Sept. 25, 2012, 9:02 a.m.
Sept. 25, 2012, 9:02 a.m.
"My dad is due home in a few hours, Blaine, and we have to come to a firm decision. Do I say you are just staying here for a while as Santana's cousin, or do I hide you? I mean, nobody comes in my room, but there's always the chance it might happen. Plus, I do have to feed you,” Kurt grins.
“Let's just tell him my fake name and I'm staying a while. I can pay him for my board, I have the money,” Blaine said, but Kurt scowled at him.
“Yes, that's probably the right approach, although it may put you at a bit of danger if he questions it, he won't expect you to live here forever, he might want to speak with your 'parents' back in New Mexico. I think Santana can cover for now, so we'll have to give it some thought.”
“Oh, and we have to make up the smaller bed over there,” Kurt pointed to a twin bed under a lot of storage containers and cardboard boxes at the other end of the basement room. “I'm pretty sure he would never condone another boy in my bed.”
Blaine looked sad, but resigned to it. He helped Kurt move the boxes to a closet in the hallway and flip over the mattress, making it up with fresh linens, blankets, and duvet.
“I'm not asking you to change who you are exactly, Blaine, but not telling Dad or the others that you're gay might be the safest way to play this. If Dad knows you are, he won't let you spend nights down here with me. So, are you okay with that?” Kurt asked. Blaine looked down, but nodded. He would rather live a small lie than have to move to another room – or, God forbid, another house. He liked Puck, Lauren, and Santana alright, but he only felt safe near Kurt. It would be very hard tonight sleeping by himself.
“Blaine, I just want you to understand about my dad. He isn't a homophobe – actually, he has been the most supportive person you could imagine when I came out. But, if he knew you were, too, well....he's kind of overprotective when it comes to me. Since Mom died when I was little, it's just been the two of us. Until he married Carole last year. So, I think we should keep that under wraps for a while. Plus, at school you'd stand out, and we need you to blend if we're going to hide you. I'm so sorry.”
“It's okay, Kurt. It's not like anyone has ever known about me, anyway. I said one word and got locked up. Maybe being gay isn't something I'm ever going to be able to live with. Well, not out gay, just between you and me for now.” Blaine looked sad, but Kurt knew there was no other way for now.
They had just finished pushing the bed back against the wall when they heard a door close upstairs. Blaine jumped a foot and scurried over to Kurt, sliding his hand into Kurt's. Kurt gave him a squeeze, then gathered Blaine into his arms, kissing him thoroughly. He could feel Blaine's muscles relax as he melted into Kurt. He ended the kiss, giving him one last peck on the side of his mouth before stepping back.
“Ready to meet my dad?”
“Yes, I think so,” Blaine said. He was dressed in jeans and the canvas shoes, this time with socks, a black long-sleeved T-shirt, and his new glasses. His hair was combed, but he let the short curls loose, as no straight guy would ever use as much gel in his hair as Blaine usually did. Kurt had on designer skinny jeans with a double-breasted military-style shirt with a bird broach.
“Dad!” Kurt ran to his father and threw his arms around him, kissing him on the cheek and grinning. He really missed his dad when he had to go to Washington.
“Kurt. I missed you, kiddo,” Burt said back, stepping out of the strangling hug he was getting from his son. He looked up to see a slight boy with broad shoulders standing in the kitchen behind Kurt. He smiled a little and looked back at Kurt.
Dad, this is Blaine Palomo. He's one of Santana's cousins. He's here for the semester from New Mexico, and when Santana mentioned her house wasn't really big enough for another person – especially a boy since she has four sisters – I offered to let him stay in the extra bed until you came home. I mean, it was a little lonely with you, Carole, and Finn all gone all of spring break,” Kurt said in his rehearsed speech.
Burt nodded and turned to see Blaine had his hand out to shake.
“Nice to meet you, Blaine,” he said.
“Have a seat in the family room, Blaine. I need to talk to my dad for a while,” Kurt smiled at Blaine, gesturing for him to go sit by the television. He then walked to the other side of the kitchen for a private conversation with his dad.
“Dad, I was talking to Santana and she mentioned that her cousin was visiting here. I don't know the exact circumstances, but he is apparently here until the end of the semester. Her house is kind of crowded already and of the two bedrooms, there are two and three girls in each one. I just thought, since I have that extra bed in my room, I might try to help a little,” Kurt said in a very quiet voice, looking into his father's blue eyes.
