Roses in December
Chapter 25 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Roses in December: Chapter 25

M - Words: 3,581 - Last Updated: Jun 12, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 34/? - Created: Jun 05, 2014 - Updated: Jun 05, 2014
135 0 0 0 1


As it turns out, theres no need for Kurt to point out Rachel Berry. Weve barely set foot in the restaurant when a tiny brunette runs over and launches herself at me.

"Blaine!" she squeals, giving me a brief but tight hug. "Its really you! This is fantastic!"

"Hello, Rachel, its nice to—"

"Ive already signed us up for some duets. Endless Love, of course, and Aint No Mountain High Enough. Then I thought wed move into some more unusual offerings. Lucky is so overdone, but I thought that the seminal Simon and Garfunkel classic Homeward Bound might be a bit unexpected and really get the crowd going..."

"Rachel, Blaine. Blaine, Rachel," Kurt says drily. "Blaine, please be sure to note the pink saddle shoes and yellow sheep sweater."

"Noted," I reply, wide-eyed. Rachel grins and leads the two of us to a booth near the middle of the restaurant. Theres a good-sized crowd here, and I feel an unexpected rush of adrenaline. Ive always loved performing, and with the exception of my drunken karaoke date with Sebastian, I havent had the chance to sing in public since my coma.

"Now, youll notice that most of the patrons here are a lot older than us," Rachel says, once were seated. "So we should be sure to work plenty of eighties songs into the mix to keep the audience happy. Whitney Houston, Madonna, Michael Jackson, anything Top 40. Just pretend that Mr. Schue is choosing the set list."

"Whos Mr. Schue?" I ask.

Her smile falters for a moment, but she covers quickly. "Never you mind. Heres a menu; take a look and let me know what strikes your fancy. My dads gave me their Visa card and said that dinner tonight is on them."

We order hot miso soup, age dashi tofu, edamame, and an array of vegan sushi rolls. As we eat, a few other patrons take their turns singing up on the karaoke stage. Rachel grows more confident with each song we hear. She scrunches her nose at every pitchy note and whispers that were sure to be the hit of the night. My mouth is full of avocado roll when our names get called, and Rachel drags me up onto the stage.

"Whats the song?" I ask, still chewing.

"Sky... you still like Joshua Radin, right?"

I manage to swallow just as the opening chords start, and then Im singing, my eyes glued to the lyrics screen. Initially I feel a little nervous. My voice quavers for the first few lines. Then Rachel joins me for the chorus, and we really get into the groove of the song. The rest of the diners pause to watch us, and my eyes keep drifting back to Kurts wide smile, and this, this is what I was meant to do with my life. How did I live without performing for an entire year?

We get a loud round of applause when we finish, and it only seems to fuel Rachels mania. She keeps running up to the front to flip through the binder of song choices and fill out more slips, until it feels as though she and I are singing every other song. There are no complaints, though — the crowd clearly loves us. We keep trying to persuade Kurt to join us onstage, but he seems content to sit and watch. I beg off after a while, joining Kurt in the booth as Rachel starts doing solo numbers that make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

"Shes incredible," I murmur.

"She is," Kurt sighs. "I always figured she had hit her peak in high school, but I was wrong. New York has done wonders for her voice."

"Thatll be us next year," I tell him dreamily. "Well get into top performing arts programs, and our vocal coaches will help us get even better. Well get so good, Broadway scouts will recruit us right out of college."

"Youve got to be kidding."

I blink at him in surprise, but hes not looking at me. His gaze is fixed on the entrance to the restaurant, where Sebastian and his friend Morgan have just entered. "Oh, Kurt, dont worry about—"

Hes already on his feet, though, threading his way through the tables toward them. I hurry after him, reaching the front just as Sebastian lifts his hands in surrender.

"Hey, man, were just here for the singing. Scandals moved its karaoke night to Monday this week, and we couldnt go because Morgan had a tae kwon do tournament."

"Why are you still calling it that?" his friend asks, looking irritated. "Ive told you a hundred times, its called bojutsu, not tae kwon do."

Sebastian shrugs. "Either way its wrestling with guys in pajamas. Anyway, I looked up places that had Wednesday night karaoke, and Siri came up with this restaurant." Sebastian looks over at me, and I take a step closer to Kurt. "Honestly, guys, we didnt know youd be here, or we wouldnt have come. I swear."

"Well, now you know," Kurt says tightly. "And now you can leave."

Sebastian is still watching me with a searching expression. I step even closer to Kurt, interlacing our fingers and keeping my eyes on the floor. "Fine," Sebastian says at last. He starts to leave, then turns back. "Listen, Blaine—"

"Lets just go," Morgan urges.

