Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
The flight of the helicopter was shorter than Kurt thought it was last time, but he was kept busy trying to figure out what the hell was going on. He wanted Blaine with a dull ache that had settled in his head and body like never before. He not only craved his nearness, he was lost without Blaine's guiding hand. He wondered how he ever got along before Blaine came to be with him.
The whirlybird landed and he got off, pulling his carry-on as fast as his brace-covered leg would allow. The driver was waiting for him and dropped him off at the door. He boarded the plane and settled in his seat, fuming as he had to wait for the plane to take off. It was just a jump to Seattle and he was the first one off the plane, the steward helping him get his balance as he tried to use his stiff leg.
“Let me help you, sir,” the cute blond man with big green eyes offered and put his arm around Kurt's shoulders and walked slowly next to him down the corridor that led to the concourse. Kurt was worried and perhaps that was why he didn't notice at first, but the man was holding him rather closely. He was smiling and leaned even closer, asking again if he could do anything at all to help.
“Oh...I think I'm okay, but my leg is not doing well. It got so stiff on the flight, I'm a little afraid it might give out. Don't you have to get back on the plane, though?” Kurt asked.
“No, I'm done. I was just hitching a ride back to Seattle, I wasn't working this flight. I have plenty of time to help. What do you need?” he asked.
“Ah, this is a little embarrassing, but I need to use the men's room and I'm still unsteady on my feet,” Kurt said, blushing at having to confess his predicament, but he had to go. Now.
“No problem. We do things like this every day, it's my job. I'll escort you there and wait then take you to the gates to get a taxi or whatever. Okay?” The cute man offered, a smile brightening his face.
“Thank you, ah...?”
“Hank. My name is Hank.”
“Thank you, Hank. I'm Kurt,” he said, holding out his hand and shaking before they continued on their way.
Kurt allowed the man to help him to the men's room, leaning heavily on his arm. He went into the stall and was soon out, feeling much better.
Hank was waiting for him by the door and slid his arm around Kurt's waist when he became unsteady.
“Hey, are you okay?” Hank asked, having to use both arms to hold Kurt so he didn't fall.
“Oh, I'm so sorry. I seem to be a little dizzy, I didn't eat this morning before I left in the helicopter and with the bad leg...” Kurt babbled on, and Hank practically carried him to a nearby bank of chairs, setting him down in one and sitting next to him.
“A helicopter?” Hank asked.
“Oh, long story...it isn't my helicopter. I was just getting a ride to the airport because my dad is in the hospital here and I'm meeting my brother here, but I'm so confused...” Kurt was pale and looked as if he were going to faint.
“Kurt, sit here. I'm not kidding, just sit still and I'll be right back, okay? Close your eyes and don't try to stand up,” Hank ordered. Kurt slumped in the chair, his head in his hands while Hank walked quickly down the corridor and into a coffee shop. He was back in just a few minutes.
“Kurt? I brought you a sandwich and a cup of tea. I didn't know if you were a coffee drinker, so I got tea instead.”
Kurt looked up at him gratefully and took the sandwich. It was a turkey club and tasted like ambrosia. Kurt ate every bite and washed it down with the tea. He felt so much better now, the lightheaded feeling gone.
“What do I owe you for the meal, Hank? You didn't need to do that you know,” Kurt said.
“No, no, it was on me, and I was glad to do it.”
“Oh, thank you so much, Hank. You are truly a lifesaver. I don't know what I'd have done if you didn't come to my rescue,” Kurt smiled up at him.
Hank leaned forward and brushed his lips softly and slowly across Kurt's, his palm against Kurt's jaw.
Kurt jumped, almost falling off the chair, staring at Hank.
“Oh...oh, my god, Kurt. I'm so sorry. I apologize, I thought I was reading your signals right, but apparently not. Oh. Please forgive me...” Hank said, standing and blushing, trying to look anywhere but at Kurt. He would have run, but didn't want to leave this poor man alone in his condition.
Kurt took a deep breath.
“No, Hank, sit down. It's okay. I'm the one that's sorry. You weren't reading everything wrong. Yes, I am gay, and if I weren't in a relationship I would have been so attracted to you. You are a kind man and I apologize if you thought I was flirting with you,” Kurt blushed, too.