“You just think the word is so filled with people always ready to help each other, Kurt? I am proud of you for thinking of this and acting on it while I was away. But, are you sure you want someone in your room? I mean, I remember how difficult it was when you had to share with Finn before we did the remodel on the upstairs study for him. You don't need to do this,” Burt said.
“Oh, no, we're both fine with it. After the night he spent on the sofa in the Lopez's living room, he didn't squawk a bit about my stuff. I think he was relieved. He's a cool guy, knows a lot about calculus – which I could use a little help with – and he'll be auditioning for Glee. Oh, and Santana said he has the room and board money his family gave him, so if he stays with us for the semester, he can pay his own way. What do you think? I just wanted to help a new kid, I know how it can be to be the odd one out,” Kurt said and sighed.
“Well, okay, Kurt. I don't mind, and it might give you somebody to pal around with. Go invite him to stay and then what's for dinner? I'm starved.”
“Thanks, Dad,” Kurt said, hugging his father. “I thought we could have potato leek soup with dumplings?”
“Sounds great...actually, if that's what's cooking, it smells great. I've got to go get cleaned up, it was a long flight.”
At the dinner table, Blaine was nervous, but did fairly well, answering a few questions from Burt about his likes and dislikes and sports.
“I know Kurt already told you that you can stay here until the end of the semester, but I do have a few rules,” Burt frowned, trying to look intimidating. It worked, Blaine was a little scared and wrapped his ankle around Kurt's under the table.
'Yes, sir, of course,” Blaine said, trying to look polite and unafraid.
“One, you are under all the same rules as Kurt. They are easy: No drinking. No girls in your room unless you have my permission and the door is open. Curfew is nine on weeknights, eleven on weekends. If you are going to be late, you call me. No excuses. If you have a problem, you come to me and we talk about it. Okay?”
“Yes, sir. I appreciate that you are allowing me to stay here. My auntie's house is a little crowded.”
“Sure thing, kiddo. Hey, there's a Buckeye game on Sunday, want to watch it with me?”
Kurt rolled his eyes at his father.
“Yeah, I'd enjoy that. It'll be fun cheering for another team.” Blaine said.
"One more thing. I assume you know my son, Kurt, is gay. You don't have a problem with that do you?” Burt asked, giving Blaine a killer look. Kurt rolled his eyes.
“No, sir. I would say that is more or less his own business and it wouldn't affect or offend me at all. I already knew, but thank you for clearing the air on that,” Blaine said in his best diplomatic voice.
Burt smiled and leaned over to pat Blaine on the back.
“I think we'll get along fine then. Say, Kurt, Carole is coming home tomorrow, let's say we have a roast beef and potatoes with gravy to celebrate?”
“Well, Dad, I already bought the stuff for poached trout with almondine and lemon sauce, your heart, you know,” Kurt smiled up at his father like the cat that stole the cream. He always had to stay one jump ahead of his father when it came to sneaking in the wrong foods for his diet. But Burt didn't hold a grudge, he knew Kurt was only looking out for him. He had to try. He smiled at his son,” That sounds great, kiddo.”
After dinner they all watched a movie and then Kurt yawned a few times and said he was headed to bed. Blaine tried to look very polite and got up to follow Kurt.
“Do you have everything you need, Blaine?” Burt asked from his recliner.
“Yes, sir. Thank you,” Blaine said.
“Oh, one more rule. Quit calling me 'sir'. I get enough of that in Washington. Please call me Burt. Okay?”
“Yes, of course, Burt. Thank you.”
Later in the basement bedroom:
“Whew!” Kurt said, throwing his arms around Blaine. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Wow, it was nerve wracking for a little while, but your dad seems like a great guy. I'm so sorry we have to lie to him. But maybe we won't forever. I feel bad about it. I don't know what else to do,” Blaine said into Kurt's hair as he hugged him.
“I think it will be fine. That was probably the hardest part, Carole and Finn will be easy tomorrow,” Kurt assured him.
Blaine sat on Kurt's bed to read for a while, Kurt drew designs in his sketchpad and listened to some music until it was time for bed. Blaine got in the twin bed on the other side of the room and Kurt got in his bed. Burt knocked at the door at the top of the stairs and came down, looking around. He didn't often come down to see Kurt, but he wanted to make sure their guest was comfortable.
“Goodnight, boys. I'll see you in the morning. I'm going to be at the shop for the morning and then pick up Finn and Carole at four. I'll call if I can get away for lunch, but I'll probably see you at dinner. For the trout,” Burt grimaced and Kurt grinned. He knew his dad was half-kidding. He did like fish, he just preferred red meat.
