Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
"I just couldn't wait, Boo!” Mercedes said, her arms around Kurt as he wiped tears from his cheeks at waking up to see his best friend.
“Oh, Mercedes! How I missed you. I have a hundred things to tell you!” Kurt grinned.
He had been sound asleep, wrapped as usual with Blaine, when he felt someone shake his shoulder. He thought it was Blaine and tugged him closer, kissing his neck with tenderness. Blaine responded by humming his happiness and mumbling his love for Kurt in his sleep. Mercedes jumped back. She'd let herself in as usual, Burt had told her years ago that she was family and could just come in whenever she visited them, and she went down the stairs to Kurt's room to surprise him. She was the one surprised when she woke him up, only to find someone in his bed.
Kurt jumped, but quickly discovered what had happened and, putting a finger to his lips to ask her to be quiet, he untangled himself from his octopus of a boyfriend and got out of bed. He put on a pair of sleep pants he had hastily pulled from a drawer. Ushering Mercedes to the other side of the room, they hugged before he waved her onto the sofa.
“I...I don't know where to start, Kurt. I prayed for you every day, honey, and I had faith you were going to be back. It was hard, but I tried to keep the faith...” she said, then dissolved in tears. “Oh, my Lord, I'm so glad to have you back.”
“I'm pretty glad to be back in some ways...a lot happened to me. But to see all the people I love again? That's the best thing,” he said, once more kissing her cheek and holding her in a tight hug. “So, did anyone miss me?” He laughed, but it didn't reach his eyes.
“You can imagine what it did to your family, but at school? Suddenly everyone who was barely acquainted with you was your best friend. It was weird...people who I know didn't give you the time of day before were crying in the halls and reciting eulogies. But your real friends? We never lost hope, Boo. You'll see, they are all so thrilled to have you back.”
“It's going to be weird to go back to school. I didn't go for those months I was in Oregon – well, not to a classroom. I had a real education, though. I probably learned more things that matter in those months than I did the last three years of school,” Kurt told his friend.
“Okay, Kurt. I know you're trying to ignore the elephant in the room...but tell me who that is in your BED??” she asked, a little miffed that Kurt hadn't told her to begin with.
“Blaine is my boyfriend. He found me when the camp bouncers threw me off the train and hid me to save my life. He taught me how to live in the mountains...and, Mercedes...oh, nevermind.”
Mercedes gave him a penetrating look, seeing the way he blushed and kept glancing to see if the boy was awake yet. Bells went off in her head.
“Oh...you're in love, aren't you?” she asked, but it really wasn't a question. She could see it in his eyes.
“Yeah, Mercy...I am. And it's scaring me a little. No, scratch that...it's scaring me a lot.”
She just sat and looked at Kurt, her eyes big as she stared at him. Finn told her he had come home a different person, and she was seeing that for herself.
“I want to meet him, Kurt. I'm going to go home and let you have your rest for now. I just had to come see you in person, to touch you for myself and know you are really back here with us. But I want to meet your boyfriend, and make it soon,” she demanded, still speaking in a stage whisper.
“You can meet me right now if you want,” Blaine said from across the room. He had woken up to find Kurt wasn't there and looked around at the sound of quiet voices. He reached over to the end of the bed and slid on his jeans under the covers so he could get up and meet this girl who was obviously an important person in Kurt's life, judging from the way he was hugging her, leaving kisses on her cheek and temple every so often.
“Oh, I'm so sorry I woke you!” Mercedes apologized.
“No, it's not anything to worry about. I want to meet Kurt's friends,” Blaine said with a big smile on his face. He walked over to the sofa where Kurt was sitting in the middle and Mercedes was on the left.
“Blaine, this is my best friend, Mercedes Jones. Mercy, this is my boyfriend, Blaine Anderson,” Kurt introduced them, Blaine shaking Mercedes' hand. She stood up, grinning as she looked him up and down, turning to wink at Kurt – who blushed a deep red.
“I'm so glad to meet a friend of Kurt's, I hope we get to be good friends, Mercedes,” Blaine said, always the gentleman. Mercy smiled at the handsome boy.
“I know we will, honey. I'm happy to meet you as well,” Mercedes returned. “Now, Kurt, I do need to get going. I'll come over when you've had a chance to rest and get used to being in Ohio again. I'll need the whole story. Finn sent a text to a few people that you were home safe, that you'd been in Oregon and he'd be organizing a quiet party for your friends but you know I could never stay away, right?”
“Never in life, Mercy, and I'm so happy you are the first person I got to see. I love you, thank you for praying for me.” Kurt didn't believe in a god the way Mercedes did, but he appreciated that this was the way she cared for him.
He walked to the door with her, hugging her one more time as she left.
“Ah, so that is the famous Mercedes!” Blaine grinned. “She sure must have missed you, Kurt. I was kind of sad we had to leave Oregon, but now I'm very happy you're home with people who love you,” Blaine said.
“Well, I'm here with the person who loves me the most, aren't I?” he said, throwing his arms around Blaine and giving him a deep kiss. “Not to mention the person I love the most...”
They kissed for a while, that never got old, and then talked about what they wanted to do.
