Of Unicorns and Bowties
Sandboxes and Swings Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Of Unicorns and Bowties: Sandboxes and Swings

T - Words: 1,017 - Last Updated: Jan 12, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Jul 23, 2012 - Updated: Jan 12, 2013
766 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Hi dears! Here is part four for all of you. This is about 4 months since the last chapter. Thank you FishDontTouchMyRedvines!

It was late February, and the weather was nicer than it had been in a long time. Kurt and Blaine had caught a bit of spring fever, and after pestering Burt for an hour, he finally agreed to take the two of them to the park. They had spent the last hour playing in the sandbox. While Kurt busied himself making castles, Blaine was building a wall around his friend. Blaine wanted to finish it before Kurt realized what he was doing. He worked deliberately, trying to make it big enough so Kurt couldn't get out. He kicked up a little dust and accidentally breathed it in. Coughing violently, he fell over the side of the wall that was completed and lay on the sand, gasping.

Kurt glanced at Blaine, "You okay?"

"Yeah," he breathed out after catching his breath, "but now I have to fix this side." Blaine stood up, assessing the damage.

"Um, Blaine? What are you doing?" Kurt raised his eyebrows questioningly.

The younger boy gave Kurt a sheepish grin, "Erm… I'm trying to trap you inside the sand box."


"Because," Blaine explained, "I want to keep you to myself forever."

Kurt giggled and stepped out from the ring of sand, "you can't keep me to yourself silly; I have to see my daddy still." Blaine pouted, but didn't say anything. Kurt noticed Blaine's face and walked over to give him a hug. "Don't worry, I won't leave you Blainers." The curly haired boy grinned and hugged Kurt back.

From ten feet away, another small boy sat precariously on top of the monkey bars. He watched the two boys interacting and felt a little jealous. He liked the small boy who was wearing the green bowtie, and wanted to be his friend. For some reason, he disliked the taller, paler one.

"I want to swing," Blaine said, pulling away from Kurt and sprinting to the swing set. He sat down on the swing and pointed to the one next to him, indicating that Kurt should sit near him. Kurt jumped onto the swing next to Blaine and immediately began to swing his legs back and forth.

"I'm going to go higher than you!" He teased. Blaine's face was one of pure concentration as he tried, and failed, to swing higher than Kurt. Eventually, he stopped trying and stuck his tongue out at Kurt.

"No fair!" He whined, "Your legs are longer than mine."

Kurt laughed and let himself slow down to Blaine's speed. The two boys swung together in silence until they heard someone clear his throat from behind.

"Hi," said a tall boy. He looked to be around the same age as the two friends. "I'm Sebastian," he said smugly. Kurt didn't like him at all. He looked mean and was looking at Blaine funny.

Blaine, completely oblivious, hopped off of the swing and greeted Sebastian. "Hi!" He said brightly. Kurt tentatively stepped over with a guarded expression on his face. Sebastian completely ignored Kurt, focusing all of his attention on Blaine.

"I like your bowtie," he complimented.

Blaine smiled. "Thanks! My brother Coop got it for me for Christmas."

"Do you want to climb on the monkey bars with me?" Sebastian asked, pointing at the green and yellow set.

"Sure!" Blaine said, he looked at Kurt to signal that he should obviously come along too. Kurt began to walk behind them, but Sebastian turned and sneered at him.

"I didn't mean you," he said, shoving Kurt a little too forcefully. Kurt stumbled, and fell over backwards onto the ground. His eyes welled up with tears, and he looked down at his wood chip covered hands. Burt, reading on the other side of the playground, didn't notice the incident. Blaine's eyes got wide, and his mouth gaped open.

"Why would you do that?" He asked Sebastian. "You can't hurt Kurt, he is my bestest friend in the world." Sebastian didn't respond; he just stood there with his arms crossed, glaring at Kurt.

Blaine hurried to Kurt and sat down next to him, wiping the wood from his arms.

"Don't cry Kurtie, it makes me sad when you cry." Other people were always mean to Kurt, and it made Blaine feel bad. He had promised to protect Kurt forever, and it was so hard for him to do sometimes. He gave Kurt a hug. It was hard to do sitting down, but Blaine wrapped his arms around his friend anyway.

"You're mean." He said to Sebastian, "I don't want you to be here anymore." Blaine stood up, and helped Kurt to his feet. "Are you okay?" he asked earnestly.

"Yeah," Kurt sniffled a little. He wasn't really hurt by the push. He was just upset because for a moment he thought Blaine was going to leave him on the ground to go play with the new boy. Once Blaine was by his side, he instantly felt better.

The two boys left Sebastian, and soon forgot about the incident. They decided to go into the playhouse. While Kurt began to make mudpies to "cook" in a pretend oven, and Blaine went outside to collect more flowers and grass for Kurt to decorate it. While he was picking them, he saw a tiny lady bug.

"Hi," he said softly. "You are so pretty. I like how you are orange. Most lady bugs are red, and that's boring." He picked up the small bug and looked at it. "You're different, like my best friend. His name is Kurt. People are always mean to him, and I don't know why. I think he is great. He's nice to me, and he always looks really pretty." Blaine stared at the bug. He placed it back in the grass, and stood up. He turned around and Kurt was standing there, grinning like a loon.

"Blaine, you are the nicest person I've ever met."

Slightly embarrassed, Blaine smiled back. He held out the flowers he had collected. "Here," he said, "these are for your pie." Kurt took them and grabbed Blaine's hand.

"Come on, I want you to help me decorate it." The two made their way back to the playhouse and spent the rest of their time at the park making multiple pies to bring to Kurt's dad.

End Notes: Reviews make me a happier and better writer! Please review If you can! Also thanks to JMarieAllenPoe for offering inspiration for this section, and my beta yet again for telling me to do it. I love you all dearly!


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