Bound For Glory
Honeymooners Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bound For Glory: Honeymooners

E - Words: 7,399 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 41/41 - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
422 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: """Hallo!"" said Tigger. ""I've found somebody just like me. I thought I was the only one of them.""~A. A. Milne, from Winnie-the-Pooh"

Sitting on the beach on Vieques Island, the sky dark after the setting sun, Kurt was leaning back on Blaine's lap, his eyes closed.

"Is it dark enough yet?" Kurt asked as Blaine combed his fingers through his husband's hair.

"Nope. Now quit asking. I told you I would let you know. Here, scoot closer and you can put your head in my lap and try to fall asleep for a little while, okay?" Blaine suggested.

"Okay. You feel comfy," Kurt said in a sleepy voice, his arm going around Blaine's waist as he settled down for a nap, head cradled in Blaine's lap.

Blaine closed his own eyes for a moment. He had to admit he was tired, too. They had made the most of the tour of Culebra yesterday, sleeping in the hotel room and then it was off to the ferry to take them to this island. They would spend the night and be back in San Juan tomorrow afternoon. They had planned a lot of activities for this week, but next week was five days on a secluded private beach with nobody anywhere near them. It was expansive to rent the private lodgings, but all of their friends and family had chipped in to pay for this honeymoon and Carole had helped them decide on the itinerary.

Kurt had woken up this morning with a sore knee, so he was wearing the brace and it tended to make him tire quickly, though Blaine felt just as tired. They were going to see Mosquito Bay at night, then crawl into bed for some much-needed sleep.

Blaine blinked his eyes open when he heard some others on the beach ohhing and awwing.

"Kurt, wake up. Baby, wake up to see the bay," Blaine tried gently to wake him, but had to resort to giving him a bit of a shake to get him fully coherent.

"Wow!" Kurt exclaimed, seeing the bio-luminescent bay for the first time. It was amazing.

"You know the glow comes from a type of creature, an ocean plankton, called a dinoflagellate. It feeds off of the mangroves and when the water is disturbed or they run into each other, they luminesce," a man sitting near them said when he realized the boys were new to the bay.

"That is amazing!" Kurt said.

"Kind of like fireflies in Ohio, right?" Blaine added, grinning and thinking back on all the nights he and Kurt sat in the backyard of the Hummel house and watched the fireflies at night.

They sat and watched as kayakers skimmed across the bay, their oars lighting up as they disturbed the plankton as they dipped into the water.

Quite some time later, Blaine realized that Kurt was asleep and he kissed his cheek.

"Wake up, sweetheart, we need to walk back to our room," Blaine said softly in his ear.

Kurt sat up, wanting more than anything to just stay there with the cool breeze and lay with his cheek on Blaine's warm skin.

"Come on, we need to go back and get some sleep, my love," Blaine tried again and this time Kurt managed to get up. With his arm around Kurt for support, Blaine managed to get him back to their room and into bed. He locked up and set the alarm so they wouldn't miss the ferry because Jose was meeting them.

Kurt was sound asleep once again. When Blaine undressed him, he groaned at being disturbed, but was happy enough to settle in Blaine's arms before they both were out for the night.


"Sophia!" Kurt spotted her first as they disembarked from the ferry, carrying their heavy luggage. She was driving her father's car and came to help with the suitcases.

"No, sweetie, we can manage. You don't need to carry these," Blaine said, always the gentleman.

"It's fine. I may be a girl, but I can lift a suitcase. You'd let my father help if he were here, wouldn't you?" she asked, ready to stare Blaine down as if it were a matter of pride.

"Oh..sorry, Sophia, you do have a point. Okay, you can carry this one," he offered, letting go of a small suitcase. Sophia glared at him. Blaine set down a medium sized one for her and her frown was gone. She picked up both suitcases and put them in the trunk of the car, then turned to Kurt.

"You can have as many as your want, honey, I won't argue with you, my knee is very sore today," Kurt laughed as he thought of Santana for a brief moment. Sophia picked up the heavy suitcase, leaned to grab another and got them all in the trunk of the car, turning and dusting off her hands.

"Is that all?" she asked and both boys nodded, they didn't want this little spitfire upset with them. Both were a bit embarrassed they had underestimated her.

"Now, since it is still early, I can drive you to your next destination, which my father told me was Ponce?" she asked, still looking like they had ruffled her feathers.

"Can we stop for a snack first? I'm kind of thirsty," Kurt asked and got a nod from the girl.