“Let's have my friends over tomorrow for lunch. It's Sunday and school starts back up on Monday. I don't know what Dad had planned for that. Since you weren't in school in Oregon, I don't know what the law is, do you?”
“I was “home schooled”, which means my dad and then Cooper taught me whatever I needed to know. Both Cookie and Shannon helped. Shannon used to be a school teacher before she married Cookie and came to the camp. I had a representative from the school board come and give me a test every other year to make sure I was learning everything I needed to know. I never had a problem passing the tests, so I guess I did okay. I don't know the rules in Ohio. I can register at your high school. That's what I want, so I get to spend more time with you.”
“I like that idea. Well, we'll talk to my dad. Then, if you want to, we can go buy you some clothes? I love you in anything, and your clothes are good for your lifestyle, but I was hoping that while you are here and going to high school....maybe I could help you choose some?”
“Already ahead of you there, Kurt. Cooper told me to go buy clothes when I got here. I was hoping you would help me pick out the right kind of clothes?”
Kurt was practically jumping up and down. “Yes! Yes, yes, yes...we can go now if you want?”
“Okay, down, sport! Yes, we can go as soon as you want. Somehow I knew you might get excited about dressing me,” Blaine giggled. Kurt fake-punched him on the shoulder, so Blaine wrestled him to the ground and started tickling him. They ended up laughing and rolling around together.
There was a knock on the door.
“Come in!” Kurt called, not willing to give up the hold he had on Blaine, pinning him to the ground as he tickled his ribs.
“Kurt, you wanted me to get you up by two. I was coming to wake you up, but it looks like you're already awake,” Burt said.
“Yeah, Mercedes was already down here, so we were awake already. We'll be up in a few minutes. I might go shopping with Blaine to get him some new clothes, if that's okay?”
“Sure. It's only two, dinner isn't until six – why don't you take Blaine to the mall now before dinner? It will get you out of the house and get Blaine acquainted with a mall before all your friends descend on you tomorrow? It's just a suggestion, of course, you can do what you want,” Burt said.
Kurt looked at Blaine, who grinned and gave him a look that said, 'sure'.
“Okay, we'll go. I will be sure to get home by six, okay, Dad?” Kurt agreed, which made Blaine smile, too.
Kurt and his dad had walked upstairs and were waiting for Blaine, but before they could leave, there was a knock on the door and Kurt went to answer it. Opening the door, he was greeted with a hug and a squeeze and tears...Rachel squealed and was jumping up and down as Kurt grinned and hugged her back.
“Rachel!” he crowed, so happy to see her.
“I know Finn is having everyone from the New Directions over tomorrow, but I couldn't stay away. Oh, Kurt!” she was pulling him over to the sofa to sit next to Burt. “Tell me everything...I am so sorry about everything. I mean, it was my fault. Finn was supposed to take you home and he left with me....” she looked so guilty, hanging her head.
“No, Rachel. It wasn't your fault. And I ended up okay, so let's just drop it. I know you and Finn...” he let his thought go and just looked at her.
“It was a bad time, Kurt. I let my anxiety get the better of me, he was blaming himself...it was bad for everyone. I hope one day Finn and I can get back together, but it looks kind of hopeless right now.”
“Oh, Rachel, honey. Don't be so sad. There is always hope, and I happen to know Finn feels bad about all that. He told me when he came to get me. I think you just need to talk to him,” Kurt reassured his friend.
“He's up in his room, Rachel. Why don't you go up and see if he wants to talk now?” Burt suggested. Rachel's eyes lit up.
“Can I?” she asked.
“Of course. The door stays open, but go up and talk to him,” Burt smiled.
“Thank you, Burt,” Rachel said, getting up to go upstairs. She hugged Kurt one more time, “I'm so glad you're home.”
As it turned out, Mercedes and Rachel accompanied the boys to the mall, which was quite an experience for Blaine. He was easy going most of the time, but the streets filled with people and cars and noise were unnerving for someone used to the quiet solitude of an Oregon forest. They got quite a few things for him to wear, but he was very tired when they got back home. Not physically tired, but emotionally. As the day went by, he had clung more closely to Kurt, asking his advice on every piece of clothing he chose. Because he had the money from the trust fund set up by Mr. Warner when his father died, there was no problem with buying whatever he needed, so he bought quite a few things – mostly at the suggestion of Kurt or the girls.
Upon returning home, Blaine went down to the bedroom to rest. Kurt wandered into the family room, sitting down by his dad.
“I don't know how well Blaine is doing. He was so nervous and clingy. I don't mind that, but it was such a change from the way he was in Oregon,” Kurt said.
“This is all new for him. I'm amazed he's doing as well as he is, Kurt. Can you imagine what it must be like for him?” Burt asked.
“Yeah, it has to be hard. But he'll be fine. He's stronger than he looks,” Kurt grinned.
“I'll go to school with you two on Monday morning and get everything settled for him to attend. That's what Cooper wants. He thinks it will help Blaine in the long run, in case he wants to go to college,” Burt said.
After dinner, Kurt went down to his bedroom with Blaine to help him decide what to wear to the party tomorrow.
“It's not really a party, just a chance for my friends to come see I'm not a corpse,” Kurt laughed.
“Oh, that's an interesting way to put it!” Blaine said, a little shocked.
