Feb. 11, 2012, 4:58 a.m.
Feb. 11, 2012, 4:58 a.m.
Blaine slowly began unbuttoning Kurt’s skintight jeans and pushed them down so they were low on his hips. There was one less layer of clothing between their aching cocks, and both were hyperaware of this fact. With another silent roll of their hips, Kurt’s zipper drug up the underside of Blaine’s cock and sent him over the edge.
Blaine came harder than he could ever remember and black spots dotted his vision. His body trembled with the force of his orgasm, and at the look of pure bliss on Blaine’s face, Kurt came as well.
Kurt looked down at Blaine, and kissed the edge of his red, kiss-swollen mouth, “You should be glad Rachel lets me keep extra clothes here, Mister Anderson.”
He stood and walked to the bathroom in Blaine’s bedroom, and returned with a warm wash-cloth and new underwear and pajama pants for Blaine. “I’m going to get clothes from Rachel’s room. Thank the lord she’s with Finn,” Kurt mumbled as he winced at the cooling sensation in his pants, and hurriedly walked to Rachel’s room to change.
Kurt returned a few minutes later in grey sweatpants, and one of Blaine’s hoodies he had found in the clean laundry pile. His usual perfected hair was mussed, and his eyes had this hint of wildness in them. Blaine loved seeing Kurt in his own clothes, even more due to the fact that anything else he wore was no less that the highest couture.
Blaine had changed as well, and now held his arms open for Kurt to return to him and cuddle close together.