Of Unicorns and Bowties
Chapter 19 Previous Chapter Story
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Of Unicorns and Bowties: Chapter 19

T - Words: 1,329 - Last Updated: Jan 12, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Jul 23, 2012 - Updated: Jan 12, 2013
458 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: This is the final installment of the U&B story! Again thank you so much to everyone that has been reading this! It's been so long, and this was the first fic I ever uploaded so it means a lot to me. Enjoy!

"Come on Kurt, you can't fall asleep yet. We haven't even gotten to the airport."

Kurt blinked his eyes open, and tried to sit up straight in the back of the Limo. "But I've been up for almost twenty-four hours, and I'm so tiiireeedd," he whined. Blaine took Kurt's hand in his own, and kissed the ring on his finger. The ring he had slipped on the previous afternoon while Burt and Cooper made cheering noises in the background. He'd almost dropped it from nervousness, but Kurt's soft smile somehow made it easier.

Kurt smiled at Blaine's gesture, and let his eyes slide closed. "Just until we get to the airport," he murmured as he leaned over and placed his head on Blaine's lap.

"Okay," he whispered. He bent over and kissed Kurt's forehead before picking up his head and running his fingers gently through Kurt's hair.

While they drove, Blaine thought back to the past few hours. It was surprising how fast their wedding reception had gone from romantic and calm to a boisterous party. All it took was one obnoxious speech from a slightly inebriated cousin, and everything became very high energy. Blaine would be lying if he said he wasn't exhausted himself. Seconds after Kurt and Blaine had their first dance everyone was pulling them in all directions asking to dance or offering advice.

He had to say though, his favorite part was when Cooper gave his speech and mentioned how years ago he'd found Kurt and Blaine dressed up in his parent's closet. Blaine in clothes five times too big, and Kurt in a dress that bunched up around his ankles. Everyone had laughed while Kurt turned a bright shade of pink, and Blaine couldn't have loved his husband more if he tried.

If he could have one wish, it was that his mom had come. It didn't matter that she violently opposed his life choice. She was still his mom, and Blaine couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness when he saw his dad sitting with an empty chair beside him. Blaine made sure to make plenty of time for his dad, reminding him how much he appreciated that he came.

The limo rolled to a stop, and Blaine glanced out the window to see the main entrance to the airport. He patted Kurt's shoulder. "We're here."

Kurt stretched out and opened his eyes, a grin spreading across his face.

"What?" Blaine asked.

"Nothing," he said, shaking his head a little. "It's just that… we're married."

Blaine cupped Kurt's face and kissed him lightly. "Yes we are."

Kurt sat up in bed. He could have sworn he heard someone pattering down the hall. Rubbing sleep out of his eyes, he checked the clock. 2:30 AM.

"What on earth…" he muttered to himself. Blaine slept next to him, face buried underneath his pillow. He could see his curls poking out and a few grey hairs scattered among the dark black. Kurt couldn't help the smile that grew on his face every time he saw his husband of fourteen years.

Swinging his legs over, he got out of bed and went to find the source of the noise. He passed seven year old Kate's room. She was sprawled sideways on the bed, one arm hanging off the side and her mouth wide open. Kurt chuckled to himself and stepped into the room and gently rolled her into a less precarious position. After he was satisfied that she wasn't going to fall off the bed—again—he continued on.

Scuffling noises were still coming from what Kurt realized was the kitchen. Elizabeth. She had been waking up at night a lot recently, but never would talk to anyone about it. Turning the corner, he saw her with a bowl of cereal. She was studying the back of the box of Cheerios intently, as if she would have to later take a test.

"You okay?" He asked from the doorway. She started.

"Yeah," she sighed, looking down at her bowl. Kurt studied her features. Both Kate and Elizabeth came from surrogate mothers. Kate was pale with striking blue-green eyes like Kurt, and Elizabeth was a carbon copy of Blaine. Olive skin and ebony hair complemented her features perfectly. She was lucky she didn't inherit Blaine's triangular eyebrows. Kurt couldn't believe how big she had gotten. At twelve years old, she had begun to mature. Kurt realized that soon she would be a young lady and not just his baby anymore.

Her black curls fell over her eyes while she ate in silence.

"You know you can always talk to me about anything."

Elizabeth gave a small, half-hearted smile in response. "You're supposed to say that to me, Dad, but it's not that easy."

Kurt worried about her. He knew she was bullied in school a few times because she was small and spent more time with books than with other girls her age. It broke his heart to see her so sad.

"It's just…" Elizabeth began, "Sadie's is on Friday at school." Her voice faded out. Kurt sank into the chair next to her, patted her back, and urged her to go on.

"I, um… I wanted to ask Chris to go with me. But, I don't know if he likes me." She looked devastated.

"Honey, he is at our house all the time. I think he will say yes." Kurt replied sincerely. He didn't know how to react. He was happy that Elizabeth was taking this next step in her life, but he wanted to protect his baby girl and never let her go.

"But Megan said that she wanted to go with him and she's prettier than me. I think he is going to go with her."

Kurt pulled her into a hug. "Don't you ever think that. You are the prettiest girl in the whole wide world, never let anyone tell you any different." The two sat quietly together.

"You really think so?"

"I know so, and so does everyone else." He sat with her in a comfortable silence until he noticed her eyelids starting to droop down. "Alright now, you go to bed because you have school tomorrow and I do not want to have to carry out of the house."

"Okay," she exhaled. He walked her to her room and tucked her into bed.

"Tomorrow you ask him to the dance. Promise me?"

"I promise," she yawned.

"Good night Ellie."

"Night dad."

Kurt walked out and shut the door. Turning around he found himself face to face with Blaine. His eyes were crinkled in worry and his hair stood every which way giving him quite a disheveled appearance.

"Did you just encourage our daughter to go to a dance with a boy!?" Blaine asked. Adorable Kurt thought.

"Yes I did, and I'm glad I spoke to her before you did," Kurt smiled. He knew Blaine hated the idea of his girls growing up, and made a fuss every time Elizabeth showed signs of maturation.

Blaine sighed softly, "What am I going to do when she gets married if I can't even accept the fact that she is going to a dance?"

"You," Kurt responded, "are going to be the supportive loving man you are, and eventually you will let her go."

"Fine fine." Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck and rested his head in the crook of his neck. After a moment he looked up. "I love you." Kurt wrapped his arms around him and planted a small kiss onto his husband's forehead.

"I love you too." The two of them stood there for a while, deep in thought.

"Can we go back to bed now? It's too dark and quiet to be awake," Blaine piped up a couple minutes later.

The two made their way back to their room. Settling into bed, Blaine pulled Kurt closer, placing an arm around him and tangling their legs together.

"Goodnight," Kurt said softly.

"G'night," murmured Blaine, already half asleep. Not for the first time, Kurt felt a flutter in his chest. He pulled Blaine's arm tighter around him and wondered what he had done in a past life to have such a perfect family, and such a perfect husband.

End Notes: I hope you enjoyed! I know there are a few things that weren't necessarily resolved but I couldn't really think of a way to put it all together. If you have any questions about headcanons and such, feel free to ask me on my tumblr (URL: blaineisacheerio) Reviews are welcome. Again, thank you so much for reading. You don't know how much I appreciate you guys. *love and hugs*-CharleK


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*sobbing* This is a perfect ending. I loved reading this story, seing them growing up together and becoming a family - it's beautiful. Thank you so much for writing this.

this was such a cute fanfic I can't even!