Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
Something was bumping on the side of the tent. Kurt woke up when his bedroll started to move and he felt the tent shake.
"Blaine!" he said, his hands on Blaine's shoulders.
"Claudius!" Blaine shouted and the shaking stopped immediately.
"Whoa...that scared me for a second," Kurt laughed.
"He knows we're in here, he just wants company," Blaine said.
Kurt giggled and pulled Blaine over on top of him.
"Did I tell you today how much I love you?" he asked.
"No, but then we just woke up," Blaine grinned. "Tell me, why do you love me?"
"Because you make me laugh. Because you worry about me needlessly. Because you know the names of all the birds in the forest," Kurt rattled off, counting on his fingers. "But the most important one might be how much in love with me you are, because you tell me in a hundred ways every day."
Kurt reached up, holding Blaine around his neck and pulled him down into a kiss. Blaine went willingly, wanting more than anything to touch those beautiful pink lips. They kissed for a while, rolling onto their sides and holding each other tightly.
"Let's get up and moving...I'm starving!" Blaine said, getting a giggle in return and Kurt made comments about him always being on the verge of starvation.
Sitting by the lake, the sun dawning over the mountains, Blaine was leaning against the trunk of a tree. Kurt was sitting between his legs, resting his arms on Blaine's thighs. He turned in place, seeking a kiss before he went back to his fishing rod, tying the fly with the proper knots. They had caught almost enough trout for breakfast, so Kurt was taking his time – his mind was on Blaine anyway, not the fish.
After they each caught one more fish, the sun was almost above the horizon and they sat back, just enjoying the day. It was going to be hot today, the temperature quite warm already. Kurt wasn't wearing his brace, his knee was healed and now the strengthening process was going along fine. He still limped a bit, but he didn't need the brace nearly as often.
"Hey, let's go for a swim!" Kurt suggested. Blaine smiled. He remembered the fun times they had at the lake in Ohio last year when Kurt had taken him there to get him away from the city. Blaine smiled at the memory, Kurt was always thinking of something that would make Blaine smile or make his life a bit easier. He had never known a person as selfless as Kurt Hummel. He was the luckiest man in the world to have Kurt for the rest of his life.
"I didn't bring a suit.." Blaine said, not really thinking. Kurt looked at him and smirked.
"Seriously, Blaine? Who's going to see you? We are so far from civilization...nobody is near here. We can go skinny dipping, of course!"
Blaine grinned. Of course, he went swimming all the time without a stitch on. He stood up, looking for something to use as a towel and thought it was warm enough he wouldn't really need one. They could sunbathe on the rocks to dry off. He took off his shirt, then started to remove his pants and briefs. Kurt took in a breath and Blaine blushed. They had seen each other in every state of dress and undress, but it still made Kurt startle when he looked up to see his lover stripping. Kurt followed suit, removing all of his clothes and setting them up on a tree branch so they wouldn't get wet if they splashed.
He made a quick run and jumped into the lake from the rocks. It was deep here, but he bobbed to the surface and called to Blaine to join him. A great splash came next and Blaine was there, giggling as he swam closer to Kurt.
"Wow, the water is much warmer than I thought it would be!" Blaine exclaimed. Kurt grinned at him, treading water before he thrust himself up and then turned and dove down, his back arched and his butt curved as he went below the waterline. Blaine got a glimpse of it before he saw Kurt's long legs disappear under the surface. He was looking to see which way Kurt went when he felt a hand grasp his leg under the water and Kurt's head broke the surface as he came up, flinging water everywhere as he shook his head.
Blaine wiped the water from his face and turned around to splash Kurt again, but the thought left his head when he saw Kurt's face. He was smiling still, but with a wistful look that was hard to figure out. His attention was being taken by some ducks a little way across the lake: a beautiful wood duck with four little ones, all fluff, in the water behind her. Mama duck was leading them and each duckling was following like kindergärtners in a line. Beyond the ducks were some sort of water birds, maybe cranes or herons, walking through the reeds growing there and poking their long bills down into the water, then raising their heads to the sky and swallowing. Blaine could hear frogs and birds, see fish under the surface, and all the way across the lake a few deer were drinking their morning sips of water. It was idyllic. He moved over to where he could feel the smooth rocks under his feet and coaxed Kurt to join him.