“Goodnight, Mr. Hummel,” Blaine said.
“It's Burt.”
“Burt. Goodnight and thank you for allowing me to stay,” Blaine said.
“Love you, Dad,” Kurt smiled and held out his arms. Burt came over and gave him a hug.
Blaine turned off his bedside light and turned towards the wall. He slept alone for years, so there should be no reason he would not be able to do it now. Except he was afraid. Well, he'd been afraid a lot of times in the attic room. He should just go to sleep. And stop shaking. And not think of being shut in small rooms. And being scared. And being scared. And being alone. And being scared.....
“Blaine?” Kurt whispered. “Are you okay?”
“Yes,” he mumbled. He should be okay. He didn't want to cause any more trouble. He started to shake even worse, turning in bed again and pulling his knees up into his chest.
He felt a weight on his mattress, and warm arms came around him. Kurt. He was able to stop shaking in about fifteen minutes, but in spite of Kurt's massaging his back muscles, it was even longer before he could relax at all.
“Blaine, don't worry. After he goes upstairs, we'll be alone down here. You can start the night apart from me, but I want you to know I will always come over here, or you can come to me if you're scared or lonely. Okay?”
Blaine turned a little and faced Kurt. “Thank you, Kurt. This means the world to me, I'm so scared. Do you think it will get better?”
Kurt kissed his cheek and ran a thumb over his temple. “Yeah, I think it will. Just give it time.”
And he gathered Blaine close to him, Blaine's head on his shoulder and arms around each other, and sang to him:
Oh, why you look so sad?
Tears are in your eyes
Come on and come to me now
Don't be ashamed to cry
Let me see you through
'Cause I've seen the dark side, too
When the night falls on you
You don't know what to do
Nothin' you confess, could make me love you less
I'll stand by you, I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
So, if you're mad, get mad,
Don't hold it all inside
Come on and talk to me now
Hey, what you got to hide?
I get angry, too
Well, I'm a lot like you
When you're standin' at the crossroads
And you don't know which path to choose
Let me come along
'Cause even if you're wrong
I'll stand by you, I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
Take me in, into your darkest hour
And I'll never desert you
I'll stand by you, I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you.....
By the time Kurt was done with the song, Blaine was clinging to him. He had his chest next to Kurt's, his head buried under Kurt's chin, clutching him as tightly as his arms would allow him.
“Hey, now, you're okay. I meant it, you know. That I will stand by you, Blaine. We'll get through this,” Kurt felt as though he's said this a thousand times, but Blaine seemed to need the reassurance.
Blaine took a big breath. “Thank you, Kurt. I know you'll be there for me. I do. I just get a little scared. I'll be okay, though. I can feel it.” And he smiled at Kurt in the little bit of moonlight that came through the window.
They lay back, getting comfortable, ready to go to sleep when Kurt looked at Blaine.
“Is something wrong, Kurt?”
“Not wrong exactly. I just wondered...can I kiss you?”
“Kurt, you kiss me all the time. Why ask now?”
“I didn't mean just a little kiss on your cheek. I meant...more.”
“Ah...yeah, okay.” Blaine blushed, although Kurt couldn't see it in the moonlight.
Kurt leaned over Blaine, propping himself on his hands to move over so he was in the right place. He lowered his face and kissed Blaine with just his lips, a long, gentle kiss. Blaine sighed into it, he would not have initiated this, he was so scared, but he wanted it. As the kiss got longer, maybe a little firmer and better, Blaine wanted more as he moved his lips against Kurt's silky soft ones, making him feel a warmth in his belly. So he risked opening his mouth just a little, bringing his tongue out a tiny bit to lick over Kurt's lower lip in invitation. Kurt had done that and it had progressed to French kissing and Blaine had liked that more than anything he had ever done.
Kurt hummed in the back of his throat, a kind of a needy sound that Blaine didn't know how to react to, but decided it was a good thing. It gave him courage to open his mouth a little more and Kurt's tongue entered his. Both boys were new at kissing other boys, but Kurt had kissed Brittney and she was a good teacher. He may not have enjoyed her kisses as much as Blaine's, but he knew how to retain a lesson and improve upon it when needed, and it was this applied lesson that made Blaine's knees weak. It was a very good thing he was lying down.
“Ah, oh...” he moaned, making Kurt try harder to make Blaine feel even better. He stopped the kiss, but only to kiss down Blaine's neck and over his throat to his chest, kissing, nibbling, licking until Blaine was so lightheaded, he put up his hands for Kurt to stop.
