July 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Please review! :)
"Santana! I swear to god if you put my sweater in the washing machine again I am going to physically rip your head off and use it as –"
"Woah Hummel, calm down," Santana and Kurt had met in their freshman year of college and become roommates almost instantly. Although she could be a pain to live with, Santana was Kurts best friend and she was always there when he needed her. "Its in the bathroom."
Kurt sighed, all but storming into the bathroom to retrieve his jumper and hang it in its correct place.
"Whats got your panties in a twist anyway?" Santana called to him as he made his way into his bedroom.
"Im fine," Kurt replied, entering the living room and slumping down on the sofa next to his best friend.
"Liar. You need to loosen up a little. Youre eighteen for Christs sake, not eighty."
"Im nineteen tomorrow," Kurt pointed out.
"What difference does that make?" Santana asked, shoving her best friend in the side. "You still act like an old woman half the time."
"Gee, thanks," Kurt said sarcastically.
"Im serious," Santana said, turning to sit sideways on the sofa so she was facing Kurt. "Youre miserable. You have your fabulous little routine that youre great at keeping to but its the same thing every single day. You need to try new things and actually have fun for once."
"I am not miserable!"
"Okay fine, youre grumpy," She said, cutting Kurt off when he tried to protest. "Dont even try to deny it. You nearly murdered me just then because you couldnt find your precious little jumper."
Kurt slumped down further in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest and groaning a little bit.
"Do you know what you and I should do?" Santana asked, a mischievous smirk on her face that Kurt couldnt help but raise his eyebrows at. "We should go out tonight for your birthday and actually have fun for once."
"Id like to be able to leave bed on my nineteenth birthday, thank you very much."
"I didnt say you had to get wasted," Santana pointed out.
"Yeah, you said that last time and what happened?"
"That was your fault," Santana retaliated. "I was almost…sort of completely sober."
"I dont know," Kurt groaned.
"Kuuuuuuurt," Santana whined. "Please?"
"You just want me to go so you have an excuse to get drunk, make out with girls and not regret it."
"Oh, like you dont wanna go and make out with guys and not regret it," Santana returned. "Give me a legitimate reason why you cant or dont want to go and Ill drop the subject."
"Because I…Im allergic to alcohol," Kurt tried.
"Firstly, we both know thats not true and secondly, even if it was I never said you had to drink."
"Okay well…I…"
"You…" Santana said, trailing off. "Cant think of a reason why you cant go, because there isnt one."
"Fine," Kurt groaned. "But…" He said, cutting off Santanas excited cheers. "I have one condition…well, two."
"You have to have a birthday movie night with me tomorrow, no matter how hung-over you are, and you cant complain about the movie choices,"
"Fine," Santana agreed, a grin attached to her face.
"And," Kurt emphasised. "If either one of us ends up vomiting, youre cleaning it up."
"I usually clean it up anyway,"
"You make it sound like we throw up all the time," Kurt laughed.
"Whatever," Santana replied, rolling her eyes. "Now, go make yourself look pretty."
"Im already regretting this," Kurt muttered as they entered some club that Santana had dragged him to.
"Loosen up," Santana shouted over the music, physically shaking Kurt by the shoulders as if that would make a difference. "Have some fun for once."
"I think someone has an admirer," Wes laughed, nodding towards a boy who he noticed staring at Blaine repetitively.
Blaine looked up, smiling when the boy blushed and looked away. "Youre just jealous because he isnt looking at you."
"If it was a girl staring at you, maybe, but no…definitely not jealous," Wes said, still laughing. "You should go talk to him."
"Oh god," Blaine groaned. "Okay, I am not drunk enough to have this conversation."
"What conversation?"
"The you really need to get yourself a boyfriend conversation," Blaine laughed, walking away from Wes to get another drink.
"Go and talk to him," Santana said directly in Kurts ear, making him jump.
"No!" Kurt exclaimed as if that was the worst thing he could possibly do.
"Kurt," Santana warned.
"Santana," Kurt replied in the same tone.
"Go," She demanded, pointing towards the guy that Kurt was staring at, not phased in the slightest when he saw her pointing at him.
"Santana," Kurt said through gritted teeth, blushing and turning his head away, trying to ignore the smirk on the guys face.
"Come on," She said, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the stranger. "Hi,"
"Hi…" The stranger replied, trying not to laugh as Kurt hid his face in Santanas arm.
"My friend here thinks youre cute but hes too shy to say so," The girl said to him.
Blaine laughed as he heard the boy whimper and saw the blush appearing on his face.
"Kurt Hummel, dont you dare go shy now," The girl said as Blaines smile fell and his heart dropped to his stomach. Did she just…
"Wait…Kurt Hummel?" Blaine found himself saying.
The boy turned his head to look at him, still leaning his face against the girls arm.
"Yeah…" He said confusedly.
"Did you live in an orphanage when you were younger?"
"Yeah…" He said again, his eyebrows scrunching up.
The girl was watching the two of them with raised eyebrows, he actually wondered if she was more confused than he was.
"I…" Blaine swallowed around the lump in his throat. "Did you used to carry around a stuffed sheep with you everywhere?"
"How do you know that?" Kurt asked, his words slurring a little.
"Oh my god," Blaine muttered. "I…I…Oh my god."
"Wait…" Kurt said, realisation hitting him. "Blaine?" He said quietly, suddenly seeming a lot more sober than he was two seconds ago.
Blaine couldnt do anything but nod, his eyes slightly wide as he tried to come to terms with what was happening in that moment.
Kurt groaned, his eyes falling shut. "I feel dizzy."
"Woah, okay, sit down," The girl said, leading him over to a chair and helping him into it. "How much did you drink while I was in the bathroom?"
Blaine wasnt sure why but he followed the two of them over to where she sat Kurt down, both still in shock from the fact that Kurt was there and also wanting to make sure he was okay.
"Ill go get him some water," Blaine said, finally coming to his senses.
"Ill go," The girl said. "You two obviously have a lot to talk about."
Kurt felt dizzy. He knew it had nothing to do with the alcohol, though. He hadnt even drunk that much. He couldnt believe he was sitting opposite Blaine…the same Blaine that had been like a big brother to him when he was little…the same Blaine thatd hed called cute a few minutes ago, hypothetically.
"Oh god," Kurt groaned, hiding his face in his hands.
"You okay?" Blaine asked.
"I just called you cute…kind of,"
"Oh, am I not cute now that you know who I am?" Blaine teased, smirking at Kurt when he looked up at him.
