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Towers: Chapter 2

T - Words: 2,762 - Last Updated: Feb 22, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Jan 29, 2012 - Updated: Feb 22, 2012
871 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: More Kurt and Blaine fluff and a little character development!
Chapter 2

“Kuuuuuuuurt. Hurry up, I need caffeine now.” Rachel called from where she was hanging upside down off the edge of Kurt’s sofa.

“One second Rachel. Geez, I didn’t think anyone could be more impatient about getting their caffeine fix than me.” He called from the bathroom where he was fixing his hair.

“Your hair looks fabulous already. We’re not going to a Starbucks so you’re not going to see your special friend; stop fussing.”

Kurt stuck his head out from the bathroom and glared at Rachel. “I do not need a reason to look good.”

Rachel pushed her long hair out of her face to grin at Kurt mischievously.

“And don’t call him my special friend. That makes it sound like I’m either his babysitter or his sugar daddy.” He added as he ducked back into the bathroom.

“So exactly how good a singer are we talking here?” Rachel inquired with the ever present note of competitiveness in her voice.

“Well, I’ve only heard him sing a few songs, and the park doesn’t exactly make for the best acoustics, but he is really, really good Rach. Like good enough that even you would think he was good.”

Kurt emerged from the bathroom and started to pull on his coat. Excited that they were finally going to get their coffee, Rachel sprung up off the couch.

“His range seems pretty decent, but it’s more than that you know? He just has so much depth and emotion is his voice. Remember how I told you about how many people stand around and just gape at him while he sings? It’s like this crazy magnetism.”

“Are you sure that’s not just your own sexual attraction you’re feeling?” Rachel nudged Kurt playfully.

He rolled his eyes. Rachel trying to make sexual innuendos was always terrifying.

“I’m not going to dignify that with a response. Now let’s go, I have to be at work in 2 hours for a consultation with Julius.”

“Oh god, you still work for that awful man?” Rachel scrunched her nose up in distaste.

“Julius is a visionary when it comes to fashion Rachel, and he happens to run the most successful design firm in New York City. And yes, he is an ungrateful slave-driver, but my salary pays for this.” He gestured grandly to his spacious apartment.

“Upper West Side, Rach.”

She held her hands up in defeat. “Point taken. Now let’s get out of here before I literally keel over and die from coffee deprivation. I was at the theatre till 2 last night trying to teach my incorrigible male lead the choreography for “I Could Have Danced All Night”.

Kurt smirked. Rachel’s tales of her trials starring in an off Broadway revival of “My Fair Lady” were always amusing. The Professor Higgins to her Eliza Doolittle had more than two left feet and Rachel never let him forget it.

Kurt picked up her oversized purse to hand to her and noticed it was unusually heavy. Glancing inside, he retrieved the offending heavy object and turned to Rachel.

“Rachel Berry, why do you have a pair of binoculars in your purse?” he raised his eyebrow at her while he waited for a response.

“I think the real question is,” she said as she snatched the purse and binoculars out of his hands, “why are you going through my purse?”

“Avoiding the questionnn” Kurt replied in a sing-song voice.

“Well, I have to walk through the park on my way home and I thought maybe I might be able to see your busker friend...”

“Oh. My. God. You brought a pair of binoculars so you could stalk Blaine?”

Kurt rubbed his temples as they exited the apartment and headed outside.

“You...I...thought you left most of your insanity in high school. I should have known.”

Rachel shrugged as she tucked the binoculars back in her purse. “If he’s as cute as you say...”

Kurt couldn’t help but blush as his mind went to their date in the boat a few days ago. He remembered the outline of Blaine’s arms through his shirt as he rowed and the passionate kissing that had gotten them dumped into the lake.

“Rachel, it’s not bird watching!”

Rachel opened her mouth to respond but Kurt cut her off before she could make a sound.

“I swear to god, if you make a peacock joke I will personally ensure that Professor Higgins is cast opposite you in every single production you ever star in for the rest of your life.”

Rachel crossed her arms across her chest and huffed at him.

Kurt laughed, “Don’t make that face, you’ll give yourself wrinkles. Come on, I’ll buy your coffee and tell you all about how Blaine and I took a drunken swim.”

Rachel looked considerably cheered by this proposition and the two chatted amiably as they headed for their favourite cafe on 81st Street.

After finishing his coffee and flattening the crease on the front of his blue button down, Kurt stood and he and Rachel headed down to the 81st St subway station.

“...and in the moment, I didn’t care at all, because I was too wine drunk and Blaine looked like an adorable drowned puppy. But Rachel, I swear to god, as soon as I got home, I contemplated taking a bath in the bleach because, the Central Park lake, can you imagine how filthy that water is?”

Kurt shivered as they entered the underground, remembering the weird smelling water. He smiled as he saw the familiar mosaic tile designs on the wall. He always loved the 81st St station, with the colourful mosaic tiled animals on the wall and the constant stream of chattering children exiting from the Museum of Nature.