“I'm not sure what to do here, Kurt. I like this, but I don't know what to do. What should I be doing to you? Tell me what you want, Kurt, please.” Blaine babbled in his breathy way.
“I don't know...I just, did what I felt like doing. Was it uncomfortable for you?”
“No, that's the problem. I want you to feel as good as I feel when you do that.”
“You can kiss me now, then just let yourself go where you want. I don't think you can go wrong, Blaine, every kiss, every touch, it feels so good to me, Blaine. I don't want you to stop.”
Blaine kissed Kurt's lips again, slowly, then moved so he could kiss down his neck, eliciting those moans that Blaine could feel all the way to his crotch. He took a deep breath and nibbled some more, along the collarbone of the boy he was quickly falling in love with.
Kurt pulled up Blaine's shirt, stroking down his chest, sliding his fingers along Blaine's ribs, kissing his collarbone, then moving down to lick along his sternum. Blaine was breathing very heavy, moaning although he tried to be quiet. Each new sound drove Kurt to try to make Blaine give him more sounds and Blaine didn't want to stop. Kurt moved his finger to circle the tiny pink bump on his chest, then slowly lick the nipple, pushing Blaine to his limit. He shuddered, pulled back and groaned so loud Kurt put his hand over Blaine's mouth to make him be quiet. He didn't need his dad down here investigating.
Blaine suddenly turned over, his back to Kurt, holding his arms in front of himself, wrapped around his sides. It wasn't as though he'd never had an orgasm before in his life, but he'd never had one without direct contact, a lot of friction and well.....this time there was none of that, just Kurt sucking on his nipple and...was that okay, or was there something wrong with him?
“Blaine? Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?” Kurt asked, trying to get him to turn back.
Blaine pulled his knees up to his chest and didn't say anything.
“Blaine?” Kurt asked again, then started to put his arms around Blaine, only to hear a frustrated cry,
“No. Don't do that, Kurt. Not now.” And Blaine scooted to the end of the bed and got up, rushing to the bathroom. Kurt was worried, what had happened? He waited a while, but no sound from Blaine. He finally decided to investigate and knocked on the door.
“Blaine, let me in. What's wrong?” Kurt asked, but when he heard no response, he turned the knob and the door opened. The light was off, but he could clearly see Blaine standing in the corner, his clothes off and tears running down his face.
Kurt reached for the fluffy robe and tried to wrap it around Blaine, but Blaine held out his hand to stop him.
“I, ah, I need to take a shower, Kurt, but I don't want to wake your father up.”
“A shower?”
“Shit. Okay, when you touched me...with your tongue, I sort of lost control. I'm sorry, Kurt. But I need clean pajamas and to wash up.” Blaine turned away, so embarrassed he wanted to melt into the floor.
“Oh. I'll go get you some clean pajamas, and just use a wash cloth. We can take a shower in the morning,” Kurt said, moving to get the pajamas. Blaine grabbed the washcloth that was hanging on the towel rack for him and turned on the water in the sink, soaking up the warm water and sponging himself off. He was so embarrassed, did boys always do this? He hadn't really known since he had no experience when he was locked up, nobody to talk to. He sighed and Kurt walked back in.
Kurt handed him a pair of his own blue silk pajamas and turned to go.
Blaine slid them on, feeling the soft fabric caress his skin. He wasn't wearing briefs, so the silk felt good all over...and he was kind of glad now that he had already climaxed because this smooth, cool feeling might bring him to another.
He walked to his bed, ready to climb in when Kurt called to him across the room.
“Come over here, Blaine. Come get in my bed with me, please?”
Blaine walked over and climbed in. But he didn't know what to say. He turned his back and Kurt took that as an invitation to cuddle closer, spooning Blaine and holding him close.
“Are you okay?” Kurt asked.
“Yes. I am just not used to this, and I had no idea that could happen with you barely touching me. I am so lost. I don't know how all this works and I don't know....” Blaine just babbled, and Kurt held him closer.
“Blaine. You're fine. I'm new at this, too, and I don't know the answers, but we can find them out together. Did I hurt you?”
“Did I make you feel uncomfortable?”
“No. You made me feel good, but the end...was unexpected. I'm sorry,” Blaine said, but he held on to Kurt's arms that were wrapped around him.
“Then it's fine. We can talk about it or practice and learn together. Are you okay with that?”
“Yeah. Did it say anything in the pamphlets about that?”
