Jan. 12, 2013, 8:47 a.m.
Jan. 12, 2013, 8:47 a.m.
On this particular Saturday, Blaine and Kurt were getting ready to head out for the day. The local theme park was having a summer celebration, and Burt had suggested the boys go. Of course Blaine had jumped at the idea immediately. The promise of cotton candy and vomit inducing rides thrilled him. In addition, he had finally grown tall enough to go on the bigger roller coasters, despite the fact that all of his friends had been big enough since they were 10.
Kurt, however, took a little bit of persuading. He wasn't too keen on the idea of spending the entire day under the hot, July sun. Eventually, at Blaine's pleading and Burt's insistence, Kurt agreed.
Kurt took his time applying three layers of sun block- you can never be too safe- and Blaine bounced around him, whining that it was taking too long.
"Come on Kurt!" He pleaded, "I wanna go. If we don't leave soon we won't be able to go everywhere."
"Okay okay fine," Kurt rubbed in the last of the lotion on his cheek, "but if I burn I'm going to blame you."
Blaine grinned and tugged on Kurt's sleeve. "Let's go let's go!" He practically skipped to Burt's truck and pulled Kurt with him into the back seat. Kurt, of course, hadn't expected this, and fell face first into the car. He landed on top of Blaine with an "Oomph" and let out a small noise of surprise.
"Blaine!" He exclaimed as the smaller boy laughed under him. "One day, you are going to kill me."
"Please," he rolled his eyes, "I'm sure you can handle falling down once in a while."
Kurt rolled off of Blaine and sat down next to him. He smoothed out the creases in his shirt and settled himself into his seat. Burt then came out of the house and got in the car.
"You guys ready to go,"
"YES YES!" Blaine's enthusiasm scared Kurt a little. Burt started the truck, and the three of them headed out.
The majority of the day was spent with Blaine skipping though all of the stations and stalls faster than either of the Hummels could keep up with him. Eventually, Burt had given Kurt his watch, and told the two boys to meet him at the entrance in an hour, and to stay in the same general area. He then went sat down on one of the benches to relax a little. There was no way he could run after them for the rest of the afternoon.
By this point, however, they had been on almost every ride and they were running out of things to do. They passed a stall selling cotton candy, and Blaine bought his third cone of the day. It was blue. Always blue. It was his favorite color.
The two plopped themselves down on the ground. Blaine, caring less about the state of his pants, sat in the middle of a small pile of dust. Kurt, on the other hand, carefully sat down on a cleaner spot of sidewalk. Blaine offered some of his cotton candy to Kurt, who took it without question.
"I think I could live here," Blaine said after a moment of silence.
"Because of the cotton candy?" Kurt asked.
"No. Well, yes, but no."
Kurt tilted his head to the side and gave Blaine a questioning look.
"Just think about it," Blaine continued, "everyone here is always happy, there's lots of games, and of course this," he waved his half eaten sweet in front of him.
"Wouldn't you get bored of it eventually? I mean nothing ever changes."
"I wouldn't if…" Blaine trailed off, and blushed. He looked down at his hand, which at this point was blue and sticky.
"If what?" Kurt asked, nudging Blaine's shoulder with his own.
"Ifyouwouldstaywithme," Blaine mumbled. He was somewhat embarrassed telling Kurt. He had a crush on him, and knew it. Blaine actually had no idea how long he had liked Kurt, but he knew it was a lot longer than he had acknowledged it. But, he couldn't tell Kurt. It would be embarrassing, especially if he didn't like him back.
Kurt squinted a little after Blaine spoke, "wait what? I couldn't understand you."
Blaine took a deep breath in and said again, "It wouldn't get boring if you stayed here with me."
Kurt grinned and tore off another small bit of the cotton fluff. "Of course I'd stay," he said, popping the sugar into his mouth. He then chewed slowly and mulled over that statement. "Well, I'd stay for a while, but not forever. It would get cold in the winter."
Blaine was still grinning foolishly after hearing Kurt's first statement. He happily settled back down and finished off the food with Kurt.
After that, they went to find a bathroom to wash their hands, and then wandered a bit, trying to figure out what there was left to do.
"We should go on the Ferris Wheel," Blaine suggested.
"Blaine, I already told you I hate heights."
"But, but, please?" Blaine had been begging Kurt to go on a roller coaster all way. Kurt had resisted the constant pleading after the first ride, where he nearly puked.
"No way, not ever,"Kurt said, crossing his arms.
Blaine literally fell down on his knees right where he stood and clasped his hands together. "Kurt Hummel, if you go on the Ferris Wheel with me, I promise I will never ever ever ask you for anything ever again. Maybe. Probably. Please please please." Blaine stuck out his bottom lip and opened his eyes wide. "It doesn't even move fast, it will be like standing at the top of a building."
Kurt sighed and dropped his hands. "Alright, I'll go."
Blaine jumped up, grinning wildly. "Yes! Let's go let's go!" The dark haired boy nearly fell over himself as he ran over to the ticket booth with Kurt trailing behind. He bought two tickets and was in line before Kurt even caught up. Blaine looked like he was going to piss himself with excitement.
"We're gonna go, and we're gonna be on the very top and I'll be able to see the whole world." Blaine knew he was exaggerating, but he was just so thrilled to have talked Kurt into coming up with him.
When it was finally their turn, the boys sat down in the carriage and waited for the assistant to pull down the bar in front of them. Blaine was squirming in his seat as Kurt watched him from the corner of his eye. All of that sugar was definitely not a good idea.
They slowly made their way up. As they got higher, Kurt began to get an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was more apprehension from the height than actual sickness. He closed his eyes shut and griped the bar in front of him.
Blaine looked over, concerned. "Are you alright?" he asked. Maybe he shouldn't have forced Kurt to come with him.
"No, no, I'm okay. I just…" Kurt took a deep breath and opened his eyes, "I'm alright; I just needed a second." Truly, it wasn't that bad. The wheel was moving so slowly, it was easy to forget. Soon, he had settled back into the seat and watched the people on the ground grow smaller and smaller.
Blaine relaxed a little. He then began to think back to the movies he had seen. Usually when characters would go on Ferris Wheels, they would get stuck at the top, and then the two would find out that they liked each other and then everything was happily ever after. That seemed like a perfect situation to Blaine. As their carriage was about to reach the top, Blaine closed his eyes and hoped that something would happen, and it would get stuck.
"Please please," he muttered, speaking to no one in particular.
"Please what?" Kurt's voice broke Blaine's concentration.
"Whaa- Nothing." His pleading hadn't changed anything. They were still moving steadily, but going down this time. The entire way down he had a tiny hope that it would still stop, but of course it didn't, and the two finally got off once they reached the bottom again.
Blaine was slightly bummed when they started walking back towards the entrance to meet Burt. Kurt, though, actually had a smile on his face.
"Thanks for forcing me on that, I actually enjoyed it."
Blaine gave a small smile in return and stuck his hands in his pockets. He shrugged a little and kept walking.
Kurt slid his arms in Blaine's, linking their elbows together as he had done with Mercedes on multiple occasions, "really Blaine, it was amazing."
Aaw, they are so damn cute! I love this, and I want them to get together already... I would love to see Kurt mentioning something about a guy beeing handsome and Blaine getting jealous a little and pouting, so eventually he has to tell Kurt, or something like that. Not like the Cooper thing though.Anyways, love your story :)
Haha don't worry, jealous Blaine is my favorite type of Blaine to write. That exact senario is actually coming soon. And I love you dear reader, because you are amazingly wonderful in every way.