Kurt groaned again. "This is so weird."
"Yeah that…that pretty much summarises things," Blaine laughed.
Santana came back over a few minutes later with a bottle of water which she handed to her best friend before crouching down and placing a kiss to his cheek.
"Ill be over there if you need me, okay?" She said to Kurt, who nodded in reply. "Im Santana by the way," She said to Blaine, standing up.
"Blaine," He smiled. Santana made her way back over to where she originally was and Blaine watched her leave before turning back to Kurt. "So…youre, what, nineteen now?"
"Tomorrow," Kurt said. "Nineteen…Im nineteen tomorrow."
"Youve grown up so much," Blaine commented. "Obviously. Although you still look kinda the same, if Id have known any better I probably wouldve recognised you."
"I cant believe I didnt recognise you," Kurt replied. "You look exactly the same, just…older, no offence."
"And cuter?" Blaine teased.
"Youre never gonna let that go, are you?" Kurt laughed.
"Nope," Blaine replied, laughing.
"Stop laughing at me," Kurt groaned, although there was still a smile on his face. "You havent changed much. If I called you cute when we were little you probably just wouldve laughed, kissed me on the nose and told me I was cuter."
"You really remember me that much?" Blaine asked. "I mean, you were only three. I barely remember anything from when I was three."
"Yes, but youre much older," Kurt teased. "I couldnt forget you. You were my best friend…and you saved my life, which sort of makes you unforgettable."
"Ah, the great fire," Blaine laughed, becoming a little emotional.
"Yup…" Kurt said, realising that there were tears in Blaines eyes. "You okay?"
"Yeah," Blaine said, blinking his tears away and taking a deep, shaky breath. "I just…that night," He laughed, shaking his head. "I was a mess after that. It kind of scarred me…physically and emotionally."
"Physically?" Kurt said confusedly.
"You cant see it?" Blaine asked. Kurt studied him for a few moments, his eyebrows scrunched together before he saw it.
Right under Blaines eye was a scratch mark, well it looked like a scratch mark but Kurt knew better than to think it was a scratch.
Before he even realised what he was doing, Kurt was reaching across the table and cupping Blaines cheek, gently brushing his thumb over the mark.
"You got this from saving me," Kurt stated. "I remember…seeing it when you were in the ambulance."
"You really do have a good memory," Blaine laughed as Kurt pulled away.
"I wanna talk to you…properly, I mean," Kurt said. "Im still a little bit drunk right now and after this I kind of just wanna get even drunker and then spend my whole birthday eating junk food and watching movies with my best friend."
"Dont you know its illegal for you to drink?" Blaine teased.
"Shut up," Kurt laughed. "No but seriously, give me your number so that we can arrange to talk another time," He said, giving his phone to Blaine. "Thank you." He smiled when Blaine gave him his phone back, his number listed in his contacts.
He sent Blaine a quick text so that he could save his number in his own phone before they said their goodbyes and made their way back to their respective best friends.
Blaine wasnt sure why, but after Kurt confessing that he was planning on getting drunk, he felt responsible for looking out for him…you know, just in case. He got some water before making his way back to Wes and explaining everything that had just happened.
"Wow…" Wes said, watching Kurt dance and laugh with Santana. "He really isnt a baby anymore."
"No kidding," Blaine laughed, looking over at the two friends. "I just…out of all of the people that couldve been checking me out or whatever the hell you said, it was him."
Kurt was a little bit drunk. Okay he was more than a little bit drunk but that didnt matter. He couldnt find Santana anywhere – hed looked around the whole club, the boys bathroom (although he wasnt one hundred percent sure why shed even be in there) and even the girls bathroom, which didnt go down well with the girls that were in there.
He stumbled over to Blaine and…Blaine and…whoever he was looked familiar, but Kurt couldnt work out who it was, and tapped on Blaines shoulder.
"Im a lot drunk," Kurt said when Blaine turned around. "Wait…"
"I can see that," Blaine laughed.
"Santana ditched me," He said next, his words slurring. "I cant find her."
"Okay, Im taking you home," Blaine said, saying goodbye to whoever he was talking to before putting an arm around Kurts waist and leading him outside to his car.
Kurt giggled when Blaine sat him in the passenger seat and buckled his seatbelt for him, leaning his head against the chair and waiting for Blaine to get into his own seat.
"Blaine," Kurt said once they began driving.
"Yes?" Blaine replied, trying not to laugh at how adorable Kurt was when he was drunk.
"Youre pretty,"
"Thank you," He laughed.
"I missed you," Kurt slurred. "I thought…I thought that you were gonna come for me…but you never did."
"Kurt…" Blaine said, unsure of where he wanted his sentence to go. "Uh…where do you live?"
"Um…I live…I live…with Santana?" Kurt said, trying to remember where he lived.
"That really doesnt help," Blaine sighed. "Okay, Im taking you to mine."
When they arrived at Blaines apartment, Kurt was a giggling mess.
"You…you have an ap…ap…apartment!" Kurt exclaimed, laughing as if it were the funniest joke ever.
"Mhm," Blaine mumbled, laughing at little bit.
"I have an apartment…Santana lives in my apartment…" Kurt said.
"I know," Blaine laughed.
"You smell good," Kurt commented, burying his face in Blaines neck.
"Yeah well you stink," Blaine laughed.
"Because I…be- because Im drunk," Kurt giggled.
"Because youre drunk," Blaine confirmed with a laugh, helping Kurt sit down on the sofa. "Ill be back in a second." He said, leaving the room.
Kurt rested his head against the back of the sofa, shutting his eyes before opening them again, confused.
"Blaine?" Kurt said. "Blay…Blaine…whered you go?" He slurred, looking up when he heard laughter coming from somewhere in the room.
Blaine re-entered the living room, placing a few cushions against the arm of the sofa and instructing Kurt to lay down before covering him with a blanket.
"Blaine…" Kurt mumbled, his eyes slipping shut.
"Can you stay with me…till…till I fall sleep?"
"Okay," Blaine whispered, knowing it wouldnt take him that long to fall asleep. He sat down on the edge of his coffee table and carded his fingers through Kurts hair, unable to stop himself.
"You used to sing to me," Kurt said.
"I used to read to you," Blaine corrected.
"Nuh-uh," Kurt giggled. "When you…finished the book you sung to me if I was still wake."
Blaine was silent, unsure of what to say. His heart was beating rapidly as he continued to comb Kurts hair back with his fingers.
"Yeah?" Blaine replied, his voice breaking a little.
