Jan. 15, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
Jan. 15, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
The rest of that day went shockingly well, much to Kurt and Blaine surprise. In between classes, and sometimes even during, they talked of past friends, and old enemies. Blaine asked Kurt all kinds of questions, but suavely avoided any questions about himself.
Blaine was intrigued by this other boy that he had met by a complete accident. It amazed him how that Kurt was bulled his entire life, but had the courage and strength to keep going. Even though he had only known him for a short time, Blaine knew that Kurt was the bravest person he had ever met.
At the end of the day, Kurt was back at his locker, putting away his books and grabbing his keys. He closed the locker, and none other than Shane Anderson was standing there, but because of their similarity, Kurt believed that it was Blaine
"Hey babe," Shane said suavely, "Need a ride home?"
Kurt's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion at the choice of his words, "You're acting strange, Blaine."Shane snorted, "I am definitely NOT Blaine. I'm way more attractive than he is."It was Kurt's turn to laugh this time, and he bit his lip before he spoke, "Oh, Shane. No, I don't need a ride home. I'm taking my stepbrother home, and then Blaine and I are going to get coffee. Thanks though, goodbye Shane Anderson."
Kurt turned and walked away to meet Blaine in the parking lot. Shane's eyes followed him the entire way, noticing the way that Kurt's hips swayed when he walks.
In the car, Finn brought up the topic of Blaine on the way home, "So what do you think about those new guys, Blaine and Shane?" Kurt raised an eyebrow as he drove, Finn usually was oblivious to any other students, let alone new students.
"Blaine is incredibly sweet, and according to him, Shane is an ass. I'm actually just dropping you off at home. I'm meeting Blaine at the Lima Bean for coffee," Kurt said, a little excitement leaking into his voice.
Finn nodded, just glad to know that Kurt was getting along with someone, he didn't need, nor deserve another bully, and not that he deserved the ones he already had to deal with. Finn had tried everything he could to get Karofsky and Azimio to stop bullying Kurt, but nothing seemed to help.
----------------------------------------These next few weeks passed by without a second glance. Sure, Kurt had been bullied, and they had subjected Blaine to a few treatments of the same thing, but nothing that couldn’t be shaken off with a few calming words and caring hugs. Kurt and Blaine had easily become best friends, and they told each other everything… almost everything. Shane had also taken an interest in Kurt, and Blaine was definitely not happy about this. Shane had somehow taken everyone that Blaine was close to from him, and he was determined to not let it happen with Kurt.
Kurt had found out that Blaine was also gay a day or so after they started to get to know each other. He also learned that Shane didn’t really have a preference over guys or girls; it was just whoever Blaine wanted at the moment. Before Blaine had come out, Shane had taken every girlfriend that Blaine had had, just to prove he could have anything Blaine could have, and shove it in his face. Blaine and Shane had always had a bitter relationship, and when it came to Kurt, this was no exception.
Friday evening found Blaine and Kurt at the Lima Bean. Time seemed to fly past, but had no effect on them. When Kurt happened to look out the window, he noticed it was already dark, “Whoa,” he glanced at his watch, “It’s already 9:30. I guess it’s a good thing today’s Friday…”
Blaine nodded in agreement, taking a sip of his coffee. Kurt’s eyes watched his neck muscles flex as he swallowed, then looked away. “I have a question…” Kurt began, “Why won’t you tell me anything about yourself? I’ve answered every question you’ve asked me, but you somehow manage to work your way out of answering any of mine…”
Blaine stiffened noticeably, and set his coffee back down slowly, looking down at his hands and not answering him, his discomfort obvious, “My name’s Blaine, I’m 17 years old, I’m a junior at William McKinley High School, my birthday is February 5th-“
Kurt cut him off, “Blaine, you know what I meant. You asked about my family, and I told you. At the mere mention of your own, you tense up like you’re about to get kneed in the groin.”
Blaine tensed again.
“See? You just did it right now.”
“Kurt, I’d rather not talk about this right now.”
Kurt sighed, and then placed his hand on Blaine’s arm in a comforting gesture, “I’m here for you whenever you’re ready to talk, Blaine.”
Kurt stood, and then pulled Blaine up with him. “Come on, let’s go for a walk. I think you need to clear your head, and your home would not be the best place for that. At least not with Shane there to torment you…”
The pair walked out into the night, a comfortable silence falling over them, and leaving them to their own thoughts.
Kurt knew that he was falling for Blaine, and he knew it was irrational. But he couldn’t help who he had a ‘crush’ on, this wasn’t a choice.
Sweet story. Are you modelling Shane after Sebastian in any way?
I got the original idea of someone trying to get between Klaine from the Sebastian storyline. I just decided to switch it up a bit and have someone after Kurt instead of the other way around. Shane has the general attitude of Sebastian though. And also, thank you very much! :)
I just found this story and read the first two chapters. Their birthday is February 5th, right? That's funny! Gosh, could you imagine a world with TWO DARREN CRISS'! OMG! I really like this story. Thank's for posting and looking forward to another update.
Thank you very much! I made Blaine and Shane's birthday February 5th, just being that its easier for me and everyone else, since it's the same as Darren's. A world with two Darrens would cause the apocalypse! We can barely take the adorableness of one Darren! If there were two we wouldn't be able to handle it! x'D Another update should come sometime this weekend.