“Not really. But I think it's okay. Stop worrying.” Kurt said, and kissed Blaine in back of his ear. “Let's go to sleep, tomorrow is another day.”
Blaine laughed. “Goodnight, Scarlett.”
Kurt loved that Blaine got all of his movie references.
Sunday Kurt mowed the lawn in the early morning while Blaine did the trimming and they took Burt his lunch. Kurt sat at the little picnic table outside the back door of the shop next to Blaine, Burt across the table while they chatted after eating. Blaine had folded a piece of paper into a football, really a triangle, and was 'kicking' it with his snapped finger towards the 'goal posts', which were Burt's fingers held up to approximate the goal.
“Are you ready to start at the new school, Blaine?” Burt asked.
“Oh, yes, sir...I mean Burt. I love school.” Blaine smiled. Kurt had his ankle wrapped around Blaine's under the table and he was feeling pretty brave compared with the way he'd felt all week.
“What classes are you taking?”
“Calculus, French, the usual English and science. Oh, and I'm going to try out for Glee club.”
“You sing? Both my boys are in Glee, as a matter of fact, the Glee club sang at my wedding last year. I bet you'll do fine,” Burt smiled.
“He has a great voice, Dad. He won't have any trouble getting in. What time will Carole and Finn's plane come in?” Kurt asked.
“It's due in at 4:45, so we should be home by 6:30.”
“Blaine and I will have dinner ready then,” Kurt said.
“I better get back to work. Roland is a good manager, but I like to have my hand in on the shop when I have a few minutes, you know,” Burt said, taking his turn to flick the paper football towards Blaine. He scored and Blaine grinned.
“I know, Dad. We'll see you tonight – you're leaving from here straight to the airport?” Kurt asked.
“Yes. Okay, be good,” realizing Kurt was giving him a little bit of a hurt expression, so he stopped the fake football game with Blaine.
“Nice seeing you today, Burt, I'm looking forward to meeting your wife and other son,” Blaine said politely.
Back home, the boys tumbled in the back door. Kurt locked the door behind him and chased Blaine down the stairs, laughing when he caught up with him and tackled him so he fell on the bed. Blaine was giggling and turned in Kurt's arms, reaching up to give him a kiss. The mood of the whole room changed, the laughter was gone, replaced by the boys kissing and touching, fumbling in their clumsy attempts to get closer, to learn how this all worked.
“Oh, Blaine...can we take off our shirts?” Kurt asked when they came up for a breath of air.
In response, Blaine pulled off the polo shirt he was wearing and started to unbutton Kurt's vest. He knew how particular Kurt was about his clothes, so he folded it and put it on the dresser, then took the shirt Kurt had unbuttoned and did the same, placing the folded shirt beside the vest.
The frenzy of the earlier kissing was over, Blaine acutely aware that this was where he'd gone wrong last night and determined to keep himself in check. He didn't want to be embarrassed again. Coming back to the bed, he lowered himself next to Kurt, giving him a chaste kiss, slow and gentle, and Kurt did the same, suddenly a little shy about it. They lay back on the pillows and Kurt pulled Blaine closer, deepening the kiss until their tongues were doing a soft dance and arms were all tangled together.
Kurt pulled back a little. “Are you okay with this, Blaine? I don't want to push you too far.”
“I'm fine with this...but, well, can we do more? I was fine last night. I just want to touch you, Kurt. Everything you do feels good,” Blaine said, closing the distance between them by putting his lips on Kurt's neck and kissing him, moving down and sucking gently as he stroked Kurt's body, moving his fingers in patterns over Kurt's ribs and down to his stomach. Kurt was tingling all over. He had never been this close with another boy and the more Blaine stroked and rubbed his skin, the more Kurt tried to imagine how it might feel farther down...
“Oh, Blaine...that feels so good,” he babbled, trying to feel Blaine's skin at the same time but he kept stopping as he got distracted. His muscles were contracting where Blaine was touching him, sending little tremors along the nerves and making Kurt so hard. He would need some kind of release soon, but was not sure of how to tell Blaine that. He didn't want a repeat of last night with Blaine running away to the bathroom in embarrassment.
Blaine was trembling, too. He loved touching Kurt, stroking his chest, rubbing at the pink skin of his nipples because that not only made Kurt moan, but Blaine could feel it in his belly and farther down, too. He was almost panting when Kurt changed positions, gently pushing Blaine onto his back and shifted so he was on top of Blaine, kissing him. Blaine sighed and let a moan escape, ever mindful of not letting his body get out of control again. As a result, he was a little stiff – not wanting to relax like last night. Kurt was the one stroking down his chest now, and Blaine loved it. All he could think, however, was how good it would feel to have Kurt stroking a little lower. At that thought, Blaine let out a loud moan, and Kurt did, too. Kurt looked at Blaine's beautiful hazel eyes and raised his eyebrows in question...could he go farther?