"Will you…will you sing to me?"
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Blaine began to quietly sing the same lullaby that hed sing to Kurt under his breath when he was little until the eighteen year old fell asleep.
Blaine awoke to the sound of someone throwing up in his apartment. He climbed out of bed and made his way to the bathroom where he found Kurt with his head over the toilet.
"Happy Birthday," Blaine said sleepily.
"Screw you," Kurt replied before throwing up for the umpteenth time.
Blaine sighed, kneeling on the floor next to Kurt and rubbing his back gently. "Are you okay?"
Kurt groaned, grabbing some tissue and wiping his mouth before replying. "I knew I shouldnt have listened to Santana. I should never listen to Santana."
Blaine laughed, pressing a kiss to the top of Kurts head before standing up and making his way out of the bathroom. "Ill go make you some breakfast."
"Food sounds like the worst idea ever right now," Kurt whined. "Next to alcohol."
"I know, but you need to eat unfortunately." Blaine laughed, making his way to the kitchen.
Kurt entered the kitchen a few moments later and sat down at the table, leaning his head in his hands.
"Here," Blaine said, placing a glass of water and headache tablets in front of the nineteen year old.
"Thank you," Kurt replied, taking the medicine and drinking the rest of the water.
"And here," He said next, placing a plate of waffles in front of Kurt, who pouted up at him. "Eat." Blaine laughed, sitting opposite Kurt and eating his own breakfast.
"Im sorry," Kurt said, taking his first bite of food.
"For what?"
"For getting drunk and basically like, loading myself on you and now Im being childish."
"Okay firstly, I wouldve done the same for anyone. I have an overwhelming need to protect people so Id rather have you sleeping on my sofa than you be lost somewhere, especially on your birthday," He teased, eliciting a small smile from Kurt. "And secondly, youre not being childish."
Kurt sighed, eating the rest of his breakfast in silence.
"How long would I get in jail if I murdered someone?" Kurt asked as Blaine collected their plates.
"Um…should I be worried?" Blaine replied, putting the plates in the sink and wiping his hands on a towel.
"Not if youre okay with me killing my best friend," Kurt said.
"Well Id rather you didnt end up in prison for first degree murder," Blaine laughed. "Although Id still come and visit you."
"Sigh," Kurt said dramatically. "I guess Ill have to live with her then."
"Youre so dramatic," Blaine commented, but he was still laughing a little.
"Thats probably why I go to NYADA," Kurt laughed, not realising that hed seen Blaine for the first time in fifteen years the day before. "That, um, that stands for…"
"I know what it stands for," Blaine smiled.
"This isnt weird," Kurt said, his face scrunching up in confusion. "Why isnt this weird?"
"I honestly dont know. Youre just so easy to talk to…"
"So are you," Kurt shrugged. "It doesnt feel like I havent seen you in fifteen years, even though weve both grown up like, a lot."
"I know. Since we first saw each other yesterday I sort of have to keep reminding myself that youre the same three year old that I used to spend my time with, even though I know that."
"I wanna show you something," Kurt said out of the blue. "As long as you have no plans and are willing to come to my apartment?"
"Sure," Blaine smiled. "Uh, do you want something to change into or would you rather wait until we get back to yours?"
"Do you mind?" Kurt asked, biting his lip. "I feel kinda gross in these clothes."
"Ill go and find you something…It might be a tiny bit small for you though, youre really tall considering how small you were when you were little." Blaine replied with a laugh.
"At least youre not too drunk to tell me where you live today," Blaine laughed as he pulled up in front of Kurts apartment.
"You suck," Kurt groaned.
"Come on," Blaine said with a smile, getting out of the car, Kurt following him.
As soon as Kurt entered the apartment Santana was shouting at him, asking where hed been and why he didnt call her. Kurt ignored her, however, in favour of grabbing Blaines hand and leading him into his bedroom.
"That girl, I swear," Kurt groaned. "I love her but I hate her so much sometimes."
"Im guessing youre mad at her?" Blaine said with a smirk.
"Howd you guess?" Kurt deadpanned.
"Hey, I was just kidding." Blaine said, his smile dropping.
"I know, I know," Kurt groaned, running his fingers through his hair. "Im sorry."
"Kurt," Blaine sighed. Before he realised what he was doing, his arms were wrapping themselves around Kurts shoulders in a hug. Kurt sighed in turn, melting into Blaines arms a little, wrapping his own arms around Blaines waist and burying his face in his shoulder.
They stayed like that for a while, Blaine rubbing soothing circles over Kurts back and resting his chin gently on the nineteen year olds head.
"Thank you," Kurt smiled as they pulled away from one another. "You have no idea how much I needed that."
"Youre welcome. Now, I believe you wanted to show me something?"
"Mhm," Kurt hummed. "Sit," He said, pointing to his bed before making his way over to his wardrobe and pulling a box out of the bottom. Kurt made his way back to the bed, sat opposite Blaine and placed the box in-between them. Blaine raised his eyebrows at Kurt, confused. "Open it."
Slowly, Blaine removed the lid on the box, gasping at what was inside. "Kurt…" He whispered. The box was full of things that Kurt had from when he was little. His sheep, his Peter Pan book that was slightly wrecked as it barely survived the fire, his dummy, he even had… "Peter Pan and Tinkerbell," Blaine laughed. "How do you even have these still? I thought for sure they wouldve gotten lost after the fire, or they wouldnt have even survived the fire."
"They were never in the fire," Kurt explained. "I never put them back in my room after you gave them to me, I kept them in my pocket all day. I ended up forgetting they were there and I fell asleep with them in my pocket still, then when I was in the car with Elaine on the way to my new home I felt something sharp digging into my butt," He said, laughing. "I reached into my pocket and it was those."
Blaine smiled, imagining a four year old Kurt in that situation. He looked back in the box, his eyebrows furrowing together when he saw a pile of photos banded together with an elastic band. He instantly recognised the one on the top of the pile from their trip to the beach…he didnt even know there were any photos from that day.
"Since when do these photos even exist?" Blaine asked, going through the photos and smiling at the ones of him playing with Kurt on the beach.
"Elaine was taking pictures of us on her phone," Kurt replied. "She gave me a whole bunch of photos when I was like fifteen. There are some from when I was with you and uh, some from when I went to the other home."
Blaine couldnt help but smile at the photos. There were so many. There were some of Blaine and Kurt, some of Kurt by himself, there was even one of Blaine by himself that he obviously didnt know was being taken.
"Kurt," Santana said, opening Kurts door without knocking. She did that a lot. "Can we talk, please?"