“Ah, yeah I did think that. But no harm done?” he asked, wanting to make this right. Kurt seemed like a nice guy.
“No harm done. I was at the Warner Lumber camp and got a call my dad is at a hospital here in Seattle. My boyfriend will be following me as soon as they can arrange a flight for him. Mr. Warner allowed me to get a ride on his helicopter to the airport in Eugene and I'm supposed to meet my brother at the pickup lane here,” Kurt relayed.
“Ah, I'm getting the picture. You had no time to eat, and I'm guessing you are not used to walking much on that leg? Plus the anxiety of leaving your boyfriend behind and worrying about your dad? No wonder you're shaky on your pins. Well, let me call for a cart and they can give you a ride to the pickup lanes to find your brother. Do you have any luggage?”
“No, just the carry-on,” Kurt said.
“I'll go with you to find your brother, okay? I live here in Seattle, so I can help you find your way if you need any assistance at all,” Hank offered, then got on his cell. A few minutes later an airport employee was there with a cart.
“Here, let me give you my number, Kurt, and if you need anything at all while you're in Seattle, just give me a ring. I'm off for the next six days,” Hank smiled. Kurt handed the handsome man his cell phone and Hank typed in his number, then called himself so he would have Kurt's number, too. “I'm going to call you tomorrow if that's okay. I kind of feel like I have a vested interest in you now,” Hank laughed and Kurt grinned back at him.
“That sounds fine. I really appreciate your helping me, Hank. It's so rare to find such a kind person these days. I'm glad we met,” Kurt said sincerely.
Once outside, Kurt spotted Finn right away, pacing along the sidewalk and looking for Kurt. He came quickly, pulling his brother into his arms and holding him for a few minutes before letting him go.
“How's Dad?” Kurt asked.
“He's 'in stable condition' they're saying, he's not in danger, but will have to stay in the hospital for a few days to make sure everything is okay. I have a car waiting, can you walk?” Finn asked, noticing Kurt wasn't getting off the cart.
“It's just sore and I was dizzy earlier. Hank, this is my brother, Finn. Finn, this is Hank. He helped me off the plane and bought me a sandwich and tea, thus saving my life I think,” Kurt smiled at Hank, who held out his hand to shake with Finn.
Finn turned to Hank. “If I can trouble you to stay here with Kurt for a few minutes, I'll go get the rental car and bring it here so he won't have to walk. Okay?”
“Of course,” Hank agreed. As they waited for Finn, Kurt spoke, “Thanks again, Hank. I hope to meet up with you again.”
“Call me when your boyfriend gets in, perhaps we can all have dinner together. I'm a native, so I know all the best places to eat and dance. It was good to meet you, Kurt,” Hank said, leaning in to give Kurt a chaste hug.
Finn arrived and Hank helped Kurt into the car, shaking Finn's hand once again.
“The best of luck with your dad, Kurt. I pray everything goes well for him.”
“Goodbye, Hank. Thanks again for everything. I'll keep in touch and I'll take you up on your offer when Blaine gets here,” and Kurt waved as Finn pulled away.
Finn filled Kurt in as they drove to the hospital.
“This was all meant to be a surprise. I was at the house in Philomath moving in some furniture. The owner didn't want it to be vacant, so he said I could start moving in now, but the rent starts in September like we agreed. I was just getting the sofa moved with Puck's help – Puck is staying the summer with me – and I get this phone call from my mom. She is in this hospital in Seattle where they had just taken Burt.
“I wondered the same thing you are,” Finn continued, “What the hell were they doing in Seattle? Well, it seems that between my mom and your dad, they thought they would miss us too much, hated being so far away – so they had been looking into buying a new garage in a town in Washington, not too far from us in Oregon. They had looked at three when your dad got to feeling bad. At first he thought it was indigestion, but lucky for him Mom's a nurse, so she got him to the local clinic and they made sure he was stable and put him in an ambulance and sent him to Harborview in Seattle because it has better doctors and medical equipment for cardiac patients.
“He won't be happy we sent for you, let me warn you. He's already pissed as hell I know about it. You're going in there alone, little bro...I don't need the wrath of Burt coming down on my head!”
