
"Oh my god," Kurt laughed when Blaine walked back into the living room. "Youre ridiculous."
"You love it." Blaine teased as a knock sounded on their door.
They both made their way over to the door, opening it to reveal Wes and...
"Nick!" Blaine exclaimed. "And Jeff...Wes, what did you do?"
"Nothing!" Wes laughed.
"Can we not visit our long lost friend on his birthday without Wes mischief being involved?" Nick asked.
"Hey!" Wes exclaimed defensively.
"Usually no," Blaine laughed, hugging Nick and Jeff in turn as they entered the apartment. "This is Kurt." He said, pulling a suddenly shy Kurt over to him and rubbing his back gently.
"Well somebodys grown up," Nick said, holding his hand out towards Kurt, who shook it but didnt open his mouth. "You dont remember me do you?" Kurt shook his head in reply, sinking into Blaines embrace a little. "Well, Im Nick, and this is my boyfriend Jeff - who you also probably dont remember."
"Wait, boyfriend?" Blaine asked. "When did that happen?"
"A while ago," Jeff replied. "When did this happen?" He laughed, gesturing towards Kurt and Blaine.
"A while ago." Blaine laughed, poking his tongue out at Jeff.
"Why are you all standing in the doorway?" Coopers voice came from behind the group of friends.
"Hey," Blaine smiled, shutting the door once Cooper was inside. "Cooper, this is Nick and Jeff. Nick, Jeff, this is Cooper...my brother."
"Brother?" Nick gaped.
"Long story." Blaine replied.
"Why are you wearing a Peter Pan hoodie?" Cooper asked, causing Kurt to let out a chuckle.
"For the same reason as we have a Peter Pan painting in our living room," Blaine laughed. "Lets go sit down, I feel weird standing in the doorway."
Kurt went into their bedroom and grabbed some pillows and blankets, spreading them out on the living room floor as there wasnt enough room for everyone to sit on the sofa. Blaine sat down on the sofa, Kurt cuddling up to his side and resting his head on his shoulder.
"You okay?" Blaine asked quietly.
Kurt nodded. "I just wish Santana was here, I miss her."
"I know," Blaine said, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "You have to let her come to you though."
"I know, I just dont want to lose her."
"You wont." Blaine assured him, hugging him closer.
"I really hope youre right." Kurt said, hiding his face in Blaines shoulder.
"Im always right." Blaine teased, eliciting a chuckle from Kurt.
"Wait, so when you re-met each other, Kurt got wasted and slept on your sofa?" Nick laughed.
"Yup." Blaine laughed, eliciting a groan from Kurt.
"Im never drinking ever again."
"So how did you guys end up together?" Jeff asked.
"Please, please dont tell him the story of the day after." Kurt whined.
Blaine laughed. "Well...we figured out that we both liked each other but it was kind of weird because of our history and we didnt really know anything about each other, so we stayed friends for a few months before we tried dating and...here we are."
"Aww," Nick cooed.
The boys conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Ill get it," Kurt said, pressing a kiss to Blaines lips before making his way to the door. "Santana." Kurt breathed, sounding relieved.
Santana took a step into the apartment, enveloping her best friend in a hug. "Im sorry," She said. "I was upset that you were moving and I was a child about it. I miss you too."
"Well youre here now," Kurt smiled, pulling away from the hug. "And you know that youre still my best friend, right? It doesnt matter if I live five minutes away or five miles away - youre always going to be my best friend."
"I know." Santana replied, smiling at her friend.
"Come on, Ill introduce you to Blaines friends," Kurt said, shutting the door and leading Santana over to the group of friends. "This is Nick and Jeff, and you already know Wes and Cooper. Nick, Jeff, this is Santana - my best friend."
Kurt cuddled back up to Blaine on the sofa while Santana sat next to Wes, the seven of them deciding to order a pizza.
A while later, there was yet another knock at the door, prompting Blaine to get up and answer it. He opened the door, still laughing at something Nick said, his face dropping immediately.
"No..." He said, backing away from the door without so much as closing it.
"Blaine?" Kurt said worriedly, looking over the back of the sofa at his boyfriend who looked as if hed seen a ghost.
"No no no no no..." Blaine mumbled, turning around and running into the bedroom.
Kurt and Cooper both got up, making their way to the door to see what was going on.
"Dad..." Cooper said, causing Kurt to realise why Blaine had freaked out. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I see you met your brother." Mr Anderson replied.
"Answer my question." Cooper said, more aggressively than Kurt wouldve liked to witness.
"I wanted to see my son," He replied. "Which is none of your business."
"Actually it is my business because hes my little brother and you were a terrible father to him."
"Blaines a grown man, I think he can make decisions for himself."
"And him running out of the room wasnt clear enough a message for you? He doesnt want to see you!"
