May 7, 2012, 7:40 p.m.
May 7, 2012, 7:40 p.m.
"Yes mommy?" He climbed onto the space on the bench next to her.
"I have to run home to get something real quick. Do you wanna stay here and play?" She figured he’d be okay; their house was only around the corner! Three boys made their way up to the park as her and Kurt were talking.
"Yeah! I’m having fun!” He got off the bench and bounced around his mom. She laughed softly and fixed her scarf. She stood up and dug in her purse a little.
“Here’s some money, sweetie. Go buy some ice cream or something.” She laughed as he jumped up and down excitedly.
"Thanks mom!" The fake smiles and loneliness went away . All of his bouncing around got the boys that came into the park’s attention.
"I love you, Kurty. Be safe and don't talk to strangers!" She hugged him, he knew what to do. He was smart. She waved goodbye as she pulled out of the parking lot and drove around the corner. The boys approached little 5-year old Kurt.
“What’s that your mommy gave you? Huh?” One of them sneered.
“She gave me five dollars! Wanna share guys?” Kurt looked at them and smiled.
“Nahh, we just want the money.” The second one took a step towards him. He stepped back and shoved the money in his pocket.
"Give us your money!" One of them yelled at him.
"Yeah you little homo! Give us the money!" Another yelled, pushing little Kurt to the ground. He fell back onto his hands and winced as they got scuffed up. One of them connected a foot with Kurt’s ribs, knocking the air out of him. He curled into a ball the best he could and ignored their continual kicks and stomps. When Kurt thought they had stopped and tried to get up, he felt a sudden force on the side of his face, then a sharp pain.
"Hey! Leave him alone!" An older man’s voice boomed and the three boys ran off. He felt a little hand grab his.
“Hey! Hey! Are you okay?!” The little boy next to him asked him as he helped him up. His big golden eyes full of worry. Kurt’s mom had just got back and was rushing over. What happened?! This was supposed to be a safe neighborhood!
“Kurt! Kurt! Are you okay baby? Oh my God.” She brushed her finger on the bruised side of Kurt’s face, causing him to wince in pain. Blaine looked at him with even more worry forming on his features. Kurt’s mom stood up.
“We just moved here… isn’t this supposed to be a safe neighborhood?” The tall dark haired man asked her.
“It is… I guess they just moved here or they don’t live here.” She sighed.
The tall dark haired man stuck out his hand, “Dominic Anderson. This is my wife, Sharon.” The light haired woman smiled.
Kurt’s mom shook his hand, “Elizabeth Hummel. This is my little boy, Kurt, “She turned to her son, “Kurt, you should thank them.” She smiled.
“Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Anderson,” He turned to Blaine and stuck his hand out, “I’m Kurt.”
“I’m Blaine! “The little curly haired, bright eyed boy smiled at Kurt and shook his hand. But Blaine didn’t let go, he held Kurt’s hand. Kurt blushed but kept a firm hold.
“Mommy, Papa. Can I please go to Kurt’s to make sure he’s okay?” Blaine looked up at his parents.
“You have to ask his mom first.” His father answered.
“Mrs. Hummel, can I please come over and make sure Kurty is okay?” He looked at her with puppy dog eyes.
She laughed softly and nodded, “Yes, you may,” then she looked at his parents, “Is that okay?” They both nodded. They exchanged numbers and said goodbyes. Kurt and Blaine hopped into the backseat of Elizabeth’s car and drove to Kurt’s house.
Kurt and Blaine lay on Kurt’s bed side by side. Kurt had a small ice pack on his cheek and several on his rib cage. Blaine turned his head, as did Kurt.
“Are you okay, Kurty?” Blaine looked worried again.
“Yeah, Blainers, I promise.” Kurt laughed a little at the shock that crossed Blaine’s face as he said that.
“Does it hurt?” Blaine looked at the purple mark on her face.
“A little, it hurt a lot more earlier.”
“Can I kiss it better?” Blaine’s cheeks burned.
“Yeah, sure,” Kurt answered nonchalantly, “I know it will feel better.” Blaine propped himself up on his elbows and moved the ice pack. He pressed a tender kiss to the purple spot in Kurt’s cheek.
“A lot better, Blainers.” Kurt giggled at Blaine’s expression once again. This was going to be a beautiful friendship.
Oh. My. God .. I love, love, LOVE this story !! I just can't believe there aren't any reviews yet ;oit's So fluffy, cute and so freaking adorable! I'm literally squeaking all the f*cking time! omg; i just can't .. almost no words...everytime i was expecting that they would kiss,, like a little peck, you know?:') and i think, if that ever comes (oh please, let it be!) I will scream and run a couple rounds around our apartement! (I'm sorry if i'm creeping you out.. can't help it.. :')) I really hope you'll update soon! I. Love. It!!