March 4, 2023, 12:58 p.m.
March 4, 2023, 12:58 p.m.
I changed the prompt word again, this time from Pat to Pet. I wanted to include a bit about patting a pet, but I ran out of room in my self imposed word count of 321 words exactly for every chapter so oh well lol
Dear Journal,
Yep, I caved. Blaine and Ellie 1 - Kurt 0.
Blaine has wanted a pet for years, but we could never really justify the expense, nor did we have the space for one. I don’t think he even cared what kind of pet we got, he just wanted a ball of fluff to cuddle and love. When we finally had the space in our home and could properly afford one, we were talking about starting a family, so the issue got tabled again.
For some reason people always seem to think I’m a cat person. To be fair, I don’t dislike cats, but whenever I imagined myself with a pet, it was always a dog. Maybe it’s because we had one as I was growing up.
Technically, Chuck belonged to my mother, but after she died I took over his grooming since King Charles Spaniels need a lot of it, and Dad didn’t have the energy for it after also having to constantly take him into work with him. Mom used to work from home, so Chuck’s neediness was never an issue, but Dad only had to come home from work to a destroyed kitchen once to realise that he could not be left alone so much and the little ball of fluff became the shop’s mascot.
We’ve talked about it before and, with both of us working from home so much more now that we’re back to the writing and composing phase of our new musical, there really isn’t much of a reason to say no anymore.
So, when Ellie turned five, she and Blaine turned their identical pleading faces on me and made me sit through a very well made powerpoint presentation on the benefits of having pets as you grow up. I am not ashamed to admit that I was not strong enough to resist those puppy dog eyes, and I don’t think anyone would be!
~ Kurt