A Room In The Attic
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A Room In The Attic: The Routine

E - Words: 4,146 - Last Updated: Sep 25, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Sep 13, 2012 - Updated: Sep 25, 2012
644 0 4 0 0

Carole looked over at Santana and said, “Oh, it's so good to see you again, welcome to our house...and this must be your cousin, Blaine.” She hugged a surprised Santana who stiffened up in the unwanted embrace and then she turned to Blaine, who stepped back a half-step after seeing Santana's reaction. But when Carole put her arms around Blaine and pulled him close in a maternal hug, he found himself hugging back, so happy in the warm embrace, blinking back tears. Kurt smiled to see this, then turned to see the look of absolute shock on Finn's face.

“Kurt, since when are you and Santana friends?”

Carole smacked him on the shoulder, “Finn!”

“Well, they never were before, Santana calls him Lady Lips and he calls her Satan! They scratch at each other like two cats. I don't get it, Kurt,” Finn defended himself.

“You call my son WHAT??” Burt shouted at Santana, and she had the good grace to blush.

“It is only in fun, right, Kurt?” the girl turned to Kurt, and he smiled at her.

“Yes, Dad. Santana may kid around, but she used to walk me to my classes when Dave Karofsky was bullying me. We might not appear to get along all the time, but we have each other's back. And Finn, it was your suggestion that I work with Puck that started this. He introduced me to Blaine and when I heard about his predicament, I offered to help. Since then, Santana comes over to spend time with Blaine and we've gotten to be...well more like friends,” Kurt explained, exchanging smiles with Santana.

Finn gaped at the two of them like they were the proverbial lion laying down with the lamb, shaking his head. He'd had his own history with Santana and had no wish to have her hanging around his house, but he wanted to relay this buried bit of animosity to his mother even less, so he cut his losses and shut his mouth.

All this time, Blaine had been moving further and further away from everyone. Kurt saw his fear beginning to cloud his eyes and bumped Santana's hand to alert her. She strolled over and took Blaine's hand in hers and held on very tightly, trying to convey her support even though she knew he needed Kurt. To her surprise, he relaxed in her hand, leaning a bit into her shoulder and his trembling stopped.

“If you want to wash up for dinner, it will be on the table in about ten minutes. Santana, if you want, Blaine can show you to my bathroom to freshen up,” Kurt directed and followed the two down stairs as Finn, Burt, and Carole went upstairs.

Once in the basement, Blaine threw his arms around Kurt, soaking in all the warmth he could before he had to go back into the lion's den of the Hummel dining room. Santana patted his back, rubbing small circles of support into the muscles in the way she had seen Kurt doing it last week. To her relief, she saw it was working. Oh, if this is what happened at a family dinner, she was afraid how he would handle McKinley tomorrow. Should she warn him about the slushies? She didn't know if he was susceptible to them, being her 'cousin' – whether her status on the Cheerios would protect him or if her membership in Glee would condemn him.

She didn't have time to ponder it anymore as it was her turn to wash her hands and they walked back up stairs, she heard Blaine whisper to Kurt, “You didn't tell me your brother was so huge. What is he, the vanilla gorilla?” Santana laughed out loud at that one.

Dinner went well, the trout was melt-in-your-mouth delicious and Santana didn't even mind that it wasn't the spicy taste she was used to. She's have to volunteer to cook for them all one night. She made an effort to be nice to Finn, although she just got startled one word answers in return.

Carole and Burt talked to Blaine throughout dinner, but realized he was reluctant to talk about his home and circumstances, so they changed the topics to more generalized fare. Glee came into the conversation more than once and Carole asked Blaine if he could play any musical instrument. The gang had talked about this, as Blaine was well versed in a number of instruments from violin to piano to guitar to harmonica and a half dozen others. They had agreed to say he could play guitar and piano as those were common and brought no extra attention.

Blaine told Carole he played guitar and piano and Burt spoke up to say Kurt's mother's piano was in the back room and perhaps they could get it tuned and put it to use once more, Burt missed the sound of it in the house and although Kurt could play, he didn't often.

“Do you have your song for your audition for Glee Club?” Finn asked.