He wouldn’t have admitted it to anyone, but Kurt loved the subway. He loved the flow of people constantly moving their way through the city, the rattle and sway of the subway cars that always soothed him, and he loved the musicians who made their way underground for the tips. Sure, it had its unpleasant elements, but most of the time, in the underground was where Kurt felt closest to the heartbeat of the city.

He and Rachel were both headed downtown for work and as they made their way onto the platform, Kurt dropped his briefcase in surprise.

There were two men playing music for the crowd; the first a man with a long grey beard and a ruddy face. He was dressed in patched cargo pants and layers of flannel. He wielded an old harmonica and wailed on it as the duo made their way through an upbeat rendition of “Mack the Knife”.

The other man was Blaine.

Kurt ducked his head so that Blaine wouldn’t notice him. He grabbed the back of Rachel’s coat and dragged her back towards him.

“Pst-Rach. That’s him.”

“Who, Santa Clause? Because that guy with the beard looks a lot like--”

“Let the bird watching begin.”

“Blaine?!” she squeaked excitedly and a little too loudly for Kurt’s taste.

“Yes, shhh. He’s going to hear you!” he whispered furtively.

“What are the chances of running into him again in New York? Kurt, it’s fate!” she bounced a little.

Kurt snorted and turned back to watch Blaine perform.
Rachel and Kurt watched as the crowd grew around Blaine and the bearded man. The pair played enthusiastically, Blaine grinning and swinging to the music, nodding appreciatively every time someone stepped forward to drop coins into his open guitar case. Kurt loved the way Blaine’s voice wrapped around each word, growling in just the right places. He was further impressed by Blaine’s ability to scat with ease.

As he entered the final verse, Kurt and Blaine’s eyes met for a moment, causing Blaine to stumble over a chord. He quickly recovered and his smile grew even broader. He continued to look at Kurt as he sang.

On the sidewalk, one Sunday mornin’
Lies a body oozin’ life
Someone’s sneaking ‘round the corner
Could that someone, perhaps, perchance, be Mack the Knife?

Kurt smiled back, and found himself humming along to the familiar tune. Rachel nudged him enthusiastically, breaking their eye contact.

“He’s amazing. And so cute!”

“I think I need to get him a new shirt. He is too attached to that plaid and faded denim look.”

Rachel waved her hand dismissively, “He has gorgeous eyes.”

“Hey, back off.” Kurt teased.

As they finished the tune, a few people who hadn’t yet caught their train applauded and whooped.

Kurt and Rachel applauded the most enthusiastically. When most of the people had cleared out, they made their way over to Blaine.

“Hey!” he said rather breathlessly.

“Hey yourself.”

“So you’re stalking me eh? I must have made a really good impression by dumping you in the lake.” Blaine smiled cheekily as he put his guitar back in its case.

Kurt cringed inwardly. Thank god he doesn’t know about the binoculars in Rachel’s purse

“Oh, Blaine, this is my friend Rachel. We were just heading downtown.”

“Hi Blaine. Nice to meet you!” she chirped.

Blaine shook her hand warmly and turned to the harmonica player.

“And this is my friend Ray. Ray, this is Kurt.”

The grizzled old man offered Kurt a grungy hand, and while Kurt was a bit of a germaphobe, he never let it overrule his manners so he shook it with a smile.

“How ya doin’ feller? Now I can see why Blaine’s always talkin’ bout you” Ray drawled with a wink.

Blaine dropped his face into his hands in embarrassment.

Kurt laughed and Rachel excused herself to get to rehearsal. “It was nice meeting you Blaine! I hope I see you again soon!” she called as she moved towards the train.

“Great to meet you too, Rachel.”

“Here I was, thinking you only played in the park.” Kurt said to Blaine.

“Ah, shhhh. Technically, I only have a permit for the park but I kind of play all over the city. Don’t call the cops on me.” Blaine whispered conspiratorially.

“Mmm I don’t know. Orange might be your colour.”

Blaine wrinkled his nose in disagreement as he slung his guitar case over his shoulder.

Kurt glanced at his watch before realizing he was going to be late for his meeting with Julius. That would be a very bad move on his part.

“Shit, I’ve got to run. If I’m late for a meeting with my boss, he will castrate me.”

Kurt picked up his briefcase and started to turn away but Blaine caught his hand first.

“Can I see you again soon?” he asked earnestly.

Kurt was pleasantly surprised by the eagerness in his voice. Ray chuckled from where he stood a few feet away.
Blaine shot him a dirty look before turning back to Kurt.

“Absolutely. As long as you promise not to try and drown me again. Here, give me your number and I’ll call you this week?” Kurt held out his phone to Blaine.

Blaine struggled with his words for a moment before admitting,

“I don’t have a phone.”

“Oh.” Kurt was taken aback. Who didn’t have a phone in this day and age?

“You really are a hippie aren’t you?” he teased.

Blaine smiled weakly. “That’s me.”

