Midnight Confessions
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Midnight Confessions: Chapter 4

E - Words: 2,340 - Last Updated: Dec 17, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Dec 06, 2012 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
1,009 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Please Note: This chapter contains explicit non-con. If you would like to read a non-explicit summary of chapter 4 instead of the chapter itself, you can do so HERE.

Saturday, 11:02p.m. - 11:23p.m.




Kurt was used to packed clubs in New York, but that didn't make it any less irritating when he had to wait for one of three couples to finish having sex in the stalls before he could use the toilet.  There were no urinals – this being an occasion in which Kurt may have actually been desperate enough to use one – and the mirrors were a warped, dingy, reflective kind of metal instead of glass, so he couldn't even fix his hair properly while he waited.

Kurt really didn't like this club.

After Kurt had washed his hands and wiped them dry on his jeans because there were no paper towels, he went back to his table to pay the check.  Kurt's wallet was thick with nearly a week's worth of tips, and though he knew that even the most backwater town in West Virginia would surely have debit card machines, he still clung to little bits of advice from his father like they were precious gems.  Like they kept him tethered to Kurt somehow.  And one of Burt's favorite pieces of advice was never to travel without plenty of cash.

As Quinn bustled past, menus in hand, Kurt held out the check along with some crisp bills from his billfold.  

“Thanks,” she said.  “You need change?”

Kurt shook his head.  “I'm all set, thanks.  Hey, have you seen my friend?”

“Your friend?” Quinn asked distractedly as a nearby table of very drunk men yelled for her to bring them another pitcher of beer. “Um...yeah.  He was...Oh!  Yes – he's out there dancing.”

Kurt noded and looked at the packed dance floor with a sigh.  He normally found Blaine's height endearing and kind of adorable, but it certainly didn't help Kurt find him in a crowd.


Blaine rinsed his mouth out with water, still feeling a bit dizzy but undeniably better after emptying his stomach of his entire dinner and all five shots of Wild Turkey.  He stood up shakily, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.  He felt a warm hand rubbing circles on his back, and almost leaned into it before remembering that it wasn't Kurt.  Sebastian smiled when Blaine opened his eyes, and held out a box of breath mints.  Blaine returned his smile gratefully.

Thank you,” Blaine said, taking a mint.

“You feeling better now?” Sebastian asked him, as they resumed walking.  

The cool air felt fantastic on Blaine's sweaty, clammy skin.  “I think I'm starting to feel a little better,” he answered truthfully.

Before Blaine could properly process what was happening, Sebastian had spun him around and pressed him up against the side of a car.  “You feel pretty good to me, too.  You know that?” Sebastian whispered into Blaine's ear, his voice rough.

Blaine felt his heartbeat quicken slightly, and he slipped out of Sebastian's grip as gracefully as he could manage.  “I think I need to keep walking,” he said firmly, making a beeline for the club.

“Hey – where do you think you're going?” Sebastian asked, sounding downright offended as Blaine walked away from him.

“I'm going back inside to find K-” Blaine let out a startled laugh as Sebastian pulled him back and  hoisted him up, so that Blaine ended up sitting on the hood of a car. “Sebastian!”

Blaine was trying to keep his tone light, but he couldn't deny how hard his heart was pounding now, couldn’t ignore the sick twist in his gut that had absolutely nothing to do with the copious amounts of bourbon he'd consumed.

Sebastian began running his hands up Blaine's thighs, his expression nothing less than predatory.  Blaine swallowed.

“Hey, come on.  Stop that.”

“You're so hot, Blaine,” Sebastian all but hissed, holding him firmly in place as he stood between Blaine's legs.  His face was so close to Blaine's now, his breath smelling of sour beer.  Blaine felt like he might retch again.  “I just want to kiss you,” Sebastian murmured, moving in even closer.  “It's OK if I kiss you, right?”

Blaine shook his head.  “No, Sebastian I can't, I – look, I'm married, I can't just–”

Sebastian squeezed Blaine's thighs.  “Shh,” he soothed, as if trying to rein in a skittish animal.  “It's OK.  I'm married too.”

Blaine opened his mouth to reply, but before he could form a single word, Sebastian's beer-sour tongue was pushing into his mouth, Sebastian's lips pressed hard against Blaine's own.  

Blaine was frozen in panic.

Damn, you're fucking gorgeous”, Sebastian growled, pulling away.  He squeezed Blaine's hips before moving in again.

Finally regaining the power of movement, Blaine dodged Sebastian’s lips and tried to stand up.  But Sebastian was strong and his grip was fierce.  