“I just want to get it over with and get back to a regular routine. I don't want to have to tell the story anymore, it's like it never even happened to me – I don't remember much between leaving the dance and waking up seeing your beautiful eyes. I kind of remember being hit on the head with a broken bottle, and then I was so thirsty on the train. I had to lick dirty rainwater off the floor. Eww. That part I remember clearly – how thirsty I was, and how you offered me a bottle of water. That was the single most wonderful tasting thing in the whole world, that bottle of water. I might have fallen in love with you that very day, Blaine.”
Blaine looked into Kurt's eyes, those beautiful eyes that made him want to help Kurt the minute he saw him. They were so unique – the blue-gray-green-silver of them with little golden sparkles that danced when Kurt smiled. Who could resist falling in love with those eyes?
“Here, try the copper brown shirt with those teal Wang jeans, then this gold and teal striped sweater vest...” Kurt was matching yet another outfit for Blaine to try on. What really caught Blaine's eye were the bow ties that Kurt had insisted he get. He didn't even know how to tie one, but they looked great with every outfit he tried on. He found himself looking forward to going to school with Kurt on Monday. It was kind of strange – Blaine had spent his whole life wearing flannel and Levi's, but this was fun. They tried on clothes, matched accessories, and then hung them all up in the closet and sat on the sofa to watch a movie.
Blaine had never seen a television, though he knew what one was. They had a movie projector at the main camp and he had seen movies on that; they sometimes played an old movie in the warehouse to entertain the lumberjacks in camp. His favorites were old black and white classics from the 1940's: The Thin Man, anything with Humphrey Bogart or John Wayne. Kurt liked those, too. But he knew something he bet Blaine would love...he'd made plans as soon as he found out that Blaine had never seen a cartoon.
Kurt had gone upstairs and returned with two bowls. “I have a movie all ready to go, and here's some ice cream for us as we watch.”
Blaine sat on the sofa and Kurt brought over a quilt to wrap up in. Blaine fluffed the pillows and sat with his back against them, patting the sofa for Kurt to join him. Kurt pushed the 'play' button on the remote and the music started. Blaine didn't pay a lot of attention at first, more interested in finishing his ice cream and kissing Kurt's neck, but as the mermaid sisters began to sing for their father, Blaine's eyes kept getting wider and wider. Half a bowl of cherry chocolate cordial sat melting and Kurt's neck was neglected as Sebastian the crab sang about the 'hot crustacean band' under the sea. Kurt hid his smile behind Blaine as he leaned his cheek on his boyfriend's back, he knew Blaine would like the movie, but this was way more than he expected.
“Oh, Kurt! I've read the story...Hans Christian Anderson wrote it, and I read it because Cooper told me we were related to him, but this is just...magical!” Blaine said in absolute joy.
Kurt moved to the other end of the sofa, fluffing pillows and taking off his shoes. He tugged Blaine to rest between his legs and sat with his arms around Blaine – who was mesmerized by Ariel and Prince Eric. Kurt sang along with some of the songs, making Blaine's smile just about split his face. Kurt had to admit, seeing Blaine this excited was just so much better than he had anticipated.
When the movie was over, Blaine wanted to see it again, but Kurt insisted they get ready for bed. Kurt didn't want Blaine to feel pressured, so he had told him he could shower first, but Blaine came back out of the bathroom, wearing only a robe, and asked Kurt to come shower with him. Kurt couldn't wipe the grin off his face.
In the shower, Kurt put some lavender scented gel on a washcloth and started to scrub Blaine's back, rubbing little circles and standing closer than he strictly needed to. He gently washed Blaine's skin, relishing in the hot water that came with a turn of the faucet. But somewhere in his heart, he missed the simple way they had washed up in the basin each night at the cabin. He washed Blaine's hair, massaging his scalp and then down his back, feeling the muscles relaxing as he went. Rinsing in the stream of hot water, he was suddenly taken with the realization that he was standing here, naked with the boy he loved so much. He had his hands all over him and with that realization came his body's reaction: he found he was hard. Really hard.
He began to notice more: first, that Blaine's breathing was coming faster and harder and with every swipe of the washcloth against his bare skin, Blaine's breath caught a little more. He was just taking all of this in when his arms were suddenly filled with Blaine – kissing and caressing his own naked skin.
“Ahhh...Kurt, can you just hold me for a few minutes?” Blaine asked, although there was no need of those words since Kurt's arms were already around him. Blaine nuzzled his nose into Kurt's neck like he did at night when he wanted comfort.
“Of course, what's wrong?” Kurt was getting worried, this wasn't like Blaine at all. He was usually so self-confident.
“It's just a little overwhelming....” Blaine said in a soft voice, almost whispering as he held on to Kurt and spoke against his chest.
“I know. I cannot imagine what you're feeling right now, Blaine, but I won't leave you. You are safe with me, just like I was safe with you in Oregon. It's going to be okay, you'll get used to all the noise,” Kurt just babbled on, not knowing what it was Blaine needed from him – but willing to try to provide it nonetheless.
They stayed together under the hot streaming water for a few more minutes, then Kurt started kissing Blaine's cheek, across to his temple and down to his mouth. Blaine was kissing back by the time Kurt was back for the second round. Their hands were busy, stroking and dancing over bare skin, exploring places that had not been touched before.