“No, but Kurt though I'd have a few days to think of one.”

After dinner, they all went into the family room to watch a little television, Burt and Carole offered to do the dishes, Kurt protested, but Burt took him aside and said he wanted to spend time alone with her, so Kurt smiled and left them to it. The four young people went to see what was on and finally decided to watch The Simpsons.

Blaine was familiar with this show, thank goodness, so he was comfortable. It was the episode with all the puppies that Mr Burns kidnapped and Finn grinned. He leaned over and whispered in Blaine's ear. Blaine giggled and Kurt sent him an amused glance, but Blaine ignored it. Blaine whispered in Santana's ear and she giggled, too. Kurt was getting uncomfortable.

Finally, Blaine announced, “I have my audition song! We'll sing it when it comes on the TV.

And when it came on, Blaine said, “This is a song I'd like to dedicate to my friend, Kurt” and started singing:

Some men hunt for sport,

Others hunt for food,

The only thing Kurt's hunting for,

Is an outfit that looks good....

See my vest, see my vest,

Made from real gorilla chest,

Feel this sweater, there's no better,

Than authentic Irish Setter.

See the hat? 'Twas my cat,

My evening wear – vampire bat,

These white slippers are albino

African endangered rhino.

Grizzly bear underwear,

Turtles' necks, I've got my share,

Beret of poodle, on my noodle,

It shall rest.

Try my robin red suite

It comes one breast or two,

See my vest, see my vest,

See my vest.

Like my loafers? Former gophers -

It was that or skin my chauffeurs,

But a greyhound fur tuxedo

Would be best.

So let's prepare these dogs,

Kill two for matching clogs

See my vest, see my vest,

Oh, please, won't you see my vest!

Kurt started out mad as a wet hen, but by the time the song was done, with Blaine leering at him and making funny faces, Finn and Santana joining in, Kurt was laughing so hard he could hardly draw breath to speak.

“Oh, Blaine, you are great. You have a wonderful voice, so I don't see a problem with you getting in, but that song is so funny..”

Just as they calmed down, a knock came to the door, Blaine jumped but Kurt distracted Finn by asking him to get it and they were soon joined by Puck and Lauren.

“Hey, dude, glad to see you home again,” Puck said to Finn, fist bumping him and giving him a half-hug. “Kurt, Tanny, Blaine,” he said, grinning at all of them.

Lauren smiled, her hand in Puck's. “Ready for your first day, Blainers?” she asked, all innocent in spite of her new pet name for Blaine. He turned his head in shock and swallowed, but recovered quickly.

“Yes, I think so,” he managed, but soon excused himself to the bathroom. Kurt made an excuse to go see to dessert and met him in the hallway.

“You look upset, Blaine. What happened?” he whispered in Blaine's ear as he walked by, reaching out his hand to squeeze Blaine's.

“What she called me. Only my brother ever called me that. Mother and Father always called me by my first name, Joshua, but Cooper called me Blainers,” Blaine explained, and blinked a few times. “But I'm okay. I'll go wash my face and be back in a minute.”

When Kurt got to the kitchen, his parents were nowhere to be found, but he heard some laughing upstairs, so he figured they had gone to have some time alone. He fixed a plate with blueberry pie for each person and was topping it off with freshly whipped cream when Lauren walked in.

“Need some help, Kurt?” she asked, looking to be sure they were alone.

“Sure, if you want to get napkins and I'll get forks.” Then he leaned in close, “Blainers was the pet name his brother called him, that's why he was upset, but he says he's okay. Just the same...” Kurt gave her a significant look.

Lauren nodded. If it were anyone else, she would probably have teased him, but they all knew how fragile Blaine was right now. Kurt divided the plates between two trays and they carried them into the family room, Blaine helping to pass them out, smiling at Lauren with a nod that made her grin back.

The evening ended as the guests left, Santana hugging Blaine and telling him she would see him tomorrow morning.

Kurt bid Finn goodnight and he went to his room, intent on calling Rachel to catch up before school tomorrow.

Down in the bedroom, Blaine climbed into his neatly made bed with fresh linen. He smiled to think of why they had put on the fresh linen and spent the late afternoon doing laundry.