“Come on,” Blaine pleaded.   “Just...just let me go.  You got your kiss, I don't know what else you want.”

Sebastian actually laughed at that, and it was the most cold, horrifying sound that Blaine had ever heard.  “Oh, don't you?” he asked, his eyes dark and feral as he pressed his crotch against Blaine's.

“Get the fuck off of me!” Blaine screamed, his voice ringing out into the night around them, muffled around the edges by the loud music emanating from the club.

It didn't matter.  There was no one there to hear him.

“God, you're sticking with the little cocktease schoolboy act, aren't you?” Sebastian muttered, his hands and mouth everywhere as if they belonged there, as if he were entitled

“It's not an act, goddamn it, please!”  Blaine managed to twist the top half of his body away and was on the brink of pulling his legs free when he felt crushing hands around his waist, throwing him backward, slamming him down onto the car.  

“Stay still, damn it!” Sebastian roared, slapping Blaine across the face and grabbing his wrists.  Stunned, Blaine stared up at him, the true gravity of the situation hitting him all at once.

“No,” Blaine said, his voice high and panicked.  “I'm saying no, Sebastian, do you hear me?”

“It's a little late for that, don't you think?” Sebastian replied irritably, grinding against Blaine hard.

“K-Kurt will be looking for me!” Blaine pleaded desperately, tears of fear and pain prickling at his eyes.  

“Fuck that little faggot,” Sebastian snarled, fighting to keep hold of Blaine's wrists.  Blaine finally wrenched an arm free, hauling back and punching Sebastian with everything he had.  Sebastian managed to turn at the last moment, but the blow landed on his upper arm, making Sebastian hiss in pain.

He stared down at Blaine, and his face was like nothing Blaine had ever seen before.  It was pure, blind, animalistic rage.

“Don't you ever fucking hit me,” Sebastian snarled, slapping Blaine across the face so hard his head snapped to the side.  He pinned Blaine's wrists against the hood of the car with one hand, and punched him so hard Blaine was pretty sure he might pass out.  Too dazed to do much but feel the pain blooming across his flesh and the blood trickling from his nose, Blaine could barely manage to try and get away when Sebastian freed his wrists, pulling Blaine down the hood of the car and flipping him over.  Blaine's feet were weak and unsteady on the ground, but the entire weight of Sebastian's body was pinning him in place.  Sebastian grabbed a handful of Blaine's hair and wrenched his head back hard.  “Nobody fucking hits me,” he grated.

Blaine didn't even try to suppress his sobs anymore, not when Sebastian ran his hands all over him, not when Sebastian wrestled Blaine's jeans and underwear down to his knees, not when Sebastian  ran his hands all over Blaine's most private areas.  He didn't stop struggling, however perfunctory an effort it seemed, because he couldn't.  He wouldn't.  If he could control one thing in this situation, it was that.  He wouldn't let Sebastian take his fight away.

He screamed until Sebastian's sweaty hand was sealed over his mouth, and he kept screaming, no matter how muffled it might be.  He wanted to beg Sebastian to at least use a condom, to at least spare him that kind of danger, but he couldn't get the words out around Sebastian's meaty palm.  He could barely even breathe.

It was the worst thing that had ever happened to Blaine in his entire life.

He saw Sebastian sucking on two fingers, felt them breach him roughly, the pain unlike anything he'd ever felt before; he couldn't relax, and Sebastian definitely wasn't going to give him any time to adjust.

Blaine sobbed and sobbed and struggled and fought and prayed to a god he wasn't sure he'd ever believed in that this was all just some hideous nightmare.

At the sound of Sebastian's belt being loosened, Blaine started to feel the fight drain out of him.  He wasn't going to be able to stop this.  

There was nothing he could do, and no one was going to help him.

“I'm gonna make you feel so good, you'll see,” Sebastian whispered, nudging Blaine's legs open wider.

“Let him go.” The voice was firm and clear and unmistakable.

Blaine felt like his heart had stopped.  He was sure it must be a hallucination.  Because the mere idea that anything could stop this was terrifying to consider. Because if it wasn't true, and he let himself believe that it was...  

Blaine turned his head as much as he was able with Sebastian's hand still firmly over his mouth, and Kurt was there.  His face was drained of color and his eyes were wide with horror and he was there.

Sebastian glanced over his shoulder at Kurt.  “Fuck off,” he muttered dismissively, before returning his attention to Blaine.

Blaine squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the painful intrusion.

