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Out: I Have Nothing

E - Words: 2,614 - Last Updated: Jul 19, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 81/? - Created: Jul 19, 2014 - Updated: Jul 19, 2014
273 0 0 0 0

Blaine stepped down the stairs and spotted Kurt curled up in his bed, his naked body tangled in the messy blankets. Smiling at Blaine, Kurt held his hands out when he handed him a glass of warm milk. "Mm... thank you..." He sipped the top of it and closed his eyes, "Delicious. Do you want some?" He held the glass up to Blaine, who took it and pressed it to his lips.

After he finished drinking, he set the glass aside and laid down beside of Kurt. He wrapped him in his arms and kissed the top of his head, "Its really good, Kurt." He whispered, leaning down and kissing Kurts lips. "Sweet and thick."

Kurt giggled, rolling over and reaching back to rub Blaines thighs. Blaine tightened his arms and pressed his nose to Kurts hair. "I have to go home tomorrow morning." He said to Kurt, who frowned and instantly turned back around, staring at Blaine with wide eyes. "I need new clothes. Itll only take me an hour, then Ill be back."

"Can I come with you?" Kurt peeped, sliding his hands to Blaines back and rubbing. "We drive by your house every day but Ive never seen the inside of it. I want to see your room."

Despite his worry of Kurt running into his parents, Blaine chuckled and nuzzled Kurts forehead, "My room isnt that interesting, I promise. But... Id rather go alone, honey. Its not that I dont want you to see it. Its... my parents. Theyre a lot like how I was... when we first met. I just worry... that they would hurt your feelings or insult you."

"Oh," Kurt stopped rubbing his hands up and down, and he turned his head to the side. Blaine kissed his cheek, rubbing the tip of his nose on his soft skin. "Do you ever still feel that way about me?"

Blaine blew out heavily, cupping Kurts cheeks in his hands. "No... I dont. Kurt, look at me. I didnt even feel that way in the beginning... its just what Ive always known. Im sorry if I ever hurt you... because I was homophobic to you." Kissing Kurts mouth, he whispered, "Youre so perfect."

Kurt blushed and closed his eyes, feeling Blaine kiss everywhere on his face. "Blaine?" He opened his eyes and looked at Blaine, "Can I tell you something? I dont want you to get mad at me."

"Honey," Blaine pulled away from Kurt and stared into his big, blue eyes, "you can tell me anything. I wont get mad at you." Running his fingers through Kurts silky hair, Blaine tried to soothe his worry.

Pressing his lips together, Kurt slid his trembling fingertips to Blaines chest, brushing his tight nipples. Blaine swallowed thickly and took one of his hands in his, lifting it to his mouth. "Just talk to me, sweetheart." Blaine begged, and Kurt trembled.

"I feel so much for you." Kurt whispered, twisting the mat of hair on Blaines chest in his fingers. "My hands shake when youre near me. And when you hold me in your arms... I just want to be closer to you. Youre all I can think about. I love how you can make me smile... and when you tease me and I giggle and you tell me how pretty my laugh is. I love falling asleep against your chest, and knowing youll be there when I wake up-" When Blaine shifted underneath him, Kurt lifted off of him and looked like hed been slapped. Tears instantly filled his eyes and he pulled away from Blaine, "I made you uncomfortable because youre straight, didnt I?"

Blaine also sat up, wrapping his arms around Kurt from behind. "No... No, sweetheart. Look at me... shh." Rubbing his thumb over Kurts damp eyes, he kissed the side of his face, "No ones ever said things like that to me. I didnt know I meant that much to you. That makes me happy." Pulling Kurt against his chest, Blaine pressed his face to Kurts shaking shoulder. "I dont deserve you."

Kurt kept crying as Blaine gently rubbed his shoulders, so he nibbled his ear and whispered the one thing he never thought hed say to another boy, "What if I told you I loved you?"

That instantly stopped Kurts crying, and he peeked over his shoulder. "But youre straight-" he peeped, interrupted mid-sentence by a hiccup.

Blaine shook his head, bundling Kurt up tighter, "My sexuality doesnt matter when it comes to the way I love you. Ive tossed and turned about the way I feel about you... and I realized that I need your kisses. I need you here..." he tugged on Kurt and made him collapse against his chest, and Kurt turned his face into Blaines chest, quietly sobbing, "in my arms. I havent loved anyone before. And I know you have strong feelings for me... do you love me?"

Kurt cooed and clung to Blaine, "I love you so much..." he breathed on Blaines nipple, and Blaine twitched. "Blaine..."

