Feb. 20, 2012, 3:34 a.m.
Feb. 20, 2012, 3:34 a.m.
This was it.
The outcome of this final match could make or break him.
As Blaine stood in his opposite side of the locker room, away from the other competitor, Kurt stood behind him, preparing him for this. His slender fingers worked over the knots on Blaine’s bare shoulders and neck, and he leaned down and kissed the top of his boyfriend’s head.
”This is it, Blaine. I know you can do this, I have faith in you. Even if this turns out for the worst, I won’t let them tear us apart. I’ll stay with you no matter what,” Kurt confirmed.
Blaine stood up and faced him, “I know, Kurt. I want people to feel like I’m with you because I belong there. I know where I belong now, and I won’t stop until I get there.
Kurt enveloped Blaine in a crushing hug, and held him close, “I love you.”
Blaine pulled back to look at him, “I love you too.” He kissed him quickly and then made his way up to the gym that held the boxing ring. His hand was grasped tightly in Kurt’s, so as he ducked under the rope of the ring, Kurt was forced to let go, and sit in the stands.
Blaine placed in his mouth-guard, and slid on the black boxing gloves Kurt had bought him to replace his older ones.
His energy was running high as he waited for his final opponent to come into the ring. Out of the dense crowd, no other than David Karofsky broke through, and climbed into the ring, ready to fight. Blaine’s stomach flipped with anxiety. Karofsky already hated him for ‘stealing’ Kurt, but this was his own chance to get revenge for putting him in the hospital. Sure, Karofsky was huge and bulky, but Blaine was small, fast, and he was known to take down other’s larger than himself.
As the announcements were made, Blaine bounced back and forth on his toes in the ring, ready for Karofsky to make the first move. The bell rang and neither of the boys moved, they circled, sizing one another up. Karofsky lunged forward to connect his fist with the side of Blaine’s head, but he ducked and swung his foot out to knock him to the ground.
The match went on like this the entire time, until Blaine ducked under or dodged nearly every hit Karofsky aimed, and he began to fire back. Blaine’s fist smashed into Karofsky’s stomach, and the other connected with the side of his head, successfully knocking him out.
Beiste lifted his hand and announced him victor as the world seemed to move in slow motion, the next thing he knew, he was wrapped in the tight embrace of Kurt Hummel, and the echoes of the erupting cheers flooded his ears.
”You did it, Blaine!! I’m so proud of you!” Kurt exclaimed, a bright smile plastered on his face.
Blaine smiled back, knowing that he just proved to everyone that where he belonged was next to Kurt Hummel at the top of the McKinley pyramid. No longer would anyone ever tease, bully, or torment him for being himself.
Kurt placed his hands on either side of Blaine’s face and kissed him without constraint, and the gym erupted in even louder cheers at their obvious display of affection. When they pulled away in shock, their faces red with a touch of embarrassment, Rachel Anderson-Berry pulled them both into a tight hug.
”I’m so sorry, Kurt, Blaine. I never should have doubted you two. I love you both, and even more as a couple,” Rachel said over the commotion, and released the two, leaving them to themselves as the gym began to clear out.
There was no more Karofsky to threaten them, no more disapproval from anyone, and nothing to stand in the way of their happiness. It seemed that finally, everything was going right for once.
Hai it says you have 9 chapters but I can't see it D: love this fic!!
Wow! It was so beautiful! Congrats for the amazing job! XX