Bound For Glory
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Bound For Glory: Valentine and Satan

E - Words: 7,373 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 41/41 - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
754 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: "Turn around, Piglet. Step lightly, Pooh. This silly ol' dance is perfect for two."~ A. A. Milne, from Winnie-the-Pooh

Of course I want to go to the dance with you!” Blaine said, rather mystified why Kurt was so reluctant to ask in the first place.

They were going to the Valentine's dance and then an after party at Santana's house. Blaine was overjoyed because he'd never been to a dance before and he was anxious to dance with all his friends. Kurt, however hadn't been to a dance since he'd been attacked and it brought back so many memories it was hard to even think about. He wanted Blaine to have all the fun he could in his only year of high school, but he was just plain scared.


What do you want me to wear?” Blaine asked. He found that it was so much easier in his life to just ask Kurt what he should wear. If it was left to him, he would pick what he thought looked nice, was comfortable, and was easy to put on and take off. It was inevitable that Kurt would smile that smile at him, and tell him he looked nice. Then would come the tiny little suggestions. “Maybe if we traded the teal shirt for a lighter, this pearl gray would be nice!”, and as soon as he put the outfit back on...minus the teal shirt and plus the pearl gray....Kurt would make another tiny suggestion. By the time he was done with the 'suggestions', he'd be wearing layers of a very different outfit.

Oh, whatever you choose would be wonderful, I'm sure,” Kurt said. Blaine wasn't buying it. At all.

No, honey, I want to look my best for you!” he followed with. He had to be careful here, because if he handled it wrong, he'd end up at Abercrombie & Fitch or Lord & Taylor for the afternoon.

Well, let's look and see what we have to work with, okay?” Kurt grinned. He loved dressing his boyfriend. They went down to the basement and Kurt pushed open the big doors of the closet.

I know the perfect start...the new charcoal Viktor and Rolf trousers with matching vest I got you for Valentine's Day, paired with a dark purple silk button down shirt, and the leather pilot jacket we bought last week,” Kurt began, that look of delight on his face.

You love dressing me, didn't you have a Barbie doll when you were a kid?” Blaine teased him.

No, I did not. Ken never had enough clothes to bother with, and I didn't like dresses. Now, put those clothes on, I want to see them before we switch the jacket,” Kurt grinned.

Blaine dutifully dressed in the things Kurt had set out. When he was all done, Kurt's eyes lit up.

I don't think I'll have to change a thing! Just add a tie – bow or traditional, maybe a cravat? And the shoes. You look gorgeous, Blaine, you really do,” Kurt cooed, putting his arms carefully around his boyfriend so as not to wrinkle him.

I would like a bow tie, thank you. How about that black one with the graphic pattern in white? The one with music notes in gold? Then, the black shoes..the ones that don't hurt my feet. I want to dance all night with you. look pretty gorgeous yourself, my sweet Kurt. Come here and let me kiss you,” Blaine smiled a tender smile because he was thinking about how much he loved Kurt. Not in spite of his strange quirks, but because of them.



The night of the Valentine Dance, Kurt was really nervous. He knew it would be fine, he was with Blaine and all of the New Directions would be there, including Dave Karofsky. He and Dave had become friends, albeit not close friends, since joining the New Directions. Kurt had overseen Blaine getting dressed and was now debating on his final choice. It was similar to Blaine's, but with a light blue shirt and his bow tie was a negative of Blaine's, white with black graphics and gold music notes. His butter-soft leather coat was car length instead of pilot, but they coordinated very nicely. After an afternoon shopping with Rachel, Blaine had come home with a small package for Kurt.

It's just a little present, for Valentine's Day,” Blaine said shyly, handing the little box over to Kurt.

Kurt gently loosened the tape and removed the shiny red paper. Inside the box was a brooch in the shape of a constellation of stars. It was a silver rim around a cut crystal disc, etched with the image of Orion's Belt in stars. Kurt's eyes got huge and he blinked back tears to see something so beautiful.

Oh, Blaine, this is's spectacular! Oh, it's just perfect,” and he hugged Blaine's neck and kissed his cheek. “Can you put it on me?”

Blaine pinned it to Kurt's lapel, smiling at how much Kurt liked his present. Wasn't Kurt's just the best thing in the world?


They arrived at the dance with Finn and Rachel, all ready to have a good time. Kurt had been really apprehensive, having what amounted to flashbacks on the way to the dance. He had asked Finn to drive, which should have been a clue to his state of mind: Kurt never asked Finn to drive. Blaine was so excited, he didn't really notice how Kurt was reacting until they got to the school and Kurt stayed in the car.

Kurt, we're here. What's wrong?” Blaine finally asked, confused about the look on Kurt's face. Kurt was flushed and a little shaky, not talking. He shook his head 'no', and didn't even unbuckle his seat belt. Finn turned to see what the hold up was, and took one look at Kurt and realized exactly what was going on.