“Kurt, can I....can I...” Blaine lost his words, still very stressed from the day, and now even more intimidated thinking about the city and everything in it. Blaine had felt so lost all day, like he was in a bad dream he couldn't wake from. Not a nightmare, nothing that terrifying, just one of those where he is trapped and scared, with no way to exit.
“What do you need? Tell me, so I can help,” Kurt said, caressing Blaine's chest and down to his belly, wanting to help if he could.
“I need to be closer to you, Kurt. I need something to ground me, to make me feel like I'm real again,” Blaine blurted out, hoping Kurt understood.
“Yes, I can do that,” he promised and his arms went back around Blaine, holding him close for a few moments, then moved to cup his jaw and kiss him deeply. While he was kissing Blaine, he moved snug against him, and all that warm, naked skin touched from knees to shoulders. Kurt's hands went down to Blaine's lower spine, adding pressure as he pushed his hips into Blaine's. It was warm from their body temperatures, but this caused even more heat..as their erections were trapped together between them.
“Oh....nghh..Kurt...,” Blaine whispered, and bucked his own hips into Kurt's. “Yes....” he moaned into Kurt's ear, still somewhat quiet but beginning to come undone as they touched in this new way. Kurt was on autopilot now, not thinking conscious thoughts about where he was placing his hands, his fingers. He pushed his body against Blaine's where it felt the best and then his hands went to grasp Blaine – first his ass, stroking and squeezing, humming in complement as he held the two halves in the palms of his hands and massaged the round muscles he found there. Then his right hand went over Blaine's hip, light tickling fingers tracing the bones. He brought his right hand between them and gently circled around Blaine's erection, letting out a sigh before his voice echoed against the tiles as he felt the warmth coiling down his spine at the touch.
“Kurt, Kurt...hold me..tighter, Kurt, I feel like I'm going to fly into a million pieces, and I need you to hold me together,” Blaine was sobbing and Kurt tightened his hold around Blaine's middle and his hold on his erection just a fraction more as he began stroking. “Hhnngg.....oh, Kurt...more...”
Blaine turned so his back was towards Kurt and he ground his ass against Kurt's erection, tugging Kurt's hand forward so it came down to hold his cock again. Kurt was more than willing to comply and started the rhythm again, holding one arm around Blaine's waist as he pumped his fist up and down, feeling Blaine getting impossibly hard in his hand. He pulled Blaine tighter against his excited erection as he felt it slipping into the crack of Blaine's perfect ass. It wasn't like Kurt could penetrate or anything from this angle, this was just skin sliding on skin but the thought of what part of Blaine he was rutting against made him harder and more desperate for friction. Blaine was calling Kurt's name loudly as he pushed back into Kurt and came with large spurts of semen across Kurt's hand.
“Aaaannngg....Blaine, oh, you feel so good, Blaine...baby....” Kurt moaned out, a bit too loud, as the thrill of Blaine coming in his hand sent Kurt plunging toward the edge, his breath catching when he felt the heat in his belly that signaled the beginning of his climax - and Blaine was still moving against him, Kurt's cock sliding up and down the split of Blaine's perfect ass until he, too, was spilling his semen on his boyfriend's skin and moaning his pleasure into Blaine's neck, still holding him and vowing in his mind never to let him go.
They slid to the bottom of the tub, shaking knees and weak muscles, Blaine in Kurt's lap as they held each other through the afterglow of their intense session.
“Oh, Kurt...you are so good...I don't know how I could get through this week without you. You are my rock, you know, in all of these new things. I know I'll be okay because you are my rock,” Blaine whispered into Kurt's chest as he leaned his cheek there.
“I know. Like you were mine in the camp, in the woods. We are right for each other, aren't we, Blaine?” Kurt asked, but it was a rhetorical question. They both knew the answer without discussion. Kurt kissed Blaine and they got themselves up and out of the shower. Still breathing heavily, Kurt handed Blaine a fluffy towel. They dried off and got their pajamas on...not thermals and flannel this time, but light silk...before going back to the sofa.
Finn had headed down to the basement to talk over the guest list for tomorrow's party with his brother, but when he walked into the room – the door was open – there wasn't anyone there. He was about to leave when he heard noises coming from the bathroom. Kurt must be in the shower, but then, where was Blaine? Finn hesitated for a second when he heard the noises increase.
At first he thought someone was hurt, it was a high pitched squeal. Ohhh...that wasn't pain. He knew what it was, he knew now both boys were in the shower, together, and he could guess what they were doing.
This wasn't any of his business, and he should leave, but he stood frozen, unable to move while he listened to the two boys come undone with lust. Finn wondered what they were doing exactly – he had never heard sounds like that come out of Rachel any time he'd made love to her.
He was smart enough to know it wasn't that Kurt and Blaine were gay, it was because they shared something that he didn't have with Rachel, no matter how many times he told himself they were soul mates. They didn't have this. It wasn't that he didn't try to please Rachel, he gave what she asked for, even things he felt uncomfortable with.
