Bracelets and Crayons.
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Life Journey of Two Boys Destined to be Together

Bracelets and Crayons. : My Kurty

K - Words: 838 - Last Updated: May 07, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Apr 30, 2012 - Updated: May 07, 2012
463 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: Oh look! I’m back!(: Here it is! This chapter is dedicated to my best friend Jenney. *less than three* So, I hope you enjoy!
The past couple weeks had been surprisingly entertaining for Kurt. After his mom took him to the doctors to get checked out, the doctor had told him to stay home for a couple weeks and rest. He was reluctant to agree, but he didn’t put up a fight. Blaine came over every day after Kindergarten to make sure Kurt was okay. He was truly worried. Blaine would stay until his parents called him home and then it would be the same the next day.

“Hey Blainers?” Kurt looked over at Blaine who was lying next to him on Kurt’s bed.

“Yeah Kurty?” He looked over with his huge, amber eyes at Kurt.

“Have you ever liked a girl?”

“Mmm…no. Have you?”

“No, I think girls are gross! But I like this one boy… is that bad?” Kurt was scared to tell anyone, he didn’t know what to make of it. Blaine was quiet for a minute. He didn’t think so.

“Nope! I think it’s okay!” He smiled at Kurt. Kurt stared at him for a minute before he noticed, “Do I have some food on my face? I knew I should have been more careful when I was eating at lunch…” He began to wildly rub his face in various spots. Kurt laughed and pulled his hand away and held it.

“No, I just think you have a pretty smile.” Kurt smiled sheepishly at Blaine as his face burned red with a blush. Blaine laughed a little and hugged Kurt close to him.

“Kurty, you’re my best friend okay?” He continued to hold Kurt in his arms, “don’t ever forget it!” Kurt giggled.

“Love you, Blainers. I promise I’ll never forget.” He snuggled into Blaine. He sat there for a few minutes with his head on Blaine’s chest, listening to the relaxing sound of Blaine’s heartbeat. He was exhausted. He closed his eyes and let himself drift off to sleep listening to Blaine hum an Italian lullaby to the steady beats of his heart.


Kurt was woken up by his mother gently shaking him awake. He slowly opened his eyes and was met with the sight of Blaine lying right next to him. He blushed a little at the feeling of Blaine’s arms still around him. His mother just smiled at told him Blaine’s parents said he could stay longer. Kurt smiled and laid back down on Blaine. He fell back asleep for a few hours, but was unpleasantly woken a couple hours later.

“Kurt, I know it’s Saturday, but you need to get up sweetie! It’s almost noon.” His mother gently prodded him awake. He slowly got up and yawned. Blaine woke up too.

He rubbed his eyes, “Mrs. Hummel? I’m sorry I slept over without asking! It’s just…Kurty felt so good laying with me and I got kinda tired…”

“It’s okay Blaine, your parents know. You aren’t in trouble.” Elizabeth smiled at him. She knew him and her son would be best friends for a long time to come.


Kurt ran around the playground looking for a place to hide. He couldn’t find a place, so he quickly hid behind the slide and waited for Blaine to finish counting.

“8, 9, 10! Ready or not here I come!” Blaine ran around the playground for a minute. He ran up onto the structure and back down. Kurt giggled as he ran past him. Blaine slowed as he got near the underside of the jungle gym by the slide. Was Kurt here? Blaine walked around the corner and found Kurt sitting there. He was laughing a little and looking at Blaine. Kurt smiled and for a moment and Blaine’s heart skipped a beat. He didn’t know what the feeling was, but it felt good!

“C’mon Kurty! Let’s go up there!” Blaine said pointing a finger above him. Kurt nodded and took Blaine’s hand. They ran together to the top of the jungle gym and laughed with each other. They both stared at each other and got lost in the seas of blue and amber-green. They smiled at each other once more, but soon heard a few people approaching them. It was the three boys that beat Kurt up a few weeks ago. Blaine hopped down in front of Kurt defensively.

“Go away!” He yelled at the boys.

“Or what? You gonna beat us up with your queer powers?” One said and they all laughed. Blaine stood his ground.

“I said, go away! Blaine made fists. He didn’t want anyone hurting his Kurt.

“Or what little boy? You protecting your boyfriend? Homo.” The boys all laughed and decided it wasn’t worth it, so they walked away. Blaine took Kurt’s hand and led him over to his mom’s car. They got in and drove home. When they got home, Kurt and Blaine went straight to Kurt’s room. Blaine tried to distract Kurt from the day’s event by doing silly things and just holding him, but Kurt wouldn’t go back to his normal, cheery self. Blaine sighed and held Kurt longer. He rocked back and forth and lulled Kurt to sleep.

End Notes: Welp. :D I hope you enjoyed! Coming up is Kurt’s 6 birthday party!! :D Yaaaaaaay! *less that threeeeee*


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