March 6, 2013, 1:33 a.m.
March 6, 2013, 1:33 a.m.
1. When you're happy, your eyes are as blue as the bluest sea
2. When you're sad, you're eyes look green
3. You always make sure your hair is perfect, even on a Sunday afternoon
It was early one evening when Kurt arrived home from a hectic day at work; he spent the entire day longing for a bubble bath and a glass of wine. So it was no wonder he walked straight past the little package sitting on the counter waiting for him as he made his way sluggishly to the bathroom of his shared apartment. It wasn't until his roommate and best friend Rachel made the existence of the package known as she handed it almost hesitantly to Kurt when he exited the bathroom an hour later.
"What’s this?" Kurt questioned, turning the small unknown object in his hands. Rachel did not have the faintest idea of what was hidden beneath the brown packaging but she had a sneaking suspicion of who it was from. So Rachel simply replied to Kurt with a shrug of her shoulders and exited the room after pecking a kiss on Kurt's cheek. Kurt made his way to his bedroom, the little package suddenly becoming heavy in his hand. When Kurt was settled comfortably on his bed, cross legged he took a deep breath and ripped open the packaging paper. Inside was a box of cards. Confused, Kurt turned the box over but there was nothing out of the ordinary about it. Still intrigued by the strange gift, he opened the pack and extracted the set of playing cards. A small piece of paper fell out with the cards and fluttered gracefully onto Kurt's lap. Kurt picked up the fallen paper and in familiar, cursive writing it said "52 reasons why I love you- B x”
Kurt felt a tear slip down his cheek as his eyes skimmed the words over and over and whispered a faint "Blaine" into the emptiness of his bedroom. They hadn't spoken in weeks since the breakup, but Kurt still loved Blaine, he really did and he smiled to himself about the fact that Blaine did too.
4. The way you whisper my name
5. The crazy look you get when fighting someone for a pair of shoes
6. The way you talk about your dreams. I could listen to you for days without getting bored
Kurt gathered up the pack of cards and snuggled into his pillow, his back resting against the head board. He inhaled and exhaled once more before turning the pack over to see the same cursive hand writing from the note, sprawled across each playing card with a thick black marker, each one confessing a reason why Blaine loved Kurt.
7. You scrunch your nose when you laugh
8. You call me baby
9. Our fingers lace perfectly together
Memories of walks in the park, shared kisses and romantic nights flashed through Kurt’s mind as he let his thumb brush over each stoke of the written words on the cards. Kurt allowed himself to remember these memories from before, after so long of trying to forget they even happened.
10. The way you care for your Dad
11. You are not afraid to be yourself
12. Your fingernails
Kurt chuckled as he read number 12; Blaine did have a strange obsession with Kurt’s fingernails.
“They are just so small and clean and perfect Kurt. Just like you”
13. You make me feel safe
14. You are the love of my life
15. You have ambitions
Kurt would always be the big spoon when they were cuddling, almost like Kurt was protecting Blaine, making sure that he was safe and well. Cuddles soon became a prominent thing for Kurt and Blaine and it was etched so well into their day to day routine that Kurt would no longer jump when two arms snaked themselves around his middle out of the blue. You are the love of my life.
16. The way the corners of your mouth press together when you try not to laugh
17. When we buy food you smack my hand away when I go for the chocolates
18. When I'm sick you make me alphabet soup and let me spell my name with the letters
“Age is but a number”, Kurt thought smiling to himself thinking about Blaine’s antics and the stares they would receive when they squabbled in the corner shop over a bottle of milk. “Kurt I want full cream milk!” “No Blaine, you will get fat”
19. You make the best warm milk
20. You sing to me when I have nightmares
21. I fit perfectly in your arms
Kurt lost track of all the nights he would be woken up by Blaine’s screams yelling words of protest. “Don’t touch me” “Please let me go” “Kurt please help” “Leave him alone!” After lots of sleepless nights, Kurt discovered two things. Number 1, Warm milk and Kurt’s singing soothed Blaine’s anxiety and number 2, Blaine would instantly calm when Kurt wrapped him in his arms.