Rachel had told him she enjoyed their sexy times, and he had believed her - until the day he tried licking her, she had stiffened up and her breathing got heavy, almost panting. Then when he thought he'd hurt her from the way she was acting, and he pulled away defeated, she grabbed his head and jerked him back, begging him not to stop. After a while, she shuddered and moaned in a whole new way, and so wet he couldn't believe he'd caused that. That was the day she let him fuck her. In all the times since then, he tried his best to repeat the experience for her, and sometimes he achieved it. He knew the difference of whether she came or faked it: if she did, her nipples would contract, her breathing was different, and her eyes told him the truth. It was all he wanted for her, but it didn't always happen.
Finn had wondered if he was just clumsy. He knew how he looked to other people, a big, dumb klutz sometimes. He was more than that, and he had a really hard time showing people that. It mattered to him how Rachel saw him, and above all he wanted her to see him as a caring lover. So, he did his best, paying attention to what made her feel good above what he wanted for himself. But that didn't mean every time they were together it was good.
Listening to Kurt and Blaine, moaning and begging each other for more, he wondered if they had the same issues. Did it work every time? He always thought it was far easier for a guy to have a climax than it was a girl – facts he gleaned from listening to the guys in the locker room along with his own experience. So, if it was two guys, did they have a better sex life than a girl and a guy? He didn't know, but Blaine was certainly being vocal about Kurt's abilities right now. Wow. It sounded like they were tearing the roof off the place.
Finn got a hold of himself, he really didn't belong here listening. Somewhere in his gut, he thought about what it must take to draw that kind of response out of another person – and he was suddenly ridiculously proud of his brother. He turned and walked back up the stairs.
“Do you have any other movies by Disney?” Blaine asked. “Or we could watch the mermaid one again.”
“Yes, I have all of them. Lady and the Tramp, Bambi, Mulan, The Lion King – I really like that one – Pocahontas, Dumbo, Peter Pan...oh, here, I'll put this one in. Get comfortable,” Kurt grinned. He put the disc in the player and sat on the sofa against the pillows. Blaine cuddled beside him and they covered up with the quilt. Kurt pushed the remote button to start “Beauty and the Beast”.
“Little town, it's a quiet village
Every day like the one before
Little town full of little people
Waking up to say...
“Oh, I love this story,” Blaine said, his eyes sparkling. Kurt thought he'd never get tired of seeing Blaine experience things for the first time. Was he like this when he learned something new at the logging camp?
“I love it, too. My mother used to read me fairy tales when I was little. This was one of her favorites,” Kurt said, lacing his fingers with Blaine's on his lap.
Blaine was enchanted by the story, kissing Kurt and holding his hand as he watched the characters sing and dance on the screen. Kurt saw the movie in a whole new way, appreciating it through the eyes of someone who was experiencing it for the first time.
About halfway through the movie, Finn knocked on the door frame.
“Finn, come in,” Kurt said.
“I wanted to go over the list for tomorrow and see how Blaine is doing, if you're not busy.”
“I'm fine, Finn,” Blaine said, smiling at his friend's brother. “I was kind of overwhelmed today with everything, but Kurt is making me feel better.”
Finn blushed at that, not sure what to say, and Kurt was blushing, too, when he met Finn's eyes.
“I meant...we're watching fairy tale movies,” Blaine tried to rectify the conversation, realizing that Finn had taken what he said in a different way than he meant it.
“Oh, yeah, Beauty and the Beast. Hey, you should watch Lion King, that's my favorite,” Finn said, glad to change the subject.
“Lion King? Oh, you said you liked that one, too, didn't you, Kurt?” Blaine asked.
“Yes, it's the story of Hamlet, but Disney uses lions as the royalty of Denmark. Plus, it has some cute songs.”
“I Just Can't Wait To Be King!” Finn sang out.
“What?” Blaine looked a little surprised.
“That's one of the songs from Lion King, Blaine,” Kurt informed him.
“Hey, this is almost over, why don't I go pop some corn and we can watch Lion King together?” Finn suggested. “It's only 8:30, we have time. Oh, only if you want. Maybe you two would rather be alone?”
“No, that sounds great. I'll get some fruit juice to have with the popcorn. Can I get you anything else, Blaine?” Kurt asked, getting up and looking for his slippers.
“I'll come help,” Blaine offered, tossing Kurt's missing slipper to him and putting on his own.
The three boys went to the kitchen to get the snacks for the evening, Blaine taking the tray of juice down first.
Kurt was about to follow him when Finn put a hand to his arm to stop him.
“Yes, Finn?”
“I just wanted...just wanted to ask if you're happy, Kurt. Being back home with us, I mean. I have an idea that you and Blaine were happy there in the mountains. Are you happy to be home, too?” Finn asked, not sure how to ask what he really wanted to know.
“Yeah, Finn, I am. I will tell you that being with Blaine was the best thing that ever happened to me, but I always had an empty, sad place inside me because I wanted to be home just as much. Maybe this is my dream come true...to be here, but have Blaine in my life, too. I just hope it lasts,” Kurt said to his brother, going up to him and leaning his head on Finn's shoulder. “I haven't had a lot of good things last in my life, Finn. Let's hope this one does.”
Finn gave him a hug, patting him on the back.
“I hope so, Kurt. You deserve some happiness after all you've been through. Now, let's go watch Lion King. We can go over who you want to be here tomorrow while we watch the movie.”