Blaine smiled up at him and nodded. Kurt moved his fingers so he was lifting the waistband of Blaine's jeans. Blaine gasped, but gave Kurt an encouraging smile. Kurt unbuttoned the jeans and unzipped them, stopping so Blaine could decide if that was okay. But Blaine was already reaching to unbutton Kurt's trousers. They had been in bed before with just t-shirts and briefs, but this undressing each other, this was more intimate and both boys were breathing heavily by the time they had pulled off the pants and were in just their briefs, erections straining to be free.
Blaine was scared, and a little bit anxious being so exposed. He was afraid of a repeat of the untimely ejaculation of last night, so he was concentrating on keeping himself calm.
“Blaine, I can see you're scared. We can stop if you want. You don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with,” Kurt reassured him.
“No, I want this, I just...think we need to go slow. If that's alright?”
“Yeah. Let's get under the covers and just hold each other for now,” Kurt suggested.
Blaine pulled back the covers on his bed and they both climbed under, Blaine fitting in Kurt's embrace like they did every night. The familiar feel of Kurt was calming and he snuggled close, kissing Kurt's collarbone and tangling their legs together.
“That's nice, Blaine. Are you okay?” Kurt asked, as he had asked a thousand times before, but he just had to make sure Blaine was dealing with this new revelation. He was very vulnerable, almost fragile sometimes, and Kurt could understand why. He wished with all his heart that he could take him to some sort of councilor or therapist – but he couldn't risk having someone like that know where Blaine had come from. Kurt was distracted by these thoughts until he felt Blaine's hand rubbing his knee and following a path up his thigh, stopping just short of his genitals. He took in a breath and moaned into Blaine's neck, pulling him closer in reflex. He reached down to cup Blaine in his hand, wishing the fabric of the boxer briefs were gone. He slid a finger inside the waistband and looked at Blaine for permission. Blaine put his own hands in Kurt's and began to pull the underwear off, sliding it down his legs and off under the covers. Then he removed his own.
Last night, Kurt had seen Blaine naked when he went into the bathroom to give him his pajamas, and although the only light had been the moonlight shining in the window, he had been excited. Blaine was as beautiful as Kurt had imagined. It was with this picture in his mind that made him reach down to touch Blaine, just gently running his fingers down the shaft to the tip, feeling the texture and warmth. Blaine gasped and hurried to put his lips on Kurt's mouth, lest he be expected to say anything because Blaine was sure he couldn't speak. He felt brave and touched Kurt's erection, amazed at the smooth softness of the skin slipping over the rock hard muscle underneath. It was different than when he touched himself, he never analyzed all the textures and parts with himself, and Kurt felt different in his hand. He moved his fingers so they were around the middle, just under the ridge and gave it an initial stroke, pulling a moan from Kurt that tore at his heart. If this was a sin, loving and touching this beautiful boy, then Blaine would gladly go to hell.
“Kurt? I don't want to kill the mood, but I want to ask you something,” Blaine whispered, leaning close to Kurt's ear.
Kurt's stomach knotted up. Blaine was scared and was going to ask him to stop. Well, he would have to if Blaine asked, so by reflex he pulled his hand tighter around Blaine's erection and gave it one more stroke, hoping to change Blaine's mind.
“Ah, I'm not sure about this, but while it would be so good to cum at the same time, since this is the first time I was thinking we should do it one a at time...to, ah, well, so we can experience the whole thing all at once and give ourselves over to the feeling completely. Not worrying about how it's feeling for the other....do you see what I'm saying?” Blaine sounded anxious, but what he said made sense. It would enhance the experience to be able to concentrate on it with all of his mind and body instead of the anxiety of whether he was making Blaine's experience pleasureable.
“You're right, and I will do you first,” Kurt's tone made it clear he didn't want any argument. Then his voice got soft and tentative, “Can I...can I see you?”