Kurt just sat there and took it all in. He was still scared about his dad's health, but if he was acting like a grouchy grizzly bear, Kurt knew he couldn't be too sick. He felt the relief wash over him like a cold shower.
“Thanks, Finn, for being there, for coming to get me. I'm guessing it was your idea to call me, not Dad's or Carole's?”
“Yeah. I just thought about what I would feel like if it was my mom in the same predicament, I'd want you to call me no matter what,” Finn said, turning off the highway.
“You know I would, Finn.”
Walking into the hospital room was one of the hardest things Kurt had ever done. He had flashbacks to the last time, his dad in a coma and Miss Pillsbury and Mr. Schue holding his hands as he stood by the bed to see his father, unmoving and unresponsive. He shook himself and pushed the door open.
This time was as different as night is to day. Burt was sitting, propped up in the hospital bed looking angry. He had just crumpled a paper cup and was in the act of throwing it towards the trashcan. He stopped in mid-throw, his eyes locking on Kurt.
“Dad?” Kurt said, and the next thing he knew, he was in his father's arms holding on for dear life.
“Kiddo, what are you doing here?” Burt asked, not letting Kurt go. Kurt wriggled so he could sit on the edge of the bed and rest his sore leg, but he never let go of his father.
“Finn called Mr. Warner and they flew me here this morning. What happened?” Kurt said in such relief that Burt looked at him.
“How much did Finn tell you?” Burt asked instead of answering.
“That you and Carole were here looking for a garage to buy and you collapsed, they took you to a hospital and they sent you here.”
“Well, I didn't collapse. That is just an exaggeration. I got some chest pain, so we found an urgent care center and I went in, just an hour or so after it started. They found some arrhythmia and had me transferred here. I have a new medication, but they want me to stay here a few days to make sure it's working. End of story. They should not have bothered you, Kurt,” Burt said, but still hadn't let go of his son and Kurt was very glad they had called him. He knew his dad missed him, because he wasn't usually this clingy.
Kurt turned and put his other arm around his dad, snuggling closer and melting into his side. Burt sighed in contentment. He would not say it out loud, but he was happy beyond measure that Kurt was here, that he had thrown caution to the wind, dropped everything and run to his dad's side. He knew how selfish it was to have these thoughts, but he couldn't help it. It was why he was trying to move here to the west coast.
After spending the rest of the morning with his dad, Kurt was tired and hungry and wanted to lie down. Finn caught up with him in the hospital waiting room.
“I was going to go over to the hotel room if you're as tired as you look, Bro. Want a ride?” Finn asked.
“Yeah, let's go. I tried to call Blaine earlier and told Lenore to let him know how Dad is. He's still trying to get a flight, but I told him to hold off. We'll see how Dad is tomorrow and I want to talk to the doctors first,” Kurt said.
“Okay , Dude. Here's our street. I'm going to let you off here in front so you won't have to walk from the parking garage. It's room 307. I'll see you up there,” Finn said, pulling to the curb.
Kurt got out, limping more than ever, and made his way to the lobby. He leaned on the wall as he waited for the elevator, playing with the room card Finn had handed to him. The door to the elevator opened and he had been leaning too close, losing his balance as he tried in vain to get his feet square under him and fell into two strong arms that grabbed him, keeping him from falling.
“Ahh..Puck? Oh, Noah, I'm glad to see you! Finn didn't say you were here in Seattle with him!” Kurt said, grasping Puck even tighter as he tried to maintain his balance.
“Hey, Kurt, here, let me help you. Are you going up to the room?” he asked and Kurt nodded.
“I was just going to get something to eat. Want to join me?” Puck asked.
“Sure. Finn is parking the rental car, but he should be in here in a ….oh, there he is. Finn! I ran into Noah. Literally. How about a bite to eat before we go up to the room?” Kurt asked.
“Yeah, let me take your carry-on up to the room and wash my face. I've been at the hospital for more than a day and I'm kind of grimy. I'll meet the two of you in the restaurant, okay?” Finn said.
“Sure, sounds like a plan,” Puck agreed, taking Kurt's arm to support him.
“So, how's Burt?” Puck asked when they'd been seated.