"This is the best way to wake up in the morning, isn't it? A kiss from my lover, fresh fish ready to be cooked for breakfast, and Mother Nature putting on a show for us. I could just do this every day for the rest of my life, Kurt. What about you?"
"You know, Blaine, I always dreamed of a life in New York, wowing the Broadway audiences and singing my heart out. That is until I met you. Now that life seems to me to be false in so many ways. It would be me, hiding from myself and hiding what I truly am from those I love and care about. This just feels right to me, Blaine. Being here with you, sharing a life surrounded by the best and most beautiful things I could ever really imagine. How could I ask for more?" Kurt moved over to sit beside Blaine on the rock that was just under the surface. Blaine's arms wrapped around Kurt, skin touching under the water.
Blaine smiled at him, wondering what he had done in a former life to deserve to have Kurt in this one. He pulled Kurt into his lap, amazed at the feeling of Kurt's hot skin in contrast to the cool water that surrounded them. Kurt must have noticed it, too, because he was snuggling closer, pressing his back against Blaine's chest and then getting up to turn and straddle Blaine's lap. So close, Kurt's legs now curled around Blaine's waist and his chest was right up against Blaine's. They both took a breath, looking into each other's eyes, gazes locking and eyes unblinking as Blaine's fingers went under the water to cup Kurt's cheeks, helping to start the friction they both sought. The water was cooler than body temperature, but not by a lot, and the slickness the water provided was enough for them to slide their bodies together, erections touching and the friction building. Kurt leaned forward just enough to be able to kiss Blaine's neck, making him shiver. Kurt's hand went down to hold them both – the slickness of the water making it easy to slide his hand up and down their cocks.
It started slow and easy, just the amazing new feeling of being immersed in the water and they took their time. There was no place they needed to go, nobody that was expecting them , it was just the two of them and nature and there was no hurry at all.
They got very close to climax, they backed off and moved to experience something else. They kissed and hugged and rolled in the water, playful as otters. There was a great deal of splashing and dunking, then rushing to come together in a hot embrace once again. Finally, Blaine was holding Kurt when he felt Kurt's hands cupping his cheeks under the water. They were standing on some smooth rocks again, a fairly level ground under the water, and Kurt's whole demeanor changed. He wasn't giggling and fun anymore, but serious and wanton. He kissed Blaine with all the passion he was feeling, holding him close with one hand on a cheek and one around his waist. Blaine responded immediately and kissed back, holding Kurt close.
Kurt's fingers made their way down Blaine's back once again, feeling into the space where his body heat was still very warm, where the cool water hadn't penetrated. Pulling the cheeks apart, he began preparing Blaine and Blaine was swooning. This feeling of the cool water and the hot skin touching his most intimate places was making him dizzy and he held on to Kurt with an iron grip.
Kurt took his time, as they had all day, but there was a quickening of his motions every time Blaine would let a moan out across the water. He was finally ready, and Kurt picked him up – the water helping to balance and carry his weight. He pulled Blaine close and slid him down his torso, so they met at the exact place and Kurt was sliding inside. Blaine made a half-scream, half-moan as he felt Kurt entering him. It was surreal in the water, both blunting and enhancing his ability to feel.
"Oh...Blaine...that feels so good, so right..." Kurt said, losing his ability to articulate at a very fast pace. He hooked his hands together behind Blaine's back and held him in place, the water keeping his lover buoyant. Because the water made him all but weightless, Kurt was able to pick him up and push him down in a steadying rhythm and Blaine cried out with the emotions and excitement of this new sensation.
"Kurt...ahhh...no, just...there! Yesyesyesyes...ah, Kurt.." Blaine said into Kurt's neck as he held on with all his might. "Yes...."