"No, I just... I really didnt know that I was making those awful calls to you. Im so sorry. I would never want to scare you like that."

"Its okay," I say after a pause.

"Its not okay. And I hope one day youll be able to forgive me for it." He sighs when I still wont look up. "Morgan, can you grab the car? Ill get a couple of orders of tempura to go."

After his friend leaves, Sebastian heads to the counter to place his order. Kurt and I return to our booth. We sit in a tense silence, and Kurt grits his teeth when Sebastian makes his way over to us.


"I just wanted to ask if I could drop the ring necklace off tomorrow afternoon," Sebastian says. "I couldnt call you to ask, so..."

"Ill be home after five," Kurt says. "Dont come before then. Understood?"

"Yeah. And Blaine, I really am—"

"Youre sorry. I get it. Please just go."

He heads back to the entrance, where Morgan is watching us. They pick up their orders of food and leave. The tension in Kurts shoulders doesnt ease, so I wind my arm around him, squeezing him lightly. "I thought you werent letting him bother you anymore."

"Yeah, well, that was when I thought I wouldnt have to see him or his creepy face again without some warning."

I lean my chin on his shoulder, and feel him relax a little. "You cant still feel threatened by Sebastian, right? Im not interested in him. Not even a little."

"I know youre not. Its just... Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you see someone after a long time apart, and all the old feelings associated with them come back?"

"Sure. Like when I saw you, I felt drawn to you, even if I didnt remember you."

"Exactly. Well, when I saw him standing at the door, it brought back my feelings from last year, and all I wanted to do was throw you over my shoulder and run away with you."

"Oh really," I say, my voice low. "Tell me more about your caveman urges."

He snorts indelicately. "Youre ridiculous."

"And youre even hotter than usual when you get all protective and possessive."

Kurt glances around at the other patrons, but they all seem distracted by Rachels latest performance. He scoots a little closer to me, and we snuggle for a couple of minutes while he calms down.

"How did you ever become comfortable with Finn?" I wonder aloud. "Didnt he bully you, back in school?"

"We still have our tense moments," he admits. "Usually we do just fine, but every once in a while I panic a little if he comes toward me too quickly."

"Thats sad."

"Its self-preservation, I guess. Your body reacts on instinct to protect itself." He takes a sip of water, then shrugs. "Like I said, it doesnt happen often. Finn and I have a good relationship."

"What was that?" We both look up to see Rachel sliding into the seat across from us, still a little breathless from her latest number. "Sorry, you were talking about Finn?"

"I was, yes."

"Dont let me interrupt, what were you saying?"

Kurt shakes his head, a strange mix of amusement and frustration on his face. "I was done. Howd your song go?"

"Oh, you know. Billy Joel is always a surefire crowd-pleaser." She smiles wistfully. "Hows he doing, anyway?"

"Billy Joel? I think he got divorced again a few years ago."


"What do you want me to say, Rachel?"

"I just want to know how he is."

"Finns fine. He works at the shop with me and Dad."

"Is..." She closes her eyes briefly. "Is he dating anyone?"

"Yes, hes been seeing a nice girl named Sarah for about three months."

"Oh. Id thought maybe..."

"You left him, Rachel," Kurt reminds her. "He begged you to stay, but you got on that train anyway. Hes allowed to move on."

"It was my dream. You know that. We were all supposed to go to New York together, and—"

"We were all supposed to do a lot of things. Life got in the way."

She sighs. "Does he hate me?"

"No, of course not."

"And you?"

"What about me?"

"Do you hate me?"

Kurt leans forward, furrowing his brows. "Rachel—"

"Because Id understand if you did," she interrupts. "The things I said to you, before I left..." She and Kurt both glance at me. "I had no right to say them."

"Thats true. You didnt."

"I was just trying to help. If Id had any idea hed come back to you—"

"I dont hate you," he says. "However misguided, I know you had my best interests at heart."

"Okay." She ducks her head to hide her tear-filled eyes. "Im glad to hear that."

"Going to New York got you closer to what you want. And staying in Lima got me back what I wanted." He nudges my shoulder with his own. "I think we all made out okay."

"And hes happy? Finn, I mean?"

Kurt nods emphatically, but Im not convinced. Judging by her face, Rachel isnt either.

We spend two more hours at the restaurant, ordering several pots of tea and desserts so that the waitress wont side-eye us about hogging the booth. Rachel sings song after song — the topics all suspiciously dealing with lost love now — while I try to talk Kurt into doing a duet with me. At first, he just shakes his head fondly. Then he starts looking a little annoyed.

"Please? Itll be fun." I give him my best puppy dog eyes.


"But Ive never heard you sing. Just snippets here and there..."