They were driving down a street when Kurt called out for her to stop. He jumped out of the car and bought three Piraguas: lemon for himself, strawberry for Sophia, and passionfruit for Blaine. Before they knew it, he was back, passing out the icy sweet treats.

"Thank you, Kurt," Sophia said, her beautiful eyes once again dancing. She may have had a small crush on the two honeymooners. "Oh, strawberry! Next to raspberry, this is my favorite." She ate the shaved ice with a bright smile and once again ended up with very pink lips from the strawberry juice, so the boys teased her.

"It looks like you've been kissing someone," Kurt said, giggling along with her as she denied it.

Blaine kept the teasing up until they had finished and all got back in the car.

"This is a long drive .....well, for me it is long, but probably not for you since you live in a vast place with roads that go everywhere," she said. "It will take us a little less than an hour and a half to get there."

"That's fine, we thank you for taking us. This has been a wonderful vacation and a lot of that is because you and your family are such good people. Everyone we've met here had been kind, polite, nice. I think this must be a good place to live," Blaine said and Sophia smiled with pride.

They drove along the highway, looking out at the scenery. It was as though the entire island was a paradise – so many things to see and talk about. As they drove, Kurt started to get sleepy. He was taking the pain medication the doctor had prescribed, and it worked to ease the pain in his knee, but it also made him drowsy.

"Sophia, do you sing?" he asked, thinking they could sing to pass the time.

"Well, maybe in the shower..." she said, blushing.

"What songs do you like?" Blaine asked.

"Ah, musicals are good, I want to visit New York one day and see a Broadway show," she told them, smiling at the thought.

"Our school did 'Grease' one year. Do you know any songs from that?" Kurt asked.

"Oh, I know all of them!" Sophia bounced in her seat, excited at the prospect of singing some of her favorites. "Can I be Rizzo?"

"Of course you can, sweetheart. You would make the very best Rizzo of all," Blaine said, grinning. He began singing, Kurt and Sophia joined in.

There are worse things I could do, than go with a boy or two
Even though the neighborhood thinks I'm trashy and no good
I suppose it could be true, but there are worse things I could do

After the first verse, the boys stopped singing and Sophia sang the rest by herself, her pretty eyes showing her happiness as she sang in a slightly lower voice to sound more like Rizzo.

I could flirt with all the guys, smile at them and bat my eyes
Press against them when we dance, make them think they stand a chance
Then refuse to see it through, that's a thing I'd never do

I could stay home every night, wait around for Mr. Right
Take cold showers every day, and throw my life away
On a dream that won't come true

I could hurt someone like me, out of spite or jealousy
I don't steal and I don't lie, but I can feel and I can cry
A fact I'll bet you never knew
But to cry in front of you, that's the worst thing I could do

By the time Sophia was done, the boys were clapping and whistling. Sophia laughed, she was really having the time of her life. Kurt sang next, and they all joined in with Summer Nights and Look At Me, I'm Sandra Dee. After they calmed down and just watched the scenery for a while, Blaine started humming. Pulling Kurt close in his arms, he sang one more Grease song: I'm Hopelessly Devoted To You.

"I hope you know you don't ever have to sing that for real, Blaine. I'm never going to break your heart, baby. Never," he whispered and cuddled a little closer, their arms wrapped around each other as Kurt fell asleep. Blaine kissed his cheek and brushed a non-existent bit of hair from his forehead.

"I love you, too," he said softly and Kurt nuzzled his face closer to Blaine's broad chest.

"Is he asleep?" Sophia asked.

"Yes, the pain medication makes him a little sleepy, but he's okay. He broke his leg last summer and it still bothers him from time to time," Blaine explained.

"Well, I will be careful driving then. Are you having a good time here?" she asked.

"Oh, Sophia, this is the best. I have loved every minute of it. Puerto Rico is the jewel of the Caribbean I think, it is beautiful and has such a rich history, so many amazing cultural things we've been privileged to participate in...I know we're coming back one day," Blaine smiled.

"I'm so happy you love it, I am proud of where I live, but it's nice to hear that someone else loves it, too."

They eventually came to Ponce and Blaine kissed his husband awake. Sophia dropped them off at the hotel where they would be staying for two nights, carrying some of the luggage upstairs for the boys.

"Thank you, Sophia," Kurt said, meaning it because his leg was very sore today.

In the hotel room, Sophia and Kurt sat in the overstuffed chairs in the bedroom as Blaine set about unpacking. Kurt fell immediately asleep, curled in the chair with his head cradled in his folded arms.

"We're going to tour the Castillo de la Serralles," Blaine mentioned as he put the few clothes they would use in the next days in the drawers.