“Hey, Kurt, I think he's asleep. Want some help getting him into bed?” Finn asked when the movie ended.
“I think I can get him, but thanks,” Kurt said.
“Okay, see you in the morning. And Kurt, thanks for talking to Rachel. She called this afternoon after you got home from shopping. She wants to go out for coffee tomorrow morning. I know it was your encouragement that got her to call me. Thanks, Bro.”
“You're welcome. Goodnight, Finn,” Kurt gave him a hug. Since coming home, everyone had been so much more affectionate. This terrible thing to happen to Kurt, the beating, was one of the worst things he could imagine - but so many good things ended up happening because of it. Mixed blessing, Kurt thought.
“Blaine,” Kurt called, stroking the backs of his fingers down Blaine's cheek. “Blaine, let's get into bed, it's late,” Kurt said softly.
Blaine blinked awake. “Gosh, Kurt, I didn't mean to fall asleep. Where's Finn?”
“He went to bed. Let's get there ourselves, I'm tired. Do you need help?” Kurt offered.
“Nah, I just need to brush my teeth. I'll be along in a minute.”
Kurt had already gotten ready, so he climbed into bed. Blaine followed in a few minutes.
“Hey, how did you like the Disney movies?” Kurt asked, thinking of how Blaine's eyes had twinkled in amusement at the animated stories.
“Oh, Kurt, they were amazing. Truly amazing. I know they are meant for kids, but I enjoyed them. It was kind of you to show them to me and not laugh. I fear I look a little ridiculous to you at times and you are so sweet not to mention it. You're the best,” Blaine gushed, holding Kurt's hand.
“No, no..you saw how Finn and I both loved them. I watch Disney flicks all the time. And now I have my very own Disney prince,” Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's lips. Blaine giggled.
“I have to apologize for my behavior earlier, Kurt. I was overwhelmed for a while, but to beg you in the shower like that...well, I'm sorry. It was unfair and I didn't even talk it over with you before putting you in that spot. I hope you feel comfortable enough to say no if I ask for too much, Kurt,” Blaine said in a very soft voice. He didn't feel like himself here yet, and he would like to think he would not act that way if he was at home.
Kurt shifted his weight uncomfortably. He wasn't sure how to talk about this, so he was quiet for a while, thinking. Blaine started to regret saying anything at all, afraid he'd put up a wall between them just when he needed Kurt the most.
“Oh, shit.” Blaine said, wringing his hands together.
Kurt startled, he had never heard Blaine use a swear word before. “No, Blaine, I was just thinking about how to say this. I am new at talking about feelings and things. I know how to talk to my dad, but not with anyone else. I've said more to you than I have ever told anyone in my life. I want you to know things about me – but I don't know how to tell you, what words to use,” Kurt looked at his boyfriend, silently begging him to understand.
“Okay, Kurt,” Blaine said, “I can wait, or you don't have to tell me if it's uncomfortable for you. It won't change how I feel about you.”
So much was spinning through Kurt's mind, but his tongue was refusing to put it into words. He leaned his forehead on Blaine's shoulder, the connection helping. Blaine reached his hand up and carded his fingers through Kurt's chestnut hair.
Dread at saying the wrong thing pooled thick and icy in the pit of Kurt's stomach. Why did things seem so simple in Oregon, but so complicated here in Ohio?
“Blaine, I didn't mind that you asked me to do those things in the shower. I liked them. I want you to be able to ask me when you want something, kinda because I can't do it. I think all sorts of things, wonderful things that I want to do with you, and I dream about them and practice asking you – but then when I'm with you, I'm tongue tied and I can't drag a single syllable out of my mouth,” Kurt blushed.
“But Kurt! You can ask me anything. Anything at all. We can talk about it, or just sit together and think about it. I love you, Kurt. Don't you think I might want the same things you want us to do?”
“I hadn't thought about it that way. I've been made to think how awful I am for being gay all my life, I always thought the things I wanted, the things I fantasize about were wrong. So it's hard to tell you because it's hard to think of those things as being okay,” Kurt said.
“I thought your dad was so accepting, that he told you being who you are is okay. Was he not always that way?” Blaine wondered.
“He has always accepted me. When I came out to him I was fifteen, he told me he had known since I was three. He's never made me feel anything but loved and accepted in his heart, in our home. But he also warned me about how the world can treat someone who is different, and I took that to heart. I guess what I got out of it was that while he loved me unconditionally, the rest of the world had a different opinion. Now that I look back, it's probably not the message he meant to give me,” Kurt sighed. “What about you?”
“I didn't hear much either way. My dad never mentioned it to me, though he knew I was gay. I think he was waiting for me to be comfortable with telling him, but I never got the chance. I did tell Cooper, just after our dad died. He was cool with it, just kind of brushed it off – like he wasn't surprised and it wasn't anything unusual. He never made a big deal out of it but he would introduce me to guys now and then that he probably thought were gay.
“There was one guy, kind of a free-thinker you might say, that told me people should fall in love with people and quit worrying about the whole gender thing. I liked the idea of that, but the truth is that I was never attracted to a girl. Not even Lenore. I would kind of look at some guys from time to time, but I just thought maybe love wasn't in the cards for me - -until I saw you,” Blaine smiled and his whole face brightened up.
