Feb. 10, 2013, 6:16 p.m.
Feb. 10, 2013, 6:16 p.m.
Blaine raced down the hallway, making a beeline for the source of the sound. He didn't bother checking corners or staying out of the line of sight of cameras. He knew it wasn't a guarantee that the sound had come from Kurt, but he couldn't take chances.
The entire night had been a disaster and he was sure it was his fault. He'd let Kurt go into an area he knew was unsafe, he'd cut corners with Sebastian, and he'd failed to do his job in general. Right now nothing mattered more than making sure Kurt didn't have to pay for his mistakes.
As he passed a few rooms that were being renovated, something caught his eye. His breath caught in his throat when he saw a crumpled figure on the floor. There was a dark pool underneath him, and Blaine's stomach churned when he realized what it had to be.
He nearly fell as he scrambled over, noticing the Warbler's uniform. He didn't let himself become too hopeful, knowing it was possible that Kurt might have gotten a hold of one.
It wasn't until he gently turned the body over that he let himself breath again. It wasn't Kurt.
He took notice of the faint metallic smell of blood, and began to hold his breath again. He noticed that the Warbler was still breathing, and the blood was coming from a wide, but shallow gash across his forehead. A few feet away was a heavy wrench, covered in blood. The Warbler would likely be okay.
This had to have been Kurt's doing. Blaine stood up, looking around for signs of his boyfriend.
Finding none, he continued in the opposite direction of which he came, keeping his ears trained for any new sounds.
He nearly ran past a half open door when he heard a muted sound come from the room. He stopped suddenly, almost tipping forward with the quick movement. He cautiously approached the door and tried to peer inside.
The room was pitch black, and Blaine couldn't see much more than the outlined shadows of the furniture. There was the steady flow of a sink, and water was splashing audibly. He approached quietly, hearing nothing besides the faucet. Then he heard it.
A shaky intake of air, a sniff.
Blaine made his way further into the room, following the sound. It led him to a bathroom, the doorway hidden in the back corner.
He entered the bathroom, seeing the shaking figure. Kurt was crying as he scrubbed vigorously at his hands. Even in the dim lighting coming through the blinds of the window, Blaine could see that there was nothing on them.
There was a scream, and Blaine jumped back, the back of his thigh hitting the door frame. Kurt fell backwards, landing hard on his backside before collapsing into hard sobs.
"Blaine… I didn't mean to. It just happened. He was chasing me and it was there I…" Kurt fell back into tears, loud sobs escaping from his mouth.
"I killed him, I killed him," he choked out between cries.
Blaine fell down next to Kurt, gathering him in his arms and holding him against his chest. "Shh shh, it's okay, Kurt. You were defending yourself."
Kurt's cry turned into gasping breaths and he held on to Blaine. "But… he's. dead. There was so much blood. I didn't think…"
"He isn't dead, Kurt. He's still breathing, and I'm sure someone saw on surveillance. They'll help him.
"He's not?" Kurt looked up at Blaine, searching his shadowed face for signs of truth. The tears were still shining in the corners of his eyes and his breathing was uneven.
Blaine just shook his head, taking Kurt's hands.
"What happened?" He asked, grabbing a corner of his cape and drying off Kurt's hands. He was certain they were blue, but he couldn't tell in the darkness.
"I tried—" Kurt choked, then paused to collect himself. "I was trying to find you, and I found the room you were in. But you were gone. Then I left and he was there and I…ran." Kurt started crying again, silently this time.
"I'm proud of you, Kurt." Blaine said as Kurt slowly calmed back down.
Kurt nodded, wiping away tears with the back of his hand. "I'm sorry, Blaine. I didn't mean to. I think everything that's happened today finally hit me, and… it's too much."
Blaine's face dropped. He looked away, not letting Kurt see the tears that welled in his eyes. He knew that after this was over, he'd have to leave. Kurt was now going to be involved as long as he knew Blaine, and it wasn't safe. Kurt would be a target.
"Okay, okay Kurt. I promise you I'll take you to safety. We have to get out of here right now, though."
Kurt nodded and Blaine stood up. He held out a hand to help Kurt stand up. He led them back to the hall, peering around the corner of the door. It was empty.
"Ready?" Blaine asked.
"Ready," Kurt replied, his grip tightening on Blaine's hand.
Blaine leaned back to press a quick kiss on Kurt's lips. He smiled after pulling back, "No matter what happens, Kurt. I love you."
Kurt returned the smile. "I love you, too."
Blaine nodded and stepped into the hall, breaking into a run with Kurt by his side. They passed room after room, unchallenged. They approached the main entrance. Just twenty more steps after that and they would make it out.
Blaine stopped right before they walked into the open space. It was crawling with Warblers. They were clearly searching for the two of them.
Blaine hissed and pulled back. "We can't get out."
He searched, searching for a way out. He spotted a staircase, and bolted straight for it, Kurt at his heels.
They'd have to jump.