Kurt shifted his foot a tiny bit, trying to gain a better balance and moved his arms to hold Blaine in a better grip. "Touch yourself, Blaine..." he managed to whisper, his head foggy with lust as he felt Blaine slamming down on his cock. Blaine complied, just barely using his fingers to tease a reaction because he was so close, he really didn't need to do this. He looked up at Kurt's face, seeing how much it was affecting him and took a better grip. He slid his hand up and down a few times, and began to tremble as the heat gathered in his belly, signaling the oncoming orgasm.
"Oh, Blaine...come-- now, baby...don't hold back, just come now..." Kurt said in a throaty voice, then cried out as his climax hit him and he was thrusting so hard into his lover, and Blaine let his orgasm overwhelm him as well, crying Kurt's name over and over again. Blaine sought out Kurt's lips and covered them with his own mouth, kissing and sucking Kurt's soft tongue into his mouth, caressing and dancing as he came down from the high of fulfillment and satisfaction.
Kurt let Blaine's legs sink back into the water of the lake, but held him close with hands behind his back, their hearts thumping loudly next to each other. They finally relaxed enough to come apart, the water swirling around them as they bent their knees and sat in the water up to their necks to get warm again.
"We better get out, Kurt. I'm getting cold and now I'm tired, too." he said, smiling at Kurt and taking his hand. Kurt smiled back and they waded up to the shore and got out of he water, shaking like dogs as they stood in the morning sun. Blaine went to get the blanket they had placed on the ground and they sat together, bodies facing the sun to dry. Lying next to each other, they held hands again, looking at each other.
"You are the best lover a person could ever ask for, Blaine. I love you so much," Kurt said as he rolled over to lie closer to the warmth of his finance.
"You are, too, Kurt. You are just perfect for me, and I cannot imagine a better friend or lover. It's always been you, and will always be you for me," he said, "I can't wait to wake up each morning knowing I get to spend another day with you."
They fell into silence, their emotions not something they could easily put into words. Once they were dried, they put their clothes back on and walked back to the fire they had made a ways from the sleeping camp, ready to fix the trout for breakfast.
"That was delicious!" Kurt announced, licking his lips at the last bite of pan-friend trout with golden brown potatoes they had made for breakfast. They each drank a cup of water from the thermos and started the clean-up. They did not want a repeat performance of the bear in camp.
"So, I vote we take a short nap, then think of something to do quietly in camp, if we're going to walk home tomorrow, you need to conserve your strength, Kurt. How is the leg doing?" Blaine asked. He was sitting on a bedroll, leaning against a locust tree and had Kurt's legs in his lap. Kurt was lying down on a blanket, smiling up at Blaine as they talked about what to do with the rest of their summer. It was just a few days before they were to meet Finn and Puck in Philomath and then a week before they started classes.
"I think it's doing fine. It aches a bit from time to time, but on the whole it feels so much better. I think the strengthening exercises Pete gave me to do are working, it feels stronger."
"Let's see..." Blaine said, coaxing Kurt to remove his pants.
"You just want my pants off, Blaine Anderson – you don't fool me!" Kurt laughed, but took them off anyway and placed his leg back in Blane's lap. Blaine felt the joint, touching the large scar gently. It looked so much better these days, less red and angry, now it had faded to a dark pink and was obviously healing. He took the weight of Kurt's leg in one hand and moved the knee joint, seeing how much range of motion he had. It was more than it had been when they were in Seattle.
"I think it's doing great, Kurt. By this time next year, you should be good as gold. I am so glad..." he said, then sat back. Kurt slipped his pants back on and was tying his shoes when he looked up. Blaine was now sitting with his knees up, arms resting and his face buried. A small sobbing sound came from the place he was hiding his face away.
"Blaine? Blaine, what's wrong?" Kurt asked, scared.
Blaine looked up when Kurt's hand gently stroked down his back. He took a great lungful of air. Kurt was looking at him with a steady gaze, not knowing what was wrong but ready to wrestle tigers to make it right again.
"Blaine? Are you okay?" he asked a second time. Blaine could not get breath enough to speak. Kurt moved so he could scoot behind Blaine and put his arms around him. He gently kissed his neck, then just held him until he could gather himself enough to speak.