“Goodnight, Blaine,” Kurt said from across the room, looking lost under the covers of his king size bed.

“G'night,” Blaine returned and turned in bed to face the wall for a while. Both boys were so tired, and had to get up by 5 a.m. to be ready to pick up Santana by 6:30. A few hours later, the moon was shining in the window and Blaine woke up, he'd had a nightmare and was a little disoriented, unaware he'd called out in his sleep. He shook his head a little to clear it and figure out where he was, since he was sure he wasn't in the attic room. Arms came around him, followed by a cheek, pressed to his back, and a soft voice asking him if he needed some comfort.

“Yes...oh, Kurt. Can I come sleep with you?” Blaine asked in a small, scared voice.

Kurt took his hand and led him to his bed, holding the covers up so Blaine could snuggle down into them. Kurt was still really sleepy, so he laid down, pulled Blaine close, and closed his eyes.

“Thank you,” Blaine said as he fell back asleep, legs tangled with Kurt's and Kurt's cheek resting on Blaine's back, arms wrapped around him. Blaine was asleep in a moment and the last thing Kurt heard as he was drifting back to sleep was Blaine whispering, “I love you, Kurt.”

Dawn broke as the boys were getting out of bed, having spent a few minutes kissing each other and hugging before the alarm's insistent blare got them up and going. They took turns getting ready, brushing teeth, combing hair, etc. Kurt wore dark maroon slacks with a light gray shirt, a light gray double-breasted cardigan and Doc Martin boots. He put on a silver and maroon tie and a musical note brooch. Blaine's eyes got big when he came out of the bathroom, looking at Kurt like he wanted to eat him for lunch. Kurt blushed, a soft smile on his lips, pleased that Blaine obviously liked what he was wearing.

“What did you pick to wear today?” Kurt asked.

“I was hoping you might help me with that. I just want to blend in with the straight guys, I guess,” Blaine said, looking a little sad.

“Well, I think we can do that without making you wear the same pair of tighty-whiteys from last week...” which made Blaine giggle. Kurt picked out dark wash jeans, not too tight, and a T-shirt with The Beatles Octopus's Garden on it. It was still a little chilly out in the mornings, so he got the worn leather jacket they found at the thrift store to go on top, and the canvas high-tops. And socks, much to Blaine's utter disappointment. Kurt knew he hated socks, but no straight guy would be seen at McKinley with no socks. so...

They drove up in front of Santana's house at 6:30 on the dot. Kurt was a gentleman and would never honk for someone from the driveway, so he got out and met her walking out her front door, dressed in her winter cheerleading outfit, which was just the summer one with tights and a turtleneck underneath. Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail. She pecked a good morning kiss on both Kurt's and Blaine's cheeks and got in the front seat. Blaine shut her door and got in the back, and they were off. Kurt stopped by The Lima Bean to get everyone coffee, and on they went to brave McKinley High.

“This is Blaine Palomo, my cousin, Mr Figgins. He needs his schedule and we'll be on our way," Santana said, standing in front of the principal's desk.

Mr Figgins looked Blaine up and down. “I do not remember having a transfer student from New Mexico. I'll have to call his former school to get the proper paperwork, Miss Lopez.”

“We did all that before break. Here, just call up his name, I'm sure he's already in the system,” Santana said, pointing at the computer terminal on his desk, her best bitch-glare pasted on her face. Blaine just stood behind her, wondering if he should run....

“Ah, it is here. I wonder how that happened?” Figgins said aloud, although he clearly wasn't addressing either of the students in front of him. “Miss Zizes, the student office assistant will print that for you, Mr Palomo. Welcome to McKinley High.”

Santana gave Blaine the schedule and they walked down the hall as she showed him where to find all of his classrooms. The first class was English, which he shared with both Puck and Santana. He sat down beside Santana and in front of Puck, and the class went well, a few girls smiling at him and a few boys saying hello as he left the classroom. The four friends had coordinated who would pick Blaine up and take him to the next class, seemingly a random meeting in the hall, but actually to protect him from the bullies until they could figure out how he would fit in.