"Today?" Sophia asked.

"Yeah...did you want to come with us?" Blaine asked her, thinking she was maybe wanting to see it.

"Oh, how kind of you, but no. What I was Kurt up to that? It's a long walk to see all the rooms and if you walk the grounds? Well, it isn't my business, I'm so sorry to have been rude," she blushed.

"No, no. You weren't at all. I think you may be right, though. He looks exhausted, doesn't he?" Blaine observed. "I know we overdid the walking the last few days, so maybe we should just rest for today. We can stay inside today and tomorrow, maybe walk a little around downtown, and then be rested for the last adventure on Thursday. We're going to Cuevas de Camuy and I know that requires a lot of walking," Blaine said, rethinking their itinerary. He was happy to go on the tour of the Spanish Revival mansion that had belonged to a major player in the sugar trade of Puerto Rico so long ago, but not at the expense of Kurt's health.

"Thank you, Sophia. Sometimes I can't see what's right in front of me. I agree he needs to rest," Blaine said, brushing his hand through Kurt's hair.

"You're welcomed. I want to thank you for allowing me to sing with you, I had a marvelous time, but I need to get home. I will see you next week when we pick you up on your way back to Dorado. Until then," she said, getting up and dusting off her short skirt, preparing to leave. Blaine escorted her to her father's car.

"Be safe, my friend," he said, "and thank you for all of your help. We loved being with you, Sophia." Blaine stepped closer and gave her a hug, pulling her into the air and holding her close in his arms, then kissing her cheek before he let her down.

Sophia's eyes were wide as she stumbled for a step, her knees weak because the boy she had a crush on had kissed her cheek. Not to mention his warm, wonderful hug. Sophia thought she could live in those warm arms – and was a bit jealous of Kurt for a second. But she resumed her sweet smile and waved goodbye as she drove off, back to her father's house.

Blaine walked back in the room, seeing Kurt was still asleep. He got his pajama pants on in spite of the fact it wasn't dinner time yet, and closed the drapes on all the windows. He adjusted the temperature in the room and pulled the covers down on the huge luxurious bed. He grinned, thinking it was a far cry from the rope bed he and Kurt had slept on for so long.

Blaine gently lifted Kurt, setting him on the bed and removing his clothes, all but his boxer briefs, and got him under the blankets. Climbing into the bed after him, Blaine laid down and squirmed closer to Kurt.

"Mmmmm" Kurt hummed, reaching out a weak arm to envelope Blaine, tugging him closer with a surprising strength compared to just a moment ago.

"Come closer, baby, I need you," Kurt mumbled. While Blaine's brain interpreted it as Kurt needing to be close, Kurt's body had quite a different idea.

Blaine pulled Kurt next to him and was met with a deep kiss, convincing his body that sleeping wasn't the only activity to be had in a bed. He kissed Kurt for a while, but concern about his sore leg and how tired he had been seeped in.

"Hey, Kurt, wait a sec...I think we need to take a nap first. You are obviously tired and we have a long day ahead of us. How about we go to sleep and take up where we left off, okay?" Blaine explained, trying to convince Kurt as well as himself of the sense in that.

"No...." Kurt whined, pulling Blaine's face closer so he could kiss his lips once again.

"Yes, honey. Now, lay down and relax, I'll help you fall asleep," Blaine crooned to Kurt, coaxing him into lying back down, this time on his stomach. Blaine rubbed his shoulders and when Kurt practically purred, Blaine got up and knelt on the bed. He began the gentle massage on Kurt's neck, softly rubbing and pressing down on the muscles, skimming across the tender skin, working his way down Kurt's back. Skipping his ass, Blaine was massaging his leg when he heard a actual snore coming from Kurt. He looked to see if he was joking around, but no....Kurt was limp as a dishrag, making a sweet little snoring noise as he breathed out. It was all Blaine could do not to giggle as he got out his cell and took a short video of it. This was priceless.

He finished massaging the sore leg and laid back down. By this time he was sleepy himself and snuggled up to Kurt, his arm automatically going around his lover's waist and shoulder. Blaine was almost asleep when Kurt moved, snuggling his ass right into Blaine's groin before another little snore escaped and they both slept.


"Hey, aren't we supposed to be touring a castle right now?" Kurt said, sitting up and looking around himself.

Blaine opened his eyes and looked over at his portable alarm clock.

" We slept through dinner, that's 11:00 at night, Kurt, not almost noon," Blaine said, surprised he had slept so long.


