July 19, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 19, 2014, 7 p.m.
Blaine leaned in the doorway of the choir room, his eyes passing over the pale walls to the three rows of chairs at the back of the room, then over to the office, which was the only bright thing in the room. He could see Schuesters shadow moving through the window, and he sighed with frustration. Hed been dreading talking to Schuester, but he figured he might as well get it over with as soon as he could. He was starting to think hed made a stupid decision. Rolling his eyes at himself, he walked into the room, concentrating on every step.
He rocked from his toes to his heels, making sure he was quiet, and after a few steps, the tips of his shoes hit a closed door. Looking up at the office, he raised his hand to knock, but then he lowered it again. He had to take another minute to steady himself, but before he got a full breath, he heard a chair sliding across the floor. The door cracked, revealing Schuester with lowered brows and firm lips. "Blaine?" He muttered lowly, looking at Blaine as if he was some pitiful street rat. "I was just... finishing up my grading. Do you want to..." he glanced over his shoulder as if to check something, "sit down?"
Blaine didnt say anything and pushed past Schuester, taking one of the chairs at the desk in the middle of the room. Nothing except the door clicking shut could be heard for several seconds, and then Schuesters feet moving across the floor. He kept his eyes low as Schuester sat down across from him, his movements very slow as if he didnt want to startle Blaine. Pushing his paperwork away before he opened his mouth, Schuester folded his hands in front of him, "Wheres Kurt? I thought hed be with you."
Blaine turned his head and glimpsed out the window, trying to see the hallway. He couldnt from his position, so he twisted back around and mumbled, "Hes with Finn."
Schuester blinked at him, one of his brows furrowing, "Is there something you want to say, Blaine? You look like you have a lot on your mind."
His mind was always filled with the worst dreads, worries, and concerns, but hed never let anyone in on it, except for Kurt. He seemed to understand exactly what had Blaine in a bad mood even if he told him nothing, so he didnt see much of a point in keeping things from him. He realized he hadnt spoken for a few seconds, so he finally cleared his throat, "I wanted to ask you about the school play."
Scratching under his chin, Schuester made an uncomfortable sound, "How did you find out about it? I havent mentioned anything about it in class."
"Rachel told me about it." Even though Schuesters mouth fell open, he didnt give him another chance to interrupt. "I just wanted to tell you that I cant be Tony. You cant change my mind." When Schuester reached out for him, Blaine jerked away, slamming into the back of his chair. "I said you cant change my mind! Finn would be a better Tony than I ever could be. Id be a wreck on stage... I have stage fright."
Schuester shook his head, "I was willing to work with you on it. Blaine, youre one of my best singers, even if you dont show off your talent as much as others in the class. Youre the only one who could take on Tony. Even Rachel said she wanted to work with you. She said you could pull off the part of a reformed thug better than Finn could."
Blaine almost choked on his own breath, "I cant work with Rachel. I cant kiss her!" His voice raised, making Schuesters eyebrows shoot up. He thought about telling Schuester about the diary, but he knew that he wouldnt get it because all he saw was that Rachel was bitter towards Blaine. Rather than try to make Schuester understand, he blurted the first excuse that came to his mind, "She has a boyfriend, and I have-" When Schuesters brows almost hit his hairline, he cut himself off. He covered his face with his hands and muttered, "I have Kurt to look after."
Schuesters voice came out much lower, almost weary and tired, as if hed given up on fighting Blaine, "Finn looks after Kurt, too, Blaine. I dont see what the difference is between you watching him and Finn watching him."
Blaine glared at Schuester from between his fingertips, "Why cant Kurt be Tony?" He snapped, and Schuester lifted his drooping head. Blaine couldnt actually imagine Kurt playing the part of a man who swore and hit and smoked, but he wanted Schuester to know that Kurt had enough talent to play any part and do it very well.
Rubbing his forehead, Schuester grumbled, "What else did Rachel tell you? Blaine, I didnt mean it the way Rachel probably put it. Kurt is the star of this class. You dont think I want him to be Tony? Believe me, I do. But Kurt takes pride in his feminine side... Blaine, you know that. I would give any of the girls the part of Tony before I gave it to him. He wouldnt be happy in a part like that... hed be uncomfortable. Besides, would you really want Kurt to play a character who shares a kiss with Rachels character?" At Blaines screwed up face, Schuester nodded, "I didnt think so." He looked like he was about to open his mouth again, but he quickly closed it when someone rapped on the door. Tearing his eyes away from Blaine, he muttered, "Come in."
The door slid open, and a pair of brown eyes appeared around the side. They blinked at Blaine, and Blaine blinked back at them. Santana came out of her hiding spot and her eyes flickered between Blaine and Schuester, as if she was unsure. "Is something up, Santana?" Schuester asked, his fingers drumming on the edge of his desk. "Blaine and I were just talking about some concerns of his." Blaine winced at the way he worded that, but he kept his mouth clamped shut. "But I have time for you."
"Actually..." she shifted her weight from foot to foot, "I need to talk to Blaine." She seemed tired, but Blaine still had no idea if she was there to yell at him about their past relationship and rant about how bad of a boyfriend he was.
Schuester slid his chair out, "Oh... okay. Blaine, you and me can talk later, alright?"
"Theres nothing more to say." He said, but Schuester ignored him and walked around Santana, opening a few file cabinets and hunting for papers. His gaze darted over to Santana, who was staring at him as if she expected him to roll over like a puppy for her and get his belly scratched. He narrowed his eyes at her.