Rolling Kurt underneath him, Blaine desperately pressed their lips, "I love you..." He lowered his head and kissed Kurts neck, and Kurt whimpered and wrapped him in his arms.

Blaine stormed into his house a little after eight and crept through his living room, not wanting to be seen by anyone. He heard his moms voice from the living room, and before he could hurry upstairs and vanish into his bedroom, his mom poked her nose above the back of the couch. "Blaine!" She waved him over, "Arent you going to say hi?"

Blaine wasnt in the mood for idle chat, not when Kurt was waiting for him, but he shrugged his shoulders, "Hi."

Another head popped up from the couch, and Blaine raised his brows at his older brother, Cooper. He hadnt seen Cooper in a while, as he was busy with shooting commercials. Although Blaine and Cooper werent very close, Blaine favored him to the rest of his family. Hed been the one to raise Blaine when he was just a baby, since his parents had little interest in him. "Blainey!" Cooper waved at him as if he didnt already see him. "Surprise! Im home!"

Blaine crossed his arms over his chest, "What are you doing here?"

Maddie, his mom, scowled at his lack of emotion, "Blaine, the least you could do is smile. This is your brother." Rubbing Coops shoulder, she said, "Hes just a little grumpy."

Cooper smiled and held his arms out for Blaine, "I want a hug from my favorite brother!"

Blaine sighed and forced himself to walk across the room, bending down to wrap his brother in his arms. He spied a little, blond girl on another couch, recognizing her from a few years ago. She waved at him, "Hi, Blaine. I dont know if you remember me, but Im Alicia."

Raising his brows, Blaine said nothing to that and glanced over his shoulder when a pair of heavy boots thudded down the hallway behind him. His dad walked into the living room with his arms full of paperwork, "Maddie, where did you put our credit card for travel?"

"In the top drawer of your work desk." Maddie told him, and then he disappeared back down the hallway, not even acknowledging Blaine with a nod. She returned her attention to Cooper, "I cant wait to go on this trip. Itll be relaxing getting away from home."

For the first time since hed overheard them talking, Blaine wanted in on the conversation. "What trip?"

Cooper glanced up at Blaine, "I was asked to be in the fourth Transformers movie... The producers are having a dinner in California for the entire cast. Its a family thing... so I invited all of you."

And Blaine regretted asking. Turning away, Blaine stepped onto the first stair, but his moms sharp voice cut him off. "Blaine, dont just walk away. Youre coming, too, and thats final."

"I dont want to go to California." Blaine snapped, shoving his hands in his pockets. Because he hated Lima so much, he usually would have gone along with them, but he had Kurt to be with now. "You cant make me go."

"Oh, yes, I can." Maddies pale face turned red with anger. "Youre still living in my house and Im paying for all of your food, so youre going. Dont be so stubborn, Blaine. Your brother just got home and invited you to a nice dinner. Cant you not be yourself for five minutes and actually appreciate this?" She instantly realized she was raising her voice and calmed herself down, her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose. "Tell you what... you can bring a friend."

Blaine rolled his eyes and started to lash out at her, then he looked at Coops wide eyed face. Cooper seemed hurt by what he was saying, so he took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. "Fine..." he muttered, "Ill come."

"Oh, good!" Maddie clapped her hands, as if she was the one who convinced Blaine. "You can bring that nice girl you date around with... Santana, right? Or that boy... David Karofsky? He really likes you. You have so many friends to choose from." She touched Coops shoulder again, "Hes very popular at school."

Rubbing his scratchy face, Blaine sat down on the edge of a lounge chair, "Im going to ask Kurt. Hes the one I want with me."

"Kurt?" Her brows furrowed. "You mean Burt Hummels son? I... guess you could ask him. Hes a nice boy... just not who I expected you to hang out with."

"Kurt Hummel?" a voice muttered behind them, and Blaine looked over his shoulder at his dad. He had his thick arms crossed, his dark brows pushed together. When Blaine didnt make a sound, his dad shook his head. "No, I dont want you bringing him."

"Why not, Richard?" Maddie asked, obviously concerned. "He seems like a sweet boy. And Burts a very nice man."

Richard shook his head, "That boy is gay, and I dont think Blaine needs to be around that. And that Burt Hummel approves of it... didnt even try to get his son help. I know if either of my boys told me they were gay, Id put them on medication. Its not normal, Maddie."

Maddie looked shocked, "I had no idea he was gay-"

"What difference would it make!" Blaine abruptly yelled, "Dammit, what are you saying? That Im suddenly supposed to be cruel to Kurt because hes gay?"