"Well, Sophia pointed out how tired you were and what a strenuous climb the caves are going to be. She suggested we skip the castle and just walk around downtown a bit and rest. I don't want your leg to get to be a major problem for you, Kurt. I think we need the rest," Blaine tried to convince his husband. He knew how stubborn Kurt could be.

"I guess you're right. I hate to miss something like that – how many times can you see a real live castle, after all?"

"I think we agree that this is a place we'll be coming back to again, right?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah, I love it here. I have to admit I was skeptical when Jeff told us about it, but he was right. I've loved each and every day we've been here. This needs to be our vacation spot that we come back to, bring our children to, hell - bring our grandchildren to year after year. A great tradition, don't you think?" Kurt asked. Blaine grinned and nodded his head.

"You took the words right out of my mouth, baby. I think that is a noble thought." Blaine grinned, taking Kurt's hand and lacing their fingers together. He played with Kurt's hand, nervous for some reason, and Kurt picked up on it.

"Hey, Blaine, what's going on in your head? Don't tell me 'nothing' because I won't believe you."

"I am just worried about you. You broke your leg a year ago, why is it still so bad?" Blaine wondered. It had been on his mind for quite a while, but he knew it was a sensitive subject between them.

"It's just weaker than my other one. If I use it too much, it hurts. The doctor told us that, remember? I'll always know when a storm is coming from the ache in that leg, like all the old grandpas you read about in stories. I just didn't rest it enough between all the extra activity the past few days. Don't worry about it, Blaine. It isn't all that bad, I have some medication if I need it, and I'm perfectly happy. Don't worry any more, okay? It gives you frown lines, baby, and we both know your skin regimen could use some updates..." Kurt tried to kid.

Blaine had heard all about the obsessive skin conditioning that Kurt had done before he'd found himself in the Oregon wilderness. Many of his friends and family told tall tales of the amount of time, energy, and money Kurt had spent on it. While it was a source for gentle kidding, Blaine knew it was Kurt trying to deflect the hurtful teasing and bullying he had lived with then. The relentless skin conditioning was, in much the same way that he had dressed in wild outfits, a way to hide his true self from the bullies. If they were commenting on his fashion choices, they weren't commenting on him. Kurt probably didn't do that as a conscious choice, but the outcome was the same: a way to cope with the harsh world he found himself living in.

Blaine really was worried about Kurt's leg, but set it aside in his head. There would be plenty of time to see a doctor when they got back to Oregon. He made a decision to do things that were less strenuous for the rest of the trip. His mind made up, he turned back to Kurt.

"Hey, are you hungry? We slept through dinner, I thought we might be up to something from room service or maybe go see what's open in a club?" Blaine suggested.

"Oh, you read my mind. Yes, I'm starving. Let's order in, save my leg for seeing the castle tomorrow, okay?" Kurt's eyes brightened.

They chose way too much food from room service to eat in one sitting, but the room came equipped with a small kitchenette, so they could save most for the next day. Sitting on the floor, the balcony doors open to the cool night breeze, they fed each other delightful tidbits of the wonderful food of the island. Stuffed with food, they made their way to the balcony and sat watching the nightlife below them in the city. It was the only hotel they booked that didn't have a view of the ocean, but they were fine with that. Ponce was a city of lights and music and it was a great change of pace.

Several hours later, Blaine caught Kurt yawning and suggested they go to bed.

"To bed or to sleep?" Kurt asked coyly, fluttering his eyelashes at his husband.

"Well, let's get in that giant marshmallow of a bed and see what comes up," Blaine said in a voice like Groucho Marx, eliciting a laugh from Kurt. They giggled together and stood up, Kurt leaning on Blaine as he helped him to bed.

Once under the sheets, Blaine pretended to be exhausted and curled his body into Kurt's closing his eyes immediately. Kurt sighed just a bit, not wanting Blaine to hear, and set his iPod on the nightstand with the speakers attached. He found his night time playlist and turned it on, filling the room with quiet music. He tried to sleep, but he had slept so much during the day it wasn't going to happen. Restless, he turned over for the fifth time and drummed his toes against the footboard of the bed.

Blaine grinned to himself. He moved slowly, not wanting Kurt to notice him, and crept closer. His hands slid around Kurt's body, dragging him across the mattress and into Blaine's arms. Kurt's back was to Blaine, so it was on the back of his neck that he felt the first kisses, gentle and slow as Blaine explored this bit of Kurt's anatomy for a while. Kurt got shivers down his back. It was delicious, being held and kissed by his husband, Blaine's strong arms tugging him closer.