“He's going to be okay. His medication had stopped working efficiently, so his heart was doing some unhealthy bumping around, but he's been fine on the new medication. The doctors want to keep him for observation another two days, then release him. I'm going to stay, but I think it will be okay for Blaine to stay home. No sense in spending all that money if he can't really do anything here and Dad is going to be fine,” Kurt explained.
Puck was looking at his friend closely.
“But you miss him and wish he was here with you, right?” Puck was a lot more observant than people gave him credit for.
Kurt blushed and ducked his head.
“Yeah, we haven't spent too many nights apart since the day I met him. It seems so odd to turn and not have him standing there beside me, or to reach out my hand and get empty air instead of a warm hand in mine. It's safe to say I miss him,” Kurt sniffed. He shook his head, almost unperceptively, and looked back into Puck's eyes.
“I understand, Kurt. Don't worry, you'll be back in his arms before you know it,” Puck winked at his friend as Finn walked over and sat down.
“Did you guys order yet?”
“Nope. Well, just drinks. I got you a Pepsi, okay?” Kurt said, smiling at his brother. He felt really lucky to have Finn.
They ate their steaks with a quiet conversation, all of them happy to be catching up because they hadn't seen each other in over a month.
“What made you come out here with Finn?” Kurt asked.
“I needed something to do this summer, my funds were limited, and Finn asked if I wanted to live here in exchange for helping him move. I jumped at the chance to get away and your brother here needed somebody to keep him company.”
“I think Kurt could bunk in my room with me tonight and you can move to the room with your mom?” Puck suggested.
“That's fine with me. Shall we go?” Finn asked and Puck led the way.
Settled in the chair in their hotel room, Kurt was watching a movie with Puck, chatting about what their plans were for the fall.
“Finn and I were going to talk to you and Blaine this weekend. I just came out here on a lark to help Finn move, but I like that little town and I could find a job there. I was thinking about applying to the community college to start a few classes, see what I can do and maybe eventually go to OSU,” Puck told Kurt. “What do you think?”
“I can't speak for Blaine, but I don't see any obstacles in that. I think it would be nice to have one more alumni from McKinley and the house is big enough, you could have your own room. Can you afford the rent?” Kurt asked.
“Yeah, I have quite a bit saved up and Grandma Sofia said she could help me,” Puck said, a smile crossing his lips at the thought of his feisty grandmother.
“Well, bring her with you and you can live there for free. She can cook for us. I love your grandmother, you know,” Kurt smiled.
“Yeah, Kurt, I know,” Puck said.
“I think I'm going to go take a hot shower, I'm so tired from this whirlwind of a day, if that's okay with you?” Kurt said, getting up to go to the bathroom. He struggled to get up on his leg and Puck gave him a hand until he was balanced on his feet. “Thanks, Noah.”
Puck sat, doodling with a pen on a pad of paper, drawing dinosaurs while he watched the raptors on the television run rampant through Jurassic Park. He laughed, thinking of how Quinn had just about jumped out of her skin when he saw this movie with her at the theater. He was just thinking about getting into his pajamas when he heard a scream and then a loud thunk!
“Kurt? Hey, Kurt, are you okay?” he called, but got no answer. He knocked on the bathroom door. “Kurt!”
When he got no answer, he opened the door and saw Kurt crumpled in the shower, the water on and bright red blood swirling all around him in the water before exiting down the drain.
“Kurt, Kurt! What happened, Dude? Did you hit your head?” Puck asked, but Kurt was out cold.
Puck turned the shower off and gathered his friend in his arms, picking him up and taking him to the bed, setting him down in spite of how wet and bloody he was. He took a towel to try and blot off the water and find where all the blood was coming from.
He couldn't see any injury, but after drying him from shoulder to knees he saw the blood seeping out of the split in his ass, pooling on the sheet.
“Oh, my god...Kurt? Buddy, wake up, what happened to you?” Noah asked. He folded another towel and placed it under Kurt's butt and covered him with the blanket from the bed to keep him warm.
He dialed Finn's number, but his cellphone was off. He started to run to get him next door when he realized that Finn had said he was going back to the hospital to sit with his mother. In desperation, he called his grandmother.
“Hello, Noah?” Sofia answered.
“Gramma, I need some help,” he said, sitting close to Kurt and patting his shoulder.