Blaine, if you could keep Rachel company, I'll talk to my brother. Okay?” Finn asked, but it really wasn't a question. He walked around the SUV and got in the back seat next to Kurt.

Hey, are you okay, buddy?” Finn asked.

Ah...I don't know,” Kurt said, honestly.

You know you don't have to go. I'll take you back home if this feels like too much, Kurt. Nobody will think less of you. Blaine can stay here with Rachel, and I will take you straight home. Okay?” Finn asked, taking Kurt's hand and giving it a squeeze.

I'll let everyone down. Maybe I can do that, Finn, but I'm scared. I just don't know if I can do it,” Kurt said, his voice getting softer and his head hanging.


Rachel?” Blaine said, his voice getting shaky. “Wh..what's wrong with Kurt? Shouldn't I go to him?”

Blaine, you knew he was attacked at a school dance, right?” Rachel asked, taking his hand to calm him.

Oh...I never thought. It was here, wasn't it?” the pieces fit themselves together and Blaine got a horrible feeling of guilt. Kurt would never have agreed to come to this dance unless Blaine had asked him and been so excited. It was his fault that Kurt was still sitting in the back of the SUV with his brother. It was his fault that Finn was the one offering Kurt comfort instead of himself.

Yes. He was parked on the other side, but it was in the gym, same as this dance. Blaine, he won't blame you, sweetheart. He won't. I know Kurt and he would never push his problems off onto you. I know Finn is helping him, but you're the one he loves. Just go to him,” Rachel told the sad boy, petting him on his arm and reaching up to give him a kiss on his cheek, “He needs you.”

Blaine waked over to the door and opened it.

Excuse me. Finn, thank you so much, but I think maybe I need to talk to Kurt. Okay?” he asked, very polite but his entire being shouted “Mine!” Finn recognized this and smiled at Blaine.

Yeah, I'll be here if you need me, thanks Blaine. I'm here for you, too, Kurt. I'm not leaving you,” Finn took Kurt by the shoulder and gave him a hug before leaving the SUV.

Blaine stood next to where Kurt was still seated, his seatbelt secured.

Kurt, I owe you an apology. I am the most self-absorbed prick in all of Ohio. I forgot that you had issues about going to dances at this school, and I feel so badly that I let my enthusiasm for going overshadow your needs. I was absolutely blind, and I am sorry. Can you forgive me?” Blaine asked, looking so sad that Kurt felt like crying. Now not only was he scared to step foot in the gym, he had let down the one person he cared about most in the world. He wanted to crawl under a rock.

Oh, Blaine, I'm so sorry. I think I'll be okay. Can you hold me, maybe for just a moment?” Kurt asked in his high-pitched voice, the stress and anxiety making it so much higher, and he hated that.

Blaine didn't say anything, just stepped closer and put his arms around Kurt, putting his cheek on Kurt's cheek, wrapping him in his arms as close as he could get considering their circumstances. He felt a shudder and sigh, but didn't let go.

Kurt broke the embrace, took a big breath, and announced: “Okay, I'm ready. I am not going to let the bullies win today. I'm going in there and have the best time I've ever had because here I am with my brother, my best friend, and my Blaine. What more could anyone ask for?”

He got out of the Navigator, pasted a smile on his face and took Blaine's proffered arm.

They walked a short ways, Rachel catching Kurt's arm so they walked four abreast when Kurt heard a quiet voice singing beside him.


We're offff to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz, we hear he is a wiz of a wiz if ever a wiz that was...”


Kurt joined in, then Finn and finally Blaine as they sang the old standard, and grins broke out on all of their faces as they got louder.


If ever, ever a wiz that was the Wizard of Oz is one because...because, because, because, because, because...because of the wonderful things he does!”


By the time they reached the doors, they'd been joined by several of the New Directions and were all laughing when they entered the gymnasium.

The dance was actually a lot of fun for Kurt. He danced with Blaine and when Rachel asked Blaine, Kurt danced with Finn, then Brittany, and Tina. He was sitting in a chair when a hand touched his shoulder.

I hope you saved a slow dance for me?” and he looked into the toffee colored eyes of another of his dearest friends: Mercedes was standing there in a golden gown, sleeveless and low cut but very tasteful. The golden brushed satin made her skin glow and her eyes sparkle, and Kurt just had to dance with this vision of loveliness.

Yes, Mercy, I saved one for my best girl. Shall we?” he said as he kissed her hand and followed her to the dance floor. It was a night of vintage songs and he smiled as the band started Chicago's 'Color My World'.

They danced, holding each other close, until the end and Mercedes kissed him on the cheek, telling Kurt how much she enjoyed the dance.
“It was a good dance, my friend, we should do it more often,” Kurt said, giving her a hug. Mercedes looked over his shoulder, ”I think someone is waiting for the last dance, Boo,” and she took Kurt's hand and placed it in Blaine's.