“I could hardly wait for night to fall, just so I could cuddle next to you in bed. I was daydreaming about you all the time, Kurt. I only taught you to tie flies so I could put my arms around you,” Blaine confessed, blushing, then continued:
“I would wake up so hard from just you brushing against me, then I was so embarrassed, I'd pretend I was asleep until I had calmed down enough to pull the blankets off. I wanted to touch you, Kurt, but I was so scared you would get angry, so I never did it. Not that I didn't lie awake planning how I'd wait for you to fall asleep, then 'accidentally' brush my hand over your pajamas....” Blaine seemed to suddenly realize how much he had said and dived under the blanket, hiding his head in shame and embarrassment.
“Blaine! Blaine, come back out here. Now. We're going to talk about this right now,” Kurt stage whispered, trying to hold himself still and calm. He grabbed Blaine's pajamas and dragged him back out to talk.
“Oh..Kurt...have I ruined it all? I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect to you, it's just...you're so hot, and sweet, and I love you.”
“We're okay. I was having so many of the same thoughts, Blaine. I loved all the innocent kisses, the touching of fingertips you might say. It was romantic, like the night we went stargazing. But Blaine, I'm a 16 year old teenager, and of course I wanted to experience sex with you. I just didn't know how – or what—to ask for. I still don't.”
Kurt scooted farther under the blankets, wiggling away from Blaine so there was a distance between them, but he kept eye contact. He seemed restless, so Blaine gave him his space.
“We need to talk about what we want, what we're comfortable with. I don't know much except the things I heard around camp. Cooper got me a book, but it was kind of..fanciful, I guess you'd call it. A lot of the things in it didn't seem likely that people would really do them.” Blaine blushed again and Kurt wondered what was in the book.
“My dad got me pamphlets from the health center, they're in the drawer over there if you want to read them. I was really embarrassed when he got them for me, but they are informative,” Kurt said helpfully. “And I do have some....ah....supplies?”
Blaine giggled. “Oh, really? Do tell.”
“Hey, it's not anything...ah..exotic. I have some lubricant and condoms. Okay? I ordered them online last year when Dad got me the pamphlets.”
They were quiet for a while, laying apart from each other and Blaine wanted to scoot closer to Kurt and at least put his arms around him, but he was apprehensive about approaching him, given his hasty retreat. Blaine started to drift off, still tired from the stress of the day.
“Blaine, are you in the mood to talk about what we want with this relationship?” Kurt asked.
“Sure, Kurt. Maybe we need ground rules?”
“Yes, like we agree not to judge the other, even if it is a foreign concept and we don't want to do it,” Kurt suggested.
“Agreed. And we can opt out of talking about a specific thing if we feel uncomfortable, okay?” Blaine offered.
“Agreed. We need a safe word,” he said, remembering that from the pamphlets. “One either of us can say if we need things to stop.”
“Red, and yellow for slow down?”
“Okay. I guess that's better than 'bunch feller'.” Kurt said.
Blaine dissolved in giggles.
Kurt turned around a little, lying on his back with his hands folded on his chest. Blaine was on his side, facing Kurt, with his knees pulled up to his chest.
“What do you fantasize about when you're alone?”
“You mean after we met? Mostly about you. I wanted to touch you, to kiss you all over, to lick and taste you and hear you moan when I did. I wanted to stroke your arms and tickle your belly, just to see your eyes sparkle and to hear you giggle. I love....your ass. I want to kiss the round cheeks and run my hands over the taut muscle, then touch you in all your secret places that only I'm allowed to know about. I wanted to do things that made you shiver and tremble, and to have you do them to me, too. And one day, I want to make love to you. I want to hear you call my name when you come; to see your face when you say you love me. Kurt, I just want you...” Blaine said, tears forming in his eyes as he looked at Kurt beside him.
They were quiet once again. Kurt moved over and stretched to turn on the stereo to a classic music station, then turned off the lamp. He had already closed and locked the door after brushing his teeth.
They lay still in the quiet room, drinking in the darkness and alone with their own thoughts.
“Can you come over here and hold me?” Kurt asked.
“Of course,” Blaine replied, and Kurt could hear the smile in his voice. He shifted over to the center of the bed where Kurt was lying..and gasped. Blaine realized that when Kurt had been wiggling a lot earlier, he was removing his clothes, every stitch.
“Oh, Kurt....you're ...naked?” Blaine asked. Kurt just giggled.
Blaine wasted no time in removing his pajamas and wrapping his naked body around Kurt.
“I do want the same things that you do, Blaine. I think we need to go slowly, at least at first, but I'm open to your suggestions. I think we can explore together and find what fits with us, can't we?” he whispered.
“That's the best way...you're right. You are so smart, I love that about you. I want it all some day, Kurt, but we have our whole lives to experience everything. For tonight, I just want to touch you, to feel how warm your skin is against mine. You are so beautiful to me.”
Blaine ran his hand down Kurt's neck, skimming his fingers over the soft skin and humming his pleasure at having access to the body he had dreamed about all those weeks. It was amazing to him that he could do this, and that Kurt was not just tolerant, but enthusiastic and he showed it with every touch.