Kurt looked from Santana, to Blaine, back to Santana and then back to Blaine one more time before speaking. "Ill be back in a minute," He sighed, getting up and following Santana out of the room.
"Im mad at you." He said to Santana once they were outside his bedroom.
"Youre mad at me?" Santana said incredulously.
"You ditched me!" Kurt exclaimed. "You took me out, for my birthday may I add, and then you left me there by myself with no way of getting home!"
"I came home! I told you that I was coming home!"
"No you didnt! One minute you were there and then I couldnt find you and believe me, I looked everywhere."
"Oh…well, I meant to tell you," Santana said guiltily. "What about you anyway?"
"What about me?"
"You didnt come home last night! I had no idea where you were!"
"Maybe if you told me you were leaving you wouldve known where I was!"
"Where were you?" Santana asked, completely ignoring what Kurt said.
"I was at Blaines. He cares about me more than you do and its been a freaking day!"
"You couldve texted me! I know you thought that I ditched you or whatever but youre still my best friend and I was worried sick about you!"
"Im sorry, okay!?" Kurt screamed. "Im sorry I ever agreed to your stupid plan! Im sorry that I didnt tell you I wasnt coming home! Im sorry you got stuck living with me! Im sorry, okay!?"
"Kurt –" Santana began, cut off by Kurt running into the bathroom crying. "Kurt!" Santana said, knocking on the bathroom door. "Kurt, please," Santana said. "Open the door."
"Go away!" Kurt cried.
Santana groaned, leaning against the bathroom door.
Blaine heard the whole argument. The entire neighbourhood probably heard the argument, the two of them were practically screaming at each other. He wanted to go and make sure they were okay, that Kurt was okay, but he felt as if it wasnt his place to interfere.
When he heard Kurt slam the bathroom door shut though, he couldnt stop himself from leaving the bedroom.
"Uh, are you guys okay?" Blaine asked Santana.
"He hates me," Santana said simply, closing her eyes frustratedly.
"He doesnt hate you," Blaine said, walking closer to the other nineteen year old. "He told me himself that he doesnt hate you. Well, his exact words were I love her but I hate her so much sometimes but you could tell he doesnt really hate you."
"He should hate me," Santana replied. "I would hate me if I was my roommate."
"Okay…let me talk to him?" Blaine suggested. "I dont know if it will help but…"
Santana nodded, pushing herself off the door.
"Can you just…tell him Ill be in my room if he wants to talk, please?"
"Yeah," Blaine smiled, waiting until the nineteen year old was in her room before knocking on the door softly. "Kurt? Its Blaine…can I come in?"
There were a few moments of silence before Kurt unlocked the door and let Blaine in. Once Blaine was inside Kurt went and sat on the floor, curling himself into a ball. Blaine figured that was the position he was in before hed knocked on the door.
"Are you okay?" He asked, sitting on the floor and rubbing Kurts back gently.
Kurt shook his head from where it was buried in his arms, lifting his head a few moments later to wipe at his eyes. "I hate everything," Kurt sobbed, burying his head in his arms again and crying even harder.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt the best he could and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "Define everything."
"I mean everything," Kurt cried. "I hate me, I hate my life, I hate Santana, I hate this apartment, I hate college, I hate my job, I hate everything!"
"No you dont," Blaine said. "Youre just upset."
"Blaine," Kurt sobbed, looking up at Blaine, his entire face wet with tears.
Blaine pulled Kurt against his chest immediately, carding his fingers through his soft hair and trying to comfort him the best he possibly could. "Shh," The twenty nine year old whispered into the top of Kurts head. "Youre gonna make yourself sick, sweetie," He said, the term of endearment slipping out without him realising.
It took a while, but Kurt finally started to calm down.
"Im sorry," Kurt laughed, wiping his eyes. "Im a complete mess…I…we only saw each other yesterday for crying out loud."
"Its okay, Kurt," Blaine assured him.
"Thank you. I know it sounds ridiculous but I dont know what Id do without you."
Blaine just hugged him close, trying to keep his heartbeat under control.
"Are you okay now?" Blaine asked.
"No," Kurt laughed.
Blaine sighed, changing the subject. "Santana wants to talk to you."
Kurt laughed, sniffing a little. "She said that last time and we ended up having a screaming match."
"I honestly think she just wants to talk to you, she feels bad."
"I dont want to talk to her," Kurt sniffed. "I dont care if Im being childish or immature I just..."
"Its okay," Blaine replied.
"Can we go back to my bedroom please?"
"Yeah," Blaine said, standing up and holding his hand out for Kurt.
He led the nineteen year old back to his bedroom and placed the abandoned box and its contents on the floor. Once the bed was clear, Kurt crawled under the covers and snuggled into the pillows.
"Do you want me to go?" Blaine asked, Kurt shaking his head in reply.
"Can you just...lay with me, please?"
"Yeah...yeah..." Blaine replied, kicking off his shoes and climbing under the covers next to Kurt.
Blaine couldnt help but reach out to gently caress Kurts cheek. He smiled as the nineteen year olds eyes fluttered shut, bringing his hand up to card his fingers through his hair.
Kurt was asleep within a matter of minutes, but Blaine didnt stop running his fingers through his hair or the gentle movement of his thumb over Kurts cheek, the younger boy snuggling closer to him.
Blaines breath caught in his throat when Kurt gripped onto his shirt with his hand and snuggled into his arms, his heart pounding against his chest as he wrapped his arms around him and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
When Kurt woke up, he felt a lot better. His head was pillowed on Blaines chest and hes managed to snake an arm around the older mans waist in his sleep.
He looked up to see that Blaine had fallen asleep. Kurt smiled, Blaine looked so young and adorable in that moment. His curly hair was a mess, and he looked so peaceful. There was a small smile pulling at his lips despite him being asleep and his whole face was relaxed. He looked cute, admittedly, and he looked so...so...kissa-
Kurt took a deep breath, laying his head back down before his thoughts could get any worse. Blaine was like his big brother. Well, he used to be like his big brother but still. It was only day two, they were hardly even friends yet.
But Blaine was asleep...it wouldnt hurt, right? Just to see what it felt like. Surely just a tiny kiss while he was asleep would be okay...
Kurt looked back up at Blaine, seriously considering whether he should kiss him or not. Screw it, he thought. He slowly scooted up the bed, making sure he didnt wake Blaine up, staring down at the older man for a few moments.
Taking a deep breath before he chickened out, Kurt leaned down and pressed his lips to Blaines, his heart beating wildly in his chest.
