Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
After visiting Blaine's father's grave, the mule ride home was quiet. Kurt's leg was a little sore, and he limped a bit coming back down the path to the mules, so Blaine asked him if he would like to double in Caesar for the ride home. Kurt accepted and Blaine held him tightly as the two of them meandered down the mountain. Kurt curled himself into Blaine's chest and laid his head on his shoulder. They sang quiet songs, slow and a little bluesy, until the came upon the main path home past the rabbit snares. Kurt sat up straighter and put a leg on each side of the saddle so as to take some pressure off of Blaine.
"Blaine? I just wanted to thank you for letting me go with you today. I know it was hard for you to go up there, but you do it every year, don't you?" Kurt asked.
"Yeah. I went up all the time at first, like I could get closer to him or something. Cooper had to come and drag me back to the cabin. But over time, it's now just on June 19th. Sometimes I go and there are already flowers on the grave...I've never seen anyone but Cooper there, though," Blaine said in a quiet voice, then as if to himself he said, "Although I'm pretty sure who left the flowers."
Kurt tightened his grip on Blaine's hand he was holding. "Lenore."
"Lenore," Blaine confirmed.
"I leave flowers for my mom, too," Kurt said. He was worried that Blaine might think that he was comparing the two deaths, as if his having lost his mother was somehow equivalent to Blaine losing his father. It wasn't in the least. Kurt just understood a lot more than most of Blaine's friends. Blaine sat next to Kurt, melting into the warm embrace and feeling as if this was the first time since his dad died that he felt truly safe and loved.
The days marched on, each one a celebration by the boys of their love of each other and how close two people could come to be. Kurt and Blaine played and talked and got serious and planned. Their entire lives together had been mapped out a thousand ways, then taken apart and done all over again.
"I'm getting tired...are we going to stop for a rest soon?" Kurt asked again. He was getting better in terms of stamina, but he'd done a lot of the exercises last night and then hadn't slept well resulting in his cranky demeanor this morning. Blaine was used to it, but this didn't mean he liked it one bit. Ignoring the mood sometimes helped for a while because as the day wore on, Kurt's mood almost always lifted and they had fun. Of course, there were those days when the bad mood lasted for the whole day and in to the next. Blaine could live without those.
"I think we're getting close, Babe. There are a few more rocky places we need to get past leading the mules, then the path straightens out and it'll be smooth sailing. Okay?" Blaine said, trying to keep the tone of his voice from betraying his irritation.
"Okay, Blaine. C'mon Caesar, let's get moving," Kurt said, coaxing the burly animal past the outcropping of rocks and on to the path beyond it.
The boys had been walking and riding for about two hours. A few days ago Kurt had expressed an interest in seeing more of the country around the camp and Blaine had jumped on that idea and planned out a two-day trek into the prettiest part of the forest. The plans sounded wonderful, the images that flashed through Kurt's mind were idyllic and amazing. Hiking through the forest, even with the mules carrying the bulk of the equipment and sometimes the boys, wasn't as romantic as Kurt's fantasy suggested.
"Kurt, can you stop at the next group of Douglas furs up ahead?" Blaine asked, indicating the conifers with the longer needles up the road.
"Sure thing, Blaine," he returned and walked on, finally stopping at the group of trees.
"Ah, now, I need to adjust something here..." Blaine said, walking up to Kurt and taking Caesar's reins in his hand and tying them to a tree. Claudius' reins were tied to Caesar's saddle, so he was fine.
"Okay, I think we can start right here.." Blaine said in a somewhat lower voice and he placed his hands on Kurt's back and brought him closer. Kurt barely had time to take in a breath before Blaine's mouth was on his, kissing him deeply as his body was brought flush against his lover's and he sighed into Blaine. Kurt's bad mood disappeared with the wind and he was fully invested in this one kiss. It went on for quite some time, the mules shifting their weight from one hoof to another in bored fidgeting as the two boys kissed and hugged for ten minutes.
"There, feel better now?" Blaine asked and Kurt realized just how grouchy he'd been.