"Homosexuality is sick, Blaine!" Richard threw his paperwork down on a table, showing his frustration, "You never hang out with your friends anymore, and they dont want to be around you because hes always with you. Hes not normal, Blaine, which is why none of your friends like him-"

Storming away from his family, Blaine took the stairs three at a time and yelled, "Am I not normal because I kissed him?" Stomping into his bedroom, Blaine heard his dad yell his name, but he slammed his door shut.

Kurt rolled over when he heard his phone buzz, and he set his nail polish aside. Staring at his drying nails, Kurt carefully picked up his phone and saw Blaines picture on the screen. He smiled and instantly forgot about his nails, swiping the screen to answer the call. His polish smeared and he frowned, wiping the ruined nails on a towelette. "Blaine! Will you be home soon? I miss you so much but Ive been painting my nails to keep busy. Its a pretty, sparkly color. I think youll like it! I like anything sparkly."

It sounded like Blaine huffed out a laugh. "I know Ill like it." He was quiet for a few seconds, then he muttered, "Ill be back in a little while, honey. Im sorry its taken so long... I talked to my family. I have to tell you something."

Startled by Blaines flat tone, Kurt flipped onto his back and started painting his ruined nails again. "Whats the matter? Am I not allowed to be with you anymore? Oh, please, tell me that I am. I like being with you."

"No..." Blaine sighed heavily, "honey, no. No ones going to take you from me. Its my brother... he came home and told me were taking a trip to California. I cant get out of it."

"Thats great news!" Kurt peeped, not seeing how Blaine was so upset. "I dont know much about California but I heard that its warm and bright and pretty!"

Blaine took another few minutes to reply, and Kurt heard him zipping something up. "I cant go without you." He suddenly whispered, "I have to take you with me."

That caused Kurt pause, and he immediately thought about his dad, who was still very sick and weak. "Oh, Blaine..." Kurt lowered his voice, rolling onto his side and curling into a small ball. "Thats so sweet of you to ask me... but I cant. My dad still needs to be looked after. I feel terrible, but you have plenty of friends you can ask."

"Im not going without you," Blaine repeated. "Ill... do something. I just cant be without you. Ill tell my parents Im sick and cant go."

"You cant!" Kurt slowly sat up and he slid off of his bed. Holding his drying fingers up, he walked over to his window and looked out at Blaines house. He saw a few lights on, and he wondered which one was Blaines room. "Oh, Blaine. I cant stop you from leaving for California. It could be a good time."

Kurt saw the slightest of movements in one of the upstairs bedrooms, and then a dark figure pressed against the window. He made out Blaines hard face, his golden eyes staring right back at Kurt. Blushing, Kurt turned away, but then he heard Blaines voice, "Its okay. You dont have to be embarrassed. I used to watch your house all the time."

At that, Kurt helplessly giggled and looked back at Blaines house. Blaine was still there, and he smirked at Kurt. Smiling, Kurt whispered, "Do you really want me to come?"

Blaines eyes narrowed and he sighed heavily, and he put his cheek against the window. He nodded, "I dont like being away from you."

Kurts skin turned bright red, and he hid from Blaine until it faded to pink. He peeked back out and Blaine was still there, still watching him. The blush was back, but this time Kurt didnt hide. "My dad... has friends he could stay with while were away. Ill be nervous to leave him, but I dont like being away from you, either."

Blaine pressed his lips together, something he did when he wanted to kiss Kurt but couldnt, so Kurt touched his fingertips to his lips and blew Blaine a kiss. Smiling, Blaine whispered, "I love you."

Kurt trembled at those three words, "I love you, too. Can you come back now? I want you to hold me... and tell me what California is like." He giggled at the thought of going to California with Blaine.

"Ill tell you right after I kiss you." Blaine muttered, "Because I love when you blow me kisses... but I like pressing my lips to yours even more. Ill be over in five minutes." Lowering his phone, Blaine stayed at the window for several seconds, almost unable to pull away from Kurts blue gaze, but then he shook his head with a deep sigh and turned around.

Kurt giggled and stayed there, wanting to watch him finish packing. His view wasnt that good, but he could see Blaines dark shadow moving. "California... with Blaine..." Squealing, Kurt bounced up and down and forgot that Blaine had just put his phone down and hadnt actually hung up. He must have heard Kurts funny sound because he returned to his window, his brows raised, and then he started laughing when Kurt blushed again.


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