"Ill sing something later. When were home."

"We can do Ill Cover You together," I grin, waggling my eyebrows. "I bet they have that one. Come on, be brave. If you want to be a performer—"

"I want to be a performer in New York," he hisses defensively. "Not in backwards Ohio, where having a high-pitched voice can make you the target of homophobic assholes."

My smile fades. "You think that—"

"I dont know what set them off that night. Maybe Ill never know. But in the meantime, Im not going to parade around Lima flaunting my girly voice in public. Its hard enough to deal with the looks we got when we were cuddling before." He swallows, looking away. "Maybe Im not as brave as you want me to be, Blaine. Im sorry if that disappoints you."

"Oh, Kurt..." My first instinct is to reach for him, but I know that would only make things worse. "Youre the bravest guy I know."

He scoffs. "Right."

"You are. I mean, look at Rachel. She knew she was too big for this place, so she ran off to New York City. She left behind the guy she loved, because waiting another year would have been too tough. But you? You put your dreams on hold without a second thought. You helped your dad get back on his feet, and waited for me to find you again."

"Thats not being brave," he says. "Responsible, maybe—"

"You dont pretend to be someone youre not. You wear the most amazing outfits every day — clothes that you know make you stand out, in a place where youd be safer blending in. You held my hand at the carnival, and you snuggled with me earlier."

"And felt like I was going to have a panic attack..."

"You dont have to feel brave to be brave. Like when you saw me again, that day at the Lima Bean. You couldve walked away before I ever said a word to you. You could have just kept me as a wonderful memory. But instead you took a huge chance and made me fall in love with you all over again."

He looks at me, finally, his beautiful eyes shining. "Is that really how you see me?"


And then — in spite of Rachel belting out Without You onstage, in spite of a roomful of conservative middle-aged couples, in spite of the fear that still makes him glance from side to side first — Kurt leans in and kisses my lips.

Like I said. Bravest guy I know.

Were driving back to Robs apartment when I finally cant resist teasing Kurt.

"Your best friend wears pink saddle shoes with and star-patterned knee socks."

"Ugh, I know."

I lean my head back against the seat, turning and smiling at him fondly. "Your best friend wears sweaters with pigs and sheep on them."

"If I recall correctly, you were the one who made out with her."

"When I was drunk, apparently, and playing Spin the Bottle. You were the one who chose her as a best friend, completely sober."

He takes a sidelong look at me and bites his bottom lip, trying and failing not to smile. "Well, your best friend joined Glee Club despite being pretty much tone-deaf."

"Your best friend told an old man tonight that he was better off playing canasta and should stop hogging the microphone."

"Your best friend pulled his groin when he tried to moonwalk across the football goalpost."

Were still laughing after Kurt parks the car, and we stroll into the building arm-in-arm.

"Your best friend told the waitress we needed a four-person booth because her talent was so big."

"... She did not."

"No, she didnt. But you believed me for a second, didnt you?"

On the elevator ride up, Kurt nuzzles my neck, sighing. "She loved you. Still. Again. Anew. Whatever, she loved you."

"I loved her too. Though I think shes probably easier in small doses."

"You are correct, sir."

Once were in the apartment, he hangs his coat next to mine and stretches, starting to head toward the bedroom. I clear my throat pointedly, and he turns, looking inquisitive.

"I was promised a song," I tell him, flopping down onto the couch.


"You told me youd sing me something once we were home. Were home." I snap my fingers like he did to our waitress earlier, and he flushes.

"What, like now?"

"Okay, if you insist." I grin cheekily, and he rolls his eyes.

"What am I supposed to sing?"

"Did we have a song? Like, a couples song?"

"No, not really. We had a few songs that were special to us. Like Ill Cover You, or Blackbird, or—"

I breathe in sharply, then laugh. "Blackbird?"

"The old Beatles song."

"I know it well." I dont tell him about my experience at Scandals karaoke, because I dont want Kurt thinking about Sebastian right now. This moment is all about us. "Sing me one of our songs. Sing me something that makes you love me, like Blackbird makes me love you."

He comes over to the couch, sitting at the other end and facing me. "I, um... okay, this may seem like a weird choice. But... I think Ive been yours from the moment you first sang it to me."

I squeak a little with delight, hugging my knees to my chest.

Kurt hums a few notes until he finds a good starting pitch, then begins to sing. His voice is high and sweet, and so incredibly beautiful.

Before you met me, I was all right, but things were kind of heavy

You brought me to life, now every February, youll be my Valentine...

He sneaks a questioning glance at me and I nod. Valentine, he sings more confidently.