Blaine's mouth moved to the side of his neck now, licking the sensitive spot behind Kurt's ear. His teeth scraped a little as Blaine pretended to bite him, a deep laugh sounding from his throat. Kurt couldn't help but arch back into Blaine's body and his ass grazed against the front of Blaine's pajama bottoms, feeling how hard his lover was for him. Kurt reached down and took off his boxer briefs, laying them beside him on the bed. He turned in Blaine's arms and slowly removed the pajama pants that were in his way so the honeymoon couple were lying naked in the cool breeze from the windows that Blaine had thrown open to the salt air.

Blaine resumed his exploration of Kurt's naked body, kissing or just running his lips along all the planes and valleys set before him. It was one of his favorite things to do: to see what changes had come about since last time, to seek out the ticklish spots and the ones that made Kurt shiver or moan. He had Kurt's body mapped in his head, and this was the way he kept that map current.

"Oh, that feels nice," Kurt crooned as Blaine kissed his ankle, running his hand up the sore leg to the offending knee. He put both hands around the knee for a few minutes to warm the flesh. He knew that while it didn't cure the pain, it could make it recede quite a bit. Rubbing the calf of Kurt's long leg, he watched his face to make sure there was no pain. Kurt was just lying back on the mountains of pillows, his eyes closed in contentment as Blaine continued to move across his body.

"Mmmmmm," Kurt hummed, Blaine now leaving small, soft kisses on his muscular legs as his lips traveled to the tender skin of Kurt's inner thigh. Blaine spread Kurt's legs apart, careful not to disturb his knee, and kissed along the crease that divided thigh from torso. Kurt's hip was next, Blaine biting along the hipbone but leaving no marks. He used to give Kurt hickeys but found that he didn't like marring such beautiful skin. He could kiss and lick and bite without having to leave evidence of it.

"Ahhh, Blaine, that feels so good. Sooo good, baby," Kurt said, although he probably wasn't even aware of the articulation as Blaine licked his way around the base of his cock, holding his balls in his other hand and gently caressing them. Kurt's hands went down to curl themselves in Blaine's silky locks as his motions got quicker and more precise. He had licked his way up the underside of the stiff erection in front of him and Kurt's knees were bent, feet planted in the mattress as Blaine used his mouth and hands to bring forth more sighs and moans from his lover.

"Blaine, come up here, I need you to kiss me," Kurt said after a while. He wanted this to last and was concerned that Blaine got to feel the same wonderful feelings. He was ever the gentleman, ever the patient and unselfish lover and Kurt had to take an active role to make it even.

Blaine did come up, leaving kisses and one long lick as he moved up Kurt's chest to kiss first his neck, then his mouth. They kissed for a long time, Kurt amazed as always at the taste of his husband. It didn't matter if he had spent a drunken night after eating garlic-laced spaghetti, his mouth always tasted fresh and sweet. Kurt could never get enough of it and delved deep with his tongue, teasing Blaine as he moved to use his own hands in places he knew drove Blaine to let loose and moan.

"Oh, Kurt...I do love you so much," Blaine muttered, as if amazed by it all over again. "I could never get enough of your body, of you," he added, kissing Kurt one more time. Kurt moved down Blaine's body now, returning all the care and love he had been feeling for the past half-hour. He didn't spend as much time with every nook and cranny, but went more for the end game, sinking his mouth around Blaine's cock and holding in his warm hand what he couldn't fit in his mouth. He moved in the rhythm they both knew by heart, licking and swirling his tongue to excite Blaine the way he knew would have him gasping in a few minutes. But he wasn't looking for an end to tonight's love, just a sort of catching up. Letting go and moving to kiss the same soft skin of Blaine's inner thighs, he spread his husband's legs and touched the small patch of skin that he knew Blaine could never lie still for.

"Oh...yes, Kurt...yes, baby.." he murmured as Kurt took his balls in the other hand and moved the spheres gently as he rubbed right behind them. Blaine's hand went to his cock, stroking a bit to ease the tension. Kurt laid down between Blaine's legs and sucked a kiss on his thigh, moving up as he licked his balls and shivered at the sound that came from Blaine's throat. By the time his tongue was circling the dusky pink skin of his opening, Blaine's legs were trembling and his breath was coming in gasps. Kurt's tongue ventured into the tight circular muscle, his hands massaging Blaine's balls and stroking his cock slowly.

"Oh, Kurt....please.....please..." Blaine was chanting. Kurt pulled back, seeing the small bottle of lubricant on the mattress, he opened the lid and squeezed some onto his fingers. It didn't take long before Blaine was ready, and Kurt rolled him over on his side, scooting up in back of him to slide carefully into his depths.