"Hes my son, I have a right to see him," Mr Anderson said, causing Kurt to scoff. "And you are?"
"I am the boyfriend of the son you never deserved to have," Kurt spat. "What gives you the right to show up after years of not even caring about him, after abusing him, and demand to see him? Youre disgusting."
"Coming from you?" Mr Anderson asked with a bitter laugh.
"Dont talk to him like that." Blaines weak voice came from behind them.
"Blaine," Mr Anderson said, smiling at the thirty year old. "Its nice to see you again."
"Go away."
"Come on, Blaine, dont be like that."
"I said go away." Blaine repeated, his voice harsher.
"And what if I dont want to?"
Blaine slowly made his way closer to the door, staring aggressively at his dad. "I dont want a single thing to do with you," He began. "I never have, and I never will. All I wanted to do today was spend time with my friends, my brother, and my boyfriend and have a nice, relaxed birthday - which I was until you showed up and ruined it. Get the hell away from my apartment and dont even think about coming back. If you ever come close to me or the people I love and care about, I will not hesitate to call the police." And with that he slammed the door shut, his strong act instantly dissipating as Kurt took him into his arms.
"Are you okay?" Kurt asked, rubbing Blaines back softly.
"I...yeah," Blaine said, burying his face in Kurts shoulder. "I think I am. Seeing him just...brought back a lot of bad memories."
Kurt pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "I think we should all watch a movie."
Blaine looked up at Kurt and smiled softly, nodding a little. They made their way back over to the sofa, cuddling up together as Nick riled through their box of DVDs that was yet to be unpacked.
The doorbell rang a few moments later, causing Blaine to physically jump in Kurts arms until he was gently shushed by his boyfriend. Cooper got up to answer the door, relieved that it was, in fact, the pizza and their father hadnt returned.
"Want a slice?" Kurt asked as he leaned over to grab some pizza from the box.
Blaine shook his head. "Im not hungry."
"Blaine," Kurt sighed. "Is this because of him?"
"What does my dad showing up have to do with me not being hungry?"
"I know you skip meals when youre upset or depressed."
"Im not upset or depressed," Blaine argued. "Ugh, fine. Give me the stupid pizza."
"I knew you were lying," Kurt smiled as he handed Blaine a slice of pizza. "I can read you like a book."
Blaine stuck his tongue out at Kurt, the chewed up pizza in his mouth clearly visible.
"Ew!" Kurt whined, laughing at his boyfriend. "Youre disgusting."
"You love me." Blaine replied, his voice muffled by the pizza in his mouth.
"Ill love you a whole lot more if you keep your mouth closed while you eat and wipe that sauce off of your face - its not attractive."
Blaine laughed, grabbing a napkin and wiping his mouth while he finished his pizza. "Better?"
"Much." Kurt smiled, kissing his nose.
"Are they always like this?" Nick asked, receiving a simultaneous "YES" from both Wes and Santana.
"Just give them a couple of minutes and theyll start making out and well all have to evacuate the building before we get scarred for life." Santana said with a smirk as Kurt picked up a pillow and threw it at her.
"You suck."
"Dont even try to deny it, mister," Santana said in a playful tone. "I seem to recall very vividly waking up one day and entering the living room with my girlfriend to find you two practically naked on the sofa."
"Stop it," Kurt whined, hiding his face in his hands. "These people knew me when I was a baby."
"May I just point out that I also knew you as a baby," Blaine interjected, laughing a little. "And I was closer to you than any of them."
"Shut up," Kurt laughed, hitting Blaine with a pillow.
"Somebodys feeling violent tonight!" Blaine laughed, grabbing his own pillow and hitting Kurt back with it.
"I think youre both still babies." Nick laughed, watching the two boys with amusement.
Blaine gasped, faking offence. "I am hurt, Nicholas."
"My boyfriend is a dork." Kurt announced, leaning his head on Blaines shoulder and cuddling up to him.
"Guys," Jeff whined. "I was actually trying to watch this movie but Im completely lost as to whats going on now."
"And my boyfriend got two hours of sleep last night, so excuse his grogginess." Nick added, mimicking Kurt a little.
"I am the only straight person in this room." Wes realised suddenly.
"Youre also the only single person," Blaine pointed out. "What does that say about you?"
"That I need to stop hanging out with you losers and get a life?"
"The second part, yes."
"Noted." Wes laughed.
"Did you have fun tonight?" Kurt asked as he and Blaine settled into bed later that night.
"I did," Blaine said, smiling as he cuddled into the safety and warmth of Kurts arms. "Despite...issues that arose, it was nice to not do anything extravagant and just eat pizza and mess around. It was also fun to see Nick and Jeff after so long."
"How is it that you managed to stay close to Wes but not Nick and Jeff?"