"Yes, much better. Consider me soundly reprimanded, my sweet. Really, Blaine, I am sorry about my attitude this morning. I know better, and I'm so glad you didn't just get angry. You had every right to, you know," Kurt confessed, feeling guilty and a little sad. They had less than a month before they had to report to college and Kurt was wasting it being grumpy. He leaned back into Blaine's arms and closed his eyes.
"Blaine, I really am sorry. I can ask you to forgive me, and I know you will, but I need to condition myself not to act like a spoiled little brat. I could use your help, it's been hard for me to recognize when it starts. I love you, baby, and maybe you could let me know when it starts and I can do something to change it right away?"
"Okay. I'm no saint myself but I can try. I love you, too, Kurt. Let's get going, it really isn't very far from here," Blaine said, cheered by the fact that Kurt recognized he needed to work on the problem. Blaine was willing to do whatever Kurt might want, but was worried he might have some irritating or destructive habits that he could use some help in improving. He resolved to ask Kurt about them later.
Another half an hour found the mules and their riders stepping out onto a high mountain meadow. At the edge as they walked in were a dozen or so elk sitting or grazing in the shadows of the trees across the valley in front of them. Luckily for the boys, a lake divided them from the elk. At the tree line at the edge of the meadow Kurt could see some birds in the branches and some small animals playing near the water of the lake, but as they walked into the meadow, the animals froze, then faded into the grass. Kurt looked at Blaine to see if he had noticed them and was glad to catch a happy grin on his face. His head tilted to one side and Kurt smiled back.
"Those are fishers. A kind of weaselly type creature you don't want angry at you," Blaine said with a smile. "They eat rabbits and squirrels and mice."
Kurt looked at him for a minute. "If their name is 'fisher', don't they eat fish?"
"Nope. I mean, I guess if one was starving it might eat an available fish, but as a rule they don't. Although I did see one eat a snake once." Blaine related.
"They have snakes here?" Kurt said, looking around as if they were thick on the ground.
"Yeah, but just garter snakes and king snakes. Nothing to bother you. Cooper told me they do have Western Rattlers, but I've never seen one. I guess if you hear a rattle, you better freeze, okay?" Blaine told his friend.
"Oh. Well, okay...I think we need to make sure the zipper on the tent is secure tonight, right?" he asked and Blaine nodded.
"We can eat first or we can set up the tent. Which would you prefer?" Blaine asked, reaching out to hold Kurt's hand for a moment. They both tended to touch each other a lot, ever since the first days of being together in the cabin and all through the school year at McKinley. It wasn't a conscious thing, just a gravitational pull that neither one could resist. It had increased since they had been alone so much with nobody to deem it necessary to make scathing comments about it.
"Let's get the mules comfortable, then get the tent set up I think. I want to clean some of this sweat off of myself, then we can relax and eat. Does that sound good?" Kurt asked.
"Sounds great!" Blaine said.
It didn't take long for them to get Caesar and Claudius on pickets to graze and then get the tent set up and zipped shut against the snakes Kurt was imagining. By the time he was done, Blaine had their fishing equipment out and was fixing them up with bobbers and flies.
"Hey, that sounds like fun...let's get some fish for lunch. We all know who pulled the biggest fish out of the river last fall when Dad was here," Kurt grinned, gently kidding Blaine.
"Yeah, well, chinook salmon don't live in mountain lakes – not even in Oregon, my pet. We'll see who can pull lunch out of this lake, okay?" Blaine teased. They walked to the edge of the lake, climbing out on the rocks that went into the lake to get a good fishing spot. Half an hour later, Kurt got his first strike. He snapped his wrist, setting the hook and brought in the fish just the way Blaine had taught him. It was a decent sized rainbow and Blaine scooped it out of the water with his net, then set about fixing the pole for Kurt to put back In the water. Kurt picked up the fish to gut it and Blaine stopped him.
"You don't want to gut that fish so close to where we're camping, it might bring bears or cougars. We will walk quite a ways away to do it when we have enough for lunch so we don't attract the more dangerous visitors," Blaine said with a very serious look on his face.
