When I Need You
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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When I Need You: Chapter 8

T - Words: 1,165 - Last Updated: Feb 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Nov 17, 2012 - Updated: Feb 10, 2013
664 0 0 0 0

"Me?" Sebastian asked, attempting to sound incredulous. "I just brought you Blaine Anderson, we've been chasing him for ages!"

Hunter stood firm. "You've been chasing him for ages. He's never been a top priority and now I find out that you've been using resources restricted to high-level members to track down your little… obsession! Then you go and get Jeff and Thad to do some of your dirty work for you? They are indispensable. You have a lot to answer to."

Sebastian's expression faltered for a brief second, showing the smallest hint of fear before returning to its usual smugness.

Meanwhile, Blaine had opted to stay silent. He'd only met Hunter once before and still had a scar on his back as proof. The less attention he drew, the better.

Hunter glanced at the table where he saw the items Sebastian had been lying out. "We're you planning on torturing him?!" Hunter hollered. "You are not cleared to do that, Sebastian. Christ, what is wrong with you?"

Blaine raised his eyebrows as he watched Hunter slowly break down the wall of self-assurance Sebastian had built around himself. Hunter was slowly closing in, appearing to be twice the size of Sebastian despite the fact that he was the shorter of the two. Obscenities spewed from his mouth at such a fast pace, Blaine couldn't even pick up on half of it.

Just when it seemed that Hunter was ready to grab Sebastian's neck, a harried and bleeding Jeff burst in through the door.

Hunter raised an eyebrow at Jeff's dramatic entrance, and frowned when he saw that Jeff was alone.

"Where's the other one?" He questioned.

"He-" Jeff paused to take a breath, "he got away."

Hunter closed his eyes and stood there breathing slowly. When he finally spoke, it was quiet and controlled.

"Jeff, go up to tech and tell them to keep an eye out for someone not in uniform. Sebastian, come with me."

Sebastian's eyes clouded over in fear. "Y-you're sure? I could stay and keep an eye on Blaine."

Hunter didn't respond. He simply glared at Sebastian until he finally shuffled out of the door, defeated.

Within the next few seconds, Blaine was alone in the room. He twisted his neck, trying to locate his utility belt. Everything he needed to get out could be found in the pockets.

He spotted it about ten feet behind him, resting on a counter. He began moving in his chair, managing to make it scoot backwards, inch by inch.

It took five minutes, but eventually Blaine reached the counter. He used his chin to slide the belt onto his lap, and twisted in his seat, straining to reach the belt. His fingers eventually brushed against the rough material, and he closed his hand around it

Working as quickly as he could, he unclasped one of the pockets and felt for the same short knife he'd used to untie Kurt earlier that night. He nicked himself on the front tip of the knife, but managed to get a firm grip on it. He dropped the belt and aligned the knife the best he could with the ropes holding him down. Once it felt like he was in a good position, he began to saw back and forth, slowly but surely cutting through the material.

Hunter opened a door and gestured for Sebastian to enter in after him.

"Take it off." he said once they were both inside.

"I'm sorry?" Sebastian asked incredulously.

"Take off the damn uniform. There are some civilian clothes in the closet over there. You're done, Sebastian."

Sebastian froze in his spot. "No... I can't. I don't have anywhere to go."

"That's not my problem." Hunter responded. "You have two minutes. I'll send security after you if you're still hanging about, and they will not hold back."

Sebastian stared after Hunter as he left the room. Only when the door closed did he begin changing as quickly as possible, something changed in his face. Something darker than before.

Kurt glanced around the corner, checking for any Warblers. He had already been nearly caught three times now, and couldn't risk it happening again. He could only get lucky so many times.

When he saw that there was no one there, he sprinted down the hall and ducked behind an elaborate chair. He paused, catching his breath, before peeking up over the edge of the chair. Seeing nothing, he continued tiptoeing through the hall.

As he passed one room with a door slightly ajar, something caught his attention.

A Warbler Uniform.

After glancing inside to ensure no one was in the room, he slipped in and closed the door. The uniform was slung over an armchair haphazardly, as if someone had suddenly taken it off. He felt the rich fabric. It slid between his fingers easily.

High quality he thought to himself. Before he had a moment to think twice, he was stripping off his clothes and throwing on the uniform.

It was a bit too big, but Kurt figured that would be okay. He just needed to pass for a Warbler at first glance. He stuffed his already ruined clothes under the chair.

He took a moment to study the card Jeff had given him. It was a pretty vague representation of the building, and Kurt was worried that he might have already passed Blaine's room.

He stepped cautiously out of the room, ensuring he was still alone. Seeing no one, he exited and continued in the direction he'd been heading in.

Blaine finally began to feel the ropes give, and he tried to quicken the pace at which he was cutting through the woven material.

Unfortunately, he lost his grip on the knife and it clattered to the ground behind him.

Cursing himself silently, Blaine began to strain against the ropes. At first it made no difference, but slowly he began to hear them rip apart. His arms shook from the effort as he finally broke through the rope.

He rubbed his wrists before getting to work on untying his legs. Within seconds, he was free. He sprung up from his chair and grabbed his belt and knife. While he was clipping it back on, he spotted his cape resting on the other side of the counter. He pulled it on and made his way to the door. After checking to make sure the hallway was clear, he rushed off in search of Kurt.

Kurt ran through the building, stopping at each door and pressing his ear close to check for Blaine.

So far he found no such luck.

He passed a room with a door slightly ajar. He glanced inside.


He did notice, however, a bundle of ropes on the ground. Kurt let himself hope that maybe those had been Blaine's, and that he'd managed to find his way out.

Backing up and shutting the door behind him, he turned around and came face to face with a Warbler whose face he did not recognize.

Blaine heard a loud, metallic clang just as he was about to ascend a stairwell. He froze, immediately assuming the worst.

Please don't be Kurt please don't be Kurt he silently pleaded as he whipped around and ran towards the sound.

End Notes: I'm sorry for the late update! I had midterms then got swamped with more work and I've been sick for the past few days so I haven't been able to write much of anything. I hope you enjoyed! Reviews welcome.


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