May I have this dance? I asked the DJ to play a special song for us,” Blaine said softly. Kurt stepped closer and smiled.

Yes, I was saving the last dance for you, my love,” Kurt said to Blaine as he buried his nose in Blaine's neck and smiled to be with his love.

The record began to play and Blaine stepped onto the dance floor with Kurt in his arms, singing softly as they floated across the dance floor:


I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Where every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing

Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes
And thank God we're together
I just want to stay with you in this moment forever
Forever and ever

I don't want to miss one smile
I don't want to miss one kiss
I just want to be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just want to hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time Yeah yeah yeah

I don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing

Every word of that song is true, my sweet Kurt, I never want to miss a thing with you. I love you,” Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear as the song ended and they left the dance floor. They were so wrapped up in each other, they didn't see some of the boys from the parking lot fight walk near them. Boyd, Les, and Roger were there, walking along the side of the dance floor. They had been watching the couple dance and were now ready to start something because they knew the dance was over. What better time to cause trouble than when everyone was distracted by getting ready to go.

As Blaine and Kurt walked through the crowd, their friends surrounded them. All of the New Directions were there and placed themselves around the couple. Dave especially made it his business to walk there, staring Les in the eyes as he went along. The three bullies got the hint and went in the other direction, leaving Kurt and Blaine in peace.

Just as they were getting ready to leave, Santana walked over to the boys. “You are coming to my afterparty, right?”

Of course, Satan, we'll be glad to come. Looking forward to it as a matter of fact,” Kurt grinned at her. The dance had gone so well, he wasn't stressing anymore, so he thought her party would be a nice end to the evening.

They got to the Navigator, all of the New Directions kids walking together, so there was no trouble. They all went to Santana's house where she had arranged to have her sisters and brothers gone for the evening and her parents were on vacation. Everyone went to the basement where she and Brittany had put up decorations. The kids all crowded into the room, but it wasn't too small, there was enough room for dancing and having fun. A bar was set up on a table and soon Artie and Puck were mixing and pouring drinks for everyone.

Santana turned on the stereo and there were requests for songs, everyone had a drink in hand and Santana called,”Let the party begin!”

They all toasted her.

The group all knew each other very well, and there was no hesitation as they started dancing and talking and flirting. It was a great time.

After an hour of dancing and making out and little side games, Santana called them all to the center of the room to sit. Most of them had brought a change of clothes from the formal Valentine's Day dance and changed into more comfortable clothes for this party. A lot of the kids had been drinking, some much more than others, but a few were designated drivers and had no alcohol for the evening.

Okay, listen to Auntie Tana! We're going to play 'Seven Minutes In Heaven'!! I am going to start by spinning the bottle. When it lands, we're going to lock the couple in the linen cupboard for seven minutes. There are no re-spins, no matter who you get. Boys, girls, brothers, trading. So, who's first?”

She spun the empty bottle on the table and it pointed to Artie, who smiled. “Will my chair fit in the closet?” he asked, but Tana assured him it would.

Okay, for the first seven minutes, we have,” and she gave the bottle a spin. “Rachel!”

Rachel jumped and the look of shock on her face was comical.

C'mon, you sweet thing, you,” Artie kidded as he headed over to the linen closet. Tana was there and as soon as the two of them were in the closet, she closed the door and locked it, grinning. Several people came over to put their ears to the door to see if they could detect anything. They were not disappointed as smacking sounds of lips came through the door.

Seven minutes later, they emerged, lips red and swollen, Rachel's blouse a bit wrinkled and a smile on Artie's face.

Well, how was it?” Brittany asked.

I don't kiss and tell,” Artie grinned, apparently quite pleased with himself. Rachel just smiled and went to sit with Finn.

Santana was already spinning. “Blaine.”

She spun again as Blaine looked at Kurt, a question on his lips, but Kurt whispered in his ear and he looked at him again, shrugging his shoulders, to which Kurt just smiled at him. The bottle stopped spinning...Sam.

Santana locked them in.

I've never played this before, Sam, I'm sorry, you don't have to kiss me,” Blaine said, wishing he was anywhere else.

I'm not complaining. It's a part of the game, Blaine, and I don't mind. Come here,” and he placed a very chaste kiss on Blaine's lips. Blaine kissed back in reflex, leaning in a tiny bit and Sam kept it up, his warm lips massaging Blaine's. Blaine touched the front of Sam's shirt, stroking his pecs and Sam kissed a little deeper, but no tongue. He recognized limits and as curious as he was, this was fine. The time was up quickly and they emerged from the closet quietly, smiling at each other, but went back to their dates. Blaine dipped Kurt back in his arms to give him a deep movie-star kiss, which set Sam to giggling.

Hey, I wasn't THAT bad!” Sam said in his own defense, which set Blaine to giggling, too.

Next up, Finn and......oh no.” Santana was quiet as the bottle stopped directly at Brittany. Britt got up, grabbed Finn's hand and headed for the closet. Puck put his hand on Santana's wrist.