French was next and he kept close to Puck until he met up with Kurt at the classroom door. He was able to sit next to Kurt for this class and liked the teacher very much. And so the day went until lunch. He walked between Lauren and Kurt to the cafeteria and was standing in line when one of the letter-jacketed jocks walked past him.

“So, you're the new kid. What sport are you going out for?” he asked.

“I don't know yet, I haven't decided, but probably swimming. Or tennis.” Blaine said, trying to bluff his way into looking sure of himself.

“I guess somebody as tiny as you doesn't really belong in this school, or part of any of our teams. Maybe you can join girl's gymnastics,” the jock said and walked away.

“Well, that didn't seem so bad..” Blaine said to Santana, who was standing near him.

“We'll see. Just don't go anywhere alone, Blaine,” she said, leading the way to a table on the outskirts of the cafeteria, somewhat hidden behind a corner. Blaine sat down next to Kurt, smiling a little so as not to draw attention. Puck and Lauren sat on the other side and as the hour went on, several other people joined them. He remembered Brittney from the BBQ at Kurt's and Mike and Tina from the restaurant.

After a while, Finn made his way over, holding hands with a small girl with long brunette hair and a loud voice. She was introduced as Rachel, Finn's girlfriend. She paid little attention to Blaine until it was mentioned he would be trying out for the New Directions. Then he felt like he was a bug under a microscope as she fired question after question at him. He was close to panic when Santana stepped in, “He is my cousin from New Mexico, you little hobbit, and I want you to stop harassing him right now. You'll get to talk to him later, but let him eat his lunch.” She glared at Rachel, who backed down immediately.

“Rachel, I told you who he was last night on the phone,” Finn said, “Didn't you hear me? He's staying with us.”

Rachel looked away, a little embarrassed that she got caught not listening to what her boyfriend told her, but in a minute she was back chatting away. It was mostly about herself and how the new boy might be a duet partner, but she would have to see if he was good enough to hold a candle to her voice...and on, and on, until nobody was listening to her, not even Finn. Lauren and Puck left with Blaine to Environmental science, Kurt glancing at him and smiling, hoping Blaine understood how much Kurt wanted to be the one taking his hand and leading him to his next class.

They were ready for the last class of the day, Glee Club. Puck led Blaine to the choir room, opening the door to see Kurt was already there, along with several people Blaine had either met or had seen in the halls. He sat between Kurt And Santana, Puck and Lauren in the row behind, whispering and giggling to each other.

Mr Schue came in, seemingly happy to see the new kid,

“Class, for those who haven't met our new student, this is Blaine Palomo. Blaine, tell us a bit about yourself,” Mr Schue invited. Blaine had been asked this several times already today and trotted out the story:

“As you heard, my name is Blaine and I am transferring from a convent school in New Mexico. I'm here visiting my cousin until the end of summer. I'm glad to meet all of you.”

He had added the bit about going to school in a convent so it might explain why he wasn't up on all the latest cultural things like movies and music – he thought it was clever on his part and smiled a little bit.

“When is he going to audition?” Rachel asked.

“Give the boy a minute to breath, Rachel. Did you try out on your first day?” Mercedes asked, then turned to the new kid. “I would think you have a week or so to get used to us before they parade you across our stage and make you perform.” She gave Mr Schue a direct look.

“Of course, Blaine, you may have the week to get comfortable if you wish.”

“Thank you, but I won't need it. Cousin Tanny told me about having the audition, so I did prepare something if you would like to hear it today?” Blaine asked, trying to appear polite and conservative.

“By all means...” Mr Schue began and Blaine removed a few sheets of music he had brought with him from his backpack. Lauren had found the sheet music on line and printed it out for him in the library during study hall. Blaine walked to the piano and whispered to Brad, who relinquished his seat to Blaine. Closing his eyes and cracking his knuckles as though he were going to play and sing an auria, Blaine put his fingers above the keys and looked to Kurt for encouragement. Kurt nodded imperceptibly and the students looked bored. Blaine played an intro and began:

“I'd like to dedicate this song to my host, Kurt Hummel. I know you will all join me:

Some men hunt for sport,

Others hunt for food,

The only thing Kurt's hunting for,

Is an outfit that looks good....