Wow, okay, kissing felt nice. Kissing felt really nice because...oh god, Blaine was kissing him back.
Kurt jumped back a little. "I thought you were asleep." He breathed.
"I was," Blaine replied.
"I, uh...Im sorry I...I shouldnt have..."
"Shut up," Blaine said and oh, he was coming closer.
"We...we shouldnt,"
"I know," Blaine replied and no more was said as the twenty nine year old pressed their mouths together, cupping Kurts cheek as their lips slotted perfectly together.
"I have to go meet Wes," Blaine breathed as Kurt placed yet another hickey on his neck.
"Do you have to?" Kurt groaned, not moving his head from Blaines neck.
"Yes," He replied. "Kurt, we need to stop."
"Dont wanna," Kurt mumbled, pressing his lips back to Blaines neck.
"Kurt...Kurt...seriously, we – stop – weve been at this for two hours."
Kurt sat up, whining a little because ugh, Blaine looked wrecked and he wanted nothing more than to just spend the day in bed, making out with Blaine.
"Your hair is a mess," Blaine laughed. "You look adorable."
Kurt sighed, leaning forward to brush Blaines curls off of his face. He couldnt stop himself when he leaned down to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
"Kurt," Blaine mumbled against his lips.
"I know," Kurt replied, smiling a little as he pulled back. "Call me later?"
"Promise," Blaine smiled, pressing one more kiss to Kurts lips before pulling his shoes on.
Kurt walked Blaine to the door, their hands intertwined. Once Blaine was gone, Kurt turned around, only then realising that Santana was sitting on the sofa through all of that.
"So are you two dating or?"
"Is that a hickey?" Wes asked when he allowed Blaine to enter his apartment.
"You dont miss anything, do you?"
"But you havent been with anyone except Kurt, unless...oh god, Blaine."
"I know," Blaine groaned. "I just...he isnt the same little Kurt anymore, Wes. He...hes hot."
"Oh God, okay, that disturbed me more than youd think."
"Not helping!"
"Just...how...you know, far...did you go?"
"Wes!" Blaine exclaimed.
"Im serious,"
"We only kissed,"
"Yeah and sucked huge bruises onto each others necks," Wes commented, inspecting how many hickies were on his friends neck. "There are dozens here, oh my god. I cant even imagine what Kurts neck must look like…"
"Sorry," He muttered.
"I like him, Wes," Blaine said guiltily. "I dont know why or how but I really like him."
"Its only been two days," Wes pointed out.
"I know. I cant explain it, I just…you know that fluttery feeling you get in your chest every time youre around someone that you have feelings for? Ive been feeling that ever since last night whenever I look at him. I mean, I didnt at first but as soon as we started talking, I just…" Blaine sighed. "It felt right kissing him."
"Hes nineteen,"
"I know," Blaine groaned. "I feel like I shouldnt feel this way about him but I cant help it, it feels wrong but it feels so right at the same time."
"What are you going to do?"
"I dont know," Blaine sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Ill figure it out later. For now, though, I need you to help me find a present for Kurt."
"How the hell am I supposed to help you? Youre the one whos had your face attached to his all afternoon, Im sure you know him a lot better than I do."
"Wes," Blaine whined. "Please?"
"Fine," Wes groaned. "But you so owe me for this."
"Thank you!" Blaine said happily, enveloping his best friend in a hug.
"So let me get this straight," Santana began. "You and this Blaine guy were both in an orphanage when you were younger and youre ten years his junior so he used to look after you, but the place set on fire and he ran in there to save you but you got taken to a new home hours later while Blaine was like hyperventilating in the back of an ambulance or something,"
"Tana," Kurt sighed.
"Sorry. Anyway, so you got taken to a new home and you thought you were never gonna see him again but, plot twist,you do see him again. So you bumped into him yesterday while we were out for your birthday and you talked a little bit about when you were younger like, reminisced or whatever, and then you couldnt find me and you were too drunk to tell him where you lived so he took you back to his place and sung you to sleep – can I just point out how cliché that is? – then this morning he made you waffles and then brought you back here so you could show him a box of stuff or something. You then proceed to have an excessively loud argument with me where you end up bawling your eyes out and he comforts you and takes you back to your bedroom. You kiss him, thinking that hes asleep but, oh look, another plot twist, hes actually awake and he kisses you back. So you spend two hours making out and here we are…"
"Pretty much," Kurt replied, pulling his knees to his chest as he sat sideways on the sofa to face Santana and leaned against the back of the sofa.
"And you wonder why Id rather get drunk and make out with girls without regretting it the next morning," Santana said, rolling her eyes. "Though I do have to say, Hummel, congrats on getting an older guy and everything."
"Shut up," Kurt laughed.
"Okay, so, you like this guy right?"
"So ask him out!"
"I cant!" Kurt groaned. "He was like my big brother when I was little and he still seems protective of me now. I dont even know how he feels about the whole two hour make out thing because it just sort of…happened…and we didnt get a chance to talk about it."
"If he didnt want to kiss you he wouldnt have kissed you," Santana pointed out. "He wouldve pushed you away."
"What if he just didnt want to hurt my feelings?" Kurt asked.
"Then he wouldnt have kissed you. Im pretty sure your feelings would be more hurt if he acted as if he was into it and then just ditched you, or whatever."
"I guess," Kurt sighed. "Ill talk to him later. He promised hed call me so…"
"Okay, now that conversation is over I can finally give you my gift," Santana said, getting up from the sofa. "Wait here."
Kurt waited patiently on the sofa while Santana ran into her bedroom, running back out with a little box.
"Uh, I know that you love me and everything, Tana, but its a little too soon to propose, dont you think?" Kurt teased.
"Shut up and open it, you idiot." Santana said, although there was a smile on her face as she handed Kurt his gift.
Kurt took the box into his hands and peeled the paper off before opening the box. Inside was a small necklace with a tiny silver heart hanging from it, well, half of a tiny silver heart hanging from it.
"This is probably the cheesiest thing Ive ever done but youre my best friend so I guess Ill make an exception," Santana smiled, pulling out her own necklace from inside her shirt, revealing the second half of the heart. "I know that Im not always the greatest friend – today and yesterday being a prime example of that – but I honestly do love you and youre the most amazing friend Ive ever had."
"Aw, Santana has a heart," Kurt teased, a huge smile on his face.
"Hummel," Santana warned, although there was no real threat behind it.
