Aug. 1, 2013, 7:49 a.m.
Aug. 1, 2013, 7:49 a.m.
Kurt made a mental note to remind his dad and Carole to upgrade their damn internet service, with the way their skype kept freezing.
Kurt, Blaine, Finn, and Rachel sat looking at the flatscreen TV, which Blaine had hooked his laptop to for the skype session. When the image in front of them finally came to life, Carole proudly held a familiar black, white, and gray image to the camera. "The doctor says everything is going well." They could hear Burt say."I still hate getting up so much to piss."
Kurt laughed. "It is insane, isn't it dad? I get up to go then decide I am hungry, eating makes me thirsty, then I am back in bed for no more that a couple of hours and the cycle starts again."
Finn held up his picture next. "I am right where I need to be. Although I still do not know what the hell I am looking at on this damn thing."
Rachel nudged him. "Finn, language. I am sure all of the babies can hear by now."
Blaine went next. "Except for craving weird foods, I am doing good. Last night I suddenly wanted mashed potatoes with guacamole. It looked horrendous, but tasted delicious."
Kurt was the last to go per his and Blaine's discussion earlier. He held the picture to the camera. Carole's loud gasp was the first thing he heard, and her eyes wide. "Oh Kurt, you boys will definitely have your hands full."
"Kurt, why does your photo have two blobs when all of our only have one?" Finn asked his face contorted in confusion.
Rachel squealed. "This is so exciting."
Blaine smiled pulling Kurt into a hug. "I remember calling Blaine the alpha gay one time during an argument, who knew the words were so true." Kurt laughed. Blaine shook his head. "Babe, you hand a hand in this too. We are nervous that is a given, but very happy." He admitted, hugging Kurt again.
"Those are my boys!" Burt exclaimed pointing excitedly at the camera.
Everyone laughed. "Blaine and I went shopping. Unlike the rest of you, I needed clothes that fit! However the line of men's maternity is hideous!." Kurt pulled at the plain, dull jeans that hung loose on his body. "I guess it is up to me, to create the fashion conscious line for men."
"Kurt, you will only be wearing them for about six more months, if not less. The doctor said with twins you could go earlier, which is why you have to cut back on work." Blaine reminded him.
"Sketching ideas for men's maternity, is not working. You know sketching relaxes me." Kurt insisted.
"Kurt I think it is important you take it easy, as the doctor instructed." Carole cut in. "You are always quick to chastise your father when he doesn't do as he is told. Now is the time to take your own words to heart."
Kurt frowned slightly. "I guess you are right. Fine, I will just dictate my ideas, and let some of my other designers put them to paper."
The skype session was brought to an end. After more words of well wishing and goodbyes, Blaine disconnected the laptop from the TV. "Hey Finn the celtics game is on."
"Damn straight!" Finn hollered. "I need smoething to eat though."
Blaine nodded. "How about we order pizza? I want one with pineapple, anchioves, and hot sauce."
A chorus of disdained groans was heard from the others, then sudden laughter. They were in for a long six months.