By the time he got to the part about the Irish setter, the other kids were laughing, by the time her got to the part about the greyhound tux, they were all singing along. Clapping ended the song and Mr Schue declared Blaine the newest voice in the New Directions and Rachel was patting the seat next to her for Blaine to sit in. He smiled at her and nodded, but went back to sit by Santana. Rachel rolled her eyes and whispered to Tina, “I bet he taps that before the end of the day.”

Tina got a sour look on her face. “Rachel, Santana is his cousin, for god's sake, didn't you pay attention to anything at lunch?”

Rachel blushed. Blaine, who had heard the whole exchange, giggled.

“Let's start the discussion for the set for sectionals...” the director started and the class went on, ending so much quicker than Blaine had realized.

After school, he leaned over to Kurt and Santana, “I had a good day. Thanks.”

Back at home, Kurt unlocked the door and led the way down to the bedroom. He wasn't in the room for a split second when he was tackle-hugged by Blaine, falling onto the bed with the boy's weight on top of him. He turned and Blaine covered him with kisses.

“I just cannot believe I'll be learning again! It was so good to sit in a classroom.”

“How does the courseload look, though?” Kurt asked. “After all, you did miss three years of school. What looks like you'll need help?” He was worried.

“I might need some tutoring in English. French was easy, I have read enough about European history that I'm comfortable I can catch that one up, environmental science I only have to read the book since it isn't really dependent on previous classes. Oh, and although I haven't had calculus before, math is kind of my thing, so I can catch that up with some help from the teacher. She was really helpful since I understood the basic concepts. It helped that I went to an advanced prep school instead of a public school for my whole life – no offense, but it is a more advanced education.” Blaine looked away, suddenly aware he was bragging.

“It's okay, Blaine, I know what the public school system does to dumb down the curriculum to make it accessible to everyone and teach us how to take standardized tests instead of preparing us for university. I tell myself I will rise above it.” Kurt gave Blaine a small smile before pushing him down on the bed to kiss him thoroughly.

After a while of making out, Blaine closed his eyes and just lay still.

“You okay, Blaine?” Kurt asked.

Blaine nodded yes, but then turned in on himself, rolling into a ball and wrapping his arms around himself in his defensive position. “Yeah, it was just a hard day. That Rachel is downright scary, isn't she?”

Kurt laughed and Blaine looked at him.

“Most people at that school would think Puck, Santana, and Lauren are the worst badasses in the whole school. Like people run from them in the halls. Lauren is state wrestling champ. On the boy's team.”

Blaine blinked and then smiled. “Puck has a dumpster named after him fro all the kids he's thrown in there. And Santana grew up basically in a ghetto where she learned to fight or die for everything everyday of her life. And these are the people who asked no questions, just put their lives on hold to try to help you. So, don't let a few bad apples spoil the devotion you have already earned.”

Kurt didn't mean to make a speech, but it sort of came out like one. Blaine uncurled from his position and sat up. If these people could do this for him, he was determined to show them he was worth it. “Let's go start dinner, Kurt,” he said, getting up and winding his arm around Kurt to go up the stairs.



End Notes: The song Blaine sings is "See My Vest" from The Simpson's, feat. Mr. Burns.


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Another amazing fic!!!I cannot help being uncomfotable that they are lieing to Burt, I really think that he would help and protect Blaine if he knew the truth.I am also wondering if the Private Investegator (Lauren's dad??) will find him. Keep writing!! I need to know more!!

Thank you! Hmmm I wouldn't want to lie to Burt, either, but....you know how kids are wary of adults, and Kurt had wanted to tell his dad, but Blaine freaked out.An adult does finally figure it all out, and very soon, but I'm nor saying any more. Lauren's dad is busy...and I think Lauren is messing with his investigation.Lots more twists and turns coming up! And a twist you'll never see coming. I hope. I.ll post the next chapter later today!

Some men hunt for sport,Others hunt for food,The only thing Kurt's hunting for,Is an outfit that looks good...This is priceless xDDD

ur a very good writer, a little problem with ur pronouns but the story is fantastic. I should be going to sleep now but i can't stop reading