"Im kidding. I love it, Santana, thank you," Kurt smiled, hugging the girl sitting opposite him. "And just for the record, youre my best friend too, no matter how much I hate you and want to murder you sometimes."
"Okay, stop being soppy now," Santana laughed. "I believe I promised you a birthday movie night."
"This is hopeless!" Blaine cried. Theyd been in at least seven different shops and Blaine couldnt find anything he thought Kurt would even remotely like.
"Blaine…" Wes said, noticing something in a shop window.
"What?" Blaine groaned. Wes nodded towards the shop window as Blaine confusedly turned around to face it. "Oh my god, Wes…its perfect."
"I may be a lesbian, but I still know when a guy is hot or not," Santana said, shoving another handful of popcorn in her mouth. "There is absolutely no way Jacob is hotter than Edward."
"Yes, but youre forgetting that Im a gay guy and Im actually attracted to men, unlike you, and Im telling you that Edward doesnt even come close to Jacob."
"You have got to be –" Santana was cut off by a knock on the door.
"Ugh," Kurt groaned around a mouthful of popcorn. "I am not moving from this seat."
"I guess Ill be getting it then," Santana replied, rolling her eyes before shoving more popcorn in her mouth and wrapping her duvet around her, shuffling towards the front door. "Itsh Byayn!" She shouted to Kurt, popcorn falling out of her mouth.
"Uh…Hi?" Blaine said confusedly. "Did I interrupt something?"
"We wachin a moffie," Santana mumbled around her popcorn. "Kuh!" She shouted, more popcorn spitting out of her mouth. "Ew…"
Blaine heard shuffling and suddenly Kurt was shuffling towards the open door, cocooned in another duvet.
Kurt tried to speak but he was still eating popcorn so he held his hand up to Blaine, asking him to wait for a minute before he managed to swallow the popcorn. "Hi."
"Hi," Blaine laughed. Kurt looked adorable, honestly. His hair was sticking up randomly, he was dressed in pyjamas and he had a duvet double his size wrapped around him. "Uh, can I steal you for a little while?"
"But theres shirtless Taylor Lautner on my TV screen," Kurt pouted teasingly, ignoring Santanas shout of TEAM EDWARD from where she was back in front of the TV.
"Please?" Blaine asked.
"Give me a second," Kurt replied, shuffling back to the sofa before unwrapping himself from the duvet and putting it back on the sofa. Blaine tried to muffle a laugh when he saw Kurt trip over the cover and almost fall flat on his face, but apparently he wasnt very quiet as Kurt shouted I heard that! before continuing with what he was doing.
Soon enough, Kurt was stepping outside the apartment and closing the door quietly behind him. He was still dressed in his pyjamas, but he actually had shoes on.
"Where are you taking me?" Kurt asked curiously as he got into Blaines car, trying to figure out where they were going when Blaine started driving. "There better not be people there because I look a mess right now and –"
"Relax," Blaine laughed. "There wont be people there. Just…are you okay with heights?"
"Um…yeah, but -"
"If youre gonna ask me why, Im not telling you," Blaine said with a smile. "Its a surprise."
"Youre mean." Kurt pouted.
"Thank you,"
"A warehouse…you took me to a warehouse."
"Just shut up and come with me," Blaine laughed, getting out of the car. Kurt was confused when Blaine reached into the back seat and pulled a bag out, but the twenty nine year old quickly explained. "Your present."
"Blaine," Kurt said, shocked. "You didnt have to buy me anything."
"I wanted to," Blaine smiled. "Now, come on."
Blaine led Kurt inside the warehouse and towards a set of stairs. Blaine went up first, Kurt following confusedly behind until his head suddenly popped outside a window.
"Holy crap," Kurt said. "Were on a roof…why are we on a roof? Are you trying to kill me?"
"Calm down," Blaine said, smiling at Kurts cuteness. "Just come up here." Blaine said, sitting on the roof.
The roof was flat, but it was slightly slanted and Kurt was terrified that he would go flying down it if he climbed onto it.
"I know I said I was okay with heights but I wasnt expecting this, Blaine…I – I cant." Kurt said, shaking his head.
"You can," Blaine said, "Here, take my hands," He said, standing up and moving to the window, holding his hands out for Kurt. "I promise I wont let you fall."
Slowly, Kurt placed his hands in Blaines and allowed himself to be led outside onto the roof, trying to do anything but look down.
"Im never gonna make it to twenty," Kurt muttered, slowly walking along the roof, never letting go of Blaines hands.
"Stop being such a drama queen." Blaine laughed, walking backwards as he led Kurt slowly towards where he was previously sitting.
Kurt screamed when his trainer slipped the slightest bit, clinging to Blaine like his life depended on it because honestly, he believed that his life did depend on it. "Blaine!" He screamed, tears appearing in his eyes.
"Its okay, Ive got you," Blaine said, gripping Kurt a little tighter. "Im not gonna let you fall."
Finally, finally, they were back at the place where Blaine placed the bag. They both sat down, Kurt finally feeling like he could breathe again.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah," Kurt breathed. "I think I might hate you though."
"You think?" Blaine laughed.
"Shut up. I almost just died, I dont know what Im thinking."
"Okay," Blaine laughed. "Uh, yeah so I got you a present but I kind of wanted to talk to you first, just in case you hate me afterwards."
"So uh, earlier…oh god this sounds awful. It wasnt that I didnt like kissing you because trust me, I did. I really liked it, actually," He said, blushing a little. "Anyway. I think that its pretty obvious that we both like each other but I…I think that we should try being just friends, for now at least. I mean, its only day two and we hardly know each other. Well, I know you like the back of my hand, but your three year old self, not this nineteen year old version of yourself and I want to get to know you better before we jump into something, because honestly all I know about you right now is that you study at NYADA and judging by what I saw when I came to pick you up, you have a thing for Taylor Lautner. You also have a manic best friend…sort of. So uh, yeah…"
"Okay," Kurt said, smiling.
"Okay?" Blaine repeated, raising his eyebrows.
"Okay," Kurt laughed. "I get what you mean. I dont know the first thing about you, really. I know that youre really good looking – sorry, thats probably not helping with the just friends thing – but I dont know anything about you."
"Oh thank god," Blaine sighed. "I thought you were gonna hate me."
"Why would I hate you?"
"I dont know, I just kind of thought that I screwed everything up."
"You didnt." Kurt smiled.
"Good. Now, present time," He laughed, passing Kurt a box shaped present.
"I still cant believe you bought me a present." Kurt said, taking the present from Blaine.