"Kurt, I'm so sorry. I thought I had let this go, but seeing your knee, your leg, getting better – oh..." Blaine took another giant breath of air. "I just couldn't stop thinking about all the nights I prayed you would be able to walk again. I lost my faith that you would heal for a while there, and every night I dreamed you would be crippled for the rest of our lives. You cannot imagine how bad it was when I saw you on those rocks that day, I wanted so badly to be the one there, not you. I have been so worried that it might never get better, Kurt. And now? The relief that your leg is healing, that you can run again one day...it is just overwhelming," Blaine got out, then turned where he sat and slipped his arms around Kurt's waist, cradling his head against Kurt's chest so he could hear the faithful heart that beat for him.
"Blaine, it's okay, baby. I'm fine. Even if I never got over it, if I was crippled, you wouldn't desert me, would you? We would still have each other. How could anyone keep us apart?" Kurt asked. Blaine looked up at him.
"Kurt, I would like to believe no one could ever pry us apart, but you know as well as I do that it might not be the case. If your dad hadn't been there to tell the hospital staff that I was allowed to be with you, would they have let me in? You know the stories about gay couples that don't have a legal marriage being torn apart in all kinds of situations. Medical, legal...and even if our families agree to our being together, it would never stand up in court," Blaine said, leaning his forehead back on his knees.
Kurt was trying to hold back tears now. He laid his head down on Blaine's back, his arms surrounding him.
"What can we do, Blaine?" Kurt asked, bewildered. He suddenly felt small and helpless in the big world, remembering how much was against him. It was easy to forget when it was just the two of them alone in the vast Oregon wilderness. Living in a city once again, Kurt had no idea what he might be facing. He knew there were homophobes everywhere, just like there were nice people everywhere, but how would they handle it when it came time to go to school, to get jobs, to just live their lives?
He was disappointed in himself. Here he was, in the midst of Eden with the boy he loved more than anything on this Earth, but they had made no real plans for how to live their joint lives in the world outside these trees.
"Blaine? What are we going to do? We are okay here, but what is it going to be like out there?" Kurt asked. Blaine didn't say anything at first. He patted Kurt's hand resting on his shoulder, then got up.
"Let's fix something to eat, get some water, and go sit in the tent and talk this out. I have the feeling this is going to take a long time. It might be hard to face some of the things I think I need to bring up, but I am only saying them so we can be prepared. We are going to get through this – together – but in order to do that, we have to have a plan," Blaine said.
They got some blackberries they had brought with them, and some venison jerky and a few other things along with canteens of spring water and went inside the tent. The two mules were picketed outside the tent to warn of bears and the boys sat down on their pile of blankets, curled together.
"The first thing we need to do is see a lawyer," Blaine said. "I can talk to Mr. Warner about that, he got one for Cooper and I when he set up the trust for us. I don't want there to be any trouble if anything happens to me with getting you access to my estate. I'm going to have you named the heir to everything I own...which isn't all that much, but I do own the cabin and some land around it. I have a trust fund and some bank accounts. Things like that. I know they would go to you when we're married, but only if we lived in a state that recognizes same-sex marriage. I'm not sure which ones do, though," Blaine said.
"Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, Maine, Maryland, Washington, and Washington D.C." Kurt rattled off.
"Ah...okay...not sure why you know all that...?" Blaine looked at him and Kurt grinned.
"I've been planning my wedding since I was five. I kept abreast of each state as it came to it's senses you might say," Kurt giggled.
"Okay..well, I'm guessing Washington is the closest. I think we have to be residents?"
"Blaine, did it ever occur to you why my dad bought a shop in Washington when we live in Oregon? I'm a college student and your last legal address was with my dad. If he lives in Washington and we are college students, our legal address is in Washington," Kurt said, as if talking to a third grader.
"But...but...when did he tell you all this?" Blaine asked. He had been with Kurt for almost every minute he'd been with Burt in Seattle and he didn't recall any discussion like this.
"I didn't need to have him tell me, I just knew. I know my dad pretty well, and he would not have just pulled a name out of a hat to move, he gave it careful consideration. He gives everything careful consideration, Blaine. It wasn't a fluke," Kurt said, thoughts of his dad making him smile.