They pulled three more nice trout out of the lake and one sucker which they threw back. After walking ten minutes away to the other side of some rocks to gut and clean the fish, they walked back to the campground and fixed a delicious lunch with the fresh trout and some things they brought with them. They sat by the fire for a while and then went for a walk in the trees across the meadow.
Walking under the branches of the beautiful deciduous trees, Kurt was mesmerized by all the things he saw. The trees here weren't pine. It was a mixed forest of birch, ash, oaks, locust, myrtle, a few aspen, and some scrubby bitter cherry trees. As they walked hand in hand, Blaine noticed the dappled sunshine on their skin as the sun dodged the big leaves of the trees that were swaying in the light breeze. It was a hot summer this year, but the high mountains made it pleasantly warm instead of murky and moist as it did at lower altitudes. There were colorful birds everywhere: chickadees, warblers, nuthatches, sparrows, wrens, and finches all singing and chirping in the distance. Kurt loved the bright blue ones with a smoky gray crest on their heads and pointed one out to Blaine.
"Oh, Camp Robbers!" he said, amusement in his eyes. Kurt smiled at the obvious joy in Blaine's face as he told Kurt about the bird. "There are several types of birds called 'camp robbers': gray jays, magpies, some others, but this fellow is a Steller's Jay. I think they are much more dapper than their cousins the blue jays although they are about even in the annoying call and screech department. These guys are noisy!"
Kurt grinned and they continued their walk until Kurt saw so many baby rabbits he had to comment.
"I thought rabbit parents kept their babies home most of the time, but I've seen so many baby rabbits here, don't you think it's strange?"
"If they were actual babies, yes I would think it was strange. Those are pygmy rabbits. You don't see them further down the mountains, I think they must just live here," Blaine said. "I've never snared one, so I don't know if they taste the same, but I imagine they do."
By this time they were back at the camp, having walked in a big circle. Blaine had an activity set for the afternoon and he watched Kurt to see if he seemed overtired. His leg was getting better in leaps and bounds, but even the doctor said it might be a year before it was completely healed. Kurt didn't seem to be too tired, so Blaine went over to their pack saddles and got out a long package made of canvas and walked across the meadow. He set up a few paper targets, pinning them to trees with thumbtacks he'd brought.
Back by Kurt's side, he undid the canvas package and pulled out a beautiful yew recurve bow and a quiver of arrows. Kurt's eyes lit up. He had taken a class in archery at school and because he was interested in it, he and Mercedes had taken several more classes at the recreation center in Lima. He was actually a pretty good shot, thank you very much. Blaine was a good teacher. When he was teaching Kurt to tie flies or cast a fishing line he was patient and encouraging. Kurt enjoyed learning new things and they tried to introduce each other to new experiences whenever possible. However, Blaine did have a competitive edge and it sometimes got to Kurt a little. Blaine was very good at a number of activities and lorded his wins over Kurt from time to time. Never anything cruel or mean, just that air of superiority that tended to crawl under Kurt's skin.
Kurt smiled to himself and decided not to mention his classes or prowess with the bow for now.
"This is my bow that my dad gave me for my birthday the year I turned twelve," Blaine said, handling it with gentle hands, running his fingers over the satiny wood in reverence. "I'll show you how to do it if you'd like," Blaine offered and Kurt nodded for him to go ahead.
Blaine put on the bracer to protect his forearm from the string snapping and then put on the finger tab before tightening the bow string. He nocked the arrow and pulled the string, aiming at one of the paper targets and hitting the edge of the circle. He smiled at his accomplishment and turned to Kurt.
"Do you think you'd like to try?" he asked.
"Please!" Kurt said, anxious to try his skill. Blaine helped him set his feet shoulder-length apart and then put the bracer and finger tab on for his protection. He stood close behind Kurt, his arms around him as he showed him how to aim and the best way to hold the bow and figure out his dominant eye. He went over the feel of using the power of the trapezius muscles to pull the arrow. He didn't let it fly, but eased the pressure off of the bow string in order to let Kurt try it himself.