“Are you in trouble, dear, what's happened?”
“Not me. I'm here in the hotel room with Kurt. He came to see his dad. We were just sitting watching television and he went to take a shower. I heard him fall and he is unconscious, he hit his head.” Puck said.
“Oh, poor boy, well, is he breathing steadily?” Sofia asked in a calm voice.
“Yes, but that isn't the biggest problem. I got him on the bed, but he's bleeding. A lot.” Puck sounded close to panic.
“His head?” she asked.
“No. It's coming....ah...from his butt?” Puck did not know how to tell her this, but he needed to know what to do.
“Noah, you're going to have to look closer. Just lay him on his side and gently pull his cheeks apart. Tell me exactly where the blood is coming from, and what color it is.”
Puck sat still for a moment, gathering his courage. He had to do this, Kurt needed him. He put the phone on speaker and rolled Kurt to his side, parting his cheeks to see. He had never seen another boy's asshole, had never really seen a girl's, but he put that aside in his mind and looked closer.
“There looks like an open wound next to his....ah...his hole.” Puck said.
“Then he's not bleeding from inside? Take a washcloth and wipe the blood away to make sure it's only coming from the cut.” Sofia said, pretty certain what was going on now.
Puck did as directed just as Kurt started to blink his eyes open in confusion.
“No, not from inside and the blood is bright red, like fresh not dark,” Puck told his gramma.
“Okay. He is still with Blaine, right?' Sofia asked.
“I think he may have gotten that from having relations. If it is still bleeding, you're going to have to take him to a doctor, Noah. He might not want to go, but you have to do it. They need to assess if he needs some treatment, honey. This is not something to let go because of embarrassment. Be strong for him, Noah. Call me and tell me know he's doing. I love you,” she said.
“I will and I love you too, Grandma Sofie.”
“Miss Sofie? Your Gramma is here? Noah, why is it so cold and what are you.....?” Kurt looked around him, taking in the red stained towel and his own state of nakedness. “Oh, my stars, Noah...what is going on?” Kurt said in a groggy voice.
“Kurt, dude, you passed out in the shower and when I went in to help there was blood everywhere. I called Gramma to get her advice, and she says I need to take you to a doctor.”
Kurt was sitting up, cringing in pain.
“Oh. Okay,” he agreed, still lightheaded and confused.
“Ah, Kurt? I know this is none of my business, but they're going to ask at the hospital: is...did...did Blaine do this to you?” Puck asked, blushing, but he was beginning to worry that something was going on. Blaine didn't come with him, then Kurt told Blaine to stay there since Burt was okay. It looked suspicious.
“It's not what you're thinking!” Kurt almost shouted. “Last night was my first time, okay. Blaine was as gentle and wonderful as he could be, but he's...well....he's not exactly small in that department and well...it happens. He didn't hurt me, Noah, it just happened.” Kurt was crossing his arms on the defensive.
“Okay, dude, I believe you. Right now, we're going to have to get you to a doctor. Here, let me see how badly it's bleeding.” It was the last possible thing Puck wanted to do, but he had to find out so he could make a decision whether to try and get him there in a cab or call an ambulance.
“Oh, my stars. Alright, but I think I'm going to die of embarrassment.” Kurt laid back down on his side and Puck checked him again.
“It isn't bleeding as much as it was. Let's see, if I get you into some sweats, I think I can get you to an urgent care facility in a cab. I'll just pad your briefs with a washcloth in case it starts bleeding again.”
“Please, just let me die now,” Kurt whined, embarrassed beyond measure.
“Oh, Kurt, it's okay. We've known each other since kindergarten. You're the one that took me to the free clinic to get checked for STDs when I was fifteen. I think I owe you this,” Puck said.
“Oh...well, yeah. Oh, I know what to do,” Kurt said, reaching for his phone. He checked the clock on the wall, it was only three thirty in the afternoon. He looked up a number and dialed.
“Hello, Hank? This is Kurt Hummel, from the airport this morning?”
“Yeah, good to hear your voice, too. Yes, my dad is doing fine, but I called for a different reason. This is embarrassing, but I don't know anyone in Seattle and I need some help,” Kurt said into the phone, blushing red the whole time.
He finished the call and turned to Puck.