"Like I said, I wanted to. Now open it!"
"Pushy," Kurt giggled. He began tearing off the paper, confused as to what was inside until it was completely unwrapped. "Blaine…" Kurt whispered.
It was a rectangular canvas with a light blue background, Peter Pan painted in the corner and cursive writing that had a quote from the book across it. The painting looked…magical. That was the only word that could describe it.
"I thought the quote kind of fitted us," Blaine said. "Plus its Peter Pan, and I know you loved it when you were little."
"I love it," Kurt replied. "The painting I mean. Thank you." He said, laughing a little and looking up at Blaine with tears in his eyes.
"Youre welcome."
"Its kind of ironic actually."
"The quote," Kurt said, tracing the letters with his finger. "Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting. I dont know why, but that was my favourite line from the book when I was little. That was why I never said goodbye to you when I left," He said, looking up at Blaine with a lone tear trailing down his cheek. "Elaine told me she was gonna come and wake you up so that I could say goodbye to you and I remember saying, and I quote, No! I cant say goodbye to Blaine because Peter Pan said that if you say goodbye then you will forget, and I dont want to forget Blaine! and then I started crying…kind of like I am right now." He said, laughing and wiping his eyes.
"I always wondered why I never got to say goodbye to you…I remember I felt like complete crap but I was terrified to go to sleep in case you left but Elaine promised me that you wouldnt leave without saying goodbye but when I woke up I was told that youd already left…I hated that that last time you got to see me I could hardly remember my own name. It makes sense now, though…and I guess it worked."
"What worked?" Kurt asked, trying to stop himself from crying.
"You not saying goodbye. I never forgot…not once."
"Me neither." Kurt whispered brokenly, more tears leaving his eyes.
"I know that grin," Santana said as Kurt entered the apartment, painting clutched to his chest and his head down as he smiled wildly. "Either you and Blaine did something unspeakable or he asked you out."
"Neither," Kurt smiled. "He said he wants to try being friends for now, and I actually sort of agree with him."
"What the hell are you grinning at then?"
Although he knew she wouldnt understand, Kurt passed the painting to Santana.
"Youre grinning at Peter Pan?" Santana asked, her eyebrows raised.
"Blaine got it for me."
"He got you a Peter Pan painting?"
Moving to sit next to Santana on the sofa, Kurt began to explain the whole Peter Pan thing.
"Blaine used to read Peter Pan to me every night when I was little, it was my favourite book. He got me these tiny figurines of Peter Pan and Tinkerbell for my fourth birthday, which I still have in my bedroom, and we watched the movie every time it was on TV."
"Yeah but youre not four years old anymore…"
"The quote," Kurt said. "He didnt just get it for me because its Peter Pan. Read the quote."
"Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting. Thats…thats sickening…yet really cute at the same time."
"It was my favourite line from the book. I mean, he didnt even know that until today but…"
"It still means a lot to you, yeah yeah, I get it," Santana chuckled.
"He means a lot to me," Kurt corrected. "He always has."
Kurt: How the hell do you hang canvases on the wall!?
Kurt was in the middle of attempting to hang that painting that Blaine had bought him above his bed but so far all hed succeeded in doing was dropping a million nails and completely messing up his once neat bed.
Blaine: Oh my god.
Kurt: Im serious! I have no idea what Im doing!
Blaine: Do you know how to put a nail in the wall?
Kurt: Uh…no?
Blaine: Oh my god. Im laughing at you right now, but not in a bad way, I promise.
Kurt: Help me :(
Blaine: Can you wait until tomorrow? Ill come over and hang it up for you.
Kurt: Thank you, youre the best!
Blaine: I know ;)
Kurt smiled, clearing his bed off and locking his phone before crawling into bed, happy at the prospect of seeing Blaine the next day.
"Voila!" Blaine exclaimed, jumping off of Kurts bed and opening his arms out. "All done."
"Yay! Thank you!" Kurt shouted happily, hugging Blaine tightly.
"Okay, be honest with me…how much sugar have you had today?" Blaine asked, laughing despite his efforts not to.
"Uh…Im not sure."
"Oh my god, you actually have had a lot of sugar…"
"…Santana made me!" Kurt exclaimed.
"No I didnt!" Santana shouted from outside Kurts bedroom before the door opened, Santana poking her head inside. "What didnt I make you do?"
"Apparently you made Kurt have a lot of sugar today…hence his hyper...ness."
"Nuh-uh," Santana protested. "Im not the one that fed him a huge stack of waffles covered in chocolate syrup for breakfast. Im also not the one who continued to give him sugary snacks and drinks to snack on for the rest of the day."
"Kurt!" Blaine admonished, although he was laughing.
"It wasnt my fault." Kurt pouted.
"Youre insane," Blaine laughed, just as there was a knock on the apartment door.
"Ill get it!" Kurt cheered happily, running out of his bedroom.
"Is this normal for him or…?"
"Not normal…per se, but he gets over it quite quickly. Although he gets kind of depressed afterwards."
"Thats usually what happens with a sugar high," Blaine laughed.
"Santana!" Kurt called. "Theres a girl at the door for you who claims that you and her –"
"Okay! Thats enough from you!" Santana shouted, running into the living room to cover Kurts mouth and lead him back to his bedroom before seeing who was at the door.
"We should go ice skating!" Kurt exclaimed excitedly. He was lying on the sofa with his head in Blaines lap, having still not come down from his sugar high. "Ive never been ice skating."
"Youve never – wow, okay."
"We should go!" Kurt exclaimed as Blaine started playing with his hair. "I know that I wont fall over if I go with you. You promised you wouldnt let me fall."
Blaine tried to ignore Kurts comment, although he was smiling a little at it. "Its the middle of May. I promise Ill take you ice skating near Christmas, okay?"
"Okay." Kurt grinned.
"Youre adorable like this." Blaine said, unable to stop the words from coming out of his mouth.
"Nuh-uh," Kurt said, pointing a finger at Blaines face. "Were just friends, remember?"
"Im just saying," Blaine laughed. "Santanas your friend but if she called you adorable it wouldnt be classed as hitting on you."
"Santanas a lesbian."
"I know," Blaine laughed. "Shes in the kitchen with her girlfriend right now."
"I cant believe she didnt tell me that she had a girlfriend," Kurt said, pouting a little. "Were best friends. We tell each other everything."
"Maybe she just wasnt ready to tell you." Blaine said, continuing to play with Kurts baby soft hair.
"Blaine," Kurt said, running his finger along the scar on Blaines face. "Does that hurt?"