Kurt lay still, concentrating on just feeling Blaine's fingertips and how he found all the places that felt so good. Kurt felt cherished and appreciated in a way he had never experienced before. He reached to massage Blaine's back, tickling just a little to get Blaine to laugh, then stroked his muscles. Even if he hadn't known Blaine was a boxer, he could figure it out by feeling the muscles in his arms and chest. Blaine had an amazing chest with tight abs and a soft belly. Kurt moved so he could kiss that softness, cooing at his boyfriend and telling him how much he loved how he looked and felt. Blaine was so moved by what Kurt had said, he was speechless.
His voice might not be working, but his mouth had no such problems and he explored Kurt's body with it. Leaving a trail of wetness behind him, he kissed down Kurt's ribs, finding he was a little ticklish there. He came to the hipbone nearer to him, sucking on the place where it stuck out, so pale in the moonlight. Licking over to Kurt's belly, he found it was something that Blaine's wasn't..it was flat, almost concave.
“Kurt, you need to eat more, baby. You are way too skinny. I want you to be happy, not hungry!” Blaine admonished.
Kurt looked hurt. Blaine was instantly sorry.
“No, what I mean is that I worry if you get too thin. Are you eating enough? I love all of you, and I didn't mean to criticize, okay?”
“I haven't been eating enough lately, but it's just nerves at having to come back here, to go back to the place where I was beaten...I guess it's getting to me a little.” Kurt confessed.
Blaine sat up, pulling Kurt into his lap and wrapping him in his arms.
“Kurt, you are going to be fine. I will be there, and while I can't claim to be superman, I will do my best to protect you. And I know Finn will be doing the same. We love you, and I'm willing to bet your friends are all going to be looking out for you. There is something else I want to talk to you about: I want to teach you how to box, if you want to learn. You need to know how to protect yourself, Kurt, in case you're ever caught alone. Okay?”
“Okay. I will. Now, where were we?” he asked, kissing Blaine thoroughly and pushing him back on the bed, laying on top of him to feel the whole length of his body against Blaine's. They kissed and touched and said sweet things to each other late into the night, and although they agreed on several things they wanted to try in the coming weeks, they didn't go further than touching this night. They fell asleep, forgetting to put their pajamas back on.
Blaine woke up in the night, searching for Kurt and finding him –
Half asleep, Blaine lay close to Kurt. He turned to face him, as they did in the cabin to conserve warmth between them, as he fell back into a deep sleep. The cuddles turned from warm and sweet to something more desperate and hot, bringing Kurt fully awake as Blaine rutted against him.
“Blaine, Blaine, wake up,” Kurt shout-whispered, a little startled that Blaine could be this worked up and not actually be awake.
“Ahhh..oh...OHHH!” Blaine blinked his way out of sleep, realizing what he was doing. “Oh, Kurt, I'm so sorry..I was dreaming,” He said with an embarrassed blush.
“It's okay, Blaine. I'm pretty sure I was having the same dream,” Kurt giggled.
“Then let's pretend we're still asleep and let our bodies have their way?” Blaine giggled back. He meant it as a joke, but Kurt certainly didn't take it that way and soon they were closer than before – and the pull between them felt like some kind of physical law, like gravity, but much more compelling.
The silly premise that their bodies would have it their own way was just an excuse to get closer and since there were no obstacles like pajamas in their way it wasn't long before they were rutting into each other. Kurt pushed what limits the boys had agreed upon, not seeking permission to touch when he moved his fingers down Blaine's back and cupped his ass, squeezing a little. Blaine responded immediately, bucking forward as he reacted to the stimuli.
“MMMMmmmmm..” he hummed into Kurt's neck where he had buried his face, breathing in the scent of his Kurt. Pleased by the way Blaine reacted, Kurt ran his other hand down so he could massage with both hands.
“Kuuurrrtt..” Blaine moaned, reduced to monosyllabic muttering. He pulled back just enough to get his own hand between them, holding onto both of them at the same time, the silky skin of one rubbing against the other in a delicious friction.
“Blaine...Blaine...that is so good...make me come, please...I need it, Blaine,” Kurt said in such a desperate voice that Blaine redoubled his efforts, moving back to give himself more room to work. He thought about letting go of himself and just concentrating on Kurt, but this was too good to stop just now..maybe in a few moments. But those moments were never realized because the heat that had been pooling inside Blaine suddenly did a quantum leap and he could not have let go if a bomb went off.
“Hhhnnnnggg...OH....dontstopdontstop...baby..I'm coming...” Kurt practically shouted and Blaine was quick to catch his mouth with his own and swallow the noise so the whole house didn't hear him.
“Now....come with me now...” Blaine whispered as Kurt did just that, in such high intensity that he was shaking when it was all over. Blaine, too, had felt that final burst that couldn't be taken back, and so he rode it out until the two of them were shaking and sore.
Twenty minutes later they were clean and sleepy and back in bed, sharing the same pillow, wrapped together in a warm nest of blankets, and sound asleep for another five hours.
I like this... A lot.
Thank you, Cerys!! {{hugs}}
Loved it! I'm glad Blaine is going to go to school with Kurt and is gonna teach him how to box. I love that Burt, Finn and Carole are all treating Blaine good, even Mercedes is, I can't wait till everybody else meets him
LOL...wait for Santana's party....