"Which brings me to the next topic," Blaine went on, smiling at the fact that Burt had such faith in them.
"The wedding?" Kurt anticipated.
"Yes. What do you think of it, like when, where, and all that?" Blaine asked.
"I think we could do it soon? I mean, I'd like to get a semester or two of college done first, but then we can talk about it. Yo know I would marry you tomorrow if you asked me, Blaine. But sensibly, a year and we will be 19. A bit early for the conventional marriage, but I like to flatter myself by thinking I'm more mature than most people my age. What do you think?" Kurt asked, stroking his thumb across Blaine's cheek. He gave him a little kiss on the side of his mouth.
"I am on the same page with you, my love. I'd get married tomorrow, but that isn't practical. I think if we both work hard to establish ourselves in college, we can do the wedding the next summer. I can hardly wait to call you my own, Kurt."
"Oh, Blaine, I'm already yours. You know that." Kurt looked down at the sapphires on his ring and smiled. He loved Blaine so much. He looked up to realize Blaine was also looking at his ring with the interlacing gold ribbons and they looked over at each other, smiling. Life was so good.
"There is something I've been thinking about, Blaine," Kurt said, reaching his arms out to ask Blaine to come closer. Blaine came and got in the 'little spoon' position, Kurt's arms wrapped around him. "I want to have a marriage ceremony with just the two of us, maybe before we leave this place in a few days. We have each other here, with no interference and I think it might be the perfect time to tell each other what we mean, to make our wedding vows so that we have an understanding of what our marriage is. I know it isn't legally binding, but...." Kurt stopped, not sure how to express himself.
"Not legally binding, but real in our hearts?" Blaine finished. Kurt nodded. He should perhaps be amazed that Blaine was able to finish his thoughts, but he wasn't. They had been on the same wavelength since they had met.
"I just thought of something, here, let me up..." Kurt said, struggling to his feet. His knee was better, but it was still hard to get up off the ground. He rummaged through his backpack, finally finding two spiral-bound notebooks and two pens.
"Here, we can write down what we'd like to say to each other for our vows. What do you think?" Kurt asked.
"That is a capitol idea, Kurt. I have quite a few ideas floating around in my mind, it will be nice to get them on paper and organized. Should we do it together?" Blaine asked.
"Let's do it privately at first, then come together to write the final choices?" Kurt suggested.
"Excellent. I'll just go over to the other side of the tent, okay?"
"Sounds fine."
The two boys sat at opposite ends of the tent, which was still very close, but they were able to zone in on themselves and concentrate on the task at hand for almost two hours before Blaine looked up to see Kurt was dozing. He put his notebook aside, then went to Kurt and set his aside, too. Climbing into the sleeping bag beside him, Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt and fell asleep almost immediately.
It was hours later when the boys woke up. They had been tired from all the activity of the past few days and it felt nice to just sleep. Neither was hungry, so they just stirred the fire, moved the mules to further picket lines and came back to sit together in front of the fire. They had their notebooks open in front of them, reading over what they had written.
"Shall we just take turns and read each one?" Blaine asked.
"Sure. Mine aren't in any order, but I can do that," Kurt said, and Blaine smiled his agreement.
Kurt started and they took turns telling each other the ideas they had come up with. They argued and agreed, thought of revisions and introduced new ideas. They were amazed at some of the things they had come up with that matched exactly what the other had thought of, and almost as astonished when a few things were not received with enthusiasm by the other. They had to stop and take a break when a line about children had come up on both lists, and tears were in their eyes at how much the thought of having a baby meant to both of them. In the end, they had a list of vows that they both loved and wanted for their ceremony.
"Do you think we should do it here or back at the cabin?" Kurt asked the next morning.
"Oh, here would be nice, don't you think?" Blaine said, thinking it would be beautiful with just the two of them in such a natural setting. Kurt smiled at Blaine, walking over to snuggle into his side as they stood in front of the tent. Blaine smelled so nice, like spring rain and pine trees. Kurt couldn't get enough of the scent and poked his nose close to Blane's neck to leave behind some kisses before pulling loose from his embrace to get clean clothes for both of them from the pack. They were on their way to the lake to wash up before breakfast.