Blaine nodded, he didn't trust himself to speak, and Kurt pulled back the blankets to look at Blaine's naked body. The muscles were evident under the skin, probably because there wasn't an ounce for fat – probably due to the near starvation Blaine had been forced to endure year after year. His skin was golden and there was a dusting of dark hair on his chest and pubic area. Nestled there was the very hard erection, and Kurt didn't think further, but put his hand back around this, stroking gently at first then with a more firm grip. Blaine gave one of his small sounds that made Kurt tremble with anticipation. He leaned forward to capture Blaine's bottom lip between his own and closed his eyes to kiss Blaine deeply, sending his tongue into his depths as he increased his stroke. Blaine moaned and squeaked as the feeling wound around in his body, like smoke in a closed room, not knowing where to go in this new experience. Kurt's other hand sought out Blaine's balls, gently moving them in the sac, not hard or insistent, just a small movement that sent Blaine's blood pressure skyrocketing. He began to tremble and shiver, wanting more but not knowing how to ask, he was really at the mercy of whatever Kurt wanted to do. The stroking and pumping got faster, Kurt's hand changing pressure from time to time, which made Blaine a little crazy with how good that felt. His eyes were closed and his fists were gripping the blanket underneath him, sounds coming randomly out of his open mouth along with gasps and heavy breaths. Oh, Kurt thought, this boy was beautiful, and he looked both sexy and vulnerable at the same time. Kurt was having a hard time keeping himself in check and only the promise of Blaine's hands gripping him through an orgasm later stopped Kurt from spilling his load all over the bed. He took a steadying breath, seeing Blaine so close to the end and leaned over, taking the head of Blaine's erection into his mouth and sucking, licking gently as he stroked. Kurt could feel all of Blaine's muscles tighten and make ready for the climax, so he let go with his mouth, but continued to stroke, being more gentle now he could feel it was past the point of no return. It was a guttural, untamed roar that came from Blaine's throat as he spurt thick ropes of semen across his stomach, Kurt's chest, and everywhere. It went on for a long time, Blaine gasping and shouting as he writhed in ecstasy, calling Kurt's name over and over.
Five minutes later found Blaine, almost exhausted from his orgasm, giving Kurt the same wonderful feelings, running his hands over Kurt's thighs, up over his stomach and then down to the base of his erection that had only gotten harder since Blaine's release. It was good to do this with Kurt, making him moan and tremble under his inexperienced hands – the noises and the scent of sex permeating the room as Blaine worked toward giving this boy he loved the joy he had just experienced himself. He had been apprehensive, not sure he could do it, but by all signs Kurt was enjoying it fully. Blaine changed stroking patterns, sliding his fist over and over, creating a friction that was both a delight and a torment to Kurt, or so Blaine believed from the utterances coming form Kurt's lips.
“Oh...Blaine...right THERE, oh, oh...that is so goood, oh..don't stop, baby, don't stop” and Blaine thought to himself: I'll never stop if you just call me baby one more time....
Blaine had kissed and licked Kurt's body, down his chest, biting his hip bones before kissing his thighs while keeping a steady pace with his hand, stroking and pumping Kurt for all he was worth. His hands were a little slick, with sweat and with saliva and Kurt's own moisture beading at the head of his cock as he had been kissing and licking the inner skin on Kurt's thighs. He remembered how good it felt when Kurt had gently moved his balls, so he reached his hand over to do just that, making Kurt reach a higher note and sending shivers down Blaine's spine and blood to make him hard once again. He could feel the heat in Kurt's body, the storm about to break and hurried to put his mouth over the head of his erection because that was what finally sent Blaine over the edge, and he wanted to give that gift to Kurt.
As he moved to do that, his hand on Kurt's balls slipped a little, and as his mouth covered the head Blaine began to suck and his thumb brushed over his hole, just lightly because Blaine didn't notice, but it was enough for Kurt to feel like the world exploded. He trembled and shook, semen coming in great globs, pumping out over Blaine's cheeks and chin and neck as he tried to move away, Kurt growling and singing Blaine's name as his mind lost all ability to know anything but the intense pleasure in every limb, nerve, and blood vessel.
Kurt lay as if dead, except for the panting breath he was using to try and regain enough oxygen to replace what he had lost at the end. His vision began to clear and he opened his eyes to see Blaine, his polo shirt in his hands trying to clear his face and wipe the warm liquid out of his eyes.
“Oh, my stars, Blaine...I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to spray you in the face...oh,” Kurt babbled, but Blaine reached over and placed a finger to his lips.
“It's okay, Kurt. I know, and it's perfectly okay. But – I was kind of hoping to seduce you into taking a shower with me?” Blaine flirted, winking at Kurt.
“As soon as I can walk again. Go start the water and I'll be in there in a minute.”