You made up the rules, Tana. It'll be okay,” in a voice only she could hear. Santana took a big breath and smiled, set the timer and closed the door. There was quite a long silence as the two of them just looked at each other, then Brittany began to giggle.

You know it's good it's you, Finn. She would kick anyone else to the moon, but I think she's a little intimidated by you. We're here to kiss, so let's just do that and be thankful it isn't spin the bottle, because I don't think she could take me kissing somebody else in front of her,” Britt said. She slid into his lap and placed her lips on Finn's, sliding her tongue over his bottom lip. He jumped a little, then kissed her back, his tongue entering her mouth. She took his hand and moved it under her shirt while his eyes got huge, and he hesitated – but Brittany gave a little moan into his mouth, whining when he stopped caressing her breast. All he could think was that he had dated Rachel for eight months before he got this far, and here he was, his hand up Britt's shirt and his tongue in her mouth. And she appeared to be enjoying herself. He was still blinking in shock when Santana threw open the door to say their seven minutes was over.

Brittany kissed her on the way out of the closet and grinned to everyone else, adjusting her blouse. Santana just stared at that, shook her head and spun the bottle.

Oh, I know I should have installed cameras! Okay, it's Mercedes and Rory!” she called over the general laughter.

Rory was bounding across the room to jump in the closet, Mercedes, a little more than tipsy, was right behind him, saying, “Once you go black, you never go back, baby. I hope you're ready for me!”

There was quite a bit of noise from the closet, cooing and sighing and lips smacking before Santana called time. She opened the door to find they were in a deep kiss.

Hey, your seven minutes is up, hop on out of there, we have more people waiting!!” Santana said.

After a person was in 'Heaven', they had to move out of the circle, so the number still playing had dwindled. The remaining participants were eying each other with trepidation when Santana spun. “Joe....and Sugar!”

Both of them grinned at each other, traipsing into the linen cupboard and waiting for Santana to close the door. There was much more noise with this couple than any before, panting and growling...until Santana opened the door to find them sitting with their backs together, just making noises and laughing at the people crowded around to see what was going on.

They were down to six people. The bottle spun and landed on Lauren.

I'm not playing unless it lands on Puckerman,” she grouched, giving them all a dirty look and crossing her arms. “And, I'll spin it myself. Santana has probably been playing spin the bottle since she was two years old and knows how to make it land on anyone she wants.”

Santana gave her a dark look, but didn't argue and handed the bottle over. Lauren spun it. It didn't land on Puck.

I'll take that,” she smiled and grabbed the hand of the boy it landed on, pushing him ahead of her into the closet and closing the door with a bang. Blaine rushed over, but it was too late.

Kurt found himself in the dark with the softest lips imaginable caressing his in the best possible way. From the second he saw the bottle stop in front of him, he had stopped thinking. She had said nobody would do but Noah, and he thought himself safe...but apparently he was a good enough substitute, so here he found himself on the receiving end of one of the best kisses of his life. She didn't let up for an instant, kissing deeper and cupping his jaw until he kissed back with as much fervor as she was dishing out. He finally pulled back for a moment, trying to catch his breath. She just smiled.

Didn't expect that, did you, Hummel?” she said. Ah...Lauren? You do know I'm gay, right?” Kurt stammered.

I won't hold it against you, cookie. Now get back here, I want my entire seven minutes. Don't worry, I'll leave a little for your boyfriend. Wouldn't want to ruin a good thing for you,” she said, then leaned forward to lock his lips again. Against his nature, he found himself leaning forward to touch her lips again. They were warm and soft and talented. He sighed into the kiss as she ran her hands down his arms, then around his waist. He began to worry just what Blaine would think - -but realized Blaine had been in here for his seven minutes with Sam. Kurt knew Blaine had watched Sam from across the room sometimes in school. He was very aware of Blaine at most times and although he wouldn't say anything, he was a teensy bit jealous that Blaine would look at Sam so often.

He should never have let his mind wander because now she had her tongue in his mouth and he did not remember how that happened. But it felt nice and she must have kissed a lot to learn to do it this well. He felt himself getting hard, but dismissed it. No way. He was not attracted to girls. He could appreciate them, be friends with them, admire them, but get turned on by them? Never. His body seemed to think otherwise and he continued to get harder and pressed himself against her, just for a moment. That turned into a longer moment.

Well, that was unexpected, here I didn't think you had it in you, Hummel, but you're proving me wrong, gorgeous,” Lauren whispered.

No, Lauren. I like you, but I am completely gay. Absolutely, I don't know what's going on,” he sounded bewildered.

You, my friend, are drunk. And your body has forgotten the difference. You have two choices. We can just kiss a few more times and you can cool that jet down before Blaine sees it, or I can take care of it for you before they open the door. Make up your mind quickly,” Lauren proposed, palming him gently through his tight jeans. What she didn't realize was that Kurt had taken no alcohol that evening.