Kurt briefly wondered if Blaine had been having nightmares these pass couple of months; of course he had. A wash of guilt flooded Kurt, just thinking about Blaine having a nightmare in the middle of the night and no one there to comfort him and whisper in his ear that everything would be okay.
22. You let me be the little spoon
23. The way you look at me when we make love
24. You protect me
Blaine used to be everything to Kurt; his boyfriend, his lover, his best friend, his Blaine. And maybe he still was.
25. You stand up for yourself
26. When you read books you talk about the characters like they are real
27. The sound of your laugh
“Blaine stop it, I’m ticklish you dick!” The memory of many tickle fights Kurt had with Blaine suddenly clouded his mind; he rested his chin on his knees and gently touch the side of his ribs with his hand; his tickle spot. Blaine loved this part of Kurt. When he was in a playful mood, Blaine would abuse this spot until Kurt surrendered or when they made love, Blaine would gently press his lips to Kurt’s ribs to draw out tiny giggles and moans.
28. You are ticklish on the side of your rib
29. You are beautiful when you cry
30. You know every line from Wicked off by heart
The first time Blaine visited Kurt in New York they went together to see Wicked on Broadway. Kurt was in awe by the brilliance before him on that stage. He knew every song, every word and he mouthed the entire show, with a smile plastered on his face and his boyfriend’s hand in his.
31. The way you run your fingers through my hair without the gel
32. You open doors for me
33. You buy me red and yellow roses every Sunday
“These are to celebrate you”
“You got the promotion!”
“I’m so proud of you”
“I love you”
34. You make fun of my bow ties
35. You hate the beach but always go when I ask you to
36. The way the sun hits your face in the early morning and makes you look like an angel
Kurt awoke to a flash of camera which startled him straight from his light sleep. The camera was lowered and was replaced by the smiling face of his boyfriend. “Blaine what you doing you goofball, leave me alone” Blaine filled the tiny bedroom with his laughter. “I couldn’t leave you alone my angel even if I tried”.
37. You are my angel
38. You are realistic
39. You keep me grounded
40. You are shy when I kiss you in public
41. You still remember my coffee order
42. You have the names of our children picked out
“Elizabeth, Julian and Rose” Kurt nodded into the emptiness with a watery smile.
As Kurt placed the card in the pile on the bed with the others he noticed writing on the back.
My names are better though! Emily, Maxwell and Logan (Wolverine Kurt!)
Kurt’s laughter filled the room.
43. “There must be crust on the sandwich Blaine!”
44. You get all lovey dovey when you're tired.
45. You eat burgers with a knife and fork
Blaine is many things and All American boy is definitely one of them. Kurt still chuckles when he thinks back to the many times Blaine would act appalled when Kurt ate burgers with cutlery instead of his hands.
46. You clean me up after sex with a warm wash cloth
47. You are amazing at your job
48. You are brave and courageous
Kurt remembered back to the time in high school when he broke down completely in Blaine’s arms confessing the hatred he felt for himself. Blaine made Kurt look him in the eyes as he whispered his admirations to Kurt. Each word was accompanied by a kiss to an area of Kurt’s body.
You are kind
You are beautiful
You are loved
You are brave
49. I can trust you with my life
50. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me
51. You loved me back
Kurt could not keep the tears from rushing down his face as he neared the end of the pack. He knew Blaine loved him, he did, but seeing these reasons written down like this by Blaine’s hand meant more to him then Blaine could ever know. Kurt knew that breaking up with Blaine was something that he needed to do. He felt confused that this even happened in the first place but it was important to stay true to himself. Even though he made the decision to end it with Blaine, for now, did not mean they wouldn’t get together in the end. After all Blaine is his best friend and he could never through that friendship away.
52. You never said goodbye
Kurt wiped the tears running down his face as he searched among the sheets for his Iphone. He finally found it hidden beneath the layers and scrolled through his contacts until he found the one.
One ring
Two rings
Three rings
“I told you; I’m never saying goodbye to you”
I think this one is my favorite so far. It was sweet and the fact that Kurt realized how much he was loved and how much he still loved Blaine was awesome.