“Not a single word about this to my dad or Carole or Finn, right?” Kurt said, locking his eyes with Puck's. “They would never understand. Blaine was not abusive in any way, he was gentle and tender and it just happened, but I'd never convince my dad of that. I refuse to have to explain to any one of them how well endowed my boyfriend is, okay? I can't believe I just said it to you as a matter of fact. Hank is coming to get me and take me to his doctor, so I feel better about that. At least it's someone who understands the...ah...situation.” Kurt said. Still dizzy from loss of blood and the pain in his leg.
“Kurt, I won't say a word. I do understand, but I don't want you to go alone, you barely know this guy. He might seem nice, but I'm going with you,” Puck said in a voice that stopped any argument.
“Thanks, Noah. I'll feel better with you there. Let's see if we can get some pants on me. Hank said he'd be here in just a few minutes.”
“Mr. Hummel? I'm Dr. Alice Parsons. Can I call you Kurt?” the young doctor asked.
“Yes, of course”, Kurt answered, as he looked around her exam room. He was sitting on the table, wearing nothing but an exam gown, his leg brace sitting on a chair with his clothing. Kurt fidgeted on the table and then blushed, worried he was bleeding on the table.
“Okay, just lie down on your side, Nurse Simon will help you,” The doctor said, pulling on gloves as her assistant helped to keep Kurt's leg steady as he laid down.
“I want you to know that my boyfriend didn't do this deliberately, it just happened.” Kurt explained. “He was being gentle but he's ...he's kind of big and it was our first time...” Kurt needed her to know it was not Blaine's fault.
“I understand.” the doctor said, gently examining the tear. Kurt jumped as it hurt when she prodded a little.”
“Okay, Kurt, I'm going to insert my finger inside of you. It might hurt a little, but I will be quick and as gentle as I can be, but I need to see if there is any internal damage,” she said, “Try to relax a bit more. Tensing these muscles will make it more difficult.” she said, softly rubbing his back to coax him to relax a little more. Kurt closed his eyes and tried, but it hurt.
“Okay, I'm done with that part. Let me clean you up and we can talk,” she said as she wiped the whole area and exerted pressure on the tear to stop the bleeding that had started again.
She finished, placing some medication on the wound to keep it from bleeding more.
“All right, Kurt. You have an anal tear. It isn't bad, and there doesn't appear to be any internal tearing. It will heal on it's own with the proper care. I'm going to give you a stool softener, some antibiotics, some medicated wipes to use every time you void your bowels, and some ointment that needs to be applied four times a day,” she said, smiling at him. “Do you have any questions?”
“Ah...yes. Ah, this was my first time, I think I told you. His, too. Did we do something wrong? I mean, we were both inexperienced and had only read the pamphlets my dad got me at the free clinic, so...”
“No, Kurt. You didn't. You do need to make sure you have enough lubrication and that your sphincter muscles are stretched enough before he enters you. I think what happened is that you were tense because it was a new thing, maybe you weren't as comfortable as you thought you were,” she said.
“Oh, no...Blaine is the love of my life. We have been planning this for months and months. We were so sure of each other before we made this decision – and it was a mutual decision,”
Kurt emphasized once again.
“I'm glad of that. If you had been raped, Kurt, the damage would have been much worse, possibly requiring surgery. This is something that, while it needs care, will heal quickly. It happens more frequently than you can imagine. You need to refrain from having anal intercourse for at least two months while it heals. Tearing open a healing wound will make it harder to heal. Depending on your situation, you could be 'on top' if you still want to have intercourse, just be careful and make sure he is prepped.
“Hank told me you are just visiting here in Seattle, but if you ever need me, I'm here for you, young man. Please don't hesitate to call me if you need advice. I would like to think that a sweet young man such as yourself has a place to feel comfortable calling to get advice. Your Blaine is a lucky man to have you, if you don't mind me saying.”
“Thank you.”
“Since you are here and not near your regular doctor, would you mind if I looked at your knee? You seem to be in quite a bit of pain with it,” she said, tilting her head.
