Of Unicorns and Bowties
Coming Out Part 1 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Of Unicorns and Bowties: Coming Out Part 1

T - Words: 868 - Last Updated: Jan 12, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Jul 23, 2012 - Updated: Jan 12, 2013
720 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Hi there dear readers! I appreciate your patience with my non-regular updates. As a warning, school starts up again for me this week, so updates will be less frequent. I will try my best to get one out every week, but I may be late. I PROMISE that I will not stop writing until the story is finished, so no worries. Blaine is still 13 and Kurt still 14.


Blaine paced outside of McKinley High as he waited for the school to let out for the day. McKinley Middle was across the street, and it let out thirty minutes before the high school.

He had decided that he finally needed to tell Kurt the truth. Kurt needed to know that Blaine was gay, and that he was in love with him. Up until this point, the only person who knew was Cooper. He hadn't dared tell either of his parents. He knew that they were strictly against it, and this left Blaine all alone, as Blaine's brother was too busy becoming famous in LA to come home and help him out.

So with a little bit of research on his own, he'd figured out who he was, to a certain extent. Now it was time to let Kurt know. They had been drifting apart the past couple of years, but Kurt was still the only person Blaine knew he could rely on.

Kurt, however, was finding a new group of friends in the glee club at McKinley High. It made Blaine feel slightly left out whenever Kurt would spend hours rehearsing for some sort of competition.

So he waited. He walked in circles for a while. Then he tried sitting down. Within a few short moments that proved to be ineffective in reducing his stress, and he stood back up. He was undoing and retying his bowtie nonstop. It was a nervous habit that resulted in frayed, stretched out fabric.

What would Kurt say to him? He'd never actually told Blaine that he was gay, but it seemed somewhat obvious. What if he wasn't?

Blaine nearly talked himself into leaving, but he stood strong. Somehow, he managed to wait out the next fifteen minutes without hightailing it home.

At exactly 3:30, the bell rang and students flooded out of the doors. Blaine spotted Kurt chatting with Mercedes as the two walked out. Blaine took a deep breath and waited for the two to separate.

Finally, Mercedes left to find her parent's car, and Kurt began to shift nervously. He was an easy target for any jock looking to let off some steam, and being alone had always made him feel more vulnerable.

Blaine came up behind Kurt and tapped him on the shoulder. Blaine noticed how Kurt flinched when his hand came in contact with the pale boy's shoulder. As soon as Kurt noticed Blaine, though, he grinned and gave him a hug.

"What are you doing here?" Kurt asked, arms wrapped around his friend.

"I kind of needed to talk to you," Blaine said. He signaled with his hand that the two should go somewhere out of the earshot of the rest of the student body.

They stepped over to the side of the building. After Blaine checked to make sure no one was around, he turned to Kurt.

"I have something important to tell you. It's about me."

Kurt furrowed his eyebrows and nodded.

"I'm uhhm… I think I'm gay." Blaine shut his eyes tight after the words left his mouth. It was the first time he'd ever said those words out loud. When he'd spoken to Cooper, he skirted around the word. This time, he said it plain and simple. It felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted off of his chest.

Kurt didn't respond; at least, he hadn't made a noise loud enough for Blaine to hear. He opened his eyes slowly to see Kurt looking down at him with sad, understanding eyes.

"Blaine, that's okay."

"Really? That seems to be the opposite of what everyone else tells me."

"You've told other people?"

"No. Well, I've told Cooper, but…" Blaine paused. "Everyone just makes it so clear that they don't agree with it and I don't know what to do. What can I do when the people that are supposed to love me unconditionally turn away from me because of one thing that I am?" Blaine was tearing up now. He didn't mean to cry in front of Kurt at all, but he'd never really been able to hide his emotions well.

Kurt tugged Blaine toward him and held him close. "We'll get through this together."


"Yeah. I mean I am too. Gay. I'm gay too. I thought I was the only one here, but I guess…" Kurt trailed off.

Minutes later, the boys pulled apart and Blaine managed to collect himself. He got ready to tell Kurt the next part: the fact that he really liked him more than just a friend. Blaine wanted to spend every day with Kurt, even if that was a stretch for their conflicting schedules.

Just as he opened his mouth, he noticed Kurt staring behind him. It was a bunch of football players, messing around and tossing a ball between them. Kurt's eyes followed the tallest player with an intense gaze.

Blaine looked at the player, then back at Kurt. "Who's that?" he asked.

"Finn Hudson: he's only the dreamiest man on the planet."

Everything came crashing down around Blaine. Not two minutes ago, they had just mutually confessed what was, unfortunately, the most scandalous secret one could hold in Lima, Ohio. Now Kurt was staring at another boy and Blaine knew he didn't have a shot.

He shut his mouth and nodded a little, pretending that he found Finn interesting too.


End Notes: A/N: To be continued. I wanted to update, so I'm inserting a break into this scene and releasing what I have. Thanks to my beta!


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