"Don't worry about hitting the target the first few times, just get a feel for the bow before we talk about aiming and things, okay?" Blaine encouraged. He was smiling as Kurt followed his instructions. He shook his arms a bit to loosen his muscles and picked up the recurve bow, taking a 28 inch arrow with red fletching.
"Alright, point the arrow to the ground and tip it just a little clockwise of vertical. Right. Now put the shaft of the arrow on the arrow shelf...this thing right here, and nock it onto place on the bowstring. Make sure the cockfeather is pointing away from the bow so the fletching will clear the arrow rest as it goes past. Right," Blaine continued, his arms around Kurt as he showed him each correct step. Kurt leaned back a tiny bit to feel Blaine, the warmth of his body so comforting to Kurt. Blaine left a kiss on Kurt's cheek and stepped back.
Taking careful aim, Kurt could feel his muscles bunching in all the right places, the balance felt correct, the target was in his site. It was like riding a bicycle: Kurt had not shot an arrow in over two years but the correct way to do it all came flooding back into his muscle memory as he looked down the course Blaine had set up to the paper target. The breeze had died down and everything was perfect as Kurt loosed the arrow. It hit the tree behind the target with a solid 'thwack'!"
Kurt lowered the bow, glancing over at Blaine and trying not to look anything but amazed when Blaine's shocked expression turned to stare at Kurt.
"Wow, that was so lucky! I bet that felt great! Let's try it again, okay?" Blaine's eyes sparkled as he smiled at Kurt. He handed him another arrow, this one with blue and yellow fletching. Kurt lined himself up and pulled back, trying to keep the grin off of his face. He needn't have worried, Blaine had his eyes glued to the target. Kurt loosed the arrow and another satisfying 'thwack!' sounded down the course as the arrow hit just millimeters from the first arrow he'd shot.
Blaine's mouth was wide open, staring at the target, as he tried to make sense of how Kurt could be so good on his first try. As he stood there, staring, a third arrow hit just a few millimeters above, the arrow still vibrating as Blaine turned to look at the huge grin on Kurt's face.
"You are a great teacher, Blaine! I don't know how I could have done that without your instruction!" Kurt crowed in mock appreciation. Blaine glared at Kurt.
"Okay, Mr. Cleverboots. How long did you take lessons?" Blaine asked, tapping his foot in irritation and embarrassment.
"Ah...Mercedes and I took them for about three years," Kurt divulged and then backed up a step as Blaine started forward, fire in his eyes. Kurt turned to run and tripped over the quiver, landing on his butt in the meadow grass, Blaine landing close beside him and rolling on top of him.
Blaine's fingers found Kurt's ribs and dug in, tickling as he pushed Kurt to the ground and climbing on top of him, his knees in the soft soil as he straddled Kurt's thighs. Kurt was gasping for air as he tried to protect his tender sides from the strong fingers bent on making him laugh.
"Stop!" Kurt gasped again. He hated being tickled. Blaine giggled and leaned forward, pulling back his fingers as he shifted his hands to Kurt's shoulders to hold him to the ground.
"How do you feel about this?" Blaine asked as his mouth fell on Kurt's and the kiss got harder, Blaine's soft lips moving over Kurt's as he licked at Kurt's lips and finally slid his tongue in. It wasn't hard and rough as Kurt had expected, no. Blaine had given up on the tickling and just kissed Kurt, rocking his hips back and forth in a slow, methodical way. A small whine escaped Blaine's throat and he pressed down harder against Kurt's body, sliding up a bit from his thighs to a place with more friction and better prospects. Kurt moaned in an appreciative manner and Blaine lowered his chest to lay on Kurt with all of his weight, holding him down.
Kurt pulled back, gasping once again for air.