Ahh...Kurt...yes, that's right..." they slid together, pushing to get closer, pulling back only to push together once again, and again, slowly and gently keeping up the rhythm and cadence. It was a building up and simmering down over and over, Kurt's arms holding Blaine close and giving him what he needed in that moment. Gentle kisses on the back of his neck as Kurt held on made Blaine shiver with desire for more contact and he grasped Kurt's hands that were resting on his chest. When he'd had everything he needed, when he wanted to give Kurt the same back again, they traded places and it all began again, the couple lying on their sides, as close as two people could possibly be until they shared the climax of their joining, grunting and moaning at the end. They slowly wound down, cuddling close together to enjoy the sweet aftermath of a glorious evening...falling asleep soon after and slept until the morning sun came in the open windows and roused them for another day.


In the end, Kurt and Blaine decided not to take the tour of the Serrelles castle, but to just walk slowly around the part of the city near the hotel. They were tired from the night before and Kurt's knee, while a bit better, was still stiff and sore and required more rest before the vigorous part of the trip the next day. Kurt was slow to get dressed, but came from the shower fresh and ready to start the new day. Blaine had ordered a fruit plate and they ate on the balcony, looking over the city. A thin tidal mist was covering the city this early and just seemed to blanket it in mystery which made the honeymooners even more anxious to soak up some of the local culture.

Blaine had been busy on the phone while Kurt was in the shower and when they walked out of the hotel, there was a horse-drawn carriage waiting for them. Kurt turned to Blaine, his eyes sparkling at the wonderful surprise.

"Oh, Blaine, you didn't have to do this for me!"

"Yes, I did. It's the only way to see all the jewels of Ponce I've been told, so let's take full advantage of it. Let me help you up," Blaine said as he put out a hand and assisted his husband into the carriage.

"Oh! This is beautiful!" Kurt seemed to say at every new site and Blaine was enjoying seeing Kurt so enthused. He pulled Blaine into a deep kiss once or twice and it was gratifying that such a simple thought made Kurt so happy.

Ponce was very different from San Juan, which boasted a lot of Florida-influenced high-rises and bright modern colors. Ponce had the flavor of old baroque including stone houses with large courtyards and balconies to plazas and street markets.

"Today I cannot take my horse near the city center. They are having a fiesta. I can take you near and you can observe it, then I will wait..." the driver offered.

"I'd love to see that, what about it, Kurt? Would you like it?" Blaine asked and Kurt could feel a vibe of excitement in his husband that was quickly spreading to his own body.

"Yes, let's go," he agreed and the driver took them to a place where it would be a short walk to the plaza where they could observe the fiesta. It was amazing.

"Oh! Look at all the costumes!" Kurt pointed at a group of women in traditional dress with bright colors dancing on the street, followed by more dancers with feathered costumes. Blaine's eyes were huge as the parade of revelers walked and danced along the parade route.

"What are they celebrating?" Kurt said, but not to anyone in particular.

"The traditional fiesta was to deflect evil spirits, but today it is more a celebration of life and happiness, I think," a young girl said, overhearing Kurt. She smiled at the two boys. "Where are you from?"

"We're here on our honeymoon. I'm from Oregon and my husband is from Ohio," Blaine told her. "My name is Blaine and this is Kurt."

"My name is Grace, and I am from right here in Ponce. I'm glad to meet you on such a joyous occasion. I do hope you like our city," she said, excited to meet the beautiful young men.

"Thank you, Grace, we're happy to meet you, too. We are falling in love with Puerto Rico, what a beautiful place this is," Kurt told her.

They turned back to watch as a group of dancers came down the street playing some sort of drums and it was impossible to hear. Vendors walked among the crowd and Kurt bought Blaine some food, a blend of rice and beans with some sort of seafood, and a drink of tropical fruit juices.

"This is delicious, I wonder what the meat is?" Kurt asked, taking another large mouthful.

"That is octopus," Grace told him and had to laugh at the shocked face Kurt made, but he swallowed it and took another bite, sharing with Grace and Blaine. They ate and danced with their new friend, Grace, and tried to sing along with the salsa music that eventually started playing.

"Blaine, sweetheart, we need to get back to the carriage and driver. He's waiting for us," Kurt reminded his husband and they walked slowly back, saying goodbye to Grace and slipping the piece of paper with her email address on it in Kurt's pocket. They were collecting quite a few of these from the people they met along the way.