Lets go all the way tonight

No regrets, just love

We can dance until we die

You and I will be young forever

You make me feel like Im living a

Teenage dream, the way you turn me on

I cant sleep

Lets run away and dont ever look back, dont ever look back

My heart stops when you look at me

Just one touch, now baby I believe

This is real, so take a chance and dont ever look back, dont ever look back

As he sings, the most beautiful warmth spreads throughout my body. This isnt animal lust, or teenaged hormones. This is the overwhelming urge to crawl up inside him, wrap him around me like a blanket until we dont know where he ends and I begin.

I might get your heart racing in my skintight jeans

Be your teenage dream tonight

Ill let you put your hands on me in my skintight—

I pounce without warning, cutting him off with a hard kiss and climbing into his lap.

He laughs with surprise. "After all that whining, you wont even let me finish a—"

I kiss him again, and again, and again. His tongue peeks out to lick his lips and I catch it, sucking on it wetly with my own. Straddling him brings us even closer together, and he moans as our erections make contact and start to rub against each other in a slow, unsteady rhythm. My hands are in his hair, then clutching his arms, then splayed across his back, then rubbing his neck... Everything is happening too fast and too slow all at once, and my brain cant process the moment. "I want to be inside you," I tell him, surprising myself with my low, husky voice.

Hes got a crushing grip on my hips, and he blinks at me dazedly. "You mean... inside my—"

"No, like... metaphorically."

He freezes for a moment, then hangs his head, pulling me into a hug and starting to giggle. "Oh my god."

"What? Is that weird?"

"No, its just that I thought we were about to move from first base to home plate in one night, and I was getting a little freaked out." He looks up at me, his eyes warm. "Youre already inside of me, Blaine. Youve got me body and soul."

"Maybe, um..." I wrap my arms around his shoulders, and press my hips down again, making him hiss. "Maybe we could work on the body part of that tonight."

His hands move to my waist. "Youre going to have to clarify what that means, because clearly our shorthand isnt working tonight."

"Like this?" I roll my hips again, and again. "I know its probably not as comfortable with clothes on, but I dont think Im ready to try—"

He kisses me hard, guiding my hips into a steadier rhythm and gasping into my mouth. "This is perfect, baby, this is amazing."

"It feels so good," I whimper, feeling him harden further against me. "God, if theyd told us in Sex Ed that rubbing genitals would feel this good—"

Kurt throws back his head and laughs again, covering his face with his hands. "Oh my god, no."


"Did you just say genitals?"

"Well, I mean, Im sure rubbing feels good to girls, too. No need to get gender-specific..."

"Blaine. When Im hard, and youre hard, just... just dont use the word genitals. Just dont." He giggles helplessly. "Oh my god, I cant believe I have to explain this to you."

"I wouldnt normally use it, Im just saying—"

"Say cock. Say dick. Say schlong if you must, but not genitals." He grabs onto my hips again, thrusting up against me.

I ground down harder, making him grunt and move faster. "Mmm yeah, baby, I love your schlong. Lets rub our schlongs together, just like that."

Were both laughing now, humping faster and kissing furiously between giggles. He moves his hands further down, glancing up at me with raised eyebrows. When I nod, he groans and grabs my ass with both hands, squeezing hard. My pants feel incredibly tight, the friction getting uncomfortable. It would be so easy to just undo the fly and shuck them off, so we could move against each other in our underwear. But I cant bear to pull away from Kurt for even a second, and all too soon, I feel a familiar tightening low in my belly.


"I know."

"Im gonna—"

"I know."

It hits me suddenly, a ragged moan escaping my lips as I come hard, a white heat enveloping me as my hips stutter against him. He ruts against me a while longer before crying out and stilling, his grip on me still tight. Were both panting, clutching each other as we struggle to catch our breath.

"Holy shit," I gasp. "That was..."

"Unexpected?" he manages, kissing the side of my neck.

"Try amazing." I pull back and beam at him. He looks equal parts sated and stunned. "I didnt know thered be so much laughing, though."

"Thats another thing they dont tell you in Sex Ed. Sometimes its okay to laugh during sex."

I blink. "We had sex?"

"We did."

"But were still fully dressed."

"Yet another thing they dont—"

"I get it. The Sex Ed curriculum needs work." I sigh, snuggling against him and closing my eyes. "So... Im not a virgin anymore?"

"Well, everyone has their own definition of sex. If you—"

"Im not a virgin anymore," I say decisively, pulling back a little with a smirk. "You deflowered me."

"I did. " He looks sort of proud. "Twice, actually."

We smile at each other for a long time, stealing little kisses. Then my smile fades. "Oh..."


"Its all... sticky... down there."


"And I think its turning into a... a cold glue..."

"Be thankful Rob has a washer and dryer. Ill let you take the shower first?"




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