"Blaine...ah....Blaine..." Kurt said, but didn't try to speak again as he closed his eyes and bucked up a little, trying to accommodate the rutting hips pressing into him. He opened his eyes to see Blaine's face just as his lover buried his nose in Kurt's neck, kissing the tender flesh he found there. Kurt saw a movement from the corner of his eye and froze, grabbing Blaine's shoulders and tightening his hold. Blaine hesitated, this was not what he expected – Kurt was still and he heard a gasp before the pain in his shoulders from Kurt's fingernails digging in startled him.
"Don't make a sound," Kurt whispered under his breath. Blaine started to ask why and Kurt's grip got even tighter. "Don't even breathe." He said in a breathy whisper Blaine could barely make out when he felt Kurt start to tremble. Blaine heard Kurt's breaths increase, but realized it was not Kurt but something very close – something that smelled ghastly. He could hear snuffling from maybe a hundred feet away, then some clanging of pans or something. Kurt was holding him so tightly, so closely he could not move his head to look – but he thought he knew what it was. He remained as still as possible, holding Kurt so tightly he could feel his heart hammering into his chest and wondered if Kurt could feel his.
Blaine knew it wasn't likely they would be attacked by the bear. Bears were, for the most part, peace-loving creatures and would probably amble on down the road when he discovered that there was no food to be had in camp. He and Kurt had moved all the food to a tree a few hundred feet away and all the garbage, like fish bones, was buried a few hundred yards in the other direction.
The black bear wasn't really hungry, he was just curious. People didn't venture into his neighborhood very often. Since there was nothing to eat and all the smells and noises were accounted for, the bear would have probably been gone in a little while. A certain cantankerous mule decided to take matters into his own...ah...hooves- so to speak.
Caesar was not happy about the bear. He was even less happy about the snake he had been eying from his patch of meadow grass. The combination just drove him a bit over the edge and the mule started heehawing for all he was worth, his loud and obnoxious voice echoing all over the camp as he pawed the ground. Claudius, never one to be left out of the fun, started his own cacophony and that is when the bear had experienced quite enough of the intruders. He took one look to see if the monsters were going to follow him and he took off as fast as he could go – which is much faster than most people believe they can go – and high-tailed it out of there.
Kurt and Blaine heard the bear leave, but it was ten full minutes before they were able to breathe properly again and move to get up. They never let go of each other, sitting in the soft warm soil and the thin meadow grass just looking at each other and realizing they were now safe. They sat, facing each other and holding each other so tightly until their breathing was normal and their hearts stopped racing.
Finally getting up, they walked around for a few minutes trying to get their circulation going again.
"Blaine, ah...how dangerous was that bear?" Kurt asked a while later while they moved the mules closer to the tent and Blaine made sure the rifle he'd brought with him was loaded and ready just in case. They had eaten their dinner by the lake so there wouldn't be any food smells in camp.
"Not very. It was a very young male, but not so young as to have his mama around. He didn't look hungry, just curious, and we weren't looking aggressive to him. I think there was very little chance he would have bothered us at all, even if Caesar didn't scare him away. Black bears aren't grumpy like grizzlies," Blaine said.
"Are we going to be safe tonight to sleep here?" Kurt asked.
"Yeah. The mules will let us know if anything comes near enough to be concerned about. We don't have any food or garbage in camp to attract them, so I think we'll be fine. And if he comes back, I'll kick his butt if he comes near you, my love. You know I will never let anything hurt you, right?" Blaine said, wrapping his arms around Kurt.
"Yeah, I know. Same for me, Blaine. Can you shoot that rifle?" he asked.
"Yes. I don't do a lot of hunting, but I can shoot it. It's a 30.06, so it would kill a bear from across this meadow if we need it. I am a good shot, in case that's your next question. Now, don't tell me....you and Mercedes took target shooting back in Ohio, right?" Blaine asked, a smirk on his face.
"As a matter of fact....." Kurt smirked right back. "No. I have fired a pistol when I went with my dad and some of his friends a few times, but other than that, no."