I have to calm down. I do like you, Lauren, but I don't know how long that will last if I give in. I don't think I'd like myself very much in the morning if I acted on this one insane moment. Thank you anyway, you are a good friend to realize that I may not be in my right mind right now and choose not to take advantage of me,” Kurt droned on, feeling light-headed, but wondering why since he had actually decided not to drink any alcohol. However, he thought it best to keep that little secret to himself for now. He thought of Blaine, and having to explain this to him and it calmed his body down in the process.

It's okay, Kurt. I want another kiss to make it up to me, though,” she smiled and gave him one last squeeze before letting go of his bulge. He whined a little as he moved his hips farther away from her, almost reluctantly.

He smiled at her and she kissed him one more time, another Earth-shattering wonderful kiss that lasted a long time, but he was able to get his body to obey him and they were ready when the door opened.

Santana took one look and her eyes got huge. “Prancing Pony, what have you been up to, you little minx. Who knew you had it in you?” she proclaimed. His shirt buttons were undone from the top almost to his belly, and several large purple love bites were in plain view. At least six people were standing there and gasped as Kurt grabbed his shirt and hurried over to Blaine, who stepped back for a second, then with a funny look in his eye, took Kurt's hand and marched from the room through a door at the far end of the basement.

He managed to keep a straight face until he got in the room and the two boys gasped and tried their best not to squeal with laughter.

They all think Lauren gave me these love bites now,” Kurt laughed.

And now they think I brought you in here to have a private fight!” Blaine giggled. He pulled Kurt close and kissed him thoroughly.

Well, how was it?” he asked Kurt.

Actually, it was a bit disconcerting. If I didn't have you, my dear, I might have had an affair with that girl. Man, she can kiss! I need to take lessons from her,” Kurt said, and Blaine looked into his eyes to gauge his truth. Kurt remained inscrutable and Blaine, with several drinks in him, was unsure of how serious Kurt might be.

Kurt?” Blaine looked like he was going to cry. “I did kiss Sam, but it was just a chaste kiss, and it didn't last long, and I didn't enjoy it....”

Kurt realized how serious Blaine looked and took pity on him.

Yes, I kissed Lauren, and she is an amazing kisser...but she can't hold a candle to you, Blaine. Nobody can hold a candle to you. Now, let's have our own seven minutes...” and he took Blaine's cheek in his hand to hold him steady. He began with tiny little pecks across Blaine's nose, making him giggle. Then he kissed his neck, sweetly, giving him little licks until he heard Blaine sigh and start to breathe deeper, closing the gap between them as he put his arms around Kurt.

Kurt kissed Blaine's temple, stroking his cheek and murmuring sweet things to him before just touching his lips to Blaine's – not kissing, just a tender touch and sliding away. Blaine followed him, a tiny sound in his throat indicating the loss, the want for more. Kurt's lips, soft and moist, were back, his eyes closed and this time he kissed Blaine. Blaine kissed back, energetically, and Kurt pushed Blaine down on the.....oh, it was a bed. He hadn't even seen what room they had entered. Okay. He pushed Blaine very gently onto the bed, holding him so he didn't just fall. He took off the tie Blaine was wearing, unbuttoning the first few buttons so he could kiss his neck, his collarbone, and down a little bit of his chest. Wet, warm kisses and Blaine melted into the sensation. Then Kurt was back kissing his mouth, this time deeper, his tongue soft against Blaine's as he sighed his happiness and brought Blaine to a new awareness of the boy next to him.

This was happiness, this was bliss. Being touched, kissed, loved by Kurt. He moved his arm from around Kurt's shoulder and stroked down his shirt, over his hip, and rested on Kurt's spectacular ass. The muscles there twitched, and at first Blaine thought he was pulling away, but then he realized that Kurt was just moving closer to him, moving on top of him. Blaine shifted his leg so Kurt was between them.

He could never have imagined how this could feel, having someone he not only loved on an emotional level, but someone he was so attracted to that his heart pounded in his chest when he saw Kurt turn a corner at the other end of the corridor at school. He had experienced erections from the onset of puberty like any healthy boy, but the extra thrill he felt that sent blood pounding to his loins when he thought about Kurt was amazing to him. How could mere thought make his body react so quickly, so completely? But here was the evidence. There was a room full of people, just a few steps away, and the door to this room was not locked, yet he was hard and panting and ready for anything Kurt might want from him.

Blaine dragged his mind back to the situation in front of him. Just those few moments thinking about how erotic Kurt could be had brought Blaine to a state of arousal that he had to act on, right now. He flipped on top of Kurt, rutting his hard, aching erection on Kurt's thigh, needing some kind of relief. Right now. He was seeing red, his vision clouded by his want and need, fueled by enough alcohol to increase his desire but not enough to dampen his ability.