"I was always closest to Wes, so once we were eighteen we decided to try and find some place to live together. Nick and Jeff got into a different college to us and we tried to see each other as much as possible but it ended up becoming the occasional text on someones birthday or Christmas. I guess when Wes and I moved into different places he stayed in contact with them more than he let me believe...or he kidnapped them tonight."
"Its weird...we all seemed to go our separate ways but somehow we found our way back to each other. Me and you, you and your friends...me and your friends, even though I still dont recall ever knowing them." Kurt laughed.
"Maybe it was fate," Blaine suggested, his voice turning playful. "Maybe we were always destined to be with each other, we just didnt know it."
"Obviously I didnt know it," Kurt laughed. "I was three. I didnt even know what a boyfriend was, much less that I wanted one."
"Yeah...Im pretty sure I wasnt crushing on your back then. That wouldve been slightly strange..."
"Well, whether it was destiny or pure luck that brought us back together, Im glad it did."
"Me too." Blaine agreed, smiling into Kurts T-Shirt.
"I hate to bring up repressed memories here, but how are you doing - honestly - on the whole dad front?"
"Im okay," Blaine said, sounding certain. "I mean, Im still kinda shaken up by it and it keeps replaying in my head but I...Im okay. More okay than Id expect to be, actually."
"I kind of wanted to punch him in the face," Kurt admitted. "I probably would have if you didnt come and intervene."
"Now thats a sight Id like to see," Blaine laughed. "The least violent person I know punching somebody in the face."
"Shut up." Kurt giggled.
"No but really...even if you did punch him, I wouldve been kind of proud."
"Youre so weird."
"I should teach you to box sometime..."
"Oh my god," Kurt laughed, pulling a pillow out from beneath his head and burying his face in it to muffle his laughter.
"Im serious!" Blaine defended, laughing a little. "Imagine you in a vest, all hot and sweaty..."
Kurt took the pillow that was on top of his face and hit Blaine in the head with it, laughing at his dorky boyfriend. "Id rather just watch you box," Kurt retorted. "And see you in a vest, getting all hot and sweaty..."
"That doesnt sound like the worst idea in the world."
"Oh my god," Kurt giggled. "I cant believe were planning this out."
"Really though, you should at least try it," Blaine reasons. "If you absolutely hate it then fine, but I swear its not as bad as you think it is. Plus, itll come in handy if my dad shows up again."
"Idiot," Kurt teased, rolling his eyes. "Okay, fine. Ill try it, but if I dont like it -" Kurt was cut off by Blaine pressing a kiss to his lips. Kurt laughed into it, bringing a hand up to cup Blaines cheek. "Why are you so eager to teach me anyway?"
"I dont know," Blaine shrugged. "I guess I just like the idea of being able to share something that Ive always loved with you."
"Thats...actually really sweet."
Blaine grinned, pressing another kiss to his boyfriends lips before cuddling back up to him. "So, furniture shopping and boxing tomorrow?"
"Why would you want to do those both on the same day? No," Kurt laughed. "Well do furniture shopping tomorrow - and food shopping, actually - because its Sunday and we have nothing better to do, and well do boxing on Tuesday night because I have no classes the next day and I have a feeling Im gonna be sore."
"Wow..." Blaine laughed. "Great logic."
"Thanks," Kurt replied with a laugh. "I think we should unpack in the morning before we go shopping though, because otherwise were going to come back with a bunch of new stuff and were going to have nowhere to put it because the apartment is going to be filled top to bottom with boxes."
"I feel so...content right now," Blaine said. "Were talking about the most mundane things but it feels so domestic and natural, and I love it."
"I feel like were an old married couple," Kurt laughed. "But youre right. Everything feels like its just...fallen into place."
"Nothing was out of place to begin with," Blaine pointed out. "Yes, we had a few arguments but it happens. We were both stressed out and sleep deprived."
"I know, but being here...knowing that I get to go to sleep with and wake up next to your beautiful face every single day - and knowing that I dont have to ever go home, because I am home - feels so right."
"You sap." Blaine laughed.
"Dont ruin the moment!" Kurt exclaimed, giggling a little. "Youre such a dork."
"Yeah, but you love me anyway."
Kurt sighed dramatically. "Well, Im kind of stuck with you now so..." Kurt burst into laughter when Blaine smacked him playfully in the arm, burying his face in the head full of curls he loved so much. "Im kidding. I do love you - more than anything."
"Good, because I love you, and wed be in a bit of a pickle if you didnt love me back."
"You really need to shut up now," Kurt laughed. "Yes, I love you, but I will not refrain from suffocating you with this pillow if you let one more corny joke slip."
"Okay, okay," Blaine chuckled. "Im done."
"Good," Kurt smiled, kissing the top of Blaines head. "Love you."
"Love you too."