"Ah, there are my honeymooners!" the driver said, smiling at Kurt and Blaine. "Give me a minute to put my horse back in his harness and we'll get going. Did you love the fiesta?"

"It was fabulous!" Kurt said, holding out a plate of food they'd gotten from the last vendor. It was a plate of fresh seafood: octopus, crab, and shrimp battered and deep fried, served with slices of fried plantain. The driver grinned.

"Oh, thank you...this is my favorite, thank you so much," he said as he took a few pieces and popped them in his mouth. Blaine and Kurt shared another plate under the shade of the trees until the carriage and horse were once more ready to go.

They toured more of the city, admiring the architecture, seeing the famous Parque de Bombas museum, which was once a firehouse. It's Gothic-Moorish-Victorian influences and bright red and black stripes made it something to remember.

At the end of a very full day, the carriage approached the hotel and Blaine and Kurt said goodbye to their driver. He waved as he drove his horse home for a well-earned rest.

"Thank you, Blaine. That was so much better than a canned tour of a not-quite-castle. I had a wonderful time," Kurt bubbled, kissing Blaine on the cheek as they walked back to their room.


" many bats are in this cave?" Kurt asked, fear lacing the words.

"Only thirteen species," grinned the tour guide.

" they....ah...interact...with the visitors?" he asked.

"They won't fly in your hair, if that's what you mean. However, we do suggest you wear the plastic hoods to protect yourself from anything of the liquid variety that might drop from above," the man suggested, once again grinning.

"Blaine, what have you gotten me into? First it was milking goats, then traipsing through the woods stepping in horse...ah...road apples, now I get peed on by bats?" Kurt whisper-shouted at his husband.

"Oh, my delicate flower, we have a luxurious room in a very expensive hotel and I'm pretty sure it's equipped with a shower. Now, stay close and I'll keep you safe from any cave-dwelling monsters. Okay?" Blaine offered gallantly.

"All right." Kurt tried to smile. He'd do anything for Blaine. Anything. Even this.

Once inside the cave, Kurt forgot about the bats. It was a wondrous scene, light and shadow played on the rock walls, revealing interesting shapes and colors as they walked down the path.

"The Camuy River is the third largest underground river in the world. We have mapped over ten miles of caves presently, and experts say there may be as many as 800 more limestone caves in this system." The tour guide went on with the statistics of the caves while Kurt and Blaine, holding hands tightly, marveled at the things they saw: huge stalactites and stalagmites, some looking as if they held up the roof of the cave. The stars shone in through the huge overhead holes where moss and other plants hung over the edges like some sort of green food dripping down giant soup pots.

"Blaine, this is....incredible!" Kurt murmured as he stared at the cave, completely mesmerized. Blaine smiled. He knew Kurt would love it once he got him into the cave. The hardest part was that the tour was at night and Kurt was very afraid of bats. Blaine had finally gotten his husband to admit he'd never been near enough to a bat to even see it clearly and Blaine won the disagreement when he used his sad puppy eyes and then placed tiny kisses all over his face. Blaine smirked at the memory, but quickly schooled his face to sobriety when Kurt glanced at him.

"This parlor of the extended cave is 700 feet long and 215 feet high," the tour guide was saying, but Kurt's open mouth and bright eyes probably didn't register in his conscious mind. He was gripping Blaine's hand tighter and tighter as he looked up and got a bit of vertigo, but Blaine was there to catch him as he leaned back too far.

"Hey, Alice, how was the fall into Wonderland?" Blaine kidded and Kurt laughed.

"Sorry, I guess I am being silly, but it's I hate to say amazing one more time, but really? Unearthly doesn't make sense. Maybe incredible or stupendous?" Kurt said.

"Wait, what did the guide just say?" Blaine asked. The sun had set and when the guide turned on the floodlights so the tourists could see the inside structure of the cave, about ten thousand bats took off from the depths of the cave, all boiling out of the hole in the roof of the part Kurt and Blaine and the rest of the tourists were standing. The noise was deafening and they could feel the wind whipped up by so many leather wings all beating at once. It took less than five minutes for all of those bats to wing their way into the night.

Kurt and Blaine stood stock still, just like the rest of the tourists. The tour guide tried to hide his smile, but it was his favorite part of the night. People were never prepared for that. He checked for Kurt, just to be sure he wasn't having a panic attack. It was funny to see the surprise on the tourists' faces, but the man was not cruel and he was fully prepared to calm someone down if the were truly afraid. He glanced around and finally spotted the honeymooners. He's been concerned about Kurt. He laughed to himself: Kurt was standing straight, seemingly calm while he held Blaine close to his chest – combing his fingers through the silky curls and whispering to him. Well, the tour guide thought, he'd seen stranger things.


