Jan. 15, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
Jan. 15, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
Kurt awoke the next morning to a text from Blaine,
Hey, wanna go get lunch around noon?
Kurt smiled and texted him back after he looked at the clock,
Sure. Lima Bean? (:
Of course.(;
Kurt took a shower, fixed his hair and put on a pair of his signature skinny jeans with a simple blue button up that matched his eyes perfectly. He told his father and Carole that he was meeting Blaine for lunch, then got in his Navigator and drove the half hour to Lima Bean.
Kurt had arrived before Blaine, so he walked in and got a table. No more than five minutes later, Shane had sat himself down across from Kurt, leaning in close.
“Hey Bl-….. Shane? What are you doing here?” Kurt asked, confusion leaking into his voice.
”Disappointed?” Shane shook his head, “Such a shame… Blaine started feeling sick before he left, and he didn’t want you to have driven all the way to the Lima Bean for nothing, so he sent me.”
Kurt nodded, trying to keep his lips from curving into a scowl, “Well then…”
What Kurt didn’t know, was that it wasn’t Blaine who had texted him in the first place at all. Shane had taken Blaine’s phone and texted Kurt. He was setting a plan into action, a plan to steal Kurt away from his brother.
The two then ordered their food, and chatted idly. Kurt was getting along with Shane a lot more than he had originally thought. Shane could make him laugh. It wasn’t that Blaine couldn’t make him laugh as well, it was just unexpected. Shane wasn’t afraid to say what he was thinking, or give his honest opinion. Shane slid a sly innuendo into a statement on more than one occasion, and Kurt tried to ignore it.
Shane was very different from Blaine as well. Their similarities truly stopped at their looks. Kurt always felt at ease around Blaine, and he knew he could tell him anything. Shane held an aura of mysteriousness, and Kurt felt as if he shouldn’t let his guard down while around him.
An hour or so later, they left Lima Bean and walked a few blocks to the park. Shane sat down on a swing, with Kurt placing himself beside him. The cool afternoon air was just cold enough to wear a winter jacket, and enough that they could see their breath.
Shane looked over at Kurt, “You know, there’s a lot more to me than what Blaine’s telling you.”
”Yeah… I’m realizing this now. I’m sorry, Shane,” Kurt said sincerely, looking at Shane as well.
Shane smiled, “No hard feelings. I could tell you more about Blaine if you wanted. I know he’s really secretive about stuff like that.”
Kurt bit his lip before speaking, “I think I’d rather hear it from Blaine himself though…”
”Nonsense. Who knows him better than his own brother? He wouldn’t mind, believe me. It saves him from having to look back at it.”
For the next forty-five minutes, Shane told Kurt of Blaine and himself. Unbeknownst to Kurt, the words coming from Shane’s mouth were lies.
After Shane had finished speaking; Kurt couldn’t believe all that he’d heard about Blaine. Shane had told him how Blaine always had to be the center of attention, and he hated for Shane to be happy. The one thing that really blew his mind was the story of how Blaine had slept with Shane’s girlfriend after they’d been dating for a year.
This last conversation had managed to change Kurt’s opinion of Blaine completely. He had thought that Blaine was the nicest and sweetest guy he had ever met. As much as he didn’t want to believe Shane, he felt as if he should.
Later that day, Blaine texted Kurt.
Hey, what you been up to all day?
Kurt sighed, then texted him back, Not much, I went to lunch with Shane, he said you were sick and couldn’t make it.
At his house, Blaine’s eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.
What are you talking about? I hadn’t texted you until now…
You texted me around 10 asking if I wanted to meet for lunch, I said yes, then Shane showed up at the Lima Bean instead of you. He also told me some things about you both. I must say that I’m shocked. I didn’t know you were that type of person, Blaine.
Blaine’s eyes turned livid, he got up from his bed and walked to Shane’s room, and threw the door open. The anger in his voice was obvious.
”What did you tell him, Shane!?” he asked furiously.
”I don’t know what you’re talking about, brother,” Shane replied coolly.
” Don’t ‘brother’ me! You know damn well what I’m talking about Shane! Why do you have to do this to me? You have everything you could every want! You’re the favorite of mom and dad; you get any girl that you could possibly hope for, but no! You have to ruin every chance of a relationship or friendship that I have! Now what did you tell Kurt?” Blaine’s was breathing heavily from screaming and his face was red.
It doesn’t matter what I told him, Blaine. What matters is that he believed every word that I said. He thinks I’m the good guy, and Blainers is just a conceited jerk.” Shane’s voice was amused, and a smirk played on his lips.
”You don’t even care for him Shane! You just want him because I’m friends with him, and you’re not. Why can’t you just let me happy for once!?”
A voice yelled from downstairs, “Blaine!! Stop yelling at your brother! You know he can be very sensitive!”
Blaine laughed, “I just can’t believe that mom and dad still fall for the sweet and innocent act you play every time they’re around. I wouldn’t want to hurt wittle Shaners feelings.”
Blaine left his room, grabbing his keys and running out to his car. He needed to set things straight with Kurt.