“Yes, that would be good. I had the surgery in the spring and I'm living so far from a medical facility, I can't have regular doctor's appointments.” Kurt went on to fill her in on his living arrangements and how he and Blaine had gotten together. By the end of his visit, they both felt almost like friends. His knee was doing okay, she just suggested that he keep up the workouts, but rest more when it got sore. In addition, she was able to make a few suggestions when he asked about positions that would work for them to accommodate Kurt's bad knee and his inability to bottom for a few months. He was not as embarrassed as he might have been, Dr. Parsons was used to questions like these and Kurt silently thanked his new friend, Hank, for bringing him here.
Kurt walked out to his waiting friends, Puck and Hank, a small look of relief on his face and anxious to get back to the hotel room. Blaine was supposed to call at eight and that was only a few hours away. He and Puck thanked Hank for all he had done for them and said goodbye in the lobby. Kurt was dragging so badly by then, Puck had considered picking him to carry him the rest of the way, but he knew Kurt would prefer to get there under his own steam. They went upstairs, ordered Chinese food to be delivered, and Puck settled his friend on the sofa with a warm blanket over his aching legs.
“Noah?” Kurt asked.
“Thank you, you were a lifesaver, man. I honestly don't know what my life would be without you,” Kurt said, taking the opportunity to hug his friend with all his heart.
“Dude, Blaine called while you were in with the doctor, he's coming tomorrow, I didn't tell him anything other than how your dad is doing.”
Actually, Puck told Blaine that Kurt was sleeping, not wanting to be the one to tell him about the doctor and the reason he was there, He knew Kurt had intended to tell Blaine not to come, it wasn't necessary, but he could tell that Kurt really needed Blaine's support right now. Even if Burt was going to be fine, having to go to the doctor with this...condition...was not something Kurt should have to bear alone. He and Puck might be close friends, but even Puck knew it was hard for Kurt to talk about it. He hoped he did the right thing in telling Blaine to come.
Earlier that morning, Warner Lumber Camp.
Blaine waved goodbye until he couldn't see the helicopter anymore. He was frantic inside, not wanting Kurt to have to face all of this alone, but knowing that if Burt were seriously ill, time was of the utmost importance. He knew Finn would be there to pick him up at the airport and get him to the hospital to see his father.
Walking back to the cook house, Blaine thought about getting Cookie or Shannon to make him some breakfast. He could do it on his own, but he didn't want to go back to the cabin and sit alone. He was already missing Kurt.
Balto came running up to him, tail wagging and tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. Blaine looked around for a minute and spotted a stick. He grabbed it and threw it for the wolf-dog, watching as Balto went bounding after it into the woods, coming back minutes later to lay it at his feet and ask him to throw it again. Blaine threw the stick for about half an hour when he heard an earsplitting whistle and Balto ran for the path, hearing his mistress' call. Blaine shrugged his shoulders and walked into the cook house, seeing Shannon and sitting down at the counter.
“Hey, kid. Missing him already, aren't you?” she asked, rubbing his shoulders with her strong hands. He relaxed into her grip, enjoying the massaging of his sore muscles.
“Yeah, I want to be supportive, but that's kind of hard to do from here. Mr. Warner is trying to get me a ticket so I can join him tomorrow. This sounds stupid, but I really don't know what to do with myself with Kurt gone. I need to go feed the squirrel, but other than that, I suppose I could clean the cabin or do laundry or something,” Blaine said, his shoulders slumping once again as Shannon put her hands down at her sides.
“I could always use some company. I need to knead the dough for bread this morning and there's nothing like hard work to get your mind off of your problems,” she offered. Blaine smiled.
“I'd be glad to help,” He offered and spent the rest of the morning kneading dough and baking bread. It was hard at first, he hadn't really had a good workout for his muscles in a long time, but after a while it began to feel really good to him. By the time the loaves of bread were all on the tables cooling, he was sweaty and tired and happy.
“Thanks, Shannon, I really needed that. I'm going to go hit the showers and then feed JayJay. I guess I'll see you at dinner?”
“Sure thing, punkin, thanks for keeping me company. Sharing good conversation always makes the work load lighter,” she gave him a hug and sent him on his way. He went to gather his things to take with him to the bunkhouse.
Halfway back to his cabin from the showers in the bunkhouse, Blaine heard Balto running up to him.