Oh, Kurt...please, Kurt...I want you so bad, I want to come, I have to me, please,” Blaine spoke into Kurt's neck as he rubbed himself into Kurt's body. He was almost in tears he wanted it so bad.

Hey, hey...Blaine? Are you okay?” Kurt asked, but Blaine only redoubled his efforts, rubbing Kurt's erection through his jeans, begging him to let him come. This was starting to scare Kurt, he'd never seen Blaine so upset. He wanted to see this to it's spurting, hot, blazing conclusion – but this was not the time or place. There was no guarantee of privacy and looking around, Kurt realized that this was Sanatana's little sisters' room. It was decorated in Barbie pink with My Little Pony and Disney Princesses. He would not, could not, have sex in this room on a little girl's bed.

Blaine, stop,” Kurt said, gently but firmly. Blaine didn't stop for a moment, tears in his eyes as he rutted against Kurt, still begging for Kurt to give him more. It broke Kurt's heart, he would do anything to give Blaine what he wanted, but this was not the place.

Baby, c'mere,” Kurt cooed, backing away and taking the shuddering Blaine into his arms, but moved his hips away. Blaine grabbed Kurt, a little roughly, and jerked him back. “Hey, now...what's going on, baby?”

Kurt began stroking Blaine's arms, then rubbing his temple, trying to calm him down. Blaine finally heaved a big sigh and shuddered, loosening his grip on Kurt and backing away so a few inches of air appeared between them. Kurt tried to look into Blaine's eyes to gauge just how upset he was and was shocked at what he found there.

Blaine? Oh, baby..tell me what's wrong...” Kurt coaxed, as Blaine wiped tears from his face.

Kurt? You're mine, right? I mean, you....oh, Kurt, I love you and I don't think I can share you...” Blaine sniffed.

Oh, you mean my kissing Lauren? Blaine, it was a game. I don't love Lauren, I love you. I'm sorry I said she was a good kisser. Whether or not she was, it doesn't matter one little bit because it didn't mean a thing. Do you understand? Honey, you're drunk and I think we need to get back in to the party and talk about this when we get home. Don't you think so?” Kurt asked, petting Blaine's curls and leaving tiny kisses on his face and neck.

You're so right, Kurt. I am drunk, and now I don't feel well. All I want is to take you home and snuggle you all night. I don't want anyone to take you away from me. I never want you to leave me, Kurt. Never, ever,” Blaine said, getting sleepy now. He yawned and mumbled, “You are MINE.”

Kurt thought he had better get Blaine out of here, and thought he might have to get Finn to help him to the car. He put his arm around Blaine, helping him up off the bed and they went back into the party.

All chaos had broken loose. There was shouting and all kinds of laughing and giggles, accompanied by whispers and pointing.

Mercedes came over to Kurt, steering him and Blaine over to a sofa when she saw Blaine staggering.

Oh, you wouldn't believe what happened...Santana spun to see who was next in heaven and it stopped on Mike. He was smiling at Tina, I guess thinking she would be it because there were only four people left anyway.....Santana, Tina, Mike and Puck. Well, it landed on Santana and she went into the closet with Mike. Well, the noises were delicious! It sounded like cats were mating in that closet and Tina got really upset. She wanted to open the door, Santana was moaning and Mike was, too.

By the time the seven minutes was up, Tina was livid. Mike came out and she grabbed his shirt, popping off all the buttons. He was covered with love bites and when she saw that, Tina was just standing there, staring. Santana walked right by her, pulling the collar of her shirt down enough for Tina – and everyone else – to see she had them all over her neck and chest. Tina didn't say a word, just grabbed Puck and dragged him into the closet.

Kurt's eyebrows were raised to his hairline as the sounds of something...sexual...were coming from the closet. Both Tina and Puck were very drunk, and Tina was absolutely steaming mad. Not a good combination. It was hard to tell what she might do under those circumstances. Tina might appear to be quiet and passive, but Kurt had seen her past her breaking point before and he thought they had best try to intervene.

He looked at Blaine, but his boyfriend was dozing on the sofa. Kurt patted his arm and walked over to the closet door. He put his ear to it, and the sounds that were coming were not reassuring. At all. Kurt knocked, then again, louder.

Kick the damn door in,” Mike shouted from where several people were holding him back across the room.

Tina? Are you okay, Tina?” Kurt asked.

Go away, we're busy,” her drunk voice came. “Who is that? Kurt? Go home Kurt, leave me alone.”

Puck, be reasonable, you know she's drunk. Come out.”

Hey, go get your own. You were making pretty good time with my girlfriend, Hummel, so let me have some now,” Puck shouted, and then the noises got a lot quieter.

Kurt knocked again. “Noah, just come open the door. I think this has gone far enough.” He tried to open the door, but Puck had tied his shoestring through the slats on the other side of the door and Kurt couldn't get it open. He looked around. “Finn, do you have a pocket knife?”