“Okay. How about this. You remember where my place is from when you dropped me off the other night?”
Blaine nodded.

“Pick me up there on Thursday night. Say, 8 o clock? We’ll have dinner.”

Blaine grinned. “Perfect.”

“Perfect.” Kurt echoed. The two gazed happily at each other for a moment before Kurt remembered he was going to be late.

“See you then!” he called as he darted for the train.

As he climbed onto the subway, he dropped heavily into a seat and tried to let the rhythmic swaying of the car calm him. Or rather, calm his heart as it pounded excitedly in his chest.


Blaine let his shoulders sag with relief as he watched the subway car pull away.

He could feel Ray watching him carefully and he turned to him.

“He seems really nice, youngin’. Good for you.”

Blaine laughed. “I’m sure he’s good for me, I just don’t think I’m good for him.”

“Hogwash” said Ray.

“I mean, pretty much anyone with a roof over their head and is gainfully employed is out of my league. But Kurt, Kurt is way out of my league.”

“You have more to offer than you think.” Ray said as they exited the underground and headed towards the park.

Blaine studied Ray’s expression for a moment before saying, “I know what you’re thinking. You think I should be honest with him.”

“I just think if you like him as much as that goofy expression on your face tells me you do, then dishonesty probably isn’t the best way to start things off.”

“What goofy expression? I do not have a goofy expression!” Blaine tried to rearrange his features into something more serious.

“Besides, it’s not as if that’s a winning pick up line.” Blaine made his best sultry face and intoned, “Hey baby, can I come home with you because, well, I don’t have one.”

Ray laughed. But Blaine’s face turned serious again as he watched the traffic rushing by.

“Look. I’m not trying to be dishonest with him. I just...really like him and I think if he knew, he wouldn’t stay.”

“I really want him to stay.”


“I would never have guessed you were gay. That’s all I’m saying.” Kurt said, his head resting on Blaine’s bare chest.

“I just like to save my flaming homosexuality for the bedroom.” Blaine quipped as he wrapped his arms tighter around Kurt’s slender frame.

“Yes, I noticed.” Kurt grinned as he slid deeper beneath the sheets in his bed. “So what about me? Did you know I was gay right away?”

“Yup.” Blaine nodded, fighting with the weight of his heavy eyelids. It hadn’t been part of his plan to come home with Kurt after their dinner date in the Village, but they had laughed and talked and connected the entire night so when Kurt had kissed him sweetly and asked him if he wanted to come up, he couldn’t resist.

“Let me guess, the clothes?” Kurt asked.

“I think it was your erotic drawing of me that tipped me off.”

“Erotic? Don’t flatter yourself. I can definitely do a better erotic drawing now that I know what’s underneath all those layers.”

Blaine raised his eyebrows. “Oh really?”

Kurt laughed and snuggled closer to Blaine’s chest. They lay quiet for a long time, and Blaine revelled in the feeling of weightlessness. It was unusual for him to be this relaxed, especially at night. Even when he slept, he was constantly on guard, watching his back. The only thing that brought relief was playing music, and now he could add Kurt to that list.

He was amazed at how quiet it was in Kurt’s 7th floor apartment on the Upper West Side. He was used to the sounds of the city at night when he slept outside. There was always shouting, car horns, the distant rattling of the subway, sirens.

But here it was quiet and warm. He fought the urge to let sleep take him and carefully lifted Kurt’s head from his chest and put a pillow underneath it. He moved slowly as he disentangled himself from the sheets, trying not to wake Kurt.

The old wooden floors creaked angrily as he brought his bare feet into contact with them, and he gingerly started gathering his clothes that had been scattered hastily earlier in the night. It was the first night that he and Kurt had spent together and he thought it would be extremely presumptuous to stay the night.

He glanced out the window as he searched the room for his other sock and cursed quietly when he saw it was snowing. It was only early November, but snow in New York at this time of year wasn’t unheard of. He stared at the light flakes drifting through the night sky thinking of how the first snow of the year used to be so exciting. As a kid, snow meant that Christmas was coming, and he would often squeal and drag his mother to the window to watch. Now it only made his stomach fill with dread.

Kurt stirred from across the room and called out to him.

“You’re leaving?”

Blaine walked back over to the bed and bent down to kiss Kurt’s forehead.

“Yeah, I figured I should go. I didn’t want to overstay my welcome. I had a wonderful night though. I’ll call you from work tomorrow?”


Blaine wasn’t sure he heard Kurt right and he cocked his head to the side slightly in confusion.

When Kurt repeated himself, Blaine felt his heart flip flop inside his chest.

“I want you to stay.”

Kurt wanted him to stay.

End Notes: Let me know what y'all think!


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This is kind of wonderfully sad. I mean, I agree with Ray, Blaine has so much to offer Kurt. Especially since he answered "happiness". I think he should be honest with Kurt, and soon, so Kurt knows Blaine likes him, and not his apartment and money.