They elected to stay in their clothes just in case, and Blaine shook out all the bedclothes and sleeping bags just in case a snake came into the tent. It was cool enough that they zipped the sleeping bags together and slept together. Before they slept, Blaine banked the fires they had in firepits on each side of the camp. He pointed out the tiny bats they could just barely see in the sky, snatching insects as they swooped through the trees.
Kurt sat on a log, leaning against the tree behind him and Blaine was sitting on the ground in front of him. Blaine leaned back between Kurt's legs and his arms wrapped automatically around Blaine. He kissed the back of Blaine's neck in the tender place he loved, on the soft skin behind his ear. Blaine turned to give Kurt a real kiss and they held it for a while before a loud screeching began that startled them before Kurt realized he had heard it before.
"An owl, right?" He asked and Blaine smiled.
"Yeppers. Good call. Now, can you hear that in the far distance?" Blaine asked and sat still for Kurt to listen.
There was a musical singing howl heard way off.
"Wolves?" Kurt asked.
"No. Wolves have a deeper, more resonant sound. Those are coyotes," Blaine said, smiling.
"Too many clouds to see many stars tonight, I guess," Kurt said, looking up. He spotted a small cluster of them as the clouds moved for a moment, but couldn't make out what they were.
"That's okay, all the stars I need are in your eyes, baby," Blaine said as he smiled up at Kurt.
"Thank you. Shall we go to bed now?" Kurt asked, getting up and offering his hand to Blaine to help him up.
They laid down on the sleeping bag, cuddled together, kissing before they went to sleep. It was quiet and they were just enjoying each other's company, tired from all the walking today. Blaine moved into the 'little spoon' position and scooted his butt back into Kurt's hips, his back against Kurt's chest. Kurt put his arms around Blaine and kissed his neck. He closed his eyes to try and go to sleep. An hour later he realized he was still awake. He could tell Blaine was sleeping as he said something in his sleep, then smacked his lips and smiled – a gentle curving of his lips. Kurt couldn't help but kiss the corner of his mouth.
"I love you so much, baby," he breathed into Blaine's ear and even in his sleep Blaine must have heard it because he snuggled his shoulders back into Kurt before relaxing his muscles again.
Kurt scooted down a bit more in the sleeping bag, so his hands were even with Blaine's hips instead of his waist. He put his right hand over Blaine's side to hold him closer and Blaine sighed in contentment. Kurt's hand moved, ever so slowly and carefully until it was at the edge of Blaine's sweat pants. Kurt's fingers slid in under the waistband and down the front of the pants, but stopped abruptly. His mind had one word: commando.
Blaine might be wearing sweats, but he was not wearing a stitch under them. Kurt's fingers found his soft cock, nestled against his warm, sleepy body. He curved his fingers around it, gently stroking as he used a feather-light touch to caress it. Blaine was still, but moved his butt back closer to Kurt's crotch and let a small, sweet little whine escape. If Kurt hadn't been listening intently for it, he would never have heard it.
Kurt considered just letting go and going back to sleep, but then he could feel the blood rushing to fill his cock as a voice, heavy with sleep, whispered, "Oh, Kurt...Mmmm."
He leaned forward a little, taking Blaine's earlobe in his teeth and then blowing warm breath in his ear before sliding his tongue down Blaine's neck. He listened to his breath catch and another small moan come, his hips pressing into Blaine for a much needed bit of friction as he continued to caress and fondle the organ in his hand. Kurt had also been soft a few moments ago, but his blood was now singing in his veins and he brushed against Blaine's backside.
Blaine reached back and pulled aside a cheek, letting Kurt's cock rest just inside the split of his cheeks – not penetrating, but just in the warmth of his body.
They continued to share their bodies, not thrusting or pumping or anything like that. It was gentle and sweet and Kurt kept kissing Blaine, down his neck and across his shoulders. It was quiet here, but the quiet was deceiving because as they listened to the night distinct sounds came to them across the meadow. There was some kind of night bird, a trilling sort of sound. Kurt thought that perhaps it wasn't a bird at all but one of the singing frogs Blaine had shown him. There were coyotes a far distance away, yipping into a howl and even farther away there was an answering sound: still a howl but deeper and richer. Those must be wolves, Kurt thought.
