I'll stand on my tippy toes and kiss you on the chin
To gel or not to gel, that is the question Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I'll stand on my tippy toes and kiss you on the chin: To gel or not to gel, that is the question

T - Words: 798 - Last Updated: Mar 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Nov 19, 2012 - Updated: Mar 06, 2013
749 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Hi guys! So this chapter sucks. But mostly due to the fact that I suck. Anyway basically it's a fluffy one shot about Klaine bickering over the use of Blaine's hair gel. Enjoy. Much love x

"Blaine why do you always have to gel your hair?"

The question was murmed between parted lips. Blaine pulled away from Kurt's mouth with a pout.

"Kurt why? I just want to kiss you"Blaine whined as he leant back into his boyfriend.

But Kurt had other plans. He pulled back again and cupped one of Blaine's cheeks with his hand.

"Baby, I'm serious" Kurt started, his blue eyes connecting to Blaine's honey gold ones.

"Here we are sitting on our bed on a Sunday afternoon and your hair has an extraordinary amount of gel in it." I could put a coin on top of your head, and it would slip right off"

Blaine chuckled at Kurt. "But Kurt this is who I am, I gel my hair. Not a day goes by that I don't gel, you know that."

And Kurt did know, of course he did. He is exactly the same way with the clothes he wears, but even now, sharing this intimate moment with his boyfriend Kurt is dressed in sweat pants and one of Blaine's oversized sweaters.

"Baby" Kurt cooed and Blaine blushed at the pet name he adored. "It' just the two of us, just me and you. And i just really, really want to run my fingers through your beautiful curls."

It almost sounded as though Kurt was pleading and normally Blaine would do anything to make Kurt happy but he stood his ground.

"Kurt, I cannot just not gel my hair, it's me, it's a packaged deal; my good looks, school boy charm, my impressive bow tie collective and my hair gel. It's a done deal." Kurt huffed in annoyance as his hand lefted his boyfriends cheek, but there was a glimpse of playfulness in his eyes. Kurt Hummel knew what he wanted and Kurt Hummel always got want he wanted even if it meant playing dirty. With a smug smile plastered upon his pale face, Kurt leant over towards his boyfriend and began sucking on a spot behind his ear, making Blaine's breathing hitch.

Once Kurt knew he had Blaine wanting he leant over even closer and whispered "No curls, no Kurt".

Fast as lightning Kurt extracted himself from Blaine's grasp, slipped under the covers and turned off his beside light. Blaine was caught of guard with his boyfriends reaction, but once he realised what was going on, he started to wimper and actually let out a whine between his lips. "You're making me choose? Baby that's no fair!"

Blaine actually sounded genuinly upset with his boyfriend's argument. Kurt did not reply however, he simply close his eyes and stood his ground. Blaine eventually gave up on his losing battle and pulled their blanket up to his chin.

"I love you Kurt" was whispered in the darkness before the sounds of snoring filled the tiny room.

Some time during the night Kurt rolled over and snuggled between his boyfriend's arms "I love you too Baby"

The next morning, Kurt awoke to an empty bed and a loud crash from down the hall. Intrigued, Kurt shuffled out of his blanket cocoon and walked down the hall, still hazy from sleep. He was totally awake, however when his eyes drifted over to his shirtless boyfriend making pancakes for breakfast.

"Morning beautiful" Kurt whispered against Blaine's neck as his arms snaked around his boyfriend's waist. "What are you doing?"

Blaine jumped slighty at the unexpected touch but relaxed into Kurt's embrace right away. "I'm making I'm sorry pancakes" He turned to face Kurt, with a pout on his lips "Because I'm really sorry"  

Kurt smiled at his adorable boyfriend and nuzzled his face in his neck, "No, I'm sorry baby, I never should have asked you to change anything about yourself, you are perfect."

Blaine's grip tighten on Kurt before he looked up into his boyfriend's blue eyes. "You could have told me that sooner"

And it was then that Kurt looked down at his boyfriend and notice the mope of black curls that were sprawled across his forehead. Kurt let out a little chuckle. "Baby you are beautiful" as he ran his fingers through the curls like his wanted to do for so long. "But Blaine, if gel makes you happy then use gel, I didn't mean to make you choose'

Blaine placed both his hands on either side of Kurt's face and pecked him on the lips. "I don't care what it is sweetie, but I will always, always choose you'

The corner of Kurt's lips were pulled into a smile and he locked eyes with Blaine. "Even the gel?"

"Even the gel"

Blaine then surged forward and locked lips with the love of his life. The kiss lasted a good minute, until Kurt pulled back. Blaine whined and pulled forward in search of Kurt's mouth.

"Baby?" Kurt questioned

"Hmm?" Blaine replied as he pecked Kurt on the lips once more.

"What's that burning smell"

Blaine's eyes winden in horror

"The pancakes!"

End Notes: Thanks for reading. Any tips would be greatly appreciated because I'm new at writing and really need some guidance. If you have any cute Klaine requests let me know. (Again, I'm sorry this one shot wasn't very good) x


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I thought this was really cute. I love that in the end Blaine decided that Kurt was more important than his need to gel his hair.