It was a lazy day, just walking through the forest and looking at all the creatures that populated the wild place.
By evening, they had swept a place in front of the fire. It was July 5th, a day they would remember the rest of their lives.. They came together, looking into each other's eyes. There was a ceremonial atmosphere with the small field of wildflowers at their backs and the fire by their side. While having a wedding to share with their families and loved ones would be nice in the future, this commitment between them would mean more.
They sat, facing each other in the clearing. They had each decided to sing a song for the ceremony and Blaine would sing first:
Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens
I've been in love with you
Stronger than any mountain cathedral
Truer than any tree ever grew
Deeper than any forest primeval
I am in love with you
I'll bring fires in the winters
You'll send showers in the springs
We'll fly through the falls and summers
With love on our wings
Through the years as the fire starts to mellow
Burning lines in the book of our lives
Though the binding cracks
And the pages start to yellow
I'll be in love with you
I'll be in love with you
Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens
I've been in love with you
I am in love with you
Kurt and Blaine stood together in the clearing, holding the vows between them and recited them together:
I promise to put your happiness before my own.
I promise to do the stuff neither of us wants to do, if you really don't want to do it more than I don't want to do it.
I promise to defend you to others, even if you're wrong, and save the argument about it until we are alone.
I promise to make sure it is not just that I am feeling sick or hungry or grouchy BEFORE I get angry with you.
I promise to give you the benefit of the doubt. I am not marrying an idiot and I will trust you to do the right thing, even if I can't see the outcome right away.
I promise not to give in to you for the sole purpose of using that against you in the next argument.
I promise not to keep score.
I promise not to put the children before you. (within reason)
I promise that it will not matter of you get old, fat, skinny, or anything else. I love you, not just the package you come in.
I promise to listen to your heart, not just your voice. If it's something we cannot say with words, we will find a way to make our thoughts known to each other.
I promise to keep an open mind at all times, and give you permission to remind me of this if I lose sight of it from time to time.
I promise to let you have space to breathe and make your way in the world without me suffocating you. But at the same time, I promise to be there with you every step of the way - and we will find the balance we need to achieve that.
I promise to clarify my expectations. How can we know what the other wants or needs if they don't tell us?
I promise never to go to bed angry. We will stay up until we can work it out, no running away.
And I promise that my love for you will endure anything the world throws at us, that we will cleave together against it all, and respect each other for always.
Kurt: "I love you, Blaine Devon Anderson, and take you as my husband to love, honor, and cherish, always and forever."
Blaine: "I love you, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, and take you as my husband to love, honor, and cherish, always and forever."
They exchanged the rings they had taken off earlier in the day and given back to each other. Blaine placed the white gold ring with the tiny sapphires and stars on Kurt's finger, Kurt placed the platinum ring with intertwined gold ribbons on Blaine's finger. They kissed and held hands while Kurt sang the song to end the ceremony:
I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope I'll be your love
Be everything that you need
I'll love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply do
I will be strong I will be faithful
'cause I'm counting on
A new beginning
A reason for living
A deeper meaning, yeah
I want to stand with you on
a mountain
I want to bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me
And when the stars are shining
brightly in the velvet sky,
I'll make a wish send it to heaven
Then make you want to cry
The tears of joy for all the
pleasure and the certainty
That we're surrounded by the
comfort and protection of
Oh can you see it baby?
You don't have to close your eyes
'Cause it's standing right
before you
All that you need will surely come
I'll be your dream I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope I'll be your love
Be everything that you need
I'll love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply do
I want to stand with you on a
I want to bathe with you in the sea
I want to live like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me
They went back to the tent and sat and watched the stars as they spun across the heavens. There were no more words, there didn't need to be. Their marriage vows had been given to each other with love and commitment and both Kurt and Blaine knew they would last forever. The rose after a while and made their way inside the tent, removing their clothes and made love until the wee hours of the morning, then fell asleep in each other's arms.
The wedding ceremony with just them two was perfect and I loved those songs.