"Blaine, can we go?" She gestured at the door, impatiently tapping her foot, and Blaine reluctantly got to his feet. He knew that he could get her to go away after a few short words, unlike Rachel, so he forced himself to approach her, careful not to get too close.
She turned away and went out the door. Following on her heels, he wrapped his arms around himself and arched a brow, "What do you want?"
Pressing her lips together, she waited until they got to her locker to say anything. The walk there seemed to take longer than it actually was, but maybe that was because all he wanted to do was escape. He looked for Kurt along the way, but he didnt see him anywhere. His head was throbbing by the time she stopped in front of her locker.
After opening it and showing him nothing more than a few scattered pictures and pencils, she muttered, "I told my abuela about Brittanys pregnancy last night. I asked if she would let me raise the baby with her... and I told her Im lesbian." She took a few things from her locker. "She kicked me out."
Blaine raised one brow, remembering when his dad had forced him out. Hed been so scared of losing Kurt, and he could remember hearing Kurt cry that he didnt want him to move far away.
Santana shut her locker with a noisy clang, "I was wondering how you handled it when your parents disowned you for being gay."
"Santana, Im not gay-"
"Close enough," she snapped, startling him into silence. "Youre the only one who gets it, okay? Youre not the only one dealing with this. Kurts the other gay kid at this school, but his family pampers him." Whipping away from him, she stormed down the hallway, and he went after her again.
"What do you want me to say?" He hissed and threw his hands apart. "Santana, I didnt deal with it. I moved in with Kurt and Ive been fine. I didnt go through what youre going through."
"Yeah, because Kurts not knocked up with some assholes baby." She growled, turning a corner and stopping in the middle of an empty hallway. She took a deep breath and covered her face with her hands, "I should have known you wouldnt have helped me, you dick. Youre the most uncaring, heartless asshole Ive ever met."
Blaine raised a brow at her, finally seeing the pain she was in. It was obvious in the way her shoulders shook, her deep breaths as she tried not to cry in front of him. He suddenly felt very heartless. Rubbing his nape with his hand, he muttered, "What are you going to do?"
Her answer was immediate, "Im dropping out of school and moving in with Quinn... shes offering because shes already been through it. I just... need some time away from Brittany right now. Then Im going to find a job to help pay for the baby, and battle for custody. The first court date is next week."
Furrowing his brows, Blaine leaned against the lockers, "You cant find a job that will pay enough for a babys life before you get your diploma. The best you can do is work the poles and even that wont be enough to pay for two months of baby food and diapers."
"I know," she blurted, "Ive already thought of that. Itd be easiest if Brittany would just abort this thing but shes completely convinced its some talking action figure of herself and wont let me take her to a doctor. I want to leave her, Blaine, but I really do love her and I needed to talk to someone. Everyone hates me because Im so honest when I tell people that they suck but youre just another asshole. You get it."
Blaine stared down at her dark head, torn between turning her away because he suddenly had that power over her or actually caring, which, despite all the shit shed put him and Kurt through, seemed like the best option. At least, it seemed like the one that Kurt would have chosen without a second of hesitation, so he grumbled, "Do you have your phone on you?"
Santana glared up at him, "Now isnt the time to be putting your number back in my phone, Blaine. Were over."
Rolling his eyes, Blaine held his hand out, "Just... give me the phone."
Reaching into her pocket, Santana dug out her phone and put it in his palm, and he immediately turned it on and typed in a new contact. He handed it back to her, "Thats my brothers number. Hes about as good as a millionaire. So... when you need him, just call him and tell him youre a friend of mine. Hell give you money, but I want the money to go to the baby. If its not Ill cut you off. Before you ask, this isnt for you. This is for the baby. I dont like you."
Santana cocked her brows, slipping her phone back into her pocket, "Well, arent you just some hero? Ill be sure to name the baby after you, then."
Blaine stepped away from her, "Whatever. You can be grateful or not, but I have to take Kurt to lunch. Ill see you around, Santana."
"Blaine, hold on." She waited until she had his full attention-or as much attention as she could get when he was focused on Kurt-and she reached into her bag for a magazine. Handing it to him, she said, "I found this in a store today. Look... everyone knows youre gay. Its not that big of a deal. The only one whos actually bothered by it is you."
He looked down at the magazine, a picture of him and Kurt hugging in the hallway at their hotel in New York on the cover. Blaine was about to kiss Kurt, and Kurt was almost wrapped around him. He was at least turned away, but his hair made it clear who he was. The caption below it said something about Kurt having a new mystery boyfriend and they were trying to figure out who he was.
"Shit," he whispered, then remembered that Santana was nearby. When he looked up, though, she was gone, and he was glad she hadnt heard his nerves. Jabbing his fingers into his palms, he crushed the magazine in his fist. He wasnt ready for this, and he wanted to go back into hiding.
He suddenly heard squealing from down the hallway, and he jerked his head up, but his hair was still stuck in his eyes. "Blaine!" A tiny voice chirped, and a pair of arms wrapped around him. "Im so happy I found you! Ive missed you!"
Bundling Kurt in his arms, Blaine held him so tightly, needing to be with him after his awful day. He didnt care if Finn, who had appeared at the end of the hallway, saw them. He just wanted to be with Kurt. "I missed you, too, baby." He muttered in his ear, closing his eyes and falling against Kurt. Somehow, Kurt always knew what he needed, a hug or a kiss or a smile. He didnt know how he knew him so well, but he was starting to feel glad that he did.