“Back again, fella? I don't wanna throw a stick right now, I just got out of the shower,” he said, rubbing the big animal behind his fuzzy ears.
“Hi, Blaine,” Lenore said, walking around the turn in the path.
“Hey, Lenore, how are you doing?” He said politely.
“I came to give you a message. Kurt called. His father is doing fine, it was something minor and they adjusted his medication so he just needs to stay in the hospital a few days to make sure it's working.”
“Blaine smiled at that, but was sad he hadn't been there when Kurt called. Lenore must have read that in his face because she hurried to add, “I told him you would call him at eight this evening. I'll bring the satellite phone to the cabin if you'd like.”
“That would be great, I'd appreciate it. Thank you, Lenore,” he said, smiling at the girl. She might be a pest and sometimes make him uncomfortable, but he had known her all his life and he really did care about her.
“There was another call. Someone named Puck? Like in Shakespeare?” she tilted her head in the cute way she had been doing since she was little. “He really needed to speak with you, so I brought you the phone. Here's his number,” she offered a slip of paper.
“Thanks, did he say when I needed to call?” Blaine asked.
“Now. I told him I'd come get you right away. Do you need some privacy?” she asked, looking down.
“If I could, I don't know what it's about, but he wouldn't call if it wasn't important. I'll be back out in a few moments.”
Blaine stepped down the path towards his cabin. He sat down on the settee and dialed the number.
“Puck? It's Blaine.”
“Hey, man, good to hear your voice. I wanted to give you the update on Burt and talk to you about Kurt,” Puck said.
“About Burt? Where are you?”
“In Seattle. Long story. I was with Finn in the house in Philomath helping him move when he got the call from his mother. Burt and Carole are looking to buy a garage and shop here on the west coast to be near their boys, and Burt had some chest pain, so they ended up in Seattle at the trauma hospital. Finn is with his mom right now, I'm at the hotel with Kurt. He's asleep, but that's okay, because I wanted to talk to you about him,” Puck continued.
“What? What's wrong with Kurt? Oh, hell, it's his leg – did he fall?” Blaine almost shouted, feeling guilty he had let him go by himself.
“Blaine, calm down. He's just tired from the stress. He's going to talk to you in a few hours like you planned, eight o'clock. He's going to tell you that you don't need to come, his dad is doing fine. That part is true. I know I'm overstepping my boundaries here, but I've known Kurt since kindergarten and I can tell you, he needs you here. He is pretending to be strong, but I've seen the two of you together and even I can see he needs you,” Puck said again. He didn't want Blaine to misunderstand, but he was also reluctant to tell him the whole story without Kurt's permission.
“He's bad? Oh, shit. I will go see Mr. Warner and maybe...” Blaine started to say, but Puck interrupted.
“No need. I've already spoken to him. When you go see him later tonight he told me he'd have all the flight information ready for you. Then tomorrow morning, when you land in Seattle, I've arranged for a guy named Hank to pick you up. He'll have a paper with your name on it by the doors, you can't miss him – tall, blond with green eyes. He'll bring you here. Okay?”
“Of course, Puck, what the hell is going on?” Blaine was getting a bit frantic, but the connection was bad and all he could hear now was static. “Puck?”
The phone went dead and no amount of dialing would get Puck back. He almost threw it. Well, there was nothing to do but be at the house at eight to talk to Kurt and then go tomorrow to Seattle.
He walked back down the path, seeing Lenore throwing the stick for Balto.
“Lenny, can you feed JayJay while I'm gone?” he asked.
“Of course I can. Let's go get him now. Is there...anything wrong with Mr. Hummel? Is it bad news?” she asked.
“No, he's okay. Puck didn't say exactly what was wrong, but it had something to do with Kurt. I guess your dad is getting my flight ready for the morning,” Blaine sounded lost and Lenore's heart hurt for him. She might want Blaine for herself, but she knew she was not born the right person for him. The next best thing was to be his friend, and she was determined to be just that.
“Blaine, get your stuff together and come up to the house tonight. I don't think you should be alone and you can sleep in your old room. Then you'll be that much closer to the helipad come morning. Okay?” she said, reaching out her hand to him. To her surprise, he took her hand and squeezed it, smiling at her.
“Thanks, Lenore. I'll do just that.”