"Nope," Blaine replied. "It did when I first got it, and when it left a bruise for like two months afterwards, but its completely fine now."
"How did you get it?" Kurt asked. "I know it was from the fire but what actually happened?"
"Apparently something made of glass exploded – they found it shattered on the floor after they put the fire out – and it hit me in the face but I was kind of out of it so I didnt actually feel it hit me. That was why I made you keep your head down, if you even remember -"
"Of course I remember."
"I didnt want you to get hurt," Blaine finished. "Plus I knew if you looked up and saw the fire it would scare you."
"You were such a compassionate thirteen…or well, fourteen year old." Kurt smiled. "Can I ask you a question? You dont have to answer it if you dont want to though."
"Of course."
"How did you end up in care? I mean…my parents died when I was two, did the same thing happen to you?"
"My mum died," Blaine began. "She died when I was a baby. My dad…he kind of just broke down after that. He didnt like, neglect me or anything but he wasnt exactly the best dad. When I turned like, six or something he started drinking a lot and the older I got, the worse he got. He started to become abusive towards me but I was only little so I didnt really understand that he was doing something awful, I kind of just thought I was being punished or something. He tried to act like the perfect dad whenever other people were around but he snapped one day in front of my aunt. I wouldnt eat my food or something and he threatened me and then I started crying and he hit me, right in front of her. I was only about eight. My aunt talked to me later that night – my dad thought that she was reading me a bedtime story – and she asked me why I didnt tell anyone what he was doing to me and I said that I was scared and I didnt want to stay with him anymore. She called social services and I went to stay with her for a few days but she couldnt really support a child so I ended up in care."
"What happened to your dad?"
"I have no idea. I dont really care either. I hated him and Im not the least bit interested in trying to find him, or find out anything about him."
"Im sorry." Kurt said seriously.
"Why?" Blaine asked, playing with Kurts hair again.
"Because nobody should have to go through that."
"Im okay, though," Blaine smiled. "I was fairly happy in care, considering."
"You still went through it though. I mean, I know my parents died but I was never abused."
"Youre ridiculously sweet, you know?" Blaine smiled. How could he not?
"Stop saying things like that," Kurt groaned, although there was a smile on his face. "You make being just friends the hardest thing in the world."
"I cant help it if youre ridiculously sweet and adorable, can I?" Blaine grinned.
"Youre evil!" Kurt whined.
"Thank you," Blaine laughed, just as Santana and her girlfriend entered the living room.
"I find it so hard to believe you guys arent dating sometimes," Santana said, her hand intertwined with the other girls as they made their way over to the sofa. "Scoot over."
Reluctantly, Kurt sat up so that his head was no longer resting in the twenty nine year olds lap and pulled his knees up to his chest.
"Are you ever going to introduce us?" Kurt whispered to Santana when she sat down next to him.
Santana sighed. "This is Kurt, my best friend and roommate who was on a sugar high about half an hour ago so forgive him if he falls asleep on us and drools all over us, and this is Blaine, his…friend, I guess? Guys, this is my girlfriend, Dani."
"Hi," Dani smiled.
"Hi," Kurt said, smiling in reply. "And I wont fall asleep or drool over you. Im more sophisticated than that."
"Says the guy who almost spat popcorn over my face yesterday," Blaine laughed, receiving a glare from Kurt. "Sorry."
"Shut up," Kurt laughed. "So, how did you guys meet?"
"Ugh," Santana groaned. "This is why I didnt introduce you guys."
"You know that diner down the street?" Dani began.
"The one where the staff sing and stuff?" Kurt asked.
"Yeah, I work there. Tana was there one day and we ended up talking, I nearly got fired for that stunt, but yeah…thats pretty much it. I asked her out almost instantly."
"Aw," Blaine cooed.
"How did you guys meet?" Dani asked in return.
"Oh god, were going to be here all day." Santana muttered.
"Uh…were not dating." Kurt said.
"I know," Dani laughed. "I was just wondering how you met."
"Um…" Blaine said, biting his lip. "Well uh…for the first or the second time?"
"The first or second time?" Dani asked confusedly.
"Well, we were both in care when we were younger and this one was like my baby brother," He said, pointing to Kurt. "But he moved homes like a year or so later and we didnt see each other until like, the day before yesterday."
"Wow," Dani laughed.
"Thats the short version of the story." Santana pointed out.
"Thats really cute, actually." Dani said, smiling at the two boys.
Nobody noticed Kurt digging the heels of his hands into his head until a large groan came from him, causing everyone in the room to look at him.
"You okay?" Blaine asked.
"I feel sick," Kurt whined. "Why did you let me eat so many sugary things?" He asked Santana.
"Because youre not my child and I dont choose what you eat," Santana replied.
"Do you wanna go and lay down for a bit?" Blaine asked, ignoring Santanas comment. Kurt nodded, allowing Blaine to lead him into his bedroom and tuck him into bed.
"Can you lie with me, please?" Kurt asked, his voice muffled.
"Nuh-uh, no way," Blaine said. "Thats what you asked yesterday and we ended up making out for two hours."
"Please?" Kurt asked, sounding genuinely sad. "I promise I wont kiss you again. I wouldnt attempt to kiss you right now anyway, I might vomit in your mouth if I did."
"Ew, Kurt," Blaine laughed.
"Please?" Kurt asked again.
"Fine," Blaine sighed, climbing into Kurts bed and allowing him to snuggle into his arms. "But I swear, if we do anything more than cuddle I am never sharing a bed with you again."
"Deal." Kurt mumbled, already half asleep.
"Shes cute," Kurt said.
Santana had just walked Dani out as she had to get ready for work and Blaine had left a little while beforehand.
"I know," Santana grinned.
"Since when were you willing to get a girlfriend anyway?" Kurt asked, raising his eyebrows.
"I wasnt. But then I met her and…I dont know."
"Can I just ask…why -"
"Didnt I tell you? I honestly didnt think about it. I know that sounds bad because I should want to brag that were dating but I was just enjoying being with her and I didnt think about it."
"But the other night…when I said the only reason you wanted to go out was so that you could make out with girls without regretting it, didnt you think about telling me then?"
Santana shrugged.
"Just for the record," Kurt said next. "Im happy for you."
"Thank you, Hummel," Santana smiled, enveloping her best friend in a brief hug. "And Ill be happy for you too when, you know, you and the hobbit finally start dating." She teased before running into her bedroom.
"Hes not a hobbit!" Kurt shouted after her, laughing a little.