It didn't come.  Instead there was a metallic click, followed by Kurt's voice.  Kurt's voice that was now so very, very close.

“You get the fuck off of him right this minute or I'm going to splatter your ugly meerkat face all over this beautifully maintained car,” Kurt said, his voice cold and calm and only shaking slightly.  

Sebastian froze.

And suddenly his weight was gone and Blaine was free.

He turned to see Kurt, Dave's gun pressed firmly into the side of Sebastian's neck, a look of white-hot rage on Kurt's face.  Sebastian backed away from Blaine slowly.

“Blaine?” Kurt asked, the softness in his voice making Blaine whimper through his tears.  He was shaking so hard he didn't know how he was able to stand up, let alone walk, but he managed to pull his pants up and stumble behind Kurt, sobbing uncontrollably.  Together, they moved carefully away from Sebastian, who stood with his back to them, arms raised as if in surrender.

Sebastian sighed. “Okay, okay.  No need to make this into some sort of big drama," he said, patient and condescending. "We were just having a little fun, that's all.”  

Kurt took a deep breath, and now that he was right next to him, Blaine could tell he wasn't as calm as he had first appeared.  “Looks like you have a real fucked up idea of fun,” he spat, his voice high and cracking slightly.

Blaine wrapped his arms around himself, wanting nothing more in the world than to be away from this parking lot, away from Sebastian, away from this stupid club, just away from everything that wasn't warmth and safety and Kurt and a quiet place to cry.

“Come on, Kurt,” Blaine managed, his voice soft and shaky.  “Let's just – let's just–”

Kurt began backing up, but kept the gun trained on Sebastian.

“Turn around,” Kurt said, his voice hard.

Sebastian turned around, his hands still up, looking irritated and even more bored than he had before.

“In the future, when a guy is crying like that?  He isn't having any fucking fun,” Kurt said, ending on a near-growl, his voice shaking with unshed tears.

Kurt and Sebastian stared at one another for a long moment, and Blaine felt himself moving instinctively closer to Kurt, his eyes on the ground.  If he so much as looked at Sebastian he knew he would break into a thousand pieces.

“Please Kurt,” Blaine whispered.  “Please, I just want to leave, I can't be here anymore, I–”  

Kurt turned to Blaine, his face softening, tears beginning to escape his eyes.

“Of course,” he said softly, reaching out tentatively to touch Blaine.  Blaine leaned into Kurt's warmth, allowing Kurt to wrap an arm around his shoulders.  Kurt slowly lowered the gun as they turned and headed toward the Camaro, leaving Sebastian behind them.

“Sanctimonious bitch.”  

Sebastian nearly spat the words, causing Kurt to stiffen and pause mid-stride.  “I should have gone ahead and fucked him.”

And suddenly the warmth of Kurt's body was gone from Blaine's side.  He whirled around, staring at Sebastian with blazing, incredulous eyes.

“What did you say?”

Sebastian smirked at Kurt, as if the sight of him holding a gun was adorable at best and ridiculous at worst.

“I said,” Sebastian enunciated slowly, “Suck. My. Cock.”

Kurt didn't pause, his arms moving as if by their own volition, his finger pressing firm and smooth against the trigger.

The bullet tore into Sebastian's chest, hitting him directly in the heart.  He didn't even have enough time to properly look shocked, a permanent smirk etched into his face as his eyes went dull and lifeless, his body flying backward and landing sprawled across the hood of the car behind him.

For one hideous, glorious moment, both Blaine and Kurt simply stared at him in shock.

Kurt lowered his hands shakily, his eyes as wide as saucers.

“Oh my god,” Blaine whispered.  “Kurt...you...you shot him.  Oh my god, oh my god, he's dead, you–”

Kurt's eyes didn't leave Sebastian's body.  “Blaine,” he said, his voice terrifyingly calm, “get the car.”

Blaine was shaking, unable to fully process any part of what had happened in the parking lot since he'd left the club.  All he knew was that things were bad.

Things were fucking horrible.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my g-” Blaine babbled, barely aware that he was speaking at all.

Kurt held his keys out to Blaine.  “Blaine, get the car.  Please.”  He turned to Blaine, and beneath the eerie calm Blaine could sense a hint of desperation in Kurt's eyes.

Blaine took the keys with shaking fingers, and ran to find the car.


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OMG THAT WAS AWESOME. Unexpected plot twist!!!I can't believe Sebastian tried to rape Blaine, that asshole. I mean I don't usually condone shooting people, BUT in this case...