Blaine got the shower ready, set out clean clothes for afterwards, checked the time (it was just 4:00 now, plenty of time since the plane was due in at 4:45).
Blaine stepped into the hot shower, rinsing his face, then getting a washcloth to soap it and wash again. It had stung his eye a little, but that was okay. Kurt joined him as he was rinsing his face again, running his arms around Blaine and holding him close, kissing the back of his neck. He tipped a little shampoo into his hand, rubbing it with his other hand and then rubbing the resultant foam into Blaine's curls. He scrubbed hard, and Blaine loved it. He hadn't shared a bath with anyone since he and Cooper were little, Coop holding baby Blaine on his lap to scrub his back and wash his downy curls. Blaine felt the same safe and comforting feeling with Kurt and practically purred as Kurt rinsed his hair and washed it again. They soaped each other, scrubbing with washcloths and hands, gentle and tender on places that had never felt the friction of the last hour. When the water was finally getting cold, the boys stepped out, toweling each other off and running in to jump into Kurt's bed and cuddle under the covers for a few minutes while they warmed up.
“I'll have to change the linen on my bed before tonight, Kurt. We should do something next time to, ah, prevent that or we'll be doing laundry every day.”
Kurt smiled. “Yeah. Well, are you okay?”
“Sheesh, Kurt, what do you think?” Blaine giggled. “Just because I look like I lost all my bones and am now a great puddle of spent boyflesh doesn't mean I had a bad time getting this way.” Blaine quipped. Kurt grinned.
“I don't know what to say. What do people say afterwards?” Kurt pondered.
“I think they just go out for a smoke?” Blaine guessed. “But I just want to say thank you, Kurt. For being so patient, for not laughing at my clumsy attempts, for showing me what is out there to look forward to in my future....” Blaine hid his head in Kurt's side, nervous and embarrassed now that it was all over.
Kurt just pulled him closer, tangling their legs together as he kissed the back of Blaine's neck. “I want to say thank you, too. It's as new to me as it is to you, and if that's what fooling around feels like, I cannot even imagine what actual sex is going to feel like.” Kurt blushed, glad Blaine wasn't looking at him.
“Actual sex?” Blaine asked.
“Read the pamphlets. We don't have to do any of it, I think we are able to just wing it, you know. This impromptu session was more than my imagination ever thought of.”
“Mine, too, Kurt. I'll read them, but maybe we should pace ourselves, I'm kinda sore in places I didn't know could be sore.” Blaine complained.
Kurt covered his incredulous sound with a fake cough, but Blaine wasn't fooled and blushed that he didn't know what Kurt was referring to. He better read those pamphlets tonight.
They were quiet for almost half an hour, just enjoying the closeness they shared. Then Kurt's voice whispered into Blaine's hair. “I really meant it when I said thank you, Blaine. You are a generous and talented lover.”
Blaine's breath hitched in his throat. He was falling more and more in love with Kurt every day, but he couldn't exactly blurt that out, so he just kissed Kurt on the cheek and said, “You, too, Kurt. You're the best.”
By five o'clock the boys were dressed and upstairs in the kitchen making dinner. Kurt had invited Santana over to make the story look better and she was cooking the wild rice as Kurt was preparing the trout. The three of them worked together like they had been doing it all their lives, trading good natured insults and grinning at each other. Kurt loved seeing this side of Santana, it was so different than the angry, insulting bitch she portrayed herself to be at school. Kurt decided it was some sort of defense mechanism, probably from her horrific childhood in Lima Heights housing authority apartments. That was a place he never wished to visit in his life, the stories were terrifying and heartbreaking and he sent a silent thanks to the stars that she survived it.
At 6: 20 they heard a key in the lock and Burt came in the door, holding it for Carole and Finn. Kurt grinned to see the rest of the family finally home and couldn't help but think when they left for vacation it was more like a lifetime ago instead of a week.
Carole looked over at Santana and said, “Oh, it's so good to see you again, welcome to our house...and this must be your cousin, Blaine.” She hugged a surprised Santana who stiffened up in the unwanted embrace and then she turned to Blaine, who stepped back a half-step after seeing Santana's reaction. But when Carole put her arms around Blaine and pulled him close in a maternal hug, he found himself hugging back, so happy in the warm embrace, blinking back tears. Kurt smiled to see this, then turned to see the look of absolute shock on Finn's face.
“Kurt, since when are you and Santana friends?”
Haha, Blaine's 'problem' was adorable ;D Oh and great chapter ;) x
good, good, so good