"Hey, you have to delete that!" Blaine said, looking through the pictures they had taken on the trip and stored in Kurt's cell phone. "How did you get it anyway?"

"The kid that spoke to us on the way in, Roger - the redhead with the cute freckles that said he was from New Jersey? He took it. I saw the flash and asked him to send it to me," Kurt said, grinning at his quick witted maneuver to get the embarrassing picture of Blaine freaking out with the bats flying all around him. Actually, the bats were probably a hundred feet from him, but the angle of the cell phone camera that captured it made it look as if they were right on top of him.

"When did you do that?" Blaine asked, whining a little.

"While you had your head buried in my armpit, dear. I'm pretty sure you didn't hear a word," Kurt smirked again. This was rich. He planned to tease Blaine for quite a while over it, too.

Blaine rolled his eyes and said nothing, pretending it wasn't getting to him.

"Look at that...and they say I'm pale. Why Blaine... you look belly white in this picture. I think I'll send a copy to Cooper. And Puck. You know, just as a memento of what a great time we're having," Kurt continued. This is where he made his mistake, however. He should have been watching Blaine, especially because he was wearing his Prada shirt that he'd bought just for this trip. It was bright purple, the softest silk, hand-wash only in cool water. Blaine saw his moment and scooped Kurt up in his arms, running the short way to the beach and dunking them both under the incoming wave. By the time they came up, the shirt was a funny faded lavender and was bleeding purple stains all over Kurt's new Tommy Hilfiger white linen beach shorts. Kurt just stood on the sand, a few feet from Blaine, his eyes like dinner plates. He took a big breath and took off, running towards Blaine with fire in his eyes.

"Blaine Devon Anderson, you better give up and come here right now. Now. If I catch you..." Kurt followed Blaine, in and out of the waves and down the beach in the setting sun. They were on a private beach in Dorado, spending the last few days alone to enjoy themselves for the honeymoon. They hadn't come out of the cottage for days, but they had to get to the airport tomorrow and were meeting Jose in the morning for lunch at his house.

Kurt was gaining on his husband when Blaine tripped in the sand and Kurt couldn't stop quickly in his bare feet, so he fell over Blaine in a pile of arms and legs. They both sat up laughing, kissing and hugging and enjoying every minute of it.

"Oh, Blaine, I love you so much," Kurt laughed, calming down enough to climb off of his husband's stomach and untangle their legs. Blaine was grinning from ear to ear. He pulled Kurt down on top of himself, then rolled on top of him. Kurt struggled for a few moments, but stilled when Blaine's lips sought his out. They kissed, Blaine grinding down on Kurt until he moaned, Kurt's hands cupping Blaine's ass and kneading his buttocks in such a sinful way.

"I love you, too, Kurt. I'm so thankful and so happy you're my husband. I never imagined in my whole life ever being this happy," Blaine said to Kurt as they came up for air.

"I can see us when we're in our seventies, coming here for our anniversary. Do you think it will look the same in fifty years?" Kurt asked, a pensive look on his face.

"Hmm...maybe. I bet it's looked the same out there for a million years," Blaine said, gazing at the setting sun as it shone across the water of the Caribbean Sea. "We'll look different. I'll be bent over with arthritis and my cane will get trapped in the sand, you'll toddle over to help me and fall, narrowly missing breaking your hip, and we'll flounder in the sand," Blaine described his vision.

"As long as we can still do this, I'm okay with that," Kurt said, kissing Blaine the way he was meant to be kissed. They stayed there on the sand, wrapped together as if the world didn't exist around them until the waves came back and splashed over them.

Kurt got up and put out his hand for Blaine, and as they walked toward the little cottage on the private beach that had been their love nest for the week, Kurt stopped them. He looked up in the clear night sky and gazed all around until his face lit up with a glowing smile.

"There it is, Blaine. Shining for us," he whispered, pointing to Orion's Belt.

"Oh, there it is...I know it will always be there for us, Kurt, and our love will last until Orion's Belt fades from the sky forever," Blaine whispered back.

They came together, holding each other as Blaine's soft lips gently kissed Kurt's tender mouth while the stars in Orion's Belt shone down on them.

End Notes: Thanks once agin to Sophia Michelle for all her inspiration and help in this visit to Puerto Rico. Again, any mistakes are all mine as I found a lot of the details on line, but made up the ones I couldn't find. That's why they call it fiction!


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