There were little shuffling sounds as if small feet were disturbing the soil around them, tiny mice and voles scampering with the pygmy bunnies, maybe a marten or skunk. The breeze was in the trees, softly moving the leaves and twigs into a sort of lullaby. Kurt could smell the flowers that bloomed in abundance all over the countryside. Flowering trees and bushes and all sorts of native plants to make the Oregon meadows and forest the most beautiful place Kurt had ever seen.
He could feel Blaine's fingers, one on is hip tracing patterns on his skin. His other hand was placed softly on Kurt's own hand as he continued to caress Blaine's cock to a state of arousal. Nature had a pattern: the little creatures around them, the sounds of the breeze, even the water as it lapped on the shore of the lake had a rhythm and Kurt found himself moving his hand to that very rhythm as he tried so hard to make Blaine feel good.
It was slow, but eventually the two lovers had brought each other to the point where they needed more. Blaine pulled away from Kurt, reaching over to the bags that sat beside the sleeping bags and found the lubricant they brought. He turned in Kurt's arms, kissing him softly on the lips, moving his mouth to accommodate Kurt as they did the dance of love and passion. Blaine's tongue was warm and soft in Kurt's mouth and he moaned at the sensuous feel of it. They kissed for a while, still touching and rubbing, soothing and petting. Kurt took the tube of lubricant and squeezed some onto his fingers, sliding them along the place he knew would bring Blaine to his knees if he were standing. Blaine pressed into him for a moment, then moved his hips back to Kurt's hand in invitation.
As he prepared his lover, Kurt was still stroking him and licking kitten kisses over his chest, concentrating on his sensitive nipples. Blaine whined and pressed Kurt's head closer for a second, his fingers in his glossy chestnut hair.
When he judged Blaine was ready, he turned him over and as they both laid on their left sides he slid inside. Blaine pushed back, his body craving the stroke and feel of Kurt's erect cock entering him.
"Aaahhhhh..." Blaine moaned, not paying attention to what was escaping his throat to add to the sounds of the night. Every sound he made was fuel to the fire in Kurt's belly, the catalyst to his next thrust. While it all started out soft and slow, the seduction and need were in control now and each move was an instinct as they tried to give each other everything they could muster, to share everything they were with the one person they chose to be with for the rest of their lives.
Kurt had tender and romantic feelings for Blaine and wanted it all to be gentle and careful. Instinct did not work that way at all and as Kurt unwrapped his inhibitions to share his soul with Blaine, instinct made him act in ways he had virtually no control over. With one hand on Blaine's belly to give him support and the other cradling his erection, Kurt pushed in and felt Blaine gasp. His outward breath carried with it a plea for more and Kurt pushed in again, searching for the correct angle and then let loose a moan of his own as he felt Blaine react.
It got harder to maintain the rhythm on his side, so Kurt rolled Blaine onto his belly, still giving him what he needed. It was so good for both of them, but suddenly Kurt needed to see Blaine's face and pulled out, gently turning Blaine over to face him and stopping to kiss his forehead and whisper in his ear before coming back and entering him once again. Blaine pulled his lover closer and flexed his muscles to meet Kurt as he pushed in.
It didn't take long after that, Blaine meeting Kurt with every thrust until he came, white light flashing behind his eyes. It was harder for Blaine to keep up his rhythm after that, but his love for Kurt and his sense of fairness demanded he did. He had barely let that cross his mind when Kurt staggered to a stop and clenched his muscles, looking deep into Blaine's eyes and mouthing the words 'I love you' as he pushed deep into Blaine for the last time and spasms wracked his body and he closed his eyes to better absorb the trembling shock of his orgasm.
Afterwards, they sat by the fire in front of the tent for a while, holding each other and just being together in this wide wilderness. Blaine wrapped his blanket a little tighter around Kurt's shoulders and leaned in to kiss his cheek. They got up, still looking at the stars above them and walked slowly back to the tent.