Yeah, here, let me help you,” he offered and produced a small Swiss Army knife. Kurt sawed through the strings and the door opened.

Kurt was the first one in, and he pulled the door closed behind him – right in Finn's face. Tina was sitting on Puck's lap, her blouse on the floor next to her bra and Puck's hand up her skirt. She was almost passed out, swaying back and forth and crying.

Tina, here, let me help you,” Kurt said gently, picking up her blouse from the floor. He glared at Puck, who shrugged his shoulders and looked at Tina – only then registering that she was quietly crying. He pulled back, a funny look on his face, like regret. Kurt coaxed Tina to stand up and he put her blouse on her, buttoning up the small buttons and taking her bra, stuffing it in his jacket pocket. He was not up to trying to put that on her. With Tina this drunk, it would be like hammering jello to a tree. He tucked in her blouse so she looked less...disheveled.

Tina, honey, are you okay?” he asked, worried.

No. Mike was with Santana! He's covered with hickeys, just like you were when you came out of here. Covered with her mouth! He's my boyfriend, not that slutty Santana's,” Tina sobbed. She stopped after a moment, looking at Kurt. “How could you let Lauren do that to you, Kurt? You didn't even have a drink. What were you thinking?”

She didn't. She only kissed me, then right before we came out she unbuttoned my shirt as a joke, the love bites were from earlier. They were from Blaine. When he took me out of the room, we were just kidding...he knew Lauren didn't do it. Honey, let me take you home. You and Mike have both had too much to drink and I'm driving you home. You'll see – everything will be better in the light of day.”

Kurt gave her one last look to make sure she looked decent and then turned to Puck.

Noah, are you okay?” Kurt asked.

Yeah. I'm sorry, Tina. I didn't mean to go so far, are you okay? You should have said something,” he said, looking upset and sad.

Yeah, I'm sorry, too” she replied.

Thanks, Kurt. I have a ride home – Lauren isn't drinking, so she can take anyone else home that needs a ride. She has a van. Get poor Blaine home, he looked bad earlier, he came and sat by me when you were in here with Lauren. I don't think he really understood the game, and he was really drunk,” Puck said.

What's Grandma Sofia going to say?” Kurt asked.

Nothing. I told her I was staying with you. I'll be fine in the morning, but I'm going to Lauren's and sleep on their couch. Thanks for caring, Kurt. And I'll deny I said that in the morning...”


Kurt opened the door, gently guiding Tina into Finn's arms. He and Rachel took her over to a sofa to sit.

Mike, give me your car keys,” Kurt said, holding out his hand. Mike took them out of his pocket and dropped them in Kurt's hand. “We're going to give you a ride home. Ready to go?”

Mike nodded and got his coat.

They all made their way to the Navigator and got it loaded. Blaine was still very sleepy and practically climbed into Kurt's lap, his arms tight around him and his head on Kurt's shoulder. They had to pull him into the seat to get his seatbelt on him, but he was asleep by then. Finn drove, dropped off Rachel and Tina at Rachel's house, then Mike at his house. Finn walked him inside where his brother took charge of him, shaking his head at Mike's drunken behavior.

They were finally home and Finn picked up a sleeping Blaine, carrying him down to Kurt's room. They got him into his pajamas and tucked in bed, and Kurt followed Finn upstairs. They sat in the kitchen, drinking some milk and eating cookies.

Wow, Finn, that was some night,” Kurt said, shaking his head. “I'm sorry I closed the door in your face, but Tina needed some privacy. I had to dress her before I could get her out of there.”

What? Puck? What did he do to her?” Finn looked angry.

I don't think he did anything she didn't allow, but I'm going to ask her in the morning. She appeared to be fine, but I'll ask Rachel to question her. Noah talks a good game, but I really don't think he'd do anything wrong – not even if he was drunk. She was just so jealous and so drunk. I think I got there in time, before anything bad happened. Thank you for helping me get the door open,” Kurt said.

We should have known that Santana would throw a party like that. How dumb were we to go?” Finn laughed. “The Valentine's Day Dance was fun, though. Did you have a good time there?”

You know, I did. I was scared at first, I was having like flashbacks or something, but as soon as I went in, it was great. Thank you for being there for me, Finn, you are the best brother,” Kurt smiled. They heard a noise from the basement, stumbling and then coughing.

Uh better get your Romeo to the bathroom...I think he's about to lose his lunch. Call me if you need me, I've been there before,” Finn said, getting up to clear the table.

Kurt got downstairs just in time to help a very unstable Blaine into the bathroom to loose most of the alcohol he'd consumed over the course of the evening. Kurt just held him as he groaned and sobbed, retched and cursed. Kurt got a cool cloth to put on his face after he rinsed his mouth.

Oh, I don't feel very good, Kurt,” Blaine whined, holding his stomach.

Are you done throwing up?” Kurt asked.


Okay, then let's get you back to bed. Don't worry, sweetheart, you'll only feel worse in the morning,” Kurt said, patting him on his shoulder and he guided him back to bed.

I think I'm going to die,” Blaine whined.

No, you're not, but next time maybe you won't drink as much, right?” Kurt asked.

No. And next time? No kissing anybody but me. I didn't like kissing Sam, and I really didn't like you kissing Lauren. That wasn't fun at all,” Blaine said, starting to doze off. “Can you hold me, I think I'm gonna fall off the bed.”

Oh, bed spins. Yeah, just scoot back so we're spooning and I'll hold you on the bed, honey. There, is that alright?” Kurt asked, gently putting his arms around Blaine, snuggling his nose into Blaine's neck and giving him a kiss. Blaine hummed his satisfaction.

I love you, Blaine. Don't ever doubt it, okay?” Kurt whispered, love in his eyes.

I don't...I was just drunk and stupid. You are the most loyal man on Earth, and I'm sorry I doubted you for a minute. I love you, too,” Blaine said, closing his eyes.

End Notes: Ok, so I know most linen closets don't have the means to lock from the inside. But this is fiction, so let's pretend that Puck was able to tie the doors shut with his shoelace. Okay? Thanks for playing along. .As always, thanks to my beta, who worked her darling fingers to the bone editing all the chapter that I have written!! I'm up to Chapter 26...and more to come. LOve you, Klainelove.A shout out to my number one fan, Rosiecarr, thanks for all the continued support,


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First you pull the Aerosmith card (which was my first slow dance). Then you bring in Blaine/Sam and Kurt/Lauren. Followed by sweetness, sexiness, and Tina jealousy. Are you purposely trying to kill me before tomorrow night's episode? :P

No, my sweet - I would never want to kill you! Just pull some happy tears maybe? The Aerosmith song was so cool, meaning it was your first slow dance because I also included "Color My World" by Chicago because it was my own first slow dance (Yeah, I'm THAT old). Hmmm..coincidenace? And it was fate that brought those two couples together. I wrote out the names and put them in a hat, then just pulled them out at random to put the couples together. I thought it was kind of funny how it turned out since I wrote that chapter long before the Sam/Blaine issue came up on the show.!!Thank you for your kind words, it makes all the work of writing such a big reward. Love to you.

When it said this Kurt knew Blaine had watched Sam from across the room sometimes in school. He was very aware of Blaine at most times and although he wouldn't say anything, he was a teensy bit jealous that Blaine would look at Sam so often. I was like no no no, please don't let there be any problems with this but I'm glad it wasn't that bad. I'll be honest though I did NOT like the whole Kurt and Lauren kissing and Kurt getting excited and turned on by it and he was sober :/ but I am glad he said he was gay but she was only a good kisser I don't want my boys upset and jealous.

Actually, I put that scene in there deliberately because i had a talk with a dear friend one day at lunch. Now, I am completely straight and have been married to the love of my life (a man) for over 30 years. My friend i was sharing lunch with is an out and proud gay man and he's about half my age. We were talking about our childhoods and some of the similarities - one being that we both played "Seven Minutes in heaven" at parties when we were young. He told me that although he had known he was gay and was out - he had drawn a girl's name to go into the closet with. He did kiss her and found to his amazement that he was....shall we say excited? Yes, he told me he got hard and it embarrassed him. The girl was very understanding and they ended up laughing about it.What i'm trying to say is that people can have excited reactions when certain nerves are stimulated and although he would not have chosen to date this girl, my friend did experience a reaction. It was this conversation that made me write the chapter as a matter of fact. I took the names of everyone at Santana's party and put them all in a hat, then drew them out in pairs to see who ended up with whom in the closet - -so, no it isn't a contrived selection on my part, just the whimsy of the fates that put Lauren in the closet with Kurt. As a side point, Chris Colfer and Ashley Fink are good friends and I've seen dozens of pictures of them together, so it was easier to write this scene.As for the have to remember that these boys are only 16-17 years old. This is their first relationship that involves love and sex, so they don't always know how to react. They don't have the experience. (especially Blaine who grew up without children of his own age to learn from). Kurt is insecure and he would naturally be concerned about losing the boy he beleieves to be the most perfect boy in the world. He doesn't stop Blaine from forming friendships, he is just unsure of himself so he worries Blaine might be taken from him. Having raised 6 children, not to mention a herd of grandchildren, I have seen this very thing played out many, many times. Kids that age are going through some amazing...and scary...changes in their bodies and minds and it can be confusing. They tend to hold tightly to what they see as theirs, bless their little hearts.Thank you once again for your reviews -this is the fun part for me because I get to explain my motives in why I wrote the scene the way I did. Rest assured that Blaine and Sam are merely friends and that Im not Ryan Murphy. LOLAs for if our boys will have more reasons to be jealous in